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Posts posted by vickyd

  1. Glad to hear things are moving again, Joan! Hopefully you won't have the same issues this time around.

    My drivers license says 250 which was a HUGE lie because I was about 330 at the time...now I weigh 235 so it's actually too high!

    BTW, I hit 90 lbs lost on Saturday!! I still have a ways to go but I can't believe I am 10 lbs away from 100!


    I had my refill almost 2 weeks ago and am now feeling restriction, I love it and the weight is coming off, too. :D I have to be careful, after a dinner party last PM I was thirsty and drank some Water too fast. I guess my pouch was too full for it so up it came! :o I am sticking to shakes and soft foods today to rest my stomach and esophagus. I had a little reflux while sleeping last PM that reinforces my need to let my system rest, I don't want a repeat of what happened before with the vomiting daily, reflux nightly and deflates! :(

    I think my license has my weight at 185, I guess we all lie about our weight!


  2. I realize that not everyone will agree with my saying this, but here is my .02...

    I think it's well and good that our NUTs and PAs give us advice about what to eat, how many calories, etc but this is really a personal journey. What works for me may not work for someone else. Rather than trying to stay within the calorie/protein/carb range they gave you, why don't you try some different things and see what works for you? Try raising your calories a bit, lowering your carbs, increasing your Protein...small "tweaks" can get things moving again.

    You don't say if you track your food, but I find this to be very helpful. When my weight loss has slowed down I can look back at my food journals (I use myfitnesspal.com) and see what changed in my diet. During a recent stall, I looked back and realized that my Protein levels had dropped...most surgeon's suggest 60g per day but mine wants 80-120g per day which I was doing at the beginning but I looked back and could see that my protein was averaging 60-70g so I made a conscious effort to increase my protein simply by substituting my normal Breakfast with a Protein shake and it made a huge difference.

    Yes, this band is a tool but many of us aren't given a complete instruction manual on how to use it. This isn't a tool that you can do steps A, B, and C and get results...you need to work with it to figure out how to get the best results.

    Good Luck!

  3. This is YOUR body and YOUR decision. If you feel like you are ready to have surgery and do the work you will need to do in order to be successful then I would just tell them that although you respect their opinion you have done the research and strongly believe that this is the right decision.

  4. I use MFP and I don't stick to their guidelines. If you go to "Goals" (under "My Home") you can change your daily calorie requirements. I set mine at 1,100 calories per day because my goal is to be between 1,000-1,100. You will also have to get used to it "yelling" at you every day when you complete the days entry because it will tell you that you aren't eating enough...just ignore it. I don't know how many calories your doctor recommends but I think you have to tweak it yourself to see what calorie level works best for you. There are a lot of people on here who stay around 1,200 calories per day but that level doesn't work for me...I just kept adjusting things (calories, Protein, carbs) every 5-7 days until I found the right level for me. Everyone's journey is different so don't be afraid to play around with things until you find what works.

  5. I would definately cut back on the roti...there's nothing wrong with carbs, but it looks like they take up the majority of the food you eat. Instead substitute higher Protein items. Also, I agree with the others about tracking your food. You need to have a good understanding of how many calories, Protein, etc you are eating so you can evaluate how to best adjust your food choices.

    Good Luck!

  6. My doctor's office recommends 80-120g Protein each day. Like you, I can have a hard time getting in enough calories because I'm not hungry. I normally force myself to eat a couple of Snacks (string cheese, etc) even if I'm not hungry. My NUT told me to have a Protein shake at night if I need to in order to get my calories and protein in.

    Thanks. I am going to try to not be such a gym rat, but, I will still workout very hard. I will add more protein to my daily eating schedule. My doctor's office told me since, to take in at least 80 grams of protein per day. When I had my last fill, I was newver hungry and never ate, may one (1) meal per day. Now I am eating good exercising and trying to be active. My wife, thinks I am crazy because, I am never happy; she thinks 40 lbs in 5 months is pretty good. I thought, I 'd be down around 65-80 lbs. Anyway, thanks for your help!!!

  7. I highly recommend myfitnesspal. There are a lot of bandsters on there who you can friend (I'm vickyd205) and many if us have our food journals open for our friends to see. Maybe looking at what others are eating will help give you some ideas.

    Hi Debora. No, I'm not currently journaling my food but I just signed up for my fitnesspal.com. I just feel so disappointed. I'm starting to wonder if I have some underlying condition. Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it!

  8. www.pandora.net

    It is a jewelry line that you can find at most jewelry stores...I got mine at Jared.

    What is a Pandora? Is there a link?

    I have decided once I hit Onderland I am getting some nails! I use to have them and thought they added to a sexy look!

    I am also going to get myself to a sexy pair of knee high leather boots-once the calves are skinnier!

    Victoria's Secret-matching bra and panties- wow, that will be an accomplishment for sure!

    I told my hubby that he needs to buy me a new wardrobe once I get skinny-I am saving him a lot of $$ by eating and drinking less!

    Once I reach goal I think a tatoo would be great even though I am 48!

    For my 50th birthday I plan to be skinny (a year and a haf away) and take a trip to Italy!

  9. You don't have to have a blog to follow but you do need a blogger I.D (I'm not sure if a regular google I'd will work - maybe someone else knows). Go to www.blogger.com and sign up. You can create your blog when you get around to it.

    Vicky - I do want to create a blog and I want to follow too (yours especially) - do you know if I first have to have a blog to follow? Thanks !

  10. There are several people on here who have done charm bracelets so I got the idea from one of them! The pandora is a bit pricey but I only get a charm every 4-5 weeks so it's not too bad...i hit the 90 lb mark this morning so I'm going out later today to get my next one ;-)

    Hey Vicky!

    Sorry if I stole the charm idea from you...I think I did read about it somewhere on these forums and thought it was a great idea. So lucky to have the Pandora...I'm self-pay so on a budget to say the least!


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