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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nomorejellybelly

  1. nomorejellybelly

    Having A Hard Time And Need Advice

    Hang in there. I was banded in 09/2010 and lost just about 60 lbs, but it's fluctuated back up to about 158/160 and I've been plateaued for a whole year. Had been putting off going for a check/fill and finally went today. Hopefully this will help me get back on track. You can do it.
  2. nomorejellybelly


    I try to measure my food, but sometimes it's so hard. I'll eat like 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or 1 hard-boiled egg and a stick of cheese. I like chicken nuggets and will have 5 and maybe a little mashed potatoes or a bit of veggies. Same with a small portion of pork or chicken breast. I don't really measure it out, I tend to eyeball it. So, 1/2 a chicken breast is good with potatoes or veggies. Even though I've mentioned mashed potatoes, I don't eat those that often, nor do I eat rice or bread much anymore. I try to stay away from bread stuff as much as possible. I've been really luck and have only had a few stuck episodes (one was pretty bad) and every so often, I am super uncomfortable after I eat. So, I know at least I don't seem to be over-eating much. Good luck to you.
  3. nomorejellybelly

    I Am Crying As I Write This...

    Rae - Don't give up. You're a pretty girl. You can do this! I just got divorced after 14 1/2 years (my ex had a 3 yr affair) and I am better off without him. Way better off. You're better off without your ex that left you. When I got married, my husband was the only real relationship I'd had. I'm 41 and my divorce has been final for almost 5 months now and I've not had any dates or really any interest shown in me by guys. Sure, it's depressing, but I now I'll find someone eventually. I don't have much of a social life, but I've joined a couple groups on meetup.com and am going to make more friends. I'll probably meet some guys through them. Fingers crossed, but the point is for me to put myself out there, where I can meet someone. You are on your way to being a healthier you and you'll find someone. I have been an emotional eater myself and still struggle with that and with guilt over bad food choices. Hang in there, okay? Please feel free to message me.
  4. nomorejellybelly


    Thanks so much for the tips. You hang in there also.
  5. nomorejellybelly


    Hey, everyone. I've not signed on here in forever. I decided it was time to get back, because I am in need of support. Plus, I'd like to be able to be there for others too. I've been fluctuating up and down the same 3-4 lbs for almost a year and have been unable to drop below the 60lb lost mark. I think I've been making some bad food choices; It's been forever since I had a fill and I am dealing with issues due to thyroid medication. I went a few months ago and had my thyroid levels re-checked (I had my thyroid removed a few years ago and am on total thyroid replacement medication), only to find out that my levels are normal. I thought that maybe one reason I'd stopped losing, was because of that. I've tried changing up my workouts. Still mostly cardio, but I'm doing more on the elliptical machine most days, than walking. I like to do weights, but I've got tendonitis in my right arm, so I'm trying to not do much arm work. The smallest size of clothes I've gotten into, is size 10 pants and Large shirts (partly because of my chest size), which I can still get into, but I still feel "fluffy". So, I'm going to try and get in to the TR office for a fill, but I need a confidence boost that I can reach my goal.
  6. nomorejellybelly

    Need Encouragement From People That Understand

    Nikki - I too am at a plateau. I didn't reach my one year goal and now I'd be happy if I could lose 40 more lbs this year. I hadn't been on the site for quite awhile and needed support also. Feel free to message me. NMJB
  7. nomorejellybelly


    I think that's a good idea to get the pouch size checked out. I think I might need to do that also, but wasn't sure how to actually find out if I've stretched the pouch. I went thru True Results and the surgeon isn't always at the location I go to for my fills. I think I'll check and see what I need to do to see him and find out if insurance will cover it.
  8. nomorejellybelly

    Help I'm Out Of Control!

    I've had the band for about a year and a half. I did really well the first few months and then the weight loss slowed down and has stopped. I'm working on getting back into the swing of being "good" with my food choices and amounts. Sometimes I feel really guilty about how much I'm eating, even though in reality it doesn't seem like that much. I'm planning to go for a fill. You probably need a fill and to get more Protein. Muscle Milk and Protein Bullets really helped me not be hungry. I also have a Protein shake I do. Need to get back to doing more protein again, myself. Work on actually measuring your food as much as possible. Hang in there.
  9. nomorejellybelly

    I Need More Protein. Please Help!

    I can't recall the exact name, but I buy a chocolate flavor whey Protein powder at Sam's Club. It's about $30 (I believe) and the flavor is not bad.
  10. nomorejellybelly

    Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

    I tried this new recipe from my "SuperFoods - Cook Your Way To Health" cookbook. 1 cup canned pumpkin, chilled (pumpkin pie filling) 1/2 cup evaporated skim milk (i used regular evaporated milk; i didn't know you there was evaporated skim milk) 1 cup pineapple juice 1/2 cup (peeled and sliced) bananas 3 tbsp brown sugar 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Combine all in blencer and process till smooth. It says sprinkle with cinnamon before serving, but I just put mine in the mix. Makes two servings at 133 cal, 0 grams fat, 31 grams carbohydrate, 1 mg cholesterol, 2g dietary fiber, 3g Protein, 44 mg sodium for each serving I'm sure there are many ways to adjust, like using sugar substitute or just leaving out the sugar or not using as much. You could add pineapple chunks and use low sugar of the juice or pumpkin. I blended in some ice to mine also. It was nice to try something different that I wouldn't normally make. I was pretty pleased with it.
  11. So, I like to crack my back and one of my co-workers was going to crack my back for me today and I didn't have him do it. He'll crack people's backs with them standing directly in front of him, his arms around the chest (not sure where his arms would be on me exactly) and then he lifts you up. I didn't have him crack my back, because 1) I didn't want to be embarrased by my weight with him picking me up, even though I watched him crack the backs of a couple of our male co-workers who have to weigh more than me (he's a big guy, so it's not like he couldn't pick me up) and 2) Most importantly, I was worried about doing something to my port. It's sewn to the muscle, but I'm scared that it would hurt it. Anyone have any issues with cracking their backs like this?
  12. nomorejellybelly

    Odd question about cracking my back...

    Thanks. I appreciate the input. I have been considering a chiropractor. Could there still be an issue with the port possibly getting "messed up" even if I had a back adjustment by a chiropractor? Like the muscle it's sewn onto pulled?
  13. nomorejellybelly

    Mio liquid water enhancer

    I buy the sugar-free Hawaiin Punch and Wyler's mixes (single drink packets) for a $1 at the dollar store or at Walgreens. Two of my favorites are the Wylers 1/2 tea & 1/2 lemonade and the pink lemonade.
  14. nomorejellybelly

    Salad Days?

    I haven't had problems with any food, but I rarely eat salads anymore, because I don't like chewing the lettuce anymore. It's like I don't like the texture or something or how much you have to chew simple lettuce.
  15. nomorejellybelly

    Ads in my respone?

    I just noticed that tonight. I don't like it.
  16. nomorejellybelly

    Do you exercise?

    Exercise has been very important to me. Even though my weight loss really slowed down, I've been able to fit into smaller clothes because of how the exercise is toning my body. I do a combination of cardio (treadmill, bike, eliptical machine) and weights. I rotate what I do and try to mix it up a little. That eliptical machine is a good workout. I would say, definitely exercise. It's worth it.
  17. Great job. Congratulations.
  18. nomorejellybelly

    3rd bandiversary today!

    Congratulations! I'm coming up on my one year bandiversary on 09/08.
  19. nomorejellybelly

    Do you ever feel like a fraud?!

    You shouldn't feel like a fraud for that. Now, me on the other hand, feel like a fraud because I didn't tell people at work about the surgery and everyone's like "how are you doing it?" and I'm just like "Oh, I'm exercising and I had to change the way I eat". I'm not lying, but it's not the whole truth. I just didn't need everyone to know I got the band. It's not a miracle cure. Definitely a tool that has really helped me. I only lost two lbs in June and was disappointed about that, but it was a rough month and I just try not to let myself get down when loss is slow, because I know it will come off. Hang in there.
  20. nomorejellybelly

    Woe is me

    Hang in there. I think it sounds like the plastic surgeon consult is a good idea. I've thought about it myself, but my weight loss slowed down alot and I've not notice a lot of extra skin flab. I think my arms actually look better. On second thought, I think I don't like how the back of my legs look/feel, right under the buttocks. Did you tell your co-workers you had the surgery? I didn't and when I've gone out to lunch with them (rare), I just act like I'm not super hungry and take home most of the meal for another lunch.
  21. nomorejellybelly

    5th day after lap band surgery

    I didn't sleep flat for I don't know how long after my surgery. I slept in a reclined position with pillows behind me. I was really paranoid about sleeping on my stomach and doing something to the port. I got used to it and eventually tried sleeping on my side and then finally found I was okay on my stomach. I know it had to have been a few weeks before I felt comfortable laying on my stomach.
  22. nomorejellybelly

    Federal Employee BCBS & Tummy Tuck?

    I'm interested in answers to this. I have BCBS FEP.
  23. nomorejellybelly

    Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

    If you try it, let me know what you think. P.S. This book is by Jyl Steinback. Apparently she's written a number of healthy cookbooks.
  24. OMG!!! It just hit me that as of today, I only have forty lbs to go to my goal weight that I have on my signature line here. I'm thinking that as much as I'm able to fit into smaller clothes at the weight I am right now, I think 115 should be just fine. I don't want to be a skeleton after all. It's funny, because I was just modifying my signature line to show my current weight and that's when it hit me. KaBlam! Forty lbs to go!! This means, that I have now lost more than 1/2 of what I wanted to lose. I'm enjoying hearing the different words that people use to describe how much weight I've lost/how good I'm looking: Like "You're melting away", You're skinny", "You're wasting away" and I think my favorite is the one I heard today "You're disintegrating". Today another female I work with called me and told me she had seen me walking down the hallway and told me I was looking good. Even though my weight fluctuates up and down 2-3 lbs for awhile, I eventually really go down to a lower weight and then the same thing happens again. (It's like I get this little plateaus all the time), I am happy. I still think my thighs look like tree trunks, accept at least they're more muscular tree trunks than before. So, I just had to share this. I hope everyone else is doing well and if you're struggling, stick with it. I know it's not been super easy for me, but it's paying off big time.
  25. nomorejellybelly

    Sixty Down & Forty to go....

    hopetolose: congratulations to you also. you don't have too much further to go and i know what you mean about having little mini goals.

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