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She Smiles

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by She Smiles

  1. Bronnie any chance you can book in for the sleep study now in anticpation and then cancel if you don't need it??? I'mnot sure how these things work though, so it might not be possible.

    So our dinner out was lovely. I had a yummy fettucini with bacon and sundried tomatoes and chicken. I brought 2/3 of it home with me of course, so we both get to take some for lunch tomorrow. Then we went round and saw my folks to show them our new car we picked up today. I had such a fantastic valentine's day....and its not over yet hehehehe

  2. I've not had problems with sushi at all. In fact it goes down a treat for me, I had some just this last saturday. The trick is small bites and lots of chewing. I think the smallest bite of anything will go down as long as you are taking the time to chew it (I'm talking half to a full a teaspoon small). However whe we go we have the sushi train cos I can usually only eat maybe 3 pieces of sushi and I am satisfied. I doubt you will be able to even have half of a hand roll Susannah!!

  3. I very much like how the Australian Dr's are more about encouraging a balanced diet than this atkins/the zone/south beach-esque way of eating and not having any carbs. When we are eating so little, sure we need protien and veggies, but darn it, I can't go to the gym for an hour 6 days a week with out any carbs!!

  4. Susannah, you will *probably* feel fuller. Although some people claim to have no restriction at all until after a few fills. I personally was only able to eat maybe 3-4 tablespoons in one sitting when I went onto mushies. Lite philly is also an option for mushies too. And mashed baked beans/tinned spagetti if thats your thing .Any of the chunky Soups blended are also ok. Think about weetbix with plenty of milk (have less and less milk as you aproach the start of solids) for Breakfast if you can handle something like that. Some people can't have anything resembling solid til mid morning (I am not one of them, I have a teensy bowl of museli every morning!).

  5. Here we go!!

    As for what to take to hospital, take a nightie or some lose fitting PJ's your tummy wil be quite tender and bloated for a good week or so, so anything tight will be annoying. I went braless for a week after too when I could because one of my scars is right on my bra line, a crop top or sports bra might work better if you can't go with out. Take some books/mags to read - nothing too indepth, your attention span will be all spacey from the anethestic. You might feel like washing your hair (I didn't though, but I know my dad did when he came out of surgery!)so take normal toiletries, and don't forget your toothbrush and toothpaste. You might want to take your own pillow, and make sure the person who picks you up has a pillow for you to put over your tummy on the ride home. The bumps in the road are uncomfortable. Earplugs and an eyemask maybe if those sorts of things bother you. And any other meds you normally take. I think thats about it!

    There is a great thread on this forum which lists stuff you might need in the days after surgery so you're not having to go get anything (or don't have to ask some one else to get it). My tip is get some benefiber and pear/prune juice for when you are on the liquid stage. You might get a bit backed up and trust me, its not fun. If you start with the benefiber and juice the day you get home from hospital you should be ok!

  6. Dionne, I've tried to find the post that I was talking about. It wasn't actually about food though, it was more about what to take to hospital with you so you can have a comfortable stay. This thread has some good food suggestions for all the post op stages. Or just look in the "food" section for similar posts, there are plenty of them :)


    I'll have a harder look for the hospital stuff I posted and repost it.

  7. I wrote a list of stuff you will need in hospital earlier in this thread when Susannah asked (maybe a few pages back). As for food etc you will need after, your nutrionist will go over all of that when you see them tomorrow. My hot tips for after as far as recovery goes are comfy loose clothes, pain stop medicine (the day time one cos its gentler on your tummy) and a heat pack/pad (get them from the chemist). And walk walk walk as soon as you are comfortable doing so.

    The thread here in the pre op section is pretty good i thought. Most of what my consultant suggested was also in some one's posts here.

  8. Hi guys!

    As we have been discussing, this is our thread to post our before, during and after pics of our banding journeys.

    For those of us who are not yet banded or just starting out, feel free to just post your before pics, and you can add after pics later on as you wish. It would be great to put faces to names too!

    I think it will be great to have our own thread to encourage and support each other, sometimes the numbers in our signatures don't reflect how much of a difference it has actually made to how we look!!

  9. Bronnie I didn't have to see a physician, so I can't help you out with that unfortunatley.

    I think starting our own Aussie before and/or after thread is a great idea! I am SURE that you are not ugly Susannah! I hated photos of myself 3 months ago, but I'm coming around now that my face and body doesn't look like it belongs to the marshmallow (wo)man!! In fact, heck, I'm going to go start that thread now cos I had new after photos taken just days ago.

  10. Susannah, your upper tummy/pouch will only stretch if you repeatedly over eat I've been told. The fact that it went through quicker probably just means the swelling has gone down more, thats a good thing, it means you are healing! I strongly doubt the stitches would have split either.

  11. I think you should be right as long as you don't have to lift anything or bend lots or get up and down all that much. I really surprised myself in my first week back at work with how ok I felt.

    I can't beleive how much some of them lost last night in the weigh in!! They put my loss to shame!!

  12. Thanks guys!

    Do you feel ok to go back to work Susannah? I know that for me, I was going stir crazy after 2 weeks off and was keen to go back to work and have contact with real life people (as much as I love Oprah and Dr Phil, they aren't very good conversationalists hehe). Just take it easy when you go back and you should be right, do you have a very strenuous job?

  13. So a woman at my work was just talking to me about my gym, she goes there too, but during lunch (I go straight from work) and I mentioned to her that I had lost about 20 kilos. She said "oh really? I hadn't really noticed at all. You must carry your weight well". I feel really deflated now. 20 kilos is A LOT and I have lost 3 dress sizes too, but apparently I still look the same at 93 as I did at 115?? How does that work. Bah!

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