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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by angelfizz

  1. angelfizz

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Remeber who you did the surgery for - YOU and to have a better life t enjoy your babies and family, not the strangers. They will soon ohh and ahh over how much you lose. We make a lifestyle choice and it's one that a lot of people had admired in my case as I took control - not of overeating as that was never the issue but of ensuring that I don't end up a diabetic with heart problems and not enjoying life. Have a super day and take no notice of the numpties!:thumbup: Everyday you will feel much better and soon be bouncing! Thank you sweetie for all the advice and words of encouragement! xxx Managed to put up my ticker Hurrah! x
  2. Hey you! So pleased to read life treating you well - what's your lossage to date? x

  3. angelfizz

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello ladies and gents!!!! thanks Pinkshaz - I am here! I had it done and one thing I wanna know - it is 1 WEEK TODAY i was banded and can just say now i feel 9/10 after having the op - no one seems to talk about the pain when had it done? Am i a freak or unique - sounds like you lot had better care over there than me private at Leeds!!! They left me without checking dressings for 3 hours when I discovered gown sheet and duvet saturated in blood - app an arterie had been nicked (superficial not deep) but was freaked out at sheer amount of blood - I needed 2 stitches. 4th/ 5th day I came out in bruises and if i tried to lift or bend I felt 'strings' being pulled and was grateful to have my sister with me at time of op and after (as could barely walk yet alone carry handbag/ suitcase) and thankful to my mum to help bath my kids, pick things up from the floor and put washiing in and wash up as I could not have done any of those things. Worse thing was not being able to cuddle my babies. I am not scare mongering but trapped gas from op was not nice either - but can say 1 week on I'm feeling back to normal - so wondered what you all were like - am I a 'bad case' or usual? Also Vanessa Feltz on Ult BB stated she went in on the Friday and back to work on the Monday!? 'Work' MUST have been just answering calls or the odd email cos I cannot think of anyone just skipping back so quickly???????? Answers pleeeeease folks? Also I have been quite open about my surgery to peeps - have you like me noticed a real stir with regards women who you ahve told about your op? I'm sick of justifying cos some say if you reduced what you ate (like I am at mo) you wouldn't need band - but I state I can lose - but NOT maintain. But some women are dead shirty - I went to local docs this am to get 2 stitches out and it is a village surgery but all seemed to know and it was like 'oooooh how are you feeling - let's see scars' (so much for patient confidentiality - and now obv whole village knows) then nurse was really off first words she said was 'how much was it then?' ! Cheek! I didn't know how to react! Am reckoning/ hoping - nay: knowing I'll be a walking bilboard though and would love to know if I could become the next Bridget etc and earn commission this end of the country!!! LOL! Anyway I've ranted - my 1st fill is not for a few weeks. Can I just stress though that Dr Dexter was absolutely wonderful - very good and very nice too (wink wink)!!! giggle! Lovely to read so many positive posts and advice - have a fabulous friday and weekend folks xxx PS I THINK WE SHOULD ALL DO A BEFORE AND AFTER/ CURRENT PHOTO GALLERY AT XMAS!!!!!!! Watcha think? Isn't it now so nice to look forward to an occassion as to how you'll look? EEEEK! x
  4. angelfizz

    Any September 2010 Banders?

    Hi ya sweetie - just a quick note to say hi and thank you for the messages! It is 1 week now since had it done!!! Ally honey without scare mongering it hurts love - Vanessa Feltz on Ultimate BB is seen saying she went to Belgium on the Friday and was back at work on the Monday SHE MUST DEFINE WORK!!! is all I can say - I was so niave! It really hurts you can't bend or lift for days and the gen anaethetic etc takes days to leave system - then there is the trapped wind (cos they use this to pump you up so organs separate easier to work on) that they take out but not all as the body has to absorb eventually - I didn't fart for 2 days!!! The relief when I did! LOL! Just make sure someone is with you - as you cannot carry bags well at all!!! And if have kids get as much help as poss - I'd have been lost without my mum for washing up/ washing and helping with bedtimes! The worse thing for me was not being able to cuddle my babies ... You will be fine - but it is a major op - it ultimately is so worth it and keep that with you- I loved the peppermint tea for helping aid with the wind situation - am feeling very full after having just say 1 mushed up weetabix! So that's result already. Wishing you love luck and great healing - to all reading- keep in touch xxx:thumbup:
  5. angelfizz

    Any September 2010 Banders?

    Hey you will be fine he is THE BEST abroad and please to hear with someone with you incase you're a bit wobbly after take peppermint tea with you (tip my sis gave me; for any post op gas) and loose fiiting stuff so comfy coming home! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! Not sure bout pro LOL but thanks honey!! I've decided to live postop off left over Cambridge Diet and Slim Fast I have lurking about so I'll get my vits etc on the 2 week Fluid thing...? Then prob weetabix/ porridge for the mush bit after? I've a bloomin meal lined up at end of month - I'm gonna eat then LOL! If I can help with any info PLEASE ask; as I got a pack with info sent thro. From generally noseying on here most peeps are tending to shed alot on 1st 2eeks then it curbs off - on notes I have it states could be cos band settled and healed so can eat more? We'll need to take multi vit from op onwards too, esp when not eating alot! Am I coming across as military mindede? Ha ha must be the mum in me! I bought a Betty Boop PJ set spesh for this! Am hoping it's the last BIG size I buy for a while. Am raising a toast toall of us and our slinky future to be! (eek I wonder what we'll look like this time next year?) Hey next thing girls is to get a ticker for our signatures!!!x Will report back when home...later dudettes x
  6. angelfizz

    Any September 2010 Banders?

    Hello PinkShaz! How are you feeling bout it all? Are you going with someone when you go? You must keep in touch as we're all so close on dates and will be great to swap notes etc together! 2 Days to go for me .............!!!! Wonder if there's anyone else out there getting 'done' this week? x
  7. angelfizz

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Have seen that a few of you have panic'd a slow weight lossage a few weeks after your op? check this info out (I've taken this out of what my dietician has sent to me) "Your portion sizes will be around 3-4 tablespoons at each meal time for the first couple of weeks. After approximately two to three weeks you may begin to feel more hungry as the swelling around the band goes down. Don't worry as this just means your body is healing and the band is settling into place.You should try to stick to healthy snacks such as fruit/ yogurt and low calorie cereal bars of around 100 calories before your first band fill which will be 6-8 weeks post op . Try to get into the habit of taking fluids 10 mins before eating and leaving half an hour after to prevent food passing through the pouch too quickly making you feel hungry and able to eat more" Hope this helps?
  8. angelfizz

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks for that info - good advice xxx
  9. Oh well done you - I've just been eating nougat !!! (slapping myself here whilst typing) - eeek HOW excited must you be - hey I won't be able to speak to you til Sat prob Sun - get in touch with me and we can compare notes! LOL! Good luck honey pie! xxx
  10. How are you doin pooky? I'm going to start again from today as had a little 'relaxer' this weekend - COS I LOST 1 STONE and 2lbs in 10 DAYS and therefore saved myself that 1k - I DID IT!!! (so hubby says why not keep going and save yourself a further £6k...! grrrr - wish it was THAT simple but my head has somehting to say bout that!) I think if you have or have not been told by Doctor to start a low fat trend before op - you should. It is still easy enough to cheat with this band (those that fail melt choc and still consume little and often the wrong stuff as my Dr explained you have to bend with this band and work at fining foods that suit without the reflux and not fall back on the easier foods to eat - which are usually the biscuits etc)Plus the pre op is good training for better eating habits. As I've paid for this I'm determined to make it work. I'm scared of everything: the op,any post pain, reflux and ultimately and hopefully being of a size I've never been b4; and more importantly to me: maintaining it. But it's opportunity and boy what a journey!!!! I get banded THIS FRIDAY!!!! I'll see you guys on the shrinking train later! Good luck to all - let's make some dreams come true ....xxx:thumbup:
  11. angelfizz

    Any September 2010 Banders?

    ALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT! I managed to lose 1stoine 1 lb in 10 days - met with Simon Dexter - he was lovely. I go in THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!:thumbup: how are you? Are you on pre op yet? I had a break from it all yesterday (last night - 'last supper' with pals) will get back to it all properly today! I met a really nice lady in waiting room who was banded in February and has lost 3 stone!!! (she wasn't over big in the first place!) she showed me her scars and they were superficial and they placed a port under one of them - she said to feel and there was no 'obvious' lump to 'see' but you could feel it. Now everyone is asking me about how I feel about op - sounds really daft I've seen all the pictures/ diagrams etc but not really thought about mechanics - I've my eye on the bigger picture. I suppose it is dawning on me that it IS an invasive procedure but as Dr said; I face worse health risks than those associated with surgery if I stay as I am and get any bigger. I'm always saying it but I am fully aware it is a tool - not a cure - but how wonderful that whilst sorting my head stuff out I will be unable to hit thta self destruct button by eating my way happy on a bad day. :w00t:I'm off to LAPland!!! Bring it the weightloss on! x
  12. angelfizz

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Aw thanks poppet - am nervously awaiting outcome of my consultation tomorrow at Leeds Nuffield - I have to pay £1k more if my BMI shows me in the 40s - so been trying ever so hard since last monday to lose weight! - I was 19st5 week last Monday and 18.7lb today - so hopeing to god I do it. Thank you i hope to lose as much as you:thumbup: Scooby Do: Zumba class and what in LAPforum is that?????? LOL:tt2:
  13. Yeay good lass! I'm on homemade soup!!!! that and tsp honey or odd marshmallow for somethiing sweet as that has no fat in !!LOL - I'm day after you - can't wait: I see Consultant tomoro please everybody wish me luck: I really need him to tell me my BMI is in 39s to save £1,000 !!!!
  14. I've been told by my Group and witnessed o others to have a low fat diet 7 - 10 days before the operation; that is to allow the liver to shrink should you want keyhole/ lap surgery? I'm sure you'll be notified nearer the time? if not do ask... NB!!!!!! Most surgeons require peeps to quit smoking at least 6 WEEKS before Op - that way it makes for better surgery and HEALING/ scars! x Well done all those with a big balls to start a new page in their life that is based on who they are and not what they are xxxx:thumbup:
  15. Hi ya! Nice one!!! Hey I just quoted this list on another forum for someone struggling with food after the op - so thought I'd post on here?: I'm sure you'll have heaps of info from your agencies but hope it helps you guys?: 'Certain foods are not tolerated well after the operation and may need to be avoided. examples include: *Tough red meats (ie steak and chops) *Soft white Bread *Stringy vegetables (ie green Beans, asparagus) *salad *Prawns (should be chewed VERY carefully) *White boiled rice *pineapple & oranges *Scrambled egg eek! LOL - but nothing will taste better than the skinny clothes i wanna be able to wear! Happy Tuesday to you all x
  16. angelfizz

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    [quote name=SAMMY77;wake coughing once! I've tried to keep a mental food diary and nothing really seems to trigger it but I have read certain foods make the reflux worse (citrus fruits' date=' chocolate etc - just do a google search) so I'm trying to avoid them. I'm also not eating after 630pm and not drinking anything after 7pm which is also meant to help. What is your restriction like? Did the reflux start soon after fill? I ask as I've had reflux a couple of times before for a week or so after a fill but never for this long!! I will keep you posted if I get another defill as to what happens. At this rate I'll have no voice left - the night cough has left me sounding very husky!! I hope this helps x [/quote] hi ya Sammy I hope I can help you - Gravitas (who I'm going through) state in 'Dietary advice after a gastric band' literature that Problem Foods are: and I quote: 'Certain foods are not tolerated well after the operation and may need to be avoided. examples include: *Tough red meats (ie steak and chops) *Soft white Bread *Stringy vegetables (ie green beans, asparagus) *Salad *Prawns (should be chewed VERY carefully) *White boiled rice *Pineapple & oranges *Scrambled egg Hope this helps? x
  17. angelfizz

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi ya WBS and freckles thank you for replies - going to Leeds Nuffield/ private and yes excited but dieting hard as told if i have BMI of 40+ I will have to pay £6950; hoping to be in 39 so only have to pay £5950!!!! Dr Simon Dexter is my consultant and just chomping at bit to be slim! If this answers my prayers I shall shout it to the world - been caged tooo long!!LOL! Please say I am doing the right thing? I'm using every penny I have ... x
  18. Hi ya all you guys and welcome!!! Yeay!!!! We're all to be banded we're so lucky and closer to our goals now we've taken that step! Are you all on pre diets then? I have bought my vits for post op and am told on other sites to wear short sleeved PJs in hosp (for drips/lines etc) I know it's not a cure but a tool to help lose weight but am so hoping I shed lots!!!! x
  19. angelfizz

    Dr Christian De Bruyne

    hello Happy Flower - eeek! Well done you and thanks for update - how much have you lost now chicken? So glad it went so smoothly for you! x:thumbup:
  20. Hello ladiiiiiiies! & to any gents sorry and hi Gosh you go away a couple o days and it hard to keep up! LOL! hope you've all had a good weekend? Hi Ally not ignoring you honey! How are you doing? K&K so sorry it's been cancelled but agree with others your health is priority - you'll get there hon - big hug x donnalys -hello - I'm being bandede 3rd Sept so we're quite close in dates! Are you excited? I can't wait - finally a chance to see the real me!!! I can't remember other names but hi to all! I'm seeing consultant here in Uk and as I'm funding it (as we're not as lucky here in Uk and you guys in USA - as it's a zip/ppost code lottery here and you've gotta be pretty dead to get funding off NHS) I'm looking at forkingout £6950.00!!! to have it done in Leeds - BUT found out from group I'm booked with if I can get in bracket 35-39 BMI it will be £5950.00! Biiiig saving - so I got weighed at doctors last week and weighed in at 19.5st/ 123kg? and went on a homemade vatful of veg Soup and cutting out all crap diet thingy and weighed in yesterday at 18.10lb/ 120.5kg? Which means my BMI has gone down from 42.something to 40.6!!! I am soooo close - so my aim is to lose 7lbs this week if poss b4 Friday (and obviously wear light trousers NOT jeans - and take my shoes OFF!!! when being measured!) hee... wish me luck!??? I'm addicted to the 'after' stories on here!!! So exciting yet I'm thinking my op will no doubt go wrong with my typical luck! Hey should we all add our: Banding Date, Where getting it done, which surgeon and weight at start on our signatures??? So makes it easy for us to know basics for each other and follow postings better??? Watcha think???? Wishing you all a Happy Monday sweetie pies! xxx
  21. angelfizz

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    HI WBS! I'm going in a week on Fri - 3rd Sept!!! eeeeeek! Can't wait! Any tips? - I'm on 'diet' now as wanna shrink my BMI b4 going to see consultant. Was actually scheduled in to go and see Dr Chris DB - on 3rd Sept!!- but fab sis has offered me £ to stay in UK so helps with child cover... what is average loss you've witnessed once banded? Any tips? I read I should take short sleeved pjs with me? I've already multi-vits stocked up and couple cans of Slim Fast? Anything else I should so/ be aware of? And do you know when roughly at what mm peeps tend to feel 'it'? Sorry got so many questions but just so keen to know more! x
  22. angelfizz

    Any September 2010 Banders?

    hi ya - not ignoring you!!! Been unable to get on til now! Dr Simon Dexter is 'doing me'! I weighed in at 19.5lbs Monday just gone - just weighed myself today after basically living off vatfuls of homemade veg soup/ very little else - oooh apart from muller light yoghurts for breaky and I'm 18st10lbs - and a BMI of 40.6 - so nearly there! Seeiing him on fri for 1st consultation will seem so unfair at this point if he charges me £1k more!!! So yes am doing low fat diet now which i suppose is good cos gets me use to eating less already... I cannot wait for the op - more so for a 24 hour break from kiddliwinks! (Aren't I cruel!?) I keep secretly getting thrills about how I may look for Xmas - my wish of looking normal is so close!!! Do you find this forum addictive? I love reading anout the fairytale dream losses peeps are making!!! But am peeing myself at same time incase for some reason it won't work for me??? Hope you're well honey? x:smile2:
  23. Yello - I'm from North Yorks!!!!! (Scarborough way) You? x
  24. Hi ya!!!! Thanks for the invite Blondeeej!!! Hi ya folks!!! had a quick read thro on this page - you all sound very friendly; guessing I'll be Big Sis on this page as I'm 34! ? LOL!!!! I'm booked to see Dr Dexter on 27th Aug with LAP Op appt on 3rd Sept - booked through Gravitas!!! Have started (as in on Monday!) trying to lose as much weight b4 seeing consultant week on fri as if my BMI is lower than now (eg in 35-39 bracket) it'll cost me £1,000 less! Big saving eh?! I've done a big vat of weight watchers '0' point vegetable Soup and doctors helped me by prescribing those fat busting pills to aid my Quest - glugging lotsa Water too! So you can imagine the air quality around me ! LOL (how rude!) Hey don't know about you but alot of it does all come down to 'mental issues' with me as to what's holding me back from achieving our dreams - got a great link here for you to check out from someone who's been there (on CD tho not GB) - I urge you to click thro and LISTEN to him on the audio - he make a whole lot of sense! The Diet Guy Later dudettes - hope you have a goal achieving day! xxx
  25. angelfizz

    Any September 2010 Banders?

    Hi ya! Yes have got it ta! Well done you - scary yet exciting isn't it? Whereabouts you getting yours done? I'm at Leeds... I've started pre-op diet now - infact and trying like crazy cos Gravitas lot said that if my BMI is 40 -45 itll cost £6950 but if I'm at least a 39 it's £1k CHEAPER!!! - £5,950! - Not a jot of difference to a Surgeon but an amazing difference to what that saving could do for me!! (any new clothes in near future for start off!!!) - so with a current BMI around 40 I'm going for it!!! keep in touch toots - and thanks for posting! :smile2: When are you doing pre-op? x

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