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She Smiles

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by She Smiles

  1. Oh Bronnie that sucks about the job, but I know you don't want to work for a company that hires people for their looks and not their qualifications. Hang in there, everything will fall into place before you know it!

    Seriously, when you go see your surgeon, just explain to him how commited you are to this and how ready you are, show him that you are in the right place mentally and emotionally to start this new chapter of your life. Thats what I did with my surgeon, pretty much begged him and I think that had some effect on how soon he could fit me in (might have also helped that my Dad had already been banded by him too).

  2. Bronnie, I can't feel my port unless I press pretty hard on my abdomen (it feels like its about 3cm deep), but when I went for my last fill, my Dr did say that when i got down to goal it would stick out and form a smll lump. Mine is right to the left (my left) of my belly button, about an inch away. It did hurt to sleep on my side for the first month or so, but now, i have no problems at all.

  3. Thanks Fee.

    I'm so happy with my band and my results so far. I do think I need another fill though, I am still eating more than I think I should be able to, and I can eat ANYTHING. But I guess I have to be patient and I will get to my perfect fill level in time.

    On another note, thank goodness its a short week at work this week :clap2:

  4. My immediate family all knows as my parents loaned me the money to pay for it, andmy Dad has a year old band also. My fiance has been my rock through the ups and downs. He didn't think I "needed" to lose weight (he loved me the way I was) but has supported my want/need to get halthier and feel better.

    I told a few close trust worthy friends who were all but one super dooper supportive. The other one has come round now she has seen the results happening. Work, I just told I needed to go into hospital, I had been having other medical issues so I assume they assumed it had something to do with them.

    I'm happy with the choices I have made in telling who I have.

  5. I'm going for my second fill next wednesday and I can't wait. I'm eating TOO much. My weight loss has slowed to less than a pound a week. I've been walking every day, but I joined the gym today and am going after work, so I hope to get into the routine of going regularly and doing a better work out. I am actually enjoying exercising again - I forgot ho good it feels to be active!!

  6. I'm doing good, and feeling good about my weight loss!

    I'm walking 30+ minutes a day and have decided to join the gym (this friday).

    I'm having some other medical issues with my back which is affecting my ability to sleep, so I'm feeling pretty crappy about that. I'm going to get a series of tests done today to try to figure out the source of the problem.

    I'm going for a second fill next week, because while I am losing, its no where near steady and I can eat EVERY THING (even white bread which I shouldn't have even tried!).

    Hope you are all well!!

  7. Thanks guys for all the encouragement and advice! Jack and Teresita hit the nail on the head, its the striving for the goal that matters I think. Heck even if I only lose another 10 lbs, thats 10lbs less, you know?

    My fiance proposed to me when I was at my highest and loved as much that day as he does now, to him I think I will be a beautiful bride no matter what size I am. He's just the best future husband ever!

  8. I really want to lose 55 lbs more by my wedding on July 7 this year.

    Is that realistic? Am I aiming too high? :)

    I am contemplating joining a gym (I'm going to go look at one that is nearby this afternoon) and I plan on going at least 3 times a week and doing 45 minutes to an hour of cardio and some weights (I will get a program written for me by the gym). The other days I will walk with my partner (we have a nice routine of going for a 30-45 minute walk each night now and I don't want to discard that altogether cos I enjoy that time we have togehter).

    I'm also eating lean healthy food, fresh veggies and good carbs as advised by my nutritionist.

    I feel like I am doing all the right things......

    Do you think its doable? Has any one else acheived this rate of loss (55 lbs in 6 months)? If so, what do you think it was that got you there?

  9. I have been using a skin firming cream and a shea butter lotions specifically for stretch marks since a couple of weeks before my surgery. I haven't used it for long enough yet to tell if it will benefit me long term, but my skin is definitely smoother and feels a bit more taut.

    I'm also interested in any other things people have tried and found any success with too, as I have a lot of stretch marks on my lower stomach and am most fearful of developing an over hanging apron!

  10. I agree, hang in there, after your first fill you will probably have some restriction (but not a lot). Try to remember that this is a process and it takes time for it to kick in and do its thing the way its intended.

    As for not feeling your port, I have lost 2 dress sizes and over 30 pounds. I STILL can't feel my port, don't let that concern you, its in there somewhere and the Dr will be able to find it when he needs to.

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