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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nomorejellybelly

  1. I'm not sure what to tell you about sizes. I didn't read all the other replies, so I don't know if anybody suggested thrift store shopping. I started shopping at thrift stores when I got the band and most of my clothes (except for under things) still come from thrift stores. You can get some good clothes as you're losing weight and you're not spending a lot of money. Go in and find things in the area of the sizes you're in and just try everything on. You'll find some things that work!

  2. I don't sign in here very often, but since it had been awhile, I thought I'd check in. It's a year ago this month, that I had my last fill. That last one was so restrictive, I have not wanted to get another. Maybe I should go for a check, but I don't know that I want more added. I only managed to lose about 20lbs since that fill. I wonder if this happens to others. I lose 2-3lbs, then gain a little back at "that time of the month", after that, I may lose a little but then it remains the same weight for several days, before starting to lose again. It is very, slow. It's like two steps forward, one step back (that kind of thing). It is frustrating, but, as long as I keep heading in the right direction, I'm okay.

    The good news is, that I have been buying smaller clothes. Medium tops and smaller pants/jeans/skirts. Bottoms are mostly 10s, but I have at least one or two 8s, one size 9/10 and some just say Medium. I even have one pair of jeans I got at a yard sale, that I'd had hanging as my inspirational jeans, that I fit into!!!! I just about fell over, when they zipped up, because they're size 6. That brand's sizing has to be off. I've got other size 8s that I can't get even closed to zipped.

    It has also been nice that people have obviously noticed that I'd lost more weight, because they comment on it. I've heard 'skinny', 'thin' and 'svelte'. That last one gave me a good laugh, as nobody has ever called me svelte.

    So, as of right now, I am 23lbs from my official goal. As I've always said though, we'll see how it goes. If I feel great and am happy with a little bit higher, I'll be good. I do not want to be wafer thin. I think we should have 'some meat on our bones'. Stick thin is just not cute.

    If you're frustrated like me, just hang in there and work for it. Don't give up. It is hard, but I would've never gotten as far I as have, without the band. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made.

  3. Butterly24, hang in there. I think a lot of us have been there also. I know I have. My suggestion would be to try drinking more Water before you eat. Eat items with more Protein and/or Fiber. Eat really slow too.

    Also, a favorite Breakfast of mine is 1/2 a cup of plain low-fat yogurt, 1 spoonful (about a tablespoon) of orange marmalade for a little sweetness, and a 1/2 to 1 full serving of a high Fiber Cereal. Sometimes I add a few little mini chocolate chips or shopped walnuts and sometimes I do a different Cereal, like one with flakes, almonds, 'yogurt' clusters, cranberries/raisins. I know when I have used the all-bran fiber buds, I only use about a 1/2 serving, because it would be too filling on a full serving. Anyhow, it's been something that I enjoyed eating and you can change up the ingredients. Anyhow, I told you this, because when I eat this Breakfast especially, I have to eat slow. But the best part is it's fairly low cal and I usually work it off in the gym.

    Hang in there. Don't give up.

  4. Would anyone happen to know the procedure for having excess skin removed after having 'lost the weight'? I don't know if I qualify or how much of my weight actually is excess skin. That sounds strange to say that, but I thought I'd heard something about how close you need to be to your goal, before you could have excess skin removed. I don't even know if it is covered by my insurance, but wanted to check in here with you all. I'm 25lbs from my official goal of 115. When I get there, I'll have lost 100lbs. According to height/weight scales, at 4'8", I could actually go lower. But, I don't want to. I have the number 115 stuck in my head. I'm feeling better, especially after finally losing 16 more pounds this year. It's gone very, very, slow, after having been at a plateau for 3 1/2 years (I was up and down the same 5-7lbs for that long). But, I am not where I want to be.

    So, if anyone has any advice or experience with Excess skin removal and/or getting it approved/covered by insurance, I would greatly appreciate it.

  5. So, it's been awhile since I've been on here. Looks like I'm the same weight I was as the last time. :(

    I said at the beginning of December that I wanted to lose 10lbs by my birthday in the beginning of March. Well, I lost 2lbs, but have been then up and down between the (lowest was 138.6) and what I was when I decided to challenge myself (142). Argghh!!

    It is so difficult. I'm so close, but it feels like I'm still far away from my official goal of 115. I mean right now I'm only 25lbs to go. If I can reach my next mini goal by my birthday, I'll only be 17lbs away. I've got to stick with it, because it is so worth it.

    My NSV moment came when I bought a size 8 skirt (granted it's elastic waist & I think whoever owned it before me (it's from my favorite thrift store) must have stretched it out)!!!!!!! I've also gotten a couple other medium sized things. That's so exciting!! And even more people are noticing that I've lost weight. I hear the words "thin" and "skinny" and I'm like "You can't be talking about me." But, sometimes I see it too. I'm astounded by the fact that I've actually thought seen my myself and thought "skinny". Now I just need to catch myself a guy.

    So, if you're reading this and struggling with your weight loss, I just want you to hang in there. Lord knows it is tough, but it is so worth it. It's taking me a really long time, but I'm still so glad I made the decision to get the band.

  6. Hi, all. I haven't been on here in awhile. My weight loss is so slow, but fairly steady. I've got about 14 weeks until my birthday and my goal (set at 17 weeks out) is to lose 10lbs before then. I've lost 2lbs. But, I know how mine fluctuates. It'll go down a little then it balances out at the same weight for a couple of days or more and then I might lose some more and then usually gain a small bit around 'that time of the month' and the cycle repeats.

    The good news is that more people (including guys) are noticing this more recent loss from this Summer. I've been told I 'look tiny', 'skinny' and 'thin'. All words that I am not used to hearing. I am more comfortable flirting, even though I still see my thighs as little tree trunks.

    Anyhow, I'm hoping to get in to the 130's this week. It has been more than 25 years since I've been in that range. My goal for my birthday is 132, which is only 17lbs from my official goal weight.

    Oh and I bought my first size 8 skirt. Wowzer. I can't remember the last time I wore something that was in the single digits in sizing. Wahoo.

    Good to everyone and keep it up! We can do this!!!

  7. I'm sure it wasn't metal detectors that set it off. We can see them on an x-ray when we go to the doctors, so those airport machines should be able to pick them up. I've not flown, but I have a card that shows I have a lapband, with my Dr's name and the date of surgery on it. I use it when I want to just purchase a kids meal at a restaurant.

  8. So, I had to share. More people are noticing my more recent weight loss and commenting to me that I'm looking good. Awesome. I've also had a guy friend (married, damn it) tell me I needed to eat a biscuit. I was like "I don't need to eat biscuits." You know it was a strange way to say 'you're looking skinny, but it felt good. Wow. I looked thin enough, that I looked like I needed to eat more? Ahmahzing!

    Anyhow, my loss is slow (a one step forward, two steps back kind of thing), but still headed in the right direction. And, I'm pretty much 29lbs from my official goal weight. Wahoo. I keep that in the back of my mind. I've not come this far, to give up. Go, me!

  9. I've been enjoying the heck out of popping pop corn at home. I've been using canola oil (I know, I know, oil, but at least it's been one of the healthier oils) to pop. But I but an electric air popper this past weekend. So, I can make it healthy. Looking forward to using it soon.

  10. Thanks everyone!! Pink Dahlia, I love what you said about 'fabulous' weighing 20lbs. That's an awesome line. I may have to borrow that. My big dog is such a sweetheart. I love him to death. I love when he tries to be a lap dog (that's when I call him a 'Laprador'). 2muchfun, it does feel good. I see 'before' pictures of myself and it disgusts me. I cannot believe I let myself get so big. My weight really held me back (that a the dead weight ex-husband I dropped three years ago this month). I'm hoping to get out and do more, since I'm feeling better about myself. I'm going to try and meet more people. Good luck to everyone.

  11. Today is my Four-Year Bandiversary and I'm starting to get a bit emotional as I type this. Wasn't expecting that. Getting the Lap-Band is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Although, I've been at a plateau for most of the time I've had the band, it is starting to come off again. I've lost 11lbs since my last fill in April. Slow, but it's moving in the right direction and that's what counts. And, I only weight about 25lbs more than my big Lab (He's a big, old boy, who I've been feeding healthier food this Summer, in an effort for him to lose weight, but I don't think it's working much).

    I'm 31lbs from my official goal, but as I've always said, I may decide to stop before. It all depends on how I feel. And it does feel good that people have been noticing this recent weight loss. :)

    I realize I've been pretty lucky. I've not had really any complications. I've had enough 'stuck episodes' to know that they suck big time. Especially if you are out somewhere. And for me that's tough, because I chose not to tell people at work. The only ones that know are the office nurse (she can't tell) and a very, trusted (now former) supervisor. And he promised that he'd take my secret to his grave.

    Anyhow, I did this for myself, not for anyone else (for the most part). I'd be lying if I said I didn't want more attention from guys, but I really want to be healthier and just feel good about myself. So, I continue on this journey. And, wish good luck to you all in your journeys.

  12. I think sugar-free would be fine. I sometimes whip together sugar free pudding and diet whipped topping to make a mousse-like dessert. And I have to admit to enjoying a candy called Chick-O-Stick (crunchy peanut butter/toasted coconut) and it's 70 calories for 3 pieces. I can get enough sweet from just one piece. In a pinch, I have a tiny bit of something sweet. I find I really can't handle too much sweet stuff anymore anyhow.

    Try the mousse though. I also use skim milk when making the pudding, just mix it as regular and whip/blend together with the whipped topping.

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