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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by juliek1968

  1. Sharowna have you heard from medicare for your panniculectomy? I went in dec to see the plastice surgeon for panniculectomy and am wondering if it will be covered. I called last week of dec and was told medicare requested more info from doc. I really would like this done. I have had rashes for 6 months now, but never went to doc cause I was embarrassed. Its funny though cause the plastic surgeon saw me and said he could have it approved within 2 weeks and could have surgery in January till he heard I had medicare. Now its a wait and see.

  2. I did very good for awhile then my band failed :( had such bad acid reflux vomiting in my sleep couldn't keep anything down so i gained weight eating soft food 30lbs! I wasn't happy. I just had a revision to gastric sleeve in jan. I am down 28 lbs from that surgery. I losing slowly as the doc said i would. I hope everyone is doing well and continues to lose. Take care

  3. Sorry to hear you are having problems Amber. Does your doctor suggest the veritcal sleeve or fixing the band? I have had some problems with the band also...acid reflux is the number one problem but that has gotten better thank goodness. I have gained 5 pounds back since nov when the doc unfilled me to help with the acid reflux and I have been going up and down. I see the doc again in May and will talk to him about another little fill.

    Amber I hope everything works out for you. Good luck and take care.

  4. I went to the docs on Wednesday. I have lost 77 percent of body fat. Which makes me very happy. The doc said if I didn't lose another pound I would be good. I would like to lose another 10 pounds and I would be very happy. Because of my acid reflux being so bad the doc unfilled me to 1 cc in my 10 cc band. He said he will not refill me for another 6 months!! Because the reflux was so bad he wants me to heal. I am very nervous though as I am able to eat more :(( I am going to have to really pay attention to what I am eating and exercise a lot more!! Specially around the holidays!!

  5. Amanda sorry you had such a bad night. It could of been because you got stuck. Make sure you tell you doc though. The things that have helped me is sleeping on 3 pillows, making sure I don't eat after supper, no caffiene. some nights it works and others I am up with the acid reflux. Also you might want to try taking a teaspoon of honey. That helps me sometimes too. It coats the throat. I hope tonight is better for you.

  6. Man....last night was HORRIBLE. I have never had a night like that before. I could hear and feel all of the acid coming up and i couldnt sleep for about 3 hours becuase I felt like I was drowning in acid reflux. Of course we had no meds here at the house. Once I finally got more pillows and propped myself up I was able to get some sleep but I dont ever want to go through that again. The thing is- I havent been too tight. My last fill was June 14th and things had been really good. Was losing at a good rate but the past month or so Ive been at a stand still. So I made an appt for a fill because I know ive been able to eat too much. But just the past couple of days Ive been having the reflux. And last night I had a big stuck episode and threw up and then had the really bad reflux last night. I went to the store and got some Zantac and Tums so hopefully that will allow me to get some sleep tonight.

  7. Hello everybody! Things are going ok here. Im at 64 lbs lost but I havent lost anything in a few weeks. I know its my fault- I am so addicted to sweets right now its not even funny. I HAVE to stop eating that stuff and get back to my low carb eating again. But I do have an appt on the 7th for another fill since I am able to eat more than I should. I think I only need a small fill so Im looking forward to getting back to things. I am having some acid reflux issues though. Are any of you dealing with it and if so what meds do you take for it?

    On a positive note I have had several NSV's! Im fitting into clothes that I havent worn in 6+ years! AND I saw a friend this past weekend who I havent seen since last December or January and she told me that she didnt recognize me because I had lost so much weight. That was an AWESOME feeling! Motivates me so much more now!

    Anyways...hope all is well with everybody!

    Hi, I have the acid reflux too. So bad that at night I can't sleep, because I am either coughing, or it feels like I am breathing fire, or I vomit. The doctor put me on omeprazole. I take 4 pillls which is a lot. Talk to your doctor about it when you go for a fill. I am sure he will give you something. I was told that acid reflux and coughing at night is a sign of being to tight. I go on Nov 9th and I am going to ask for a unfill. As much as I hate to. I need my sleep at night!! Good luck with the fill :)

  8. Hi Julie,

    I was hospitalized back in June because I got to where I could not swallow. I was having esophagus spasms. At first they thought I was overfilled so they completely unfilled me and it steadily got worse. I had an upper GI that showed what I was going through so they admitted me and scoped me to check it out. Everything was fine except my esophagus was extremely irritated from acid reflux. I gradually healed and have been fine until last week. The reflux is back!!!! I'm starting to have the spasms again so I called to get a rx for Dexilant. I never had this problem before the band. I am wondering if the band can cause it. Does anyone know the answer???

    Hi Shelly, I haven't heard of that :( It sounds very painful. I hope you are doing better. Did the doctor say it was caused from the band? I know if the band is to tight it causes acid reflux and the cough at night. I was doing better but yesterday I got stuck and the rest of the day I couldn't hold anything down. I am happy I got this band because i have been able to drop 70 pounds, but a year out and I am trying to still figure it out!!

  9. Hi Everyone, Hope everyone is doing good. I have been struggling with loosing the same 3 pounds for the past couple of months. I have lost inches which I am happy about, but I just want that scale to go down!! I have been married for 21 years and last month my husband asked me to try on my wedding dress. I told him it would never fit, and he kept saying it would. Well I tried it on and it fit!! Its kind of crazy that it took 21 years for me to get back in my wedding dress but I did it!! that feeling was amazing!! 11:00 at night I am running around the house in my wedding dress....My kids thought I was crazy!!

    I did have a question for everyone. Does anyone have acid reflux? mine is so bad that it wakes me up in the middle of the night sometimes with vomit. I take 4 omeprazole pills a day prescribed by my gastronologist and I don't eat after 5:00 Which is extremely difficult for me....I am a night snacker!! Just wondering if anyone else has that problem and if they found a solution? I go to the docs in Nov and am thinking about asking him to take a little out of the band to see if that helps.

  10. My doc doesn't fill that much either. Thank goodness I don't have to pay other then my copayment of 25.00 I had my surgery in August and I have had two fills. I have a total of 1 1/2 cc's in my 10 cc band. Thats it!! The doc said he takes it really slow on fills and he said he will not see me again until the summer or until I loose 30 lbs which ever comes first!! I have lost a total of 25 lbs since surgery but 45 lbs since I have started this process. I exercise everyday for an hour to hour and a half. I really thought the weight would just fall off of me, but its not :((

  11. I just got home from my doctors appointment. He said that the pain by my port is probably from exercising. He added a 1/2 cc in my band and said that I have 1 1/2 ccs in my 10 cc band. Thats it!! I thought I already had 1 1/2 ccs in my band from my last fill...guess not :(( I had surgery in August and thought that he would of filled it more. He said my next fill will be in 6 months after I loose another 30 pounds!! I am fustrated, but I have to say he showed me a picture that is in my records that they took before my surgery, and its amazing how much I have toned up and lost!! It makes me feel really good :)) I exercise everyday and the doc said I am toning and turning the fat into muscle and you can really see it in the picture. So that makes me feel good :)) I just wish I could of had a bigger fill. If anyone is fustrated like I was you should find a picture of yourself before surgery and just take a look at it and see the difference from then to now. It does make ya feel good :)) I am down 40 pounds and seeing that picture just confirmed how good I really am doing even though its coming off slow.

    Hope everyone is doing good :))

  12. Hi Everyone. I was wondering if anyone is having problems with pain by the port area? I do the eliptical and treadmill every morning and when I am exercising I can't even have my pants touch the port area. It feels like nerves are exposed!! Was wondering if anyone else had this problem? I have an appoinyment with my doc on Dec 22nd, but called the office and spoke with the nurse and she said as long as I can swallow Water and food I don't need to be scene earlier. I am just hoping its not an infection. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

  13. Amanda I feel the same way!! my sister-inlaw had the gastric bypass in July and she is down 75 pounds already. I am yo-yoing up and down with my weight and it is so fustrating. I have had one fill and am not due to go back to the docs until dec 22nd it was Feb, but I called and had it moved up. Dec was the earliest they would give me :thumbup: the doctor likes to take fills slow he said. I have no restriction and am going crazy. I go to the gym everyday and do 45 mins of cardio and weights every other day. I really thought this weight would drop off of me...boy was I wrong...its a struggle :laugh:(

  14. Ok so I have 1.5 cc in my 10 cc band and for the first time I got stuck!!! Not a good feeling at all. I did something stupid though....I was out picking up my son from college from 3pm to 7pm and starving, so when I got home I planned on having soup..something fast to make...My husband got little ceasars pizza and breadsticks, so while my Soup was cooking I figured I would have a bite of a breadstick..well I guess I ate it too fast and it just didn't go down. I have always gotten the full feeling before when I eat, but this was nothing like it. I couldn't swollow even my own saliva!! finally after about 15 mins it came up, but what an awful experience. I really need to not wait till I am starving to eat. Needless to say I didn't eat my soup after...and even the next day I had a hard time eating. Now I am a little nervous about getting another fill. I know its that I ate fast and didn't chew good I just thought my band would have to be fuller to get stuck like that!!!

  15. I forgot to share this with everyone and found it to be something that is important. When I was at the docs yesterday. He said its a good idea to get a medical alert Bracelet, That says NO NSAID's and No Blind NG Tube or scope, and of course the meds that your allergic to. He said if something happened and I couldn't talk and they have to do a blind tube or scope well with the fill it just won't go down, and the NSAID's can hurt my stomach also.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
