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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by angelfizz

  1. ok so im 10 months post op an down 70lbs. Ive had 3 miscarriages before, all probably due to weight, and literally found out i was pregnant about an hour ago. i honestly dont remember what my dr told me before the surgery cause wasnt planning on having anymore. I have an 11 year old and was really ready to be done.

    what can i expect? is there issues with ports and crap? i carried the first in my back, literally, will that make a difference?

    Did I totally just screw this weight loss thing up?

    sorry to dump but im soooo scared!



    Thank gawd you posted!

    I have found out today I am pregnant toooooooo! - I got bnded las Sept. I have 2 children: this was unplanned.


    I am in also in shock but rather dazed too as was meant to be on a it's-time-for-me-now-and-weight-loss-year!

    I already get some discomfort from the port in my stomach anyway (from the day I had op). I realise it is ok to have a band whilst preggers - as long asde-filled; but so want to know what to expect too! - How far gone are you?

    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! x

  2. hi, has anyone ever had any complications with thier LAP-BAND® op with dr de bruyne. ive also read that if he's performing a LAP-BAND® operation and finds an ulcer or a haitus hernis "apparently we can have them because of our weight"

    thanks for listening

    cakey x

    Hi there Cakey

    - I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying as you said if he's ....if he's performing a LAP-BAND® operation and finds an ulcer or a haitus hernis "apparently we can have them because of our weight"... but then you didn't finish the sentence? Because of our weight we prob have higher blood pressure, higher risk of strokes, knackered muscle joints, high risk of cancer etc etc etc etc.. esp if we carry alot of weight for a lot of time.

    All I can say is I checked CdeB out in July this year and he'd had no fatalities to that and only a couple of complications to do with gastric bypass - which when you consider the sheer number of bariatric ops he must perform on a weekly/ monthly/ yearly basis is pretty damned good I'd say!

    If you review the posts on this thread; there have been a couple of peeps who've gone across and procedures have not been smooth sailing with feeling v unwell after - but again every 'body' is different..and no one knows what's inside til they are worked on..? But let's remember that gastric banding is the least risky of the bariatric weightloss surgeries out there.

    Hope I've helped - good luck on your journey x

  3. Hi there and good to see you on this site. You are on the same journey that most of us have been - finding out as much as you can about the procedure. You lost an amazing amount of weight on the CD (Is that crash diet?). Unfortunately the body learns about 'starvation' so once you go back to normal eating it stores up in case there is a starvation period again and so the cycle goes. The September group is lovely and everyone is so eager to support and give information so post your questions under the September bandsters 2010!!! thread. :thumbup:

    Hi ya - thanks! No CD stands for Cambridge Diet - but if you've ever done it - esp SS+ - it is very similar to a crash diet!!! x

  4. Hi there - i have 3 year old and 2 year old - I got first fill a week a go and am struggling to eat anything! But have made myself a big vat of homemade Soup - cook off any veg and add some stock and blend - nutricious lovely and relatively fat free. I used left over roasted veg from hubby's roast t'other day.

    I notice others using a heck of alot of cheese and cream etc (cottage cheese is great), I'm no TV chef but frying stuff and adding fat laden products is not gonna help...that's how I got to my size in first place! Scrambled eggs (in microwave) with rye crispbreads is quick and easy (good source of fibre and protein) but found this link for you (i'm gonna learn a thing or two off it too!!!)Healthy & Quick recipes

    Hope this helps x

  5. Hi all, I am very upset had my second fill yesterday and frederick put 2mls in i feel no restriction at all!! i did ask him to put 2.5 but he said he can't and the next time he will put 1ml!! the 10 kg that i lost that is 20llbs was during the first week after the operation then i have not lost any for 10 weeks even after my first fill!! I really don't know is this is going to work for me!!

    Hey you!

    You must be at 3 then? I must admit if you're paying for it - surely he could have put more in?

    How fast can you get your next fill ordered????? Chin up honey - you must feel peed off but it's better to be comfortable than uncomfortable eating wise??

    I had first fill a week ago - 5 mls - and am struggling lots - I joked at time (but a little seriously ;0P) could my Bariatric Surgeon shove 8 in instead?! He said no way have to do it little by little - as still wants me to be able to enjoy a little food - my gawd am I glad he didn't put anymore than what he put in - I have to be sick if I eat any solids!!!! I'm only a week in so maybe it's a chewing learning thing or something... or maybe I need a de-fill but have read that many get restriction bout 4-5??

    Good luck hon x

  6. Hi there bandesses!

    Just a v quick note to say I had my 1st fill - 5 mls - boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!: restriction!!!!? Never heard nor felt the word until now!!!!

    I REALLY have to be careful as to what I eat or rather mushly get down - the slightest 'bulk' and quite frankly I have to be sick to releive it - that bit is nasty - the good bit is how much weight seems to be melting off me!!!!! Plus I'm getting - oddly - more energy so moving about alot more.

    It's weird I now have a fear factor associated with food cos so scared of the reflux!!! Went to kiddies halloween party yesterday and I didn't scoff one treat-well excpet a little of a crispie cake! My food portions at meal times are less than my 2 year old! LOL!

    BUT IT IS WORKING. No pain I guess: no gain.

    Hope you are all well - must get weighed soon (have gone down a size in jeans since fill! wahoo!)


  7. Ode to You

    I admit it; I was desperate -

    no wait!: I was in need

    Then you came into my life through

    a kind and thoughtful deed::sneaky:

    I was told that maybe I should

    ignore my 'usual' choice

    and was suggested ... you my love;

    the reason for my voice:wub:

    You looked great & gave me confidence;

    a rare yet vital thing :crying:

    I felt so new, so young, so alive;

    you DID make my heart sing!

    Now as I look at you - for the final time?

    I look at you again..

    I can't believe how far we've come

    Could this really be the end?:unsure:

    In my minds eye I recollect, fold & smooth

    each self igniting thought;

    How maybe I, yes ME maybe could do better?

    A new life right then was sought!:w00t:

    You weren't perfect, nor was I - I recall -

    but I knew that we'd be fine

    we went everywhere together

    and were happy.. for a time:tt2:

    I knew what I now wanted and

    strode out; I would achieve it

    As time went by you needed more support

    and I admit I struggled to relieve it:sad:

    So now it's time to move on dear friend

    -tho you still excite my eye..

    Fair well pair of natty slouch Evans jeans

    -size 22- Goodbye my love GOODBYE!:drool:

    RIP - I hope: FOREVER!




  8. ... I seem to be fulfilling my destiny...I keep getting bigger. By choosing surgery I feel like I am trying to jump off a moving train headed for disaster. Part of me feels like I'm leaving my parents on the train, though. Maybe that's why I can't imagine telling them. I somehow feel I am betraying them by choosing a different path for myself....what an incredibly complicated mix of circumstances and emotions that have brought us all here.

    Hey you! You know they would probably be elated, relieved and ecstatic you are are doing something with your weight as, as they sound so loving and caring, they would want only the best for you. And we all know how restrictive with life this weight issue can be!

    I would have been in a totally different place if I'd been slim all my life - hobbies, friends, men work - it's sad but this shifted sense of 'disabled normality' that comes to be our lives; is a life with subconscious 'ooh can't do this/ that cos I'm too big' attitude which gets introdden in day-to-day... the alter life with 'what could have been's is pointless.... We are all still here though - so pat on your back for TRYING to change this 'normality status' for the better. Cos it is restrictive.

    As for telling peeps about the band?

    I will not keep it a secret if asked - but I won't shout otherwise.

    I nearly kept it secret - ashamed for not being able to sort it out with pure diets - but no: I read someone's blog and he was right!:

    Weight - but more importantly my 'treat/ food' process has been my private/ hurtful/ comforting companion all my life; to keep this op secret on top of my habits have been would add to to my wierdness and therefore let my companion win through the secrecy factor. In other words: I'm halting a vicious circle - plus when friends say 'how are you doing' re the band - I can honestly talk about it - something I was never asked or able to talk about when getting fatter!!!

    Love to you all - lets shed these shells and let the world see what we knew all along... xxx

  9. Hi ya!!!

    Well you certainly seemed to have lost some - well done you: your ticker chart is very impressive!

    Sorry you are not feeling to chirpy - when things settle I'm sure you'll be fine - het and just think you are not GAINING any weight - so that's a good thing yeah?

    It's so easy to get sucked in 'inwardly' on this weight stuff to the point it is hard to be optimistic - which with added pain does not help - but could you try and get some uplifting peeps to come and see you? Maybe arrange a gentle shopping trip with a happy friend; with lovely cup of coffee and enjoy remembering how far you've come when opting to try new styles and smaller sizes?

    Do something however small to make you feel more happy and confident - hair do - nails - speaking to an old friend far away??? You have done so well to get this far - compare yourself to 5 years ago?!!!: You've climbed the mountain honey - enjoy the view!!! Much love x

  10. Hi ya toots!

    Welcome to the laggyband world!!! Do hope you are feeling much better I'm bout 6 weeks done - healed nicely and the op nightmare is a distant memory!!LOL!

    I haven't been on here for a while and it is probably cos I'm at that supposedly ommon stage of being 'stuck' weight wise- it's not alll bad news cos although I'm not losing : I'M NOT GAINING! Which is a rare pro-longed platform thing/stage thing in my life as I'm usually quite eratic weight wise!

    Toast, bread and solid solid stuff eg tough meats kill me - I get that reflux-y thing which cos I honestly do not know how to be sick; I struggle with - but it's cool cos it's telling me off !!! And I SO don'tt want the watery mouthtennis ball in my chest sensation - so I keep clear! I get my first fill this Friday - I so hope that'll have an impact and bring me fast results. I suppose though it would help if I started a diet to assist as am trying to be impressively 'nomal' to everybody - but my weakness of chocolate is still there! And we all know we can manage that illicit stuff still- that and biscuits dunked first! But like most others here we know we are emotional eaters so the fact the weight ain't budging... let the vicious circle begin... I will try to be more stricter tho when I get my first fill..!

    so you're on the soupy stage? I liked having jelly and thin Soups at that time. Then I progresed to fish pies, porridge, weetabix mushed with milk (my favourite one of all) for a bit - then like yorkshire puds in lots of gravy - then 'real' foods etc and back on to solids. I find eating rice OK tho others can't - but I do have to take it steadier - I get the killer tennis ball when I rush or don't chew properly... keep in touch folks: It'd be great in 70 days (xmas) to see where we're all at!? - you loved me for typing the days there didn't you! LOL!

    Wishing all posters here and readers a great weekend!!! xxx

  11. Poor you FP,

    Dont let those negative comments from ignorant people get you down. The band is NOT a waste of money and it DOES work.

    They will have to eat their words a few months from now.

    People love to do this dont they, it makes me so angry, what do they know about the band if they havent got one???

    I eat whatever I want, which is wrong I suppose and maybe thats why my weightloss is slow.

    I was never much good at this dieting lark, thats why I got the band in the first place.

    I'm not very good at explaining things but I do hope it helps someone.:biggrin:

    That someone is definately me thank you sweetheart!

    Scoobydo thank you too and thanks Fatty Patty cos I am in the same boat as you - it's me own fault.

    I need to start yet another diet to try get some movement as under a spot light at this end cos I'm the first bander anyone knows - and I'm not losing.

    I don't get my first fill until 22nd Oct - i have a friend on here who went to Chris De B and came back with 4m's - jealous is not the word.

    I'm coming up to 1month banded - the thing is this can alter

    the sensation of fullness but not your bad habits and Freckles I am with you on the sweet tooth thing. I KNOW it is bad; I also saw my sister who helped fund me, deal with the nightmare of me post op, today (she came over for weekend at my parents); I could see she saw me and thought 'where's the results?'. She didn't say as much - but I know her.

    Of course this made me feel bad and as the village goss spreads and therefore re me - the pressure of having to achieve some dramatic extreme makeover sporting look is quite frankly making me eat!

    It's sh*t - I know the triggers - yet here I go again - plus note? I can't scran as much as I did before - pasties and toast give me the 'tennis ball stuck in my chest' sensation. But it was the devious nature in me that got me fat in the first place and fear it is taking over again.

    So.... I watch Xfactor tonight - and routed for the underdog plus size over 28 categorylady; and marvelled at those young girls with their carefree lives with slender curves and vowed: I shall start again tomoro... - I often do wonder what I would have achieved for myself if my first thoughts had not always been marred by my weight issued 2nd thoughts! x

  12. Its 2.33am and I'm in the hotel. After an ultrasound i was told I had a haematoma on the muscle which they think caused the bleed.

    I'm not ashamed to say that it has scared me.

    I feel rubbish and I am in a lot of pain from where the port is and the extra stitches. The trapped gas is god awful and feels like my stomach is about 3" from my throat.

    I keep asking myself "what have I done?"

    Be prepared everyone who is yet to go - this is quite a big op.

    I need to try and sleep but it hurts to lay down and I can't get comfortable.

    I didn't want this to be a moaning reply but I can't fib cos this is no easy option.

    I hope I feel better soon. Nite nite x

    You poor poor thing! I think the fact your are out of UK and away from family makes situation worse?!? Aw bless you honey - hope you#re feeling a little better? Peppermint tea helped me - i beleive - with the gas. that trapped gas is sheer horrid as unfortunately cos not contained you cannot burp or fart it out - you have to wait for body to absorb; but when you can pass it you will feel hundred times better. Everyone seems to differ as to where it goes for me it was neck and chest. I felt the same sensations as you (the stomach feeling 3" away from mouth)- but it DOES die down - as you say it is a MAJOR bariatric op.

    Something that isn't repeated on here enough. It is not a simple 'lunchtime' makeover- despite how celebs casually refer to it - and must lie.

    Hopefully a week from now it will feel more like a distant memory?

    Please make sure you have help with luggage etc and when you get home - you will feel sore for a good week yet - you are doing so well chicken - try keep positive xxx

  13. ... I looked down and there was blood everywhere.

    Next thing I have nurses in with packs to try and stop the bleeding from the drain opening. It would not stop

    Hey you!!!!!

    Don't panic!

    Same happened to me - it turned out it was a 'superficial' cut-app nicked an artery when coming 'out' of the stomach in the op. I was covered in what seemed like loads of blood; I eventually got 2 stitches - I am bout 3 weeks on and apart from where port is I'm fine - do hope the bleeding was same situation as mine; very scary though as you say and offering you long distance but not tooo close hugs!

    You'll be fine; you are in good hands - remember to take Iron tablets with your daily vits - let us know how you get on chicken xxx

  14. Hello ladies!!!

    Good luck to one and all getting banded!!! And hope to hear from you slinky September banders in a year's time?

    It's tough at time of op - but oh so worth it - you guys that are struggling on the pre-op diet bit; remember the diet is LOW FAT in order to shrink your liver so operating is easier and you can have a laproscopic operation; 5 insertions instead of cut wide open...!

    Do not worry about the weight bit*** !!! If you are eating lowest fat foods you can - that's fine!? If you are struggling - see your doctor; mine gave me Xenical/ fat pills that stop body absorbing fats (but give you v loose toilet habits!!! Beware LOL!)

    (***unless like me you needed to shed over a stone in 10 days in order to lower your BMI to get a cheaper price for op)

    Good luck - and smile; welcome to your new life! xxx:thumbup:

  15. yes i booked with europesurgery and got the package it sounds like as long as you don't go with tulia law your alright. well done girls for all your weight loss. i must admit i think i been naughty i keep eating chocs and it is coming off, but i really must stop that. its silly of me really i have paid so much for the band and i am breaking the rules. I think chocolate is my down fall!

    Janesunny!!! I'm with you there chicken - it seems I can change a whole lotta things - but chocolate? My enemy - and my best friend:tt1:! We must remember the cost!!! x:blink:

  16. Hello popsicles!

    Well I got done - it does hurt honeys but you should be feeling nearer 100% Ok not long after - for me it's day 10 post op and I feel bout right but sore where port is - but some I've read are up and at em 3 days later???! (unless they're lying!)

    Have lost 7lbs in 1 week!!!! but not having my first fill until 22/10/10 - but aside from not wanting to eat when firstdone; what a miracle: I really am feeling fuller - and now eat off a small plate and am eating portions as small if not smaller than my 3 year old!

    So looking forward to Xmas now!!!!

    hey watch out for the post op gas (they fill you up with this as it helps 'separate' organs when they op on you) they take out majority but rest spreads wherever and eventually body reabsorbs (what a relief when you can fart! Sorry but true) so you may have pain in weird parts - for me it was my neck and upper chest.

    Please please please get some help when you come out - esp if have young kids or helpless hubby - you can't lift or bend very well - washing up/ picking things up from floor, hoovering etc really hurts as you're very sore - so use your family and friends to the hilt.

    And don't forget your extra daily vit tablets!:thumbup:

    Good luck - I'm hoping to reap the benefits in due course!!! Just think this time you can't self destruct as you just don't wanna eat!

    Well done for taking this step for a better future FOR YOU! Stay in touch and let's post pictures of us at Xmas so we can all see how far we've come????

    Here's to a leggy 2011:tt1:! x

  17. Well first fill booked in on 22/10/10.:P

    I'm still sore next to belly button area (biggest scar bit - and possible port?) Bruising fading and other 4 scars healing v well - but still can't lie nicely on my side so get fed up with waking and not able to get comfy at night.

    But not sore anywhere else? Had maybe pushed it with doing too much today as have to remember i only had op 10 days ago!

    Am laughing as was trying to explain the possible reflux issue to my family and everyone referred to The Reflex :thumbup:- obv by Duran Duran!!! - was gonna get Youtube link for ya - but alas am not puter-prolific! :(

    Am also wondering if eating too much - my sweet tooth hasn't disappeared but wanna try and be healthy so got bag of soft stoned dates to pick at and some scrummy coconut yoghurt - and blueberries!!!

    Where are you all at guys - good luck and hugs - hope you are all well??????? x

  18. Remeber who you did the surgery for - YOU and to have a better life t enjoy your babies and family, not the strangers. They will soon ohh and ahh over how much you lose. We make a lifestyle choice and it's one that a lot of people had admired in my case as I took control - not of overeating as that was never the issue but of ensuring that I don't end up a diabetic with heart problems and not enjoying life.

    Have a super day and take no notice of the numpties!:thumbup:

    Everyday you will feel much better and soon be bouncing!

    Thank you sweetie for all the advice and words of encouragement! xxx

    Managed to put up my ticker Hurrah! x

  19. Hello ladies and gents!!!!

    thanks Pinkshaz - I am here!

    I had it done and one thing I wanna know - it is 1 WEEK TODAY i was banded and can just say now i feel 9/10 after having the op - no one seems to talk about the pain when had it done? Am i a freak or unique - sounds like you lot had better care over there than me private at Leeds!!! They left me without checking dressings for 3 hours when I discovered gown sheet and duvet saturated in blood - app an arterie had been nicked (superficial not deep) but was freaked out at sheer amount of blood - I needed 2 stitches. 4th/ 5th day I came out in bruises and if i tried to lift or bend I felt 'strings' being pulled and was grateful to have my sister with me at time of op and after (as could barely walk yet alone carry handbag/ suitcase) and thankful to my mum to help bath my kids, pick things up from the floor and put washiing in and wash up as I could not have done any of those things.

    Worse thing was not being able to cuddle my babies. I am not scare mongering but trapped gas from op was not nice either - but can say 1 week on I'm feeling back to normal - so wondered what you all were like - am I a 'bad case' or usual? Also Vanessa Feltz on Ult BB stated she went in on the Friday and back to work on the Monday!? 'Work' MUST have been just answering calls or the odd email cos I cannot think of anyone just skipping back so quickly????????

    Answers pleeeeease folks?

    Also I have been quite open about my surgery to peeps - have you like me noticed a real stir with regards women who you ahve told about your op? I'm sick of justifying cos some say if you reduced what you ate (like I am at mo) you wouldn't need band - but I state I can lose - but NOT maintain. But some women are dead shirty - I went to local docs this am to get 2 stitches out and it is a village surgery but all seemed to know and it was like 'oooooh how are you feeling - let's see scars' (so much for patient confidentiality - and now obv whole village knows) then nurse was really off first words she said was 'how much was it then?' ! Cheek! I didn't know how to react!

    Am reckoning/ hoping - nay: knowing I'll be a walking bilboard though and would love to know if I could become the next Bridget etc and earn commission this end of the country!!! LOL!

    Anyway I've ranted - my 1st fill is not for a few weeks. Can I just stress though that Dr Dexter was absolutely wonderful - very good and very nice too (wink wink)!!! giggle!

    Lovely to read so many positive posts and advice - have a fabulous friday and weekend folks xxx


    Isn't it now so nice to look forward to an occassion as to how you'll look? EEEEK! x

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