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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kelbelle29

  1. I do not want this horrible decision anymore. I have been having stomach problems for about 2 years now because of what I eat. For a while, I dealt. I was losing weight. It wasn’t a huge problem. Well, in the last year or so it has become almost unmanageable. And the last few months have become just that: unmanageable. I have lost control over my body. I have gained back all the weight from this 2nd surgery. I am now anemic and pre diabetic. I still have a horrible food addiction I cannot get under control. My depression and anxiety are more through the roof than in my entire adult life. I have started seeing a therapist and switched psychiatrists to see if maybe it is my medicine’s contributing. I think I waited too long though.

    Backstory: July 2010 – 284 lbs. – Hernia and Lap Band surgery

    October 2012 – found out I had another hernia and the band was slipping

    May 2013 – 262 lbs. – Hernia and gastric sleeve surgery

    I have NEVER been a stable reliable candidate for any of these surgeries, but my doctor kept insisting to do it. I have never been fully mentally prepared for this.

    I asked my surgeon BEFORE the 2nd surgery: Will there be complications (aka “dumping”) like with gastric bypass. I kid you not she said NO. Well, I went back to her and told her what was going on. She basically told me she never said that and that it was definitely a possibility. This was not the first lie she has told me. For instance, she would ALWAYS see me for free even though she was not in my network. WRONG. She retracted that as well. Needless to say I have not seen her in over 2 years. A 5 min pep talk during my work hours for over $200 is not my idea of a good time. Not worth it to me. She would always tell me the same things anyway.

    Yes, it is my fault as well. Since my band was slipping and I had a 2nd hernia, the logical decision was to switch to the sleeve. That is probably the worst decision I have ever made in my entire 32 years. To have to think about the fact that I am stuck with my decision for the rest of my life is almost unbearable.

    I still eat the wrong things and too much of them. I always think “this time I WILL control the consequences”. 9.75 times out of 10 for the first 8-10 hours of the day I am unable to. To not have that control anymore is taking a toll on me mentally. I just cannot stop myself though! To be told I can eat whatever I want in really small portions and then turn around and tell me that is not the case is absolutely ridiculous. Yet another lie.

    In the beginning of May, I started personal training. It makes me feel better, but I am so damn tired all the time after work, that it just isn’t worth it. I would rather go home and do nothing. Especially since I haven’t been able to change my eating habits. I haven’t lost anything.

    I just don’t know what to do anymore. I know no one on here can say much other than “try it again”, “practice makes perfect”, etc. Even coming from people who have had my surgery, it doesn’t help.

    I guess I just needed to rant. Six years and almost 2 months later I am still fat, unhappy and unhealthy. Now with more medical problems than before when I was at my highest.

  2. it is so hard to get in the 60-70 grams of Protein without getting sick of what im eating/drinking lol. i have been exercising everyday. 25-40 min walks with my mom. about 190-300+ calories burned. i need to get back to the gym. but im still doing 4 days more of walking than my doctor wants me to. i think thats whats keeping me from gaining more.

    if you are truly hungry, eat. are you getting 70 grams of protein and 64 ounces of Water? snacking on things with fiber is really the way you want to go... raw veggies and hummus, apples, almonds. you will want to add exercise because that way you will be ramping up your metabolism. esp weight lifting. muscle burns more at rest than fat.

  3. its gotten to the point where ive lost everything i can by doing basically nothing. now i actually have to try and im doing more then the required exercise. but i cant get past the head hunger! everything i eat i get the taste for and need more. even when im "satisfied". the most frustrating thing is actually have to diet. i did this so i wouldnt have to diet. i was supposed to rely on the hormonal thing to keep me satisfied enough to know when to stop. im less then a year. right now my dr says im on track for weight loss but wants another 43 lbs by the end of the year. i cant afford a therapist right now and have to rely on the help of the people in here and my dr. any suggestions other then "more protein" and veggies?

  4. stuck at 230-233. ive lost about 30 on sleeve and 20 before that on band. is there an approximation of where i should be weight wise this far post op? i was doing pretty well i think, but now ive plateaued. up until recently it was pretty much coming off on its own but now im having to work on it again like a "diet". cravings, munchies, boredom, etc. im as hungry as i was on the band :( im planning on contacting my surgeon too. any suggestions other then that? or words of wisdom? thanks :)

  5. i started with lapband in 7/10 and just got the sleeve 5/24/13. ive lost almost 25 lbs in 7 weeks without trying very hard. i too am scared ill fail because i pretty much failed with the band. but as long as you get to a healthier weight its not supposed to matter right? from everything ive heard about the sleeve its practically a miracle. i think you will do just fine :)

  6. It's hard for me to respond to your post because I don't know you and I'm not clear on exactly why you hate your band so much. Band slippage is rarely an emergency. It's often fixed with a complete unfill and rest period. Some slips do require surgery to fix them.

    because i was told FROM MY SURGEON that i had 6 months to a year to decide on taking it out, fixing it or replacing it. if this is whats going to happen when i dont follow the rules, then take it out because i cant keep spending this kind of money to be miserable.

  7. i am so happy that you are getting this out. i am too. SOME people on here are just vicious rude people who dont get it. 40 lbs then nothing. now slipping. im done with the complications, the vomiting, food getting stuck, the extra expenses, the fills...i wish i had never done it. i should have come in here originally instead of making my own post because some people are not compassionate.

  8. In order for any wls or diet to work YOU have to change, you have to want to be successful. From what you have posted it doesn't sound like you want success. It sounds like you want to blame a piece of plastic for everything you dud wrong. And you want us to agree with you, well sorry no can do.

    I use my band the way the doctors told me to and I am seeing success.

    Good luck to you on yohr journey, I hope you find happiness along the way.

    youre a ******* ***** and have no compassion for the ones it doesnt work for. you know NOTHING about my life and the **** i have gone through. i DO want success but i cant DO IT. ive been dieting since i was 10! i cant hang on long enough to get the damn thing to work! so think before you attack or youll be attacked back.

    you had to lose 90 lbs. BIG DEAL. i have to lose 166. i posted this for sympathy from the people who want it the f**k out of them (refer to the post about having it out hooray). i dont care if i get deleted for my language because i am done dealing with people who constantly blame me for being stubborn. it is so much more then that. this piece of plastic is making my life hell. if you had read what i said i should have figured the mental/emotional stuff out first but didnt. you dont know why i got it done. i was pressured by more then one person. i tried to make everyone happy. because i like making people happy. i thought it would help. well look where i am now!!!

    and btw i dont care if you ******* agree with me or not. i wasnt talking to YOU.

    im DONE.

  9. Sorry you feel this way....but to me its been a life saver.....I couldnt do it alone...lord knows I tryed...and have lost 50 lbs over and over.....this time....im doing it and feeling great !

    good for you! thats because you are willing to follow the rules. i on the other hand am not because i cant. i am still working through that with my therapist...but it is something i should have figured out before i made the decision to do the lap band. i thought it would make me happy. good luck with everything!

  10. i have regretted this thing for awhile and i am now resenting it. i have been told its slipping and i should switch to the sleeve. well, i dont want to be stuck with something else. especially if its not reversible! i think the lapband has too much hype and unfortunately i bought into it. i lost about 35 lbs before i had to go back to weight watchers. then i lost 6 lbs. 6 lbs combined with weight watchers, starving myself and lap band?!? thats just not worth my time, money and energy. i just want this thing out of me asap. no more surgeries. there is and never will be (in my life time) an easy way out of being fat.

    good luck to those of you who have had it done. this is not something i would recommend to my worst enemy. all its doing right now is putting me in danger of emergency surgery.

  11. Keli26, reading your post makes me think perhaps you should cut down on the carbs. I am not a carb hater and don't consider my self a low carb person really. For breakfast I think you should focus more on Protein and less on carbs. You mentioned having cereal. Unless it's a straight oatmeal you are probably not staying full for very long. I realize WW meals are super easy for work. My concern is whether you are really getting 3-4 oz of Protein. Some of them are only 6 oz to begin with. Often they are rice or Pasta based so again very carb centered. You mentioned eating less then preband. That's great. But you also noted perhaps what your eating are not the right choices. I highly recommend getting a digitial food scale. You would be suprised how small 3oz can really be. I measure both lunch and dinner protein every day. This keeps me honest. When the food is gone I'm done eating. Are you at restriction? It took me 6 months. My doctor does'nt want me to get stuck. In fact if I'm having several stuck episodes he thinks the band is too tight.

    Being banded is at least a 50% mental battle. I don't demonize certain foods but I don't eat them on a regular basis (even at small portions). It can help to ask yourself "If my doctor saw me eating/chosing this would I be embarrased?" If so walk away.

    yeah i stopped with the cereal. now i usually dont eat at home i go straight to work and have almonds, string cheese and sometimes a hard boiled egg. ive started having more greek yogurt, balance bars (instead of the protein shakes), healthy choice (higher protein) and then whatever dinner is at home. the reason for the shakes was because my doctor said it was ok to continue with the drinks if i wasnt hitting my protein goal for the day.

    carbs are so hard to stay away from because they add up sooo quickly! i like that question about if my doctor would like what i am doing or not. thats kind of why i havent been keeping up contact with them which i know i should in this instance...being satisfied is getting easier the head hunger is still in the back of my mind and i cannot wait to overcome that. i realize it will always be there because addiction always is but i know it will get easier. its just getting to that point thats hard. i guess theres no turning back now unless i take it out one day and that would just be painful and expensive.

  12. i used to go to curves but awhile go there was a...falling out...unfortunately so now that i am at a regular gym, does anyone have any ideas on a regime/routine? i like the bike and/or treadmill and of course stretching, but i find myself wandering around trying to decide which machines i should use. i know its different for everyone just looking for ideas :)

  13. Cleos mom - just the way my doctor talked about the food getting stuck made it sound like it would teach me to slow down and rethink what I had just done. I haven't gotten to the vomiting part except for maybe 3 times in the last 8 months.

    Thank all of you so much for the support :) I'm still plateaued but I haven't been trying as much as I should... But I'm doing the best I can at the moment. I'm switching my Snacks and tracking my carbs (but not eliminating).

  14. usually Breakfast is either Protein bar or drink or Cereal or nothing if im not hungry (i just head to work and eat my lunch once i get there). lunch is usually a sandwich or a weight watchers meal. Snacks are usually fruit or slim fast (if i havent had a Protein Drink yet) or hummus and crackers. something like that. dinner is a salad or whatever my mom made in a smaller portion (chicken or beef w veggies).

    since my third fill ive kept up on making sure i get at least 40-60 grams of Protein so i have incorporated at least a bar or drink once per day on top of some sort of fish or meat for lunch.

    carbs are another story. i didnt know i was supposed to keep them under a certain amount per day... thats something i have at almost every meal. as a side or part of the main course itself.

    i dont know much about my band. they never tell me and i havent asked. all i know is that this was my "big fill". i should ask i guess...

    i used to plateau around 15-19 lbs when doing other diets. i thought this time i wouldnt plateau for so long. this whole thing is not playing out the way i thought it was going to. i thought i would get fuller faster and the weight loss would be somewhat steady. and i thought i would have more problems with it so i wouldnt make the same mistakes again. but it only feels stuck for a bit and nothing horrible enough to make me rethink what i did. i dont think i thought this through enough before i got it. i mainly got it because my parents pressured me into it.

    i think we all plateau at one point or another.

    switching up your menu and exercise should help... or its helped me in the past.

    what does your a normal day menu look like? are you getting enough protein (at least 60 grams?) how do your carbs look? they should be less than 60 grams.

    what size band do you have and how many cc's are in it?

  15. I got banded July 9th 2010 and just had my third fill on January 13th. I have lost about 25-30 lbs since being banded, but have been pretty much fluxuating +/- 5 lbs since about october. I have been able to eat and drink everything I did before being banded except of course considerabley less of it. I have upped my Protein significantly within the last few weeks, have been keeping up with my Water and benefiber for the most part, upped my exercise from from 1-2 days per week to 3-4 days per week and also upped my fruits/veggies. I don't know what else to do! I think it might have something to do with WHAT i'm eating, but i'm confused on why that would make that huge of a difference if I am eating better otherwise and eating a lot less of the bad food.< /p>

  16. ive been doing well off and on since surgery. mainly because i was scared to eat what i used to because i thought it would get stuck and make me sick. but as i got over that fear i started trying things again and now im back to eating what i ate before (minus soda, chewy candy and red meat).

    yes, i stop eating sooner so i eat less. but im still eating frequently and i cant stop myself from indulging and im having a really hard time slowing myself down. im just getting more depressed. i dont know what to do.

    i had my first fill on 8/11. i dont think its enough, but my next fill isnt until 9/8. im getting so frustrated because its 6 weeks in and im not seeing the results i thought i would even though im eating a lot less.

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