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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vickyd

  1. I keep a drink with me at all times...at work, while I watch tv, when I exercise, when I run errands and I track my intake every day (along with my calories, protein, etc). I happen to like drinking water but I also drink a fair amount of decaf iced tea sweatened with splenda. My surgeon told me not to drink 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after eating and I will admit to not following the "before eating" part of that but when I finish eating a meal then I automatically look at the time and calculate when I can start drinking again. And don't worry about it getting harder after your fill...if that happens, then you are WAY too tight.
  2. I think it depends on the person...I still weigh myself daily (but only record my weight once a week) because I think it helps me stay on track. After this long, I am used to the ups and downs that happen during the week and I don't let them bother me but if the daily fluctuations are freaking you out (and it sounds like they are) then I would have someone hide the scale from you and only give it to you once a week.
  3. I agree with the others that you really need to get your bipolar and compulsive disorders under control before having any additional WLS. Just like you can eat around the band, you can also eat around Bypass and until you learn to deal with your emotions without turning to food I'm afraid you may be setting yourself up for a hard fall.
  4. The best suggestions I can give you is to start testing Protein drinks now so that you can find some that you like - too many people wait until they start the pre-op diet and then post that they are starving and can't stand the Protein Drinks. Also, find a variety of flavors...drinking chocolate Protein powder multiple times a day can get old really fast. There are protein powders that are lemonade flavored (Syntax Nector) that would provide a nice break to the vanilla & chocolate of most drinks. Also try some unflavored powder mixed in crystal light for variety. There are also some things you can add to your Protein shakes to change the flavors...sugar free syrups (like what they use at Starbucks) work well and I also mixed instant decaf coffee into my morning chocolate shake to make it taste like a mocha. For social gatherings, at a coffee shop you can have coffee or tea with skim milk (just not the high calorie starbucks drinks) and if you go out for drinks just order a club soda with lemon or lime...it looks like a mixed drink and no one will question it. Last but not least, when you start your pre-op diet remember that it is not forever...you can do anything for a short period of time and the results are certainly worth it - not only will you lose some weight (I lost about 11 lbs) but also you will be helping to shrink your liver which will make your surgery safer.
  5. vickyd

    The June Bug Challenge

    June Bug Challenge This is the list of the participants I have so far. Good luck to you all!!
  6. vickyd

    The June Bug Challenge

    Hi Jasmine - Can you please report your starting weight so I can update the spreadsheet?
  7. vickyd

    The June Bug Challenge

    Hi Susan! Can you please complete the form to start the challenge because I don't have your starting/goal info for June. Also, we are weighing in on Wednesday's this month.
  8. vickyd

    The June Bug Challenge

    Hi Larry - we are reporting weights on Wednesdays this month. Do you want me to use this weight for the week or do you want to wait until Wednesday?
  9. vickyd

    The June Bug Challenge

    Can you please fill out the form to start the challenge? I don't have your starting info for the June Challenge. Also, we are reporting weights on Wednesdays this month...
  10. Purpleshell - you look amazing!!! Congratulations on your success!! Jess - Congrats on almost being in Onederland. I have 41 more lbs to lose before I'm there but I can't wait...I'm hoping to hit it by the end of the year...
  11. My husband was craving hot dogs so I had two small hot dogs (no bun) and green beans.
  12. vickyd

    Do you miss food/eating?

    I don't really miss the bad foods but if my husband or sons are eating something that is tempting but not something I should be eating then I ask for a taste...that satisfies my curiosity and I don't feel like I have to eat more than that. It has actually turned into sort of a family joke with everyone offering tastes of their food whenever they have something I don't normally eat.
  13. If you (and your wife) are comfortable with it then I say GO FOR IT!!! I haven't chosen to be open about my surgery but I am so thankful to the many people out there who blog about their journeys because I have learned so much from them.
  14. vickyd

    sex drive after lapband

    I agree with Cindy. My husband would tell you that he is most definitely enjoying the side effects of my weight loss
  15. You need to do the research and choose the surgery that is right for you. I started out needing to lose about 170 lbs and it was suggested to me that I look into the sleeve. I told them that I had done the research and felt strongly that lapband was right for me...they never mentioned it again. As it turned out, I was one of the lucky ones who felt some restriction from the start...the PA at my surgeon's office told me I'm losing at the same rate as some of their bypass patients (averaging 2.9 lbs per week ) so I definitely think I made the right decision.
  16. vickyd

    Hi new to the site.

    IMHO, you aren't eating enough. Eating too little will impact your weight loss as much as eating too much. If you are that tight you should consider an unfill.
  17. vickyd

    Hi new to the site.

    First of all, don't compare your weight loss to your husband's...not only do men and women lose weight differently but everyone's journey is unique. He appears to be one of the lucky ones who feels some sort of restriction just from placement of the band, not everyone does. As far as fills go, different surgeons do things differently...I didn't have any fill in my band at the time of surgery and my surgeon doesn't give the first fill until 6 weeks after surgery. You may take several fills to get to the point where you feel proper restriction so until that happens, my suggestion would be to plan your meals, weigh and measure your foods to control portion sizes, and make everything you eat protein-focused (even snacks). Track your Protein and calories to make sure you are eating enough and definately start exercising with your husband. I started out with some short walks a few times a week with my husband...it quickly became one of my favorite times of the day because we could just spend time together and talk about whatever without distractions. Good luck!
  18. vickyd

    Pre op diet day 7....help!

    You should be fine but my suggestion would be to go ahead and stop drinking them now since you can't drink it after surgery. Also, you will most likely have headaches due to withdrawal from the caffeine and you would much rather go through that now than when you are recovering from surgery. I haven't had a diet coke since November (when I started my pre-op diet) and I took a sip of my son's yesterday and I told my husband that I couldn't believe that I used to be so addicted to it...it actually tasted horrible!
  19. vickyd

    4 weeks post op

    What has worked for me is to weigh and measure everything I eat (I have done this from the moment I was able to eat solids). I normally have 3-4 oz Protein and 1/2 cup veggies for lunch and dinner. Breakfast is either eggbeaters with 2% cheese and turkey sausage, greek yogurt or oatmeal. If you feel like you need a snack keep them protein-based like string cheese, greek yogurt, deli slices, etc. I find it helpful to track my food using an app on my Iphone (myfitnesspal) but at a minimum I would track your protein intake and calories...you want to make sure you are getting enough protein because that will help you feel full longer and will also help keep your energy up (my nutritionist recommends a higher amount that most people are told...80-120 g per day) and you want to make sure you are eating enough calories because too few calories can stall your weight loss. For me, the first several weeks of solids was about figuring out how my band works best for me. I initially stopped losing weight until I bumped my calories up to over 1,000 per day and after some trial and error I have figured out the calorie range that gives me the best weight loss. I also chose to limit carbs to under 40g per day because I have found that works best for me...again, that is my personal decision. Don't be afraid to play around with things for a while...I know the goal is to lose weight but if you can figure out how to best work your band, you will be successful...
  20. I understand where you are coming from...my pre-op diet was just like yours and I started mine the week before Thanksgiving. It was hard to get through the day (and I will admit to having a bite or two of turkey) but I got through it and moved on. What worked for me was to stay away from the table and focus on socializing with everyone. Make sure you have a Protein shake before you go to the party (so you aren't starving) and bring some broth to sip and Jello to eat while you are there so you aren't just standing around with nothing to do. Good luck!
  21. vickyd

    Post Op Question

    I did have a pain pump after surgery but it was attached to my IV and I only had it for the overnight stay. I have never heard of anyone having a pain pump directly to their abdomen for lap band surgery...that is more for a tummy tuck...
  22. I have donated boxes of clothes over the past 6 months...I plan on never ever being that size again!!!
  23. Lower clothes sizes are the best NSVs!!! Congrats!!!
  24. I'm sure you will be fine with your OB/GYN documentation. I have UHC and I had to provide 5 years of documented BMI...I was approved even though I had no documentation for years 3 and 4 but, like you, it would have been impossible for my weight to swing between 300 lbs to normal and back again in those 2 years.
  25. vickyd

    The June Bug Challenge

    Have a great time, Joan!!!

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