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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lap_dancer

  1. Could have fooled me. Wow. You look beautiful anyway. You must be a fantastic person because your radiance of good really pulses through. Ah, fight it! Kick that couple of pounds in the 'arse, you're thisclose to achieving a goal. BTW: 260 is a goal for me. :laugh: You know I think something happened to me today. :thumbup: Found out some folks were talking about me at work. Not good. Half truths, mostly gossip. But still. It fused me and then my DH put me in my proper place with his peaceful countenance (and if I never mentioned to you all what a pure man he is that's my #1 for my husband, he is the most honest person I have ever met. Always thought so and still do 26 years later. ) But anyway, it only served to really wind me up and put me in high gear. I am: tired of feeling walked on and blaming it on my looks which always make me feel inferior. :biggrin: tired of being a YES person to people who do not treat other co-workers with the same demeaning attitude. I believe I take it from them because I some how deserve to be treated LESS in hopes that they will LIKE ME because I'm so fat. Isn't that crap? Today it is crap. Today I am done with it. ( sound of TAPS plays) :thumbup: TODAY is the day that I shout from the mountain tops NO MORE, I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT AT FIGHT. Today is MY INDEPENDCE DAY! :tongue2: Dee, mark today for me as being Patty's I.D. :thumbup: In other news. I've posted my daily weight. For some reason it's peeling off and I say peeling because I was so stalled for so long. I think all the efforts are paying off and now the medications, the pain and the activity are all improving. Having said that, I am openly putting my number on the signature and every other day I'm changing the number to keep track of what is happening. I go up, it goes up, I go down, it goes down. I need to be at 235 by the end of April or darn close to it. 245 would be acceptable. I'm asking for extra candle lighting and keeping me accountable by sending me a PM, or posting something my way. I found the challenge really helped and I know this next goal is very important. It's a presurgical eval that will determine if I go in for the abdominals or body lift in June or wait a year. *Dr. Kirshenbaum, word up ....I love you, you have changed my life!! Your surgery has been the only surgery I've ever had in my life where I had a zipper recovery and had the most powerful impact on my life. (other than my two children) forever thank you!!!!!
  2. Lap_dancer

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I'm fat for three reasons: I have the genetic factor that runs in my family which gives me an obesity predisposition. I did not think I had an eating problem. I am a compulsive overeater with a food addiction. I accepted it, got the band to help me to not overeat, and I follow the 12 steps of OA. Keepin' it real. Patty in Florida.
  3. A before and right now on my signature line. Keep it going beautiful people! Everymorning is another jaunt around the track, eventually we'll reach the ribbon and cross the finish line...no matter how long, no matter what it takes! we'll get there.
  4. I'm three pounds from my challenge goal. I've been soooo sick the past four days. I took a photo of myself last night...dang, look at my face. Yeah. This cold weather is not flying. It was 37 degrees last night. This poor Floridian's bones are cracking and spine is screaming.
  5. WOW I wish I was going to be a size 9 this year. I know you will make it, you look like you are there anyway.:bananalama:
  6. I'm glad you are going to the doctor's office for testing. The CT scan, bloodwork, can rule out anything biologically wrong with you. I had the pain you describe in the shoulder after my banding, starting about two months after until about six months after but it wasn't anything daily. That you say it happens around the time you eat makes me wonder if it happens at a specific meal say breakfast moreso than lunch or dinner? Mine occurred moreso at the first meal of the day. I cut back on solids and increased softer foods intaking yogurt, melon, softer meats slowly cooked...my steam cooked turkey mostly. I hope this helps.
  7. For everyone. I am digging through old photos and found this one. My wedding day. I got married at Weeki Wachee, an old Florida attraction called the City of Live Mermaids. A walk down memory lane. May 28, 1983
  8. Welcome. I don't get the big deal either about the piercing other than a doctor setting his foot down trying to make a point, I'm sure she isn't the first and won't be the last who has this piercing and doesn't have to have it removed. Don't they tape rings for people who have vowed to not remove them? Atleast that's what I thought. ............................................. yes, this is not a covered benefit for teachers in our county either but IS a covered benefit in the county two hours south. I look at it as just having been told no but redirected to a YES by an amazing doctor. Colorado is beautiful, a great place for this Floridian to vacation and have surgery. My new birthday is April 17, 2007. I would do the surgery over again but I wouldn't re-do being that fat again. I would repeat the learning, the awareness of myself and understanding of food, when and why I eat all over again because it was really an epiphany. The Dr. you are getting, and the place where it is happening are assets to the whole CHANGE you are undergoing. Cherish it and take LOTS of pictures.
  9. I can promise you most of your sickness has to do with those fighter pilots. I work with them as well and I love how they just want a hug every day. I have one little boy who comes at me each morning, searches me out in the hall and comes in for a hip hug. With my bad luck with pain, my doctor didn't think I would make it through the flu season without getting nailed by the cough and throat hack so she insisted I get the flu shot. I was tired for about a week but so far I haven't caught the bug. Posting a photo of myself two days ago. I know what you are saying about the chin. My chin is still reducing by the day but it's hanging now center under my jaw and drawing inward on the sides...see photo.. and my stomach is doing the same. Narrow on the sides, my waist is now appearing, I've got rib bones I can feel when I put my hands at my waist. Wait until you lose more to see what happens to your legs. It's changing in strange ways for me. Well I'm pretty sure after four months of NO TOM that menopause is here for sure. I'm not asking for one more thing to happen because so much has happened in the past year. Geez. But yes, I could count on atleast ten lbs. tops effecting my weight during TOM's visit.
  10. Got it. I'm not that great at math I confess but after playing with my calculator I finally got it. Thanks Dee. Your glasses look great. I just saw your first photo, you carry your weight in that photo like I do/did. Dee, you look great! You are doing so well. Keep it going.
  11. Lap_dancer

    A real before picture. B-o-d-y s-h-o-t. 270lb.

    Way to go!!!! and strength plus ten times one hundred in sharing with us your surgery photos. I'll be there soon. Thanks so much Katie Bug
  12. Goodmorning everyone! I'm still in bed having slept in this weekend day. -3 lbs. spot on this week. Congratulations to all who checked in this morning. I'm all about the finish line today. Just showing up to post and connect with eachother.
  13. Reposting this question ............................................ Debinoregon: 11 ounce can, bigger than costco brand premier. She bought it at Trader Joe's. I don't know the cost or what flavors (this was "frosty chocolate":ohmy:) It didn't taste much different from the Costco stuff, but it probably is a little more expensive. However, if it keeps me out of costco, i am going to go for it. Going in there to buy 2 cases of protein drink for $50, but coming out with $200 worth of other stuff....not so wise Sounds like a plan Deb. Grocery stores are a huge temptation and I too do the $50 intention with the $200 receipt. Try online shopping. You don't have to fight crowds or traffic, don't have to fight the smells or free samples at a grocery store, take your time shopping and change your mind if you wish.
  14. Dee...I'm literally crying. I know. Your words..I know. HAPPY Bandiversary!!!! From the heart, one can always feel you in your words. Wishing you this next year, an AWESOME continuation to your goal my friend. ONE YEAR DOWN, ONE YEAR OF LESSONS AND LIFE LEARNING. WAY TO GO. CELEBRATE. go to a spa, get your toe nails painted purple. HUGS Patty
  15. Lap_dancer

    Free lap-band giveaway

    Oh, man. Not such good timing on that one. BUT you know they could promote it as "NO FOOLING! It's FREE. " Dr. V I hope you are getting good response on your freebie. I'm thinking how much I wish someone was doing this when I found out insurance would not cover mine ( '06)(but my path went well in the end). It can cause desperate and depressive feelings on top of dealing with the weight and other health issues. Again, thank you to your group for giving back. I hope your goodness returns to you threefold.
  16. MORNING! Okay now that I'm not sleep deprived ( I know, I know man if she can talk like that and she's sleep deprived what's she like fully rested..) ANYWAY, I read my morph post and thought expanding on that some. Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight and had the sensation they were becoming out of touch with the skin they are in? Feels so different to touch yourself it's almost like it's somebody else? That's where I'm at. My husband and I were laying in bed talking last night and I was fiddling with my arm, upper arm. I discovered I'm getting those 'bat wings'. He commented my skin there was wrinkled, I showed him my breast with looks like crepe paper near the crease in my arm. My former stomach is now like a box instead of a garbage bag, there are BONES I can feel through my skin, it simply feels odd. So, again, is anyone having or has had the experience of feeling like they are disconnected from their body after losing significant amounts of weight? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks, Patty
  17. Morphing Body Most of you know I was pushing 400 at my peak. At surgery I was 352. I've blown past the 300 mark so for me I feel like I've officially lost 100 lbs. Soon, I think before easter, I'll hit 250 for my official BAND loss of 100. After that milestone, I will have 110 left until I reach goal. All these baby steps and anniversaries and victories are hard to express in words what it feels like to be HUGE and then get down to a functional size, a fat body that can navigate the world. What one doesn't think about is what happens when the fat comes off. My body is morphing. My skin is elastic in feel and pulls off my body like dough. I told my husband it feels like I am melting. More and more, I feel like I am living in another person's body, like I am disengaging from the fat me. Is anyone else feeling this? I'm going back to the plastic surgeon in the spring to see what all the surgeries are going to be. Meanwhile, another photo:
  18. Fills: Just like the body having a rhythm, it also hums back now about time to eat. The band has done that for me. I think because we have been morbidly obese, that ALL STOPS full button was broke, banding fixed that, now we do get signals on foods. My last fill was last February. That's a year! My sweet spot is perfect. If you have a card about being in the zone, the green...being green, you can read it to see how you should be feeling. Again, I don't count on the band to do all the work, I put some serious time in learning how to listen to my body during meal times. My eating patterns were so messed up. I've set it before, I'll say it again, the surgery was a piece of low profile CAKE compared to retraining my brain and breaking the bad habits I had of drinking gallons of fluids daily and two big glasses during my meals. I gulped my food, I know I did. All bad habits. Me today at school. My camera was taking lousy photos...it helps if fresh batteries are in there.:bored:
  19. Wow, we are getting rapid fire posts like last year. Hello Friends! I trust everyone is having a great week. I can feel the vibe. Amie, great to see you here. I can't remember all the things I wanted to say and who to shout out to because it's 3 AM eastern time. Can't sleep. My energy has returned, the medication is almost stabalized. As a result, my energy shot up 75%. I'm back to picking up projects and getting involved like I use to be before I gained the last 40 lbs. and reached uber obese, sported a red satan sailor dress, grew a beard and worked for the circus. ..more on my body morp later. I want to pass along the info I got from one of the doctors I saw over the past six months for my spine disorder. Regular bowel movements are real important. You want to get at a place where everything is like clockwork. For my mid morning snack I have been eating yogurt that is called "Digestive" yogurt. It was one of three things suggested to aid in keeping my digestive system rolling along. I think I mentioned before the doctor describing the effect a change in structure on the digestive system can have on the digestion of food and how our body breaks even pills down. This yogurt has stabalized me and now I am feeling more like my older self. Quite sure I've lost weight this week. Haven't really changed any eating habits other than increasing the amount of food and how often I eat. I added a fresh fruit snack mid morning and late at night. BOOBS. Speaking of not losing any off the chest, here is a photo of me taken yesterday. As you can see, my girls are still hanging in there...literally.
  20. Hey Mini. Good advice. Thanks as well. Everyone I jumped on and posted before I read it all. Dee, I am in my 2's but no where near a point I would love to be. This spring will be my two year anniversary since getting banded. I stopped beating myself up over numbers which added stress over something I had some control but not a whole lot of control over. I'd been ignoring symptoms of things like diverticulitis and did much self diagnosis. I have it in my head now to keep going no matter what, through the sawgrass, I'll keep marching to that island of health and sunbathing without looking repulsive. *sawgrass is tough long vegetation that grows in swamp lands that has a razor sharp edge. Yes, I do believe super morbidly obese people are viewed at as either invisible, not worthy of looking at, or worse, looked at as carnival freaks. Yeah, I've often thought the only thing I was missing was a monkey with a dress on leashed to a long chain attached to my wrist OR a carnival barker shouting my name OR a street corner, a chair, a sign "will wiggle for cash" and a bucket. I've lost over a hundred and already my family has forgotten what I looked like at my highest. I have to whip out the pictures to show them then I hear "ohhhh wow". Lucky for me...I also took nudie photos!!! Yep. I've got those for when I hit goal.
  21. Hallelujah from the southeast up to that northwest for getting banded. You still made a good choice for yourself despite two weeks of regression. Kudos to you for searching inward and finding bad choices there. Hugs from Florida to you. Now try this: Tommorow go on a 24 hour fast of no solids and only liquids. Or Reverse your meals. Start with dinner and eat it about 10 am. Protein first, wait a while, nibble on your salad and spread it out over several hours. Dinner: Have breakfast for dinner. More often than not I have breakfast at dinner. More often than not it's a lovely veggie or cheese omelet. Since there are three or four eggs in an omelet, it's pretty volumous so I often find I can't finish it *but I like to dream that I can so I order it anyway. I NEVER FEEL GUILTY over tossed food and always give the leftovers to Big Ed my rednose pitbull or my two Maine Coon cats. They love me for that. The second I feel full I get the waitress and ask for a doggy bag. I've committed to the takeout container so when they bring it I don't keep nibbling but put it in the container. Leftovers turn me off so this is a easy solution for me. Deb, stand by me, let's lock arms and keep walking together for this Valentine's Challenge.
  22. Hello Friends! Haven't popped in that much this week. I've been WORKING!! YAYAYAYAY. That means the medication is getting more and more adjusted and the pain is more and more reduced. I am not suffering anywhere near to the point that I was. No suffering means more movement, more movement means increase in metabolism. I've been very BUSY this week and haven't been laying in bed as much as I typically am. Put me down this week for a loss of -4.02 lbs. That's 12 lbs. in two weeks! BUT that's okay, I'm a big girl and don't have delusions of maintaining this high pound loss each week. But it sure feels good to get off that yo-yo plateau I've been on. I am most thankful to the doctors who finally have me getting relief! I'm envious of those who are down in their low two's and dreaming of one's. You are in a place where even losing one pound a week is very noticeable. I have to lose 20 lbs. before I can truly say I am noticing a difference. That's how it is when you are a uber fat person. I so wish I could meet you all at Red Robin. How fun. Please take pictures!!!! I love to put a name with a face. I'm getting ready to go out and about with my hubby. Congratulations to us all how continue arm in arm on this Valentine's Day Challenge. Dee thanks much for keeping tabs on our numbers. It is appreciated! Have an awesome week everyone Patty
  23. These numbers can be so daunting. Really. I'm not jumping jax I lost 8 lbs because in three days the scale could swing up 3 lbs. Every pound down is a pound gone! Let's stay arm in arm and support eachother as best we can.
  24. Never happened since I had my band..but Put me down for a loss this week of (( drum roll )))) 8 lbs. that's eight pounds! That's one indication the prunes worked after the new medication clogged all my works up. A first and probably a last, I don't expect a loss like this on an ongoing basis but I'll take it to lift my spirits thats for sure. Everyone have a goal achieving day today, whatever it may be.
  25. My son bought some protein powder and he now makes it for me, comes to bed each AM and wakes me up with an 8 oz. glass. Thanks to the support of him, I'm surely getting my breakfast! Protein powders, especially this one which is chocolate, can almost taste like Nescles Quick.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
