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nurse niki

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nurse niki

  1. Mimi-I am so glad that you are on the other side of healing now! How wonderful that the patch worked for you, too! It is my new favorite drug! LOL

    I understand the urgency of wanting the drain out...it is a hassle! I go back to the doctor on Monday too, and maybe we will have a drain-free party together then!

    Congrats on the wonderful healing!

  2. Hello everyone!

    Today I am one week out from surgery, and I feel really great! I plan on having my DH take some new pics today so you can see the progress! I am very pleased with how things are coming along!

    Yesterday, I had a post op visit with my surgeon. He was very pleased with how things are healing. Because of the amount of Fluid I am still draining (about 75cc a day) my drain will be kept in for the weekend. Hopefully buy Monday I will have less than 35cc a day and can have it pulled.

    I had a few questions that I got answered while I was there, too. I asked about the bulge from the implants that are below my clavicle. I told him that they are slowly going down, but are still pretty firm and visible. He said that my implants are "riding high" because of the swelling in the base of my breasts pushing the implants up, and because they are under the muscle, I am also having some muscle spasms at the top of my breast. He said this is all really normal and that in a few weeks, things will calm down and they will "drop into place." I feel confident in the response because I see home much a week of healing has changed things!

    I also asked him about driving. I am having a MAJOR case of spring fever, and I am going crazy sitting at home. He said that since I have been off of pain meds and I seem to be moving well, I could! This was music to my ears!

    I left the doctors office and went strait to the mall! LOL! After doing a lot of window shopping, I went home and took my daughter to dance class (for 3 hours!). When we walked into the house at 8:30pm, I was ready to crash! I had done WAY too much for the day, and was paying for it. My lower back was on fire from not being able to stand up strait, and I broke down and took some percocet.

    I woke up today feeling wonderful. Still draining too much to have it pulled out, but I am fine with it in. I am one week out from my surgery and one week closer to being back to "normal".

  3. Tracy- I thought about blocking things out or wearing panties for the pic, but I think the raw truth is important to people following the thread. They really need to see that to expect (drain in all) one day after surgery!

    Kathy-I am really glad you are getting the ball rolling! The good news is the breast are the easiest part of the the entire surgery! They are not painful at all...more of a tightness or achy feeling. The thighs are great, but honesty, they are the most painful. It is hard to lay back and rest because the tummy pulls on the thigh...so I have slept in a recliner all week. Let me also say that I have a really high pain tolerance and only used the percocet for the first 4 days. It might help put things in perspective.

  4. My first shower was yesterday and it was great! I didn't need a chair at all! My hubby sat outside the shower just in case I needed anything, but I did just fine!

    Yes, I do have one drain. It is in the area of my Tummy Tuck. It had been draining about 75cc the first day, then last night (after my shower) it was up to 100cc! The Fluid was more clear than bloody, so I figure this is from the extra activity.

    I took it easy today, (no shower) and have only emptied about 50cc all day. I am also starting to cut back on my percocets...I have not had a bm and I am a little worried about that coming soon! I drank some apple juice today thinking that might help, but no luck yet.

    As for my band getting tighter...I have not noticed it yet at all. Although I just had my period, and that is the time of the month I have the most trouble.

    Hope this answered your questions

  5. WannaB, I am so excited for you! I know how long of a process this can be, and to finally be on the other side is a relief! I will keep you in my prayers! Oh, and don't worry about running around looking for things before sx...I am sleeping on the recliner attached to our couch and I am doing just fine. Tomorrow is my first shower, and I am thinking that a shower chair might come in handy. Mostly, because I get the shakes when I am up and walking...and the last thing I want to do is pass out! Hang in there...and enjoy your time with the hubby and kids!

  6. Well guys, I am less than24 hours from my surgery and I have no desire to eat at all! I am thinking that it is a combo of the meds and swelling. I thought about getting an unfill before my sx but never got around to it. I am usually a puker when it comes to anesthesia, but they put a scapolomine (sp?) patch on me before surgery and it worked wonders! I know I had three liters of Fluid during surgery, and sips of Water last night and today...but I have only gone pee three times since yesterday afternoon. I am a little worried about getting an UTI, so I will for myseft to at least drink fluids. I am so excited for you guys who are about to be where I am today. So far, so good for me...praying for the same for you!

  7. Thanks girls! Last night was great! My DH was amazing! He set the alarm every 4 hours to bring me percocts! I was able to sleep comfortable in the recliner!

    When he woke me up this morning for meds, I went to the bathroom and I would say it was maybe a 3/10. (Yes Kathy, I have a pretty high pain tolerance!) The pain is more of a burning feeling in my thighs, and the tightness in my chest. I am hoping the girls are just swollen, bc they are HARD! (and a little big for my liking!)

    I will post pics (before and after) tom when I can take bandages off and shower. Thanks for the support and well wishes!

  8. Hi guys! I am home from the surgery, and everything went well! I never was really scared today. The entire surgery center team was first class! Very friendly and they took every opportunity to make sure my needs were being me!

    I am percocet for pain, and phenergan for nausea. So far, no nausea...and that is a very good thing. I hate to puke! So far the pain I am having is near my arm pits, and I would say 2/10. Mostly when I take a deep breath or need to use my arms to get up. The other pain is more of a burning feeling in my incisions in my inner thigh. This is even present at rest, but I would say that is also a 2 or 3/10.

    Thanks for the well wishes, and yes, I will post before pics in a few day when I can take the binder off. Thanks again, Niki

  9. Ok, I have waited and waited to post this...mostly because it all seems surreal...but tomorrow is the big day!

    I'll arrive at the surgeon's office at 7:30am, to have my out-patient plastic surgery! As you can see from the title of my post, I am having a hip to hip Tummy Tuck, the girls lifted with implants and a small thigh lift. The grand total should be 6 hours under epidural anesthesia, for roughly 14k.

    I am really excited, a little nervous, but mostly ready to get the show on the road. My lap band sx was 2 years ago, and I was successful in losing 125lbs. I have always been apple-shaped, and the weight loss has left me with a less-than-thrilling apron. Following my consultation with my PS, I decided to go for the gusto and get the works! I plan on taking before pics tonight, and will post them when I get home from sx.

    Well, I guess starting this post makes it all real...I better get moving on the to-do list! Talk to you all soon!


  10. I agree. You should at least start the PS journey. I found out at my first visit to the PS, that what the insurance pays for is just the removal of the pani,and the results were not what I was looking for. I need more that just the skin below my waist removed, I have extra skin below my breasts, too.

    Find a surgeon that you trust and respect, and they will be able to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction.

    Good luck!

  11. Kathy,

    I work both Fri and Sat night, but I am going to try to wake up and come to the meeting! I miss seeing everyone, and really would love to chat with everyone for a bit!

    I noticed how great you are looking, too...and was wondering if you might be interrested in some clothes that I have. I have a TON of size 18, and was just going to but them on craigslist, but would much rather share with a friend!

    I am wearing mostly 16's (although most I have to roll over to stay up!) and figure I am about at my goal...so I need to clean out my closet and make room for more clothes next year after my PS!

    Has anyone heard if Juli will be there this meeting? I would LOVE to see and talk with her about her PS journey...she was the first of us to do it, right?

    Well, I hope to get my bootie up and moving on Sat morning! See you then!

  12. Kathy, I am having the same experience as you. One day, I can eat about a cup of food, depending on the consistancy...the next, I need to be careful to have some type of "sauce" to help the meat go down. I really love my level of restriction right now, and would hate to get Fluid taken out...so this is by no means me complaining!!!

    I find that I have more trouble before my TOM and then things loosen right up after the homones have calmed down.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weather and finding some activities to keep our heart rates (and weight loss) up!

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