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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lanah

  1. I just had mine removed on Monday without warning as well. I also pleaded with him, Since he no longer places lap bands, I asked for a revision. He said there was too much swelling. I won't have another surgery. I am so worried about weight gain.

    Have you been able to keep off any weight gain in these last 5 months? Because if you have that gives me a lot of hope. i will do what I need to do even though I am still feel very sad I don't have my band.

  2. I had my band placed on September 02,2010 and lost 80 lbs with its help and running. Three years ago I couldn't swallow my own saliva and had a complete unfill(9cc) in the ER. I didn't go back to see my bariatric surgeon until May 13, 2016. I went because from January to May I gained 40 lbs. I was training for a marathon which I completed 40 lbs heavier than when I started my training. So, I decided to go for a fill. he gave me 1 cc and did nothing. I went back and he gave me 3 cc. I was fine actually was enjoying feeling a little bit of restriction. On Thursday had a very stressful day at work and I got tight. I couldn't eat or drink without throwing up. My surgeon has office visits on Tuesdays and Fridays so I went back on Tuesday and he took out 2 of the 4cc I had. Still could not keep anything down. Went back Friday and he removed the other 2. I went the the next week dealing with it and not eating or drinking because it was unfilled and probably swollen. Come to last Monday I couldn't take it anymore and went to ER dehydrated and with (I didn't know) low blood pressure. My surgeon goes and sees me in the ER and removes my band later that afternoon. He couldn't do a revision because of the swelling. I asked and begged for the sleeve, but he said he could not.

    I will not be able to have another surgery. I do not have the money to spend for it. I am so worried and scared and depressed. I was reading the article on the biggest loser metabolic issues and I don't know if that pertain to us. I feel it probably does.

    I will continue to run, but I feel I will need more especially because I am already 1/2 way back to my highest weight.

    Has anyone had success with keeping the weight off or even better losing weight with no revision after removal?

    Thank you all

  3. Thanks for the reply. I had my gallbladder removed one year exactly after my lap band. Hope your recover from that surgery is a quick one. I don't remember it being too bad at least not compared to the gall bladder attacks I had been getting.

    As far as my band, well I sure did feel the fill on Thursday night. I ended up in the bathroom for a few hours and had to get on liquids on Friday. I get really sore after getting stuck. Today I feel much better, but I had forgotten how that felt. It was a re-learning experience.

    Even though I was on liquids yesterday and today I've taken it really easy and haven't eaten much, I do not feel very hungry.

  4. Hi everyone. I had lap band surgery in 2010. Weight loss was great; I reached near goal in 2013. Quality of life at its best. So, I have no regrets.

    In May of 2013, I began throwing up so I went to get a bit of Fluid taken out. Two weeks later still having issues, but I waited it out too long until I couldn't keep anything down. Water and saliva were already coming back up as well. I ended up in ER and my surgeon decided to do a complete unfill. Since the tests all came back good as far as band placement, he told me to go back and see him in a month to start filling again.

    Well, since I was pretty much at goal weight, running, and the big scare, I put it off and didn't go back to get filled. I gained back about 10 lbs right away, but maintained there for 2 and half years.

    Fast forward to January of this year I gained more weight and by last month I had gained 40 something lbs back. I decided to go back and see my doctor on Friday. He gave me 1 cc...ONE. He said since it was Friday and I hadn't had a fill in so long he didn't want to risk me back in ER. He told me to go back and see him on Tuesday (today) if i felt I needed more. So you guessed it, i was in his office this morning. He brought me back to 4 ml. I had 7 when he unfilled me by the way.

    I've been waiting to feel those 4 ml all day. I don't feel anything. Have I forgotten what it's suppose to feel like? Will I start feeling something in a few days? Am I just being impatient?

    He has never required me to have liquids or soft foods. I ate Soup for lunch and tuna for dinner. I feel hungry and everything is going down way too easy.

    Thanks for listening/reading.

  5. Hi everyone! I was banded on 9/2/10. I have had 1 fill of 1cc with 2 cc added during surgery and had been doing great. For the last few weeks though, I have been getting a pain by my upper right abdomen and about every three or four days the pain gets so bad I have to vomit (sorry, gross). This happens about an hour after I eat and it has been different types of foods (not band friendly--bread, rice, peanuts). Is this what stuck is? I don't feel it right away like I have read others that take a few bites and feel it. I eat and I feel fine and then it hits me...and it hits me hard. I am in pain for about an hour or more. The pain travels to my back. I am going to call the doctor tomorrow. But since the pain goes away and I feel fine, I have waited.

    I have tried to read other posts about getting stuck, but none seem to describe what I am feeling or the onset of how I feel. I have tried papaya enzymes, the chicken dance, grabbing my ankles, but none have worked.

    Any advise/suggestions will be appreciated.

  6. Hi everyone.

    I have my first appointment since my two week post-op on Tuesday. I am not sure if I will have my first fill or not...or if he will even ask. I had surgery on 09/02/10 and have lost 21 lbs. Most of the loss was a week/week and a half after surgery. In the last six weeks, I have lost 10lbs. I have pretty good restriction once I start eating, but lately I have been craving things I shouldn't eat (ice cream, chips, candy, etc). And I have given in a few times. I am not sure if a fill will help with that either. If he doesn't ask, should I? When I eat the right foods (which I usually do), I get full very quickly and stay full for a while. Do you see how confused I am? Please help and Thanks!

  7. Hello Everyone.

    Life has been crazy these past 2 weeks. My mother-in-law passed away last week, funeral was last Saturday and my daughter is turning 21 tomorrow. So have been around lots of food. Too much temptations for the wrong foods but Portion Control is definitely there. One good thing about eating less, there was a dish at the funeral that was bad, 1 person in the family was vomiting and 3 out of the 4 siblings had diarrhea. I know too much information but little old me had no problem. Guess I did not eat enough of whatever it was to be effected.

    I am amazed at how much I can eat and how easily it goes down. I have not had any issues of revisiting my food, thank god. I go back to the doctor on Oct 27 and will ask them to put more Fluid in. Since I started eating my weight loss has stopped and since last week, I have gained 3lbs. :thumbup:

    Will post sooner next time.


    Hi Cathy,

    I had been wondering how you were doing. I know you have had several fills and you were banded a few days before me.

    I am suppose to go for my first fill on the 26th and I can't wait. I am hoping I feel a little restriction.

  8. Now that most have had their surgery, lets do a poll on incisions and port location.

    I had 5 incisions and my port is just under my left breast bone.

    Took about a week before I could sleep on my tummy and was one of the lucky ones it appears as that I had absolutely no gas pains.

    Took 1 week off of work but could have gone back the last 2 days of my week off.

    My Stats:

    Weighed 224 when received approval (8/2/10)

    Weighed 212 day of surgery (8/27/10)

    Weighed 199 today. Broke the 200 lb barrier this morning. It's been at least 8 years when I was below 200.


    Hi Everyone

    Ok, so I have 4 incisions with my port just under my left rib. I still feel it a little sore and it is not comfortable to sleep on it.

    I was off for 4 days before going back to work.

    My Stat:

    Before Preop Diet: 190

    Surgery day: 183

    Today: 165

    No fills yet and feeling I can eat a lot more than I did last week. I am already eating regular solid food and have not had any problems

  9. I hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday.

    Pooky, I too can not get all my liquids in. I have tried to sip on Water all day today and my stomach has not taken it very well. I think I will stick to eating, well drinking, only what I can. It worked for me the first few days.

    Grace, are you already drinking Protein shakes? How are you doing with them? I am still on all Clear Liquids. Not completely bored with them, but getting there.

    My stomach is rumbling and grumbling and I am on Clear Liquids until Friday and then I can add two Protein Shakes for another week. Then I can start w/mushies--yogurt and creamed Soups fall in this week.

    I will be going back to work on Tuesday and the only thing I am worried about is wearing a bra all day. I have only been able to stand it for a little while.

  10. I also separated my clothes by sizes pre-surgery. I have been every size in the book. I put all the clothes in the garage that do not fit yet and kept my current size in my closet. Once I get to a smaller size, I will box up the current clothes and give them to a friend that is also losing weight (that is IF she is still behind me). Then I can go get the smaller size into my closet and so on.

  11. Hi everyone. I was banded on Thursday, September 2nd. I feel great. My gas pain and incision pain have subsided significantly.

    The only thing is that I noticed am out of breath after taking a shower. I took one yesterday and today and felt the same way both days. It also happens in the middle of a conversation. I don't feel tired or out of breath after walking and walking and walking around the house. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Any help would be appreciated.


  12. Good Saturday everyone!

    Just wanted to give a quick update on my surgery. I was scheduled for 6AM, but was not wheeled into the OR until 8:30. I remember nothing about the OR room or the first part of the recovery...NICE!! I was taken to a second room in recovery and was told that they were waiting for Radiology to call so I can have my x-ray. I went for the x-ray about 11:30 and failed. I ended up spending the night for observation. They thought they had seen what looked like a leak, but it wasn't. I still don't know what it was. I need to ask the doctor on Friday when I see him. I was on nothing but ice chips and finally had broth at 5pm yesterday. I got home and fell into the best sleep I've had in the past week. Woke up last night and got out of bed and boy did I get a very bad pain in my incisions. My bed is higher than the hospital bed and it doesn't have the nice rails either. I couldn't go back to sleep. BTW I have not had any pain meds since noon on Thursday. I haven't needed any.

    About the gas pain--since i was in the hospital all day yesterday, all i did was walk, walk, walk. And I have to tell you, DO IT. The pain has been tolerable. Still uncomfortable and annoying, but very tolerable.

    Today I am at about 89.999%. Very happy, not hungry, and what I need most is to relax.

    How is everyone getting all their fluids? I'm not hungry or thirsty at all and that is because I have only had two cups of broth (not at once) since surgery, very little Water, and ice chips.

    Also, (TMI) but I am planning to go back to work on Tuesday and I am afraid of--liquids in/liquids out. If you know what I mean. Any suggestions on what I could/should do?

    How is everyone else doing?

    Cathy, I think you are so great keeping up with everyone. How do you do it? Glad to hear you are doing well.

    1. How long after surgery will you be on liquids?

    2. How long will you be on mushies?

    3. At what week can you move to regular food?

    1. 2 weeks. One of Clear Liquids and one of full liquids

    2. 2 wekks. one of mushies (this is where I can introduce creamy soups) and one of soft foods

    3. The beginning of week 5. can't wait.

  13. Wow! The group has gotten so big that if we stay away for more than one day it is hard to reply to everyone. THat is great!

    So, for all that have received dates...CONGRATULATIONS!!

    For all waiting for dates or approvals...hang in there

    For those already banded (Cathy and Jshort)...how are you all feeling?

    BandedNellie, karmaandkismet, cece1967...I hope it all went well today.

    To my banding twins of September 2 - rkwilliams1013, Run Girl Run, pooky032281, ahlmanfamily, Loyalfriend, spitfireleo, kydman


  14. Just a few more days to be in bandland!!!

    Pooky, my pre-op diet isn't as strict as yours. Just a Protein Shake for Breakfast and mid morning; yogurt and a fruit for lunch, a snack (cheese, nuts, etc) and a dinner (1protein, 1starch, 1veggie). Even though the diet hasn't been bad my bad habits have crossed my mind this weekend. Last supper mentality, but got passed it--ate extra broccoli which is what I was told to eat more of if I was hungry. Sorry, I don't have any new Soup recipes for you, but maybe you can try one of RK's delicious sounding shakes.< /span>:thumbup:

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