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She Smiles

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by She Smiles

  1. :clap2: Hi Susanah! Glad you checked in. Have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. The worst is over, it gets all better from here! Congrats on making if through the first couple of days, the pain does get better. Just give your self time to heal, it might take 2 weeks or so for you to fell 100% (it took me about 11 or 12 days before I felt totally well). Just remember if the gas pains get to you to walk - I spent a couple of minutes every half hour doing small laps of my lounge room (thats all I could handle) but boy did it help. I was told that being gassy (from both ends hehe) is also normal, so don't be alarmed by that either. I'm so proud of you!! YAAAAAAY! You're a bandster now! :whoo:

    Congrats on the NSV Jacqui, thats awesome!!! :clap2: I wish I was at the pool today, it was so bloody hot here in Canberra!!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more Mark! The Optifast really was the part of this process that I struggled with the most!

    Although, I'm fighting an uphill battle right now. I desperately need another fill, I can eat WAY too much and I have been to the gym every day this week and slogged it out with not results on the scales. Ho hum. At least I only have to wait until next Wed (the 7th) for my next fill!

    I wonder what time Susannah will get home today. I bet she's doing great!!

  3. Bronnie, don't worry about the small slip with the Optifast. You had a rough day and we are allowed to make mistakes, we're all human. Tomorrow is a new day and you'll get back on track when you are feeling well again. I'm sorry the MRI was so painful.

    Dionnem, I was addicted to diet coke pre band. I'd drink about a litre a day!! I broke the habit when I was on my Optifast diet, because my surgeon and nutritionist banned it. Carbonated drinks of any kind can erode the band and result in it having to be removed. So no, I wouldn't recommend drinking coke to fill you up in between meals. You should be trying to drink 2 litres of Water a day. Coke is a diuretic, so its like one step forward and 2 back as far as Water drinking goes. The same goes for any other kind of caffeinated beverage (like coffee, redbull etc). But you might want to talk to your surgeon about it, he might have a different view on it!

    I don't know about watching the biggest loser. What time is it going to be on? The last Australian one was on at 7pm which is when home and away is on, and I can't miss that (tragic, I know! hahaha)

  4. My surgeon likes everyone to do Optifast, just in case. You can't tell by looking at some one if their liver is going to be fatty or not, so to avoid having to stitch someone up without a band because their liver can't be moved, he asks everyone to do it, for a week minimum, and possibly more depending on their starting weight. I found the optifast bars good for lunch, they were surprisingly filling for me and easier to have at work (and they are chocolate!!! Mmmmm!).

    Hi Dionnem, welcome to the chat thread! Your surgeon should refer you to a nutritionist who will be able to help you write a band friendly meal plan for your family. Really, food after banding is a very personal thing, which can depend on your own tastes, your budget and most importantly what you can actually eat and keep down. Every one is different. I personally can eat everythign at the moment, I haven't had an problem with any food. But I do make sure I take tiny bites and chew really well. I eat a small amount of rice or Pasta with chicken or minced beef/turkey/chicken and veggies in some combination (stir fry, meatballs with tomato/veggie sauce, laksa, curry etc) for my dinner meal each day, its about a full cup of food at one sitting. Lunch is usually a smaller serving of left overs (I am able to eat more at dinner than lunch). I snack (which I hope will change after my fill next wednsday) on dates, bananas, low fat crackers (like salada), snack packs and yogurt. And I have the occasional chocolate or ice cream to reward myself for all my hard work. You'll figure out what works for you as you go along, but your nutritionist sure is a god place to start!

    No further updates on the wedding susannah- I'm kind of giving myself this week off from worrying about it all, it sure is a stressful time! :D I am bridesmaid for a girlfriend of mine in November (who knows about my band) so we are going shopping for a dress for her wedding on the weekend. She knows we might have to make is smaller (I had better need a smaller size by then!) I want to try to find some shoes to go with my dress over the weekend too.

  5. Bronnie I hope the MRI isn't too awful *hugs*

    I think going on the Optifast in anticipation is a great thing. Surely your Dr will see it as 100% commitment to getting the band done and will squeeze you in SOON to have it done. The first 3 days are the hardest, but stick with it, once your body is used to not being given proper "food" its bearable!

  6. I didn't hear about that poor girl either! I couldn't agree more Jacqui near enough is good enough in my opinion unless there are medical reasons for needing plastic surgery (like if I have too much excess skin on my tummy and I have medical issues with it, like rashes or something - I'm really worried about that happening).

    Good work on your walk Bronnie! I went to the gym after work and did 55 minutes on the cardio machines and some weights. I feel great!

  7. Susannah what a great effort - 7 kilos is awesome!! Good job on not cheating (I wasn't as strong for the 2 weeks I was on it, I cheated a tiny bit in the last few days, it was killing me). You must feel so proud of yourself!! And excited! Its this week right?? Wooooohooooo! You'll have to start tracking your weight loss in your signature so we can encourage you along!!

    I am excited about my wedding! I'm not a bridezilla, the wedding is small cos my fiance is from the US and his family won't be coming over for it :scared: So I haven't really had the chance to be too much of a control freak. Its going to be a lovely day though.

    I've never had reflux, I wouldn't even know what it feels like! (touch wood!).

  8. Bronnie the link for the ozband site is


    I agree with Susannah though, its not quite as user friendly as this forum, but has Australian relevant info. There are some people on there that have been banded for quite a few years though and they are a wealth of knowledge.

    As for what to take to hospital, take a nightie or some lose fitting PJ's your tummy wil be quite tender and bloated for a good week or so, so anything tight will be annoying. I went braless for a week after too when I could because one of my scars is right on my bra line, a crop top or sports bra might work better if you can't go with out. Take some books/mags to read - nothing too indepth, your attention span will be all spacey from the anethestic. You might feel like washing your hair (I didn't though, but I know my dad did when he came out of surgery!)so take normal toiletries, and don't forget your toothbrush and toothpaste. You might want to take your own pillow, and make sure the person who picks you up has a pillow for you to put over your tummy on the ride home. The bumps in the road are uncomfortable. Earplugs and an eyemask maybe if those sorts of things bother you. And any other meds you normally take. I think thats about it!

    There is a great thread on this forum which lists stuff you might need in the days after surgery so you're not having to go get anything (or don't have to ask some one else to get it). My tip is get some benefiber and pear/prune juice for when you are on the liquid stage. You might get a bit backed up and trust me, its not fun. If you start with the benefiber and juice the day you get home from hospital you should be ok!

  9. Welcome Chris!!

    Trust me girls most of what I know is from experience, this forum and from the appointments I had pre op (I am also a member of the yahoo Ozband forum - I can post the link if you are interested in joining that too). You'll be surprised how quickly you are talking like an old hack post band haha

    Here in Canberra you HAVE to meet with a consultant who has had the band and she goes through EVERYTHING in laymans terms - from what to take to hospital to what kinds of medications you can and can't take after banding. And she is on call 24/7. Dr Mosse won't operate on you until you have had a session with her. I don't know if maybe your surgeons have something similar to that, or perhaps a support group where you can go and swap stories and ideas. I think an important part of this journey is having access to the support you need, because not every unbanded person is going to be able to provide you with the understanding and support you need.

    You know I have been thinking a lot about the frame of mind I was in before I was banded, and I don't think I was so much ready for my band, because it was such an unknown. But I sure was ready to not be fat any more. That girl at your work probably wouldn't have had much success with her band if she can't see what is staring back at her in the mirror. It really is something you have to be willing to work with. It can be your best friend (like in my case so far) or your worst enemy. I wouldn't recommend the band to anyone who isn't ready to change their life A LOT. It can't be assumed ever that the band is a quick fix!

    *gets down off soap box* hehehe

  10. Bronnie - Steak is usually a problem for most. I wouldn't know personally though, I haven't tried it and never really ate it before I was banded. Also chicken thighs are usually more band friendly than breast meat. Minced chicken and turkey is a good alternative. Some people have trouble with things like Pasta and rice, bread etc. Some can't eat fruit and vegies with skins (like grapes, apples, potato, peas), peeling them avoid this issue. Everyone is different though and it will be pretty much trial and error for you to do in your own time, if you want to test the waters.

    When I went to see my nutritionist pre op, she gave me a list of foods that might be a problem. My plan is to try the foods on that list for the first time in my own home after each fill, just in case.

  11. I'm fine to eat pizza too, I just make sure I take tiny bites and chew it really well. Well thats pretty much my routine with all food. I haven't had any issues with any food I've tried since banding and I haven't PBed yet, I'd love for it to stay that way. My Dad PB's with his band at least every couple of days, and it doesn't look like fun! However, all of this might change once I get to a better fill level, I'm going for another one on the 7th Feb, I'm hoping he'll give me another 1.5 mls. We'll see!

  12. Heres my one, its huge to me. This bothers me to NO end.

    People who are late!

    Is my time worth so little? Are you that important and busy that you can't turn up at the time WE decided on? We all only have 24 hours in the day how is it that I have never been late in my life and some people are ALWAYS late?? How hard is it to call ahead BEFORE and let me know you are going to be 1/2 an hour late so I don't sit there like a twit waiting for you for all that time? Arrrggghhh. I hate it!

  13. Wow Fee, you've lost 40 kilos! Thats awesome! Just a question, and this bothers me personally A LOT as to how I will end up - do you have excess skin on your stomach and thighs? I know that the length of time that you have been over weight and genetics etc etc play a part in that, but I am concerned I might need plastic surgery to look "normal" when I lose another 25 kilos. And god knows where I would find the money for that!!

  14. Well said Cam!

    I think its hard not to get caught up in setting goals, especially when the surgeons do so. As you say this shouldn't be about mumbers, but about getting to a healthy size for our height. I guess thats why I when asked by my surgeon I gave myself the pretty realistic goal of 70kgs. Once I get to that stage I will figure out if i want to go into maintenece phase or try for another 5-8 kilos. I don't know how I will feel when I get there. I've never seen my adult body (and even then I was 20 years old) as less than 63 kilos, so any thing less than that is a complete unknown for me!!

    So I couldn't sleep in this morning, dispite the plan to, because my back is, as usual killing me. I jumped on the scales and to my delight I am down to 94.8 kilos! I have lost over 20 kilos since my banding journey began! Wooooooooooo! *does a happy dance* I think I am going to chuck on my exercise gear and go for a big walk to Celebrate. I wish my gym wasn't closed today....

    Happy Australia day everyone!

  15. I'll never be skinny either, and I honestly don't think it would be a good look for me, I'd probably look gaunt and sick. I would love to get down to about 68-70 kilos, which for me is a 12-14. If I got any skinnier than that, my man would be sad. He loves curves and as he puts it, my "jiggly bits" haha

    Bronnie you'll be fitting into those smaller clothes in no time!

  16. Don't be nervous Susannah, the op is a cinch and the pain is truly manageable (just walk walk walk as much as you can in the days after your op to dispel all the gas, thats my hot tip!). And we will be here to support you if you need it!!

    In a couple of months, you won't know yourself!

    (PS I gave up on the ticker because I couldn't be bothered changing it every time I weighed myself, thats why I just keep a running tally :))

  17. Bronnie, I reckon that is a pitch worth trying on your Doc! When will you find out your date for real though??

    You know, I am pretty proud of myself. I'm down from a size 24 to an 18 and almost 20 kilos in 2 1/2 months. There is no way on earth I could have done that with out my band.

  18. Susannah, go to the top of the screen and click on user CP and then on edit Avatar, upload it from in that screen. You might find that the pic needs to be smaller than a particular size (probably 100 pixels) to be used. ihave no idea how to resize pics (hence why my avatar is not a pic of me!)

    We could all just post our pics in posts here if you want (although I have already posted some pics on the "before and after pics thread")

  19. I'm no where near goal (and have only been banded 2 months), but I lost most of my weight in my pre op and immediately post op stage. I lost 5 kilos between my first and second fill (which was 30 days) and my Dr said that was on the high end of loss for a month. He said at that rate (giving room for it slowing slightly to an average of 2-3 kilos a month), I should be at goal before next Xmas. I'm hoping I might be there soon than that - I've only got 25 kilos to go (ha! ONLY 25!!)!

  20. travelbug, walking is a great low impact exercise for you to start with, and the good thing with a treadmill is that you can increase the intensity to jogging and running as your fitness improves. I personally prefer to mix it up a bit and use the rower, elliptical machine and exercise bike at the gym to keep it interesting, but if you have access to a treadmill and walking interests you, then go for it!!! Every little bit of exercise counts! good luck!

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