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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Knaroz

  1. I personally like the "who the hell are you?" responses lol
  2. Yes, the longer you can wait to drink after you eat the longer the food will stay in your pouch and the less chance you have of it getting stuck. The only exception is during the first 2 weeks after surgery when it is good to flush the food out of your pouch during the healing process.
  3. Yeah it is definitely a trial and error. And a good point that was listed above just because it is a no now, doesnt mean it is a no later. But the reverse is true as well. Just because you can eat it now doesnt mean you can always eat it. It is almost like a game
  4. Knaroz

    Marathoning lapbanders

    Starting to train for my first Half and glad i came across this topic. I use the Powerade Zeros so I never have to worry about the calories but I am afraid on the longer run (actual Half) that I could run into issues and need to supplement something since on my last run (5 miles) I burned close to 818 calories and that is only a third of the way there lol.
  5. Life is good in the 220's lol

  6. lucky devil I had 2 weeks of nothing but the shakes, shakes only. And that was during July 4th lol.
  7. Just make sure you read up on your pills and make sure that they are ok to crush or cut. My Blood Pressure (or Choloestrol) pill I crushed it and added it to apple sauce and it left blisters all in my mouth. Was not a good day.
  8. Knaroz

    Pouch stretched or slippage?

    As long as you are not experiencing heart burn or reflux at night I doubt it has slipped. it is possible you are just in need of a new fill and that the dry heaving may have settled the band a bit. As you loose weight the fat buildup around your stomach shrinks and that is what causes you to need additional fills. Good luck!
  9. They make a Z pak type pill that is a powder that you add to Water. It tastes hideous but works great. GENERIC NAME: AZITHROMYCIN POWDER PACKETS - ORAL (azz-ith-row-MY-sin) BRAND NAME(S): Zithromax
  10. ignore me lol I did not see the 2011 part. And I cannot seem to figure out how to delete this post lol. Great job all your new bandites!
  11. One year down, 159 lbs down. One Friggin Awesome Year!

  12. That is a tough one I dont know about the band and flying as I have never flown but if I had found my sweet spot I would be very hesitant to mess with it. Maybe just put yourself on liquids if things get hairy after the flight and migrate back to soft foods/normal foods when you return. I would hate to get a slight unfill then spend 6 months filling/unfilling to hit that sweet spot again. Good luck in Vegas!
  13. Knaroz

    153 pounds to go

    It will happen just stick to the routine. Listen to your body. Learn the signs of when you are full and you are just having head hunger (you hiccup, your nose starts to run, etc) if you can figure out your sign it helps soooo much more. I never expected to loose more than 100 lbs but it will happen!! Good Luck!!
  14. Yeah it has been one hell of an experience lol. She is down around 83. She went from 267 to 184 so far.
  15. My wife and I were banded last Summer. I had mine July 15th she had hers in Sept. I think having it done together made a world of difference. Yall will do great!
  16. Knaroz


    i was told not to submerge the incisions for 4 weeks (showers only no baths/soaks or pool). Doing any earlier could aggravate the healing and also cause you to expose the wounds to staph.
  17. Yeah there is this awesome behind the ear patch they can call in for you to help with that.
  18. Knaroz


    Yeah believe me males go through this too lol. When I started I was wearing a size 60 pants. I bought some new dress pants last weekend size 38. I have never been in the 30's lol I went straight from Husky as a kid into 40's lol. Congratz on your journey and all the good stuff to come!!
  19. Knaroz

    Medication causing burning

    are you crushing them or taking them whole? After being banded I was crushing my cholesterol (Liptor generic) and blood pressure pills and taking with apple sauce and it was actually causing small burns on my throat and tongue. Luckly I had blood work done and I no longer had to take the pills.. If you are crushing them you might want to see if there is a liquid or powder alternative you can take.
  20. Knaroz

    Non-Band Puking

    LOL the image of the band playing pingpong on my internal organs was a bit painful lol. So far I have not gotten sick *knock on wood* so I cannot answer this but I have always wondered this myself. I am actually a lot less sick since I have had the band but I am not sure if it is this fear in the back of my mind that makes me take better care of myself or what
  21. Knaroz

    When do you STOP eating?

    yeah that helps as well we have smaller plates in the house and use cocktail forks (shrimp forks) and baby spoons, which helps too
  22. Knaroz

    When do you STOP eating?

    Everyone is different. Every body is different. I have found that there are "triggers" that my body gives me when I am full but my brain doesn't realize I am full yet. My nose may start to run a little. I hiccup one time. Weird things, but it is just my body talking to me. As you continue down your road you will learn to listen to your body. And if you ever ignore it don't worry it will let you know lol.
  23. I take gummy no issues
  24. Knaroz

    swallowing pills

    @Jenn1214, if you ask your doc there is actually a liquid (powder) Antibotic (its made by the same people that make Z Pak) but it is a powder you add to Water. Its pretty nasty tasting but works really well and you dont have to worry about getting stuck. @cat, yes my doc says no pill larger than the size of a pencil eraser. We just crush anything larger we have to take. Anything time released you need to speak to your doc see if there is a liquid or chewable form. Yes we take a multi but it is a gummy. Good luck!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
