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She Smiles

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by She Smiles

  1. She Smiles

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Susannah, go to the top of the screen and click on user CP and then on edit Avatar, upload it from in that screen. You might find that the pic needs to be smaller than a particular size (probably 100 pixels) to be used. ihave no idea how to resize pics (hence why my avatar is not a pic of me!) We could all just post our pics in posts here if you want (although I have already posted some pics on the "before and after pics thread")
  2. She Smiles

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    I'm no where near goal (and have only been banded 2 months), but I lost most of my weight in my pre op and immediately post op stage. I lost 5 kilos between my first and second fill (which was 30 days) and my Dr said that was on the high end of loss for a month. He said at that rate (giving room for it slowing slightly to an average of 2-3 kilos a month), I should be at goal before next Xmas. I'm hoping I might be there soon than that - I've only got 25 kilos to go (ha! ONLY 25!!)!
  3. travelbug, walking is a great low impact exercise for you to start with, and the good thing with a treadmill is that you can increase the intensity to jogging and running as your fitness improves. I personally prefer to mix it up a bit and use the rower, elliptical machine and exercise bike at the gym to keep it interesting, but if you have access to a treadmill and walking interests you, then go for it!!! Every little bit of exercise counts! good luck!
  4. She Smiles

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Oh Bronnie that sucks about the job, but I know you don't want to work for a company that hires people for their looks and not their qualifications. Hang in there, everything will fall into place before you know it! Seriously, when you go see your surgeon, just explain to him how commited you are to this and how ready you are, show him that you are in the right place mentally and emotionally to start this new chapter of your life. Thats what I did with my surgeon, pretty much begged him and I think that had some effect on how soon he could fit me in (might have also helped that my Dad had already been banded by him too).
  5. She Smiles

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Susannah you must be nuts going out on the lake in August!! Its FREEZING here at that time of year! I'm getting married in July and all I can think about it how bloody cold its going to be!!
  6. She Smiles

    Lower Body Lift Fun!

    You are just going to keep on wowing us! I too can't wait to see what you look like with all the bandages and tubes gone! I just can't stop looking at the pics and the difference! Boy oh boy do I want a TT at least when I get to goal, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need it! You are the bomb!!
  7. She Smiles

    Lower Body Lift Fun!

    <p>Wooooow Puddin, you look great already! I'm SO jealous! I have a question too, did you get to keep your own belly button? Or did they make you a new one, I've heard stories of having to pay extra to get a belly button with your TT. Do you mind sharing?</p> <p> </p>
  8. She Smiles

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Bronnie, I can't feel my port unless I press pretty hard on my abdomen (it feels like its about 3cm deep), but when I went for my last fill, my Dr did say that when i got down to goal it would stick out and form a smll lump. Mine is right to the left (my left) of my belly button, about an inch away. It did hurt to sleep on my side for the first month or so, but now, i have no problems at all.
  9. She Smiles

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Thanks Bronnie
  10. She Smiles

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Thanks Fee. I'm so happy with my band and my results so far. I do think I need another fill though, I am still eating more than I think I should be able to, and I can eat ANYTHING. But I guess I have to be patient and I will get to my perfect fill level in time. On another note, thank goodness its a short week at work this week :clap2:
  11. She Smiles

    Help, I took asprin!

    Jachut, what alternatives are there here in Australia, I've been thinking about taking soluble panadol as a mild pain killer (waiting until the fizz settles). Or is that just like aspirin?
  12. She Smiles

    Do you stop eating after 20-30 minutes?????

    I eat fairly slowly and am always full in 20 minutes or less. I'm very happy with my band and the way it "tells" me "thats enough". I eat perhaps 4-5 times less than I used to in one sitting, which is awesome (I was a pig!).
  13. What do you guys think??
  14. She Smiles

    Secret? Yes or No.

    My immediate family all knows as my parents loaned me the money to pay for it, andmy Dad has a year old band also. My fiance has been my rock through the ups and downs. He didn't think I "needed" to lose weight (he loved me the way I was) but has supported my want/need to get halthier and feel better. I told a few close trust worthy friends who were all but one super dooper supportive. The other one has come round now she has seen the results happening. Work, I just told I needed to go into hospital, I had been having other medical issues so I assume they assumed it had something to do with them. I'm happy with the choices I have made in telling who I have.
  15. She Smiles

    Lower Body Lift Fun!

    Best wishes! Can't wait to see the pics!
  16. She Smiles

    November Bandsters!

    I'm going for my second fill next wednesday and I can't wait. I'm eating TOO much. My weight loss has slowed to less than a pound a week. I've been walking every day, but I joined the gym today and am going after work, so I hope to get into the routine of going regularly and doing a better work out. I am actually enjoying exercising again - I forgot ho good it feels to be active!!
  17. She Smiles

    Where's Flabuless?

    I was wondering the same thing this morning! Where are you Becky???? Maybe she is busy setting up her online clothes swap website....
  18. She Smiles

    tummy tuck

    that'd be great! I'm sure many of us would appreciate you sharing them Puddin' - lots of us are thinking about or planning for the same thing. Its always good to see/hear about a success story!
  19. I really want to lose 55 lbs more by my wedding on July 7 this year. Is that realistic? Am I aiming too high? I am contemplating joining a gym (I'm going to go look at one that is nearby this afternoon) and I plan on going at least 3 times a week and doing 45 minutes to an hour of cardio and some weights (I will get a program written for me by the gym). The other days I will walk with my partner (we have a nice routine of going for a 30-45 minute walk each night now and I don't want to discard that altogether cos I enjoy that time we have togehter). I'm also eating lean healthy food, fresh veggies and good carbs as advised by my nutritionist. I feel like I am doing all the right things...... Do you think its doable? Has any one else acheived this rate of loss (55 lbs in 6 months)? If so, what do you think it was that got you there?
  20. She Smiles

    November Bandsters!

    I'm doing good, and feeling good about my weight loss! I'm walking 30+ minutes a day and have decided to join the gym (this friday). I'm having some other medical issues with my back which is affecting my ability to sleep, so I'm feeling pretty crappy about that. I'm going to get a series of tests done today to try to figure out the source of the problem. I'm going for a second fill next week, because while I am losing, its no where near steady and I can eat EVERY THING (even white bread which I shouldn't have even tried!). Hope you are all well!!
  21. She Smiles

    Am I expecting too much?

    Thanks guys for all the encouragement and advice! Jack and Teresita hit the nail on the head, its the striving for the goal that matters I think. Heck even if I only lose another 10 lbs, thats 10lbs less, you know? My fiance proposed to me when I was at my highest and loved as much that day as he does now, to him I think I will be a beautiful bride no matter what size I am. He's just the best future husband ever!
  22. She Smiles

    BC Pill?

    I kept on taking mine! Even took one the day of my surgery. My surgeon didn't make any mention of having to stop.
  23. She Smiles

    Pain Meds

    Hi my fellow Aussies I'm just wondering what you guys take when you have a headache/pain that needs to be resolved. I have been taking "pain stop" medicine when I have needed it, but its meant for Children so doesn't really do all that much. My Dr has said that aspirin and nurofen and even panadol in tablet forms are big no-nos, because they can erode my pouch. So any advice you can give on the matter would be much appreciated. Thanks guys!
  24. She Smiles

    pre op diet

    I lost 15lbs in 2 weeks of diet shakes (plus 1 cup of non startchy veggies a day). I didn't cheat at all and didn't bother having a "last supper". I was told I could, but I thought whats the point???
  25. She Smiles

    Time off work?

    I had 2 weeks. I could have gone back on about day 9 or 10 I think, but I had already taken 2 weeks off work. I think it will also depend on what kind of work you do as well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
