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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by starsinmyeyes

  1. Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement! There is nothing like positive reinforcement to keep one going :) I have an update....I am now only 6 lbs from my goal weight! I'm at 146 lbs and going for 140. My doctor asked me at my last visit did I want to stick with 140 as a goal, since the normal weight for my height is 129 lbs. I told him I already can see my ribs and spine....I'm thinking 129 would be too skinny. Thinking back on that conversation makes me giggle....I never thought I would be concerned about being too skinny. It's such a shift in the way I think of myself. And I've had some of the most amazing experiences that make it all worth it...my 10 y/o son being able to clasp his hands together when he hugs me around my waist, being able to ride a roller coaster and not worry about the security latch not closing because of my weight (I actually caught air under my tush and lifted a little out of my seat on the roller coaster ride, lol), being able to sit in an office chair with arms, not having to shop in the plus size section and catching myself looking at clothes there realizing everything is too big for me, cleaning out my closet and donating clothes because they are too big rather than too small, having someone I haven't seen in a long time walk right past me and not recognize me when I said who I was, having one of my "skinny" friends being able to pick me up with my feet not touching the ground, walking far and climbing stairs without getting winded and dizzy, gosh I could go on forever. Well, I know what I am thankful for this Thanks Giving Holiday! :D

  2. I went back to work after 2 weeks post surgery. I just stuck with Protein Shakes, yogurt, Soup, etc...Oh and sipped Water all day. It was really hard, I was tired and achey, my tummy still felt tender, I couldn't hardly eat, etc...but my doctor said it was normal and I was still healing. I would definitely talk to your doctor, but for sure just give your self time to heal. Even though the band is less invasive, it is still major surgery....give your self the time...your journey has just begun.

  3. I always feel tighter in the morning, and I can only sip liquids until I've been up for a few hours. If I am hungry then, I have a small morning snack, ,,something with Protein. I'm not sure about stress or travel...but that has happend to me when I was out of town...suddenly couldnt eat much at all. I have had the best success to eat food, but nursing liquids until I feel I can eat. I asked my doctor about this and he said all people's experiences are different and what I am doing is the right thing for me. I've lost alot of weight, and I am feeling great so I guess I have figured out how to "handle" my fickle band. lol

  4. I had the same type of thing happen to me last year. I had a fill, but then 3 days later when i was back to solids, I couldnt keep it down. I went back to fluids and then started not being able to keep that down. I called the doctor but it was right before the weekend. I waited it out until monday, because it was almost a week since I was really able to eat anything. I went to the ER and met my doctor there. He was in surgery so I had to wait to be seen in between surgeries. He unfilled me 1 cc and it made all the difference. Next time, if there ever is one, I know to go in right away. I'm sorry to hear of the great distance you must go to see your doctor. I am sooo grateful my doctor is here in my town after hearing of your dilemnas. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. Sometimes we don't listen to our bodies...I know I didn't. Take care of yourself...I'm sending positive thoughts your way :)

  5. I just re-read the post and realized you had a band slip....did they remove your band or put it back in place? are you filled or unfilled? Guess, getting a fill as I suggested may not work if you are having problems with the band.

    I can say that when I had that weight gain, I couldnt get immediately in to see my doctor, so for several weeks I counted cals/carbs and measured my food so that I could stop the weight gain and get control of my eating. Those tips the others have given are so awesome too....drink Water, herbal tea, broth, sugar free Jello or a popsicle, fruit n cheese....something light at night if you still feel hungry. Sometimes when you think you are hungry , you are really just thirsty and Water should do the trick. Maybe also do an inventory of your feelings at the time you decide to snack...am I just bored? am I eating a snack out of habit? am I trying to make myself feel better/satisfied in someway? am I really "hungry"?

    It sounds like you did alot of work to lose all that weight and kept it off all that time...I'm sure once you put your mind and heart into it, you can lose the weight again. And just think, the weight you have gained is really nothing in comparison to what you have lost in total. Believe in your self!

  6. I had hit a bump in the road a few months back...I had a possible slip, so my band was unfilled 2 cc's. Well, I ate more in a few weeks than I had in a long time.... and had gained 25 lbs to prove it (150 + 25=175). Turned out there was no slip, so asap I got filled again and I am happy to say I am back to my previous weight...actually lower (147lbs). Perhaps, you should see your doctor and consider getting a fill?

  7. @ icestorm....I am no longer having my periods that frequently. The horomone therapy has helped. I just dont want to be on horomones any longer. And yes I have already been seeing my Gyno. I will most likely have the abulation next month if my insurance approves it.

  8. I didn't start working out until a few months after my surgery. There is a normal "down feeling" or "blues" that comes from being under anesthesia. Honestly, I think I was really going through grief and loss issues regarding my loss of the relationship I once had with food. Me and food still had a thing, but it had changed and it just wasn't the same....not being able to do emotional eating because the "go to" foods I used to eat gave me dumping syndrome or I couldnt digest. I had no motivation either until I went to my first post-op fill appointment and sat in the waiting room talking to other WLS patients. It was motivating to hear about their successes. Oh and I also read success stories on here and watched videos that lap-banders posted on youtube. It helped to see others losing weight and I told myself that since I went through the surgery i was not going to make it be for nothing. I started out just taking 2 to 3 mile walks with my IPod, listening to music that really got me pumped up and then I started working out with a friend so that we could motivate eachother. Have faith that this lifestyle change is going to work if you work it. You will find your motivation somewhere inside of you....if you didn't want to ultimately lose the weight, you wouldnt have had the surgery. So, maybe you just need time or that certain something to click and ignite your motivation.

  9. I had been cycling birth control pills for years with out periods. Then when I started losing alot of weight (now at 153 lbs lost) I started getting periods again and they were irregular and long. I went to my Gyno and she put me on the Depo. I was doing ok with that, besides the weight gain and nausea the 1st few days after getting the shot and my periods were becoming normal. Then I made the decision to have a tubal ligation so that I could stop using birth control all together. Well, here came the irregular periods again and frequent too...like 1 every week or two. It was awful! My Gyno put me on the Ortho Estra patch to regulate my periods. It has helped, but here I am using horomones again. She suggested an "Abulation" procedure and also said I am Pari-menopausal too. I am considering the procedure because I do not want to continue using horomones..I have had a blod clot before and heart disease runs in my family. I am scared of having a stroke too. So I really don't want to continue using something that could cause me to have serious medical problems. Uggghh....so frustrating!

  10. It sounds like its in the area of your stomach and the first thing I thought of was gas or food not able to digest as well. But if gas-x or pepto don't help get to the doctor right away. A while back I had stomach pain and it turned into something bigger and not band related so please take care of yourself.

  11. I had at one time gone over 6 months without a fill. But, I had hit the green zone...so I was losing steadily and had no problems to go into the doctor for. But, when I did finally go in, my doctor was surprized that I was doing so well with my weight loss since I hadnt been in for so long. He said most band patients who stop going in for fills, are not following their diet, are gaining weight, etc. My doctor said that even though I have hit my green zone, I should still come in every 3-4 months...not 6-8 weeks like I did before hitting the green. That way they can monitor my band, check the Fluid, address any problems or questions I may have, etc...so my next appointment is in October and I am going to keep it. Unfortunately, I have to pay cash now since my employer changed insurance and the new insurance does not cover fills. Perhaps that is why some people stop going in? Their insurance doesnt cover it? I'm still willing to pay out of pocket, so that I can maitain my lap-band success. But, I know in this economy it is not always easy for people to come up with the money sometimes.

  12. Stephanie, well my doctor said the reason for the Hair loss was that I was not getting enough Protein. So, I have had to increase my protein...he has me taking in 70-80 grams per day. Which is double what i was getting, but obviously was not enough. I also take the Hair growth supplements along with my multi Vitamin and Calcium. I also found this "hair food" stuff at a beauty supply shop. It has keratin, protein, and Biotin in it and makes my hair look fuller just after working it in with my fingers. I still dont have the full lush hair that I used to, but I'm hoping with time to get back to that. I have friends who have had WLS and they went through bouts with hair loss and/or becoming brittle and dry.(thank goodness mine is still soft n not dry) Anyways, those friends of mine, after time, like 6 mos to a year, finally got their hair back and it stopped falling out. So, I have faith I can make it happen!

  13. To Melcat, I had the same problem right around month 10-12. I had hit a plateau and reached out to others here on this site...got some great advice. First thing, I went in for another adjustment....just a bit tighter made all the difference. I have a 9cc band, I went from 6cc's in my band to 7cc's. I changed up my exercise program to include bike rides, swimming and hikes (got myself outside instead of stuck in the gym) , and I explored other ways to get my Protein in because I was tired of shakes and egg whites. Oh and of course Water, water, water! My weight just started falling off quickly...like 10 lbs a month. I hope this helps. Don't let yourself get down. My doctor always tells me "this is a marathon, not a race...The weight will come off with time."

  14. Well its been 2 years since I was banded. I have changed my goal weight a few times, but at this time I have it set at 140lbs...I am currently at 155 lbs. I haven't been this weight since highschool and I can't believe I am in a size 10...down from a 26! I am very happy with my results, but I think i do need to get some body sculpting, or body lift proceedures. My arms and thighs are a bit loose. I am thrilled with my results....I feel healthy, and and lighter, other than the Hair loss and Vitamin issues ( those issues are being remedied) I haven't had any huge problems with my band. I am so greatful and happier than I have been in a long time. I wish everyone who is starting their journey or already have started with lappost-204610-13813134246398_thumb.jpg band good luck and good health!


  15. I was banded 2 years ago and in the recent 4 months i've lost a significant amount of hair. After having blood tests, etc, the opinion of my doctor is that I'm not getting enough Protein, I am anemic, and have low B-12 levels....all of which can contribute to Hair loss. So, i am revving up my nutrition with good foods and Vitamin supplements, as well as, using some good Shampoo and hair treatments. All of this seems to make a difference...hope my hair continues to make a come back.

  16. I had several people try to talk me out of having the surgery...but I would never change my decision. I am so happy and feel incredible. I agree with everything the others said.....it's all up to you, it's your body, your life, you are the one who will do the hard work, and you are the one who will feel great after the weight loss. And by the way....those who tried to talk me out of the surgery are now praising me for how much work I did and how great I look.

  17. Largeaslife thank you for the reply....I know I have been worried about any unfilling, I wouldnt want to start eating too much. So, the upshot is I can probably increase my calories to maintain my weight once I reach my goal or I could keep losing. I have a medium frame and I dont want to get too skinny...just feel great like I do now. Congrats to you as well!

  18. I am 26 lbs away from my goal weight and I am definitely in the green zone....ever since my last fill last November I have been losing weight and inches pretty steadily. I changed my goal weight...I originally thought 175, then 165, now I say 155 lbs. But, honestly I think I will just go until I feel like I'm at the right weight, so it could be sooner than my current goal. But, I have a few questions....when I reach my goal, do I continue to lose weight? do I get un-filled a bit? also, does anyone know much about laser liposuction/body sculpting? I would like to tighten up my arms and thighs and would like a less invasive option.

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