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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by EliyshevaLovesYahweh

  1. What you are considering is a trend that has already begun. There are numerous of websites where one can trade and/or give away personal items with/to others online. One particular name for a reputable website does not come to mind; however, there is Rehashclothes.com, Dig N Swap, Bigwardrobe.com, Swapstyle, thredUP, and Close Infinite among many others. Check them out thoroughly before you start your trading. Hope this helps...

  2. I remember my situation, it was difficult for me to sleep, I was so anxious. However, I wish I knew then what I know now regarding surgeries and hair loss - I would have taken more Protein at least three weeks prior to surgery to avoid Hair loss. Sorry, a moment of aberration --

    Try to sleep early to speed up the process...lol. Everything will be okay. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am getting banded tomorrow Aug. 30th, anyone else out there.

    Today has gone by so slow, so wish it would speed up.

  3. I was banded July 09 and have lost 140lbs from 288 down to 150 :D . Last week I found out my band slipped and was totally unfilled. I am now going to have surgery to have it re positioned :angry: . Has anyone had this surgery and if so can you give me info please?

    No, sorry to hear this is happening to you. I found this link to a similar post to yours and another link to a nice little article on signs of lap band slippage just in case anyone reading your post would want to learn of the signs - truly symptomatic. May you have great success on your surgery day.

    BTW, congratulations on your weight loss. :)

  4. Woo hoo! Congratulations. I feel what you say about learning who your friends are, and it is a shame that people could be this way. I guess they were not TRUE friends to begin with. Please keep up the good work.

    I had my surgery on 2/11/09. As of this morning, I've lost 157 pounds. I started at 300 pounds and this morning I weighed in at 143. I am 5'7". My surgeons office told me I hold their current record for most weight loss with their lap band patients. My BMI that started at like 46 to 48 is now 22.4, which is in the normal range btw. :) I used to wear a size 26W/28W or 3x/4x. I just bought a pair of extra small scrubs pants and a small shirt. I also just bought a pair of size 6 jeans. NEVER IN MY LIFE WOULD I HAVE THOUGHT I COULD HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THIS! YOU CAN DO THIS TOO! IF I CAN.... ANYONE CAN! This tool has been a miracle for me. I love my life.... although it's been a crazy two years. You really learn who your true friends are. I am a different person..... inside and out.


  5. I had the same question almost a month ago. The first day of my fill, which was at 6 weeks post op (3 weeks ago) I was given the okay for strenuous workout. However, if I were you I'd ask my surgeon/nurse or PA. They will surely let you know.

  6. hi there,tom here, long island , ny, just hit 58,march 15 th. every md ive seen,ranging from my zero factorR.A ,to my mild/moderate spinal .stenosis,sleep apnea, all finish the session with you must loose weight. a cancer pain md told me(after i had lung surgery) that most men with the weight from neck to belly button die of heart attack or have a stroke,both prematurely. my question is,im 5 ft 9 inches,262......i was 275 and ate healthy for 4 mo. s and was 240.however presently 263 , my breathing is shallow from a pool accident when poison was put in pool and zapped our lungs, plus the one lung surgery which turned out not to be cancer but major scar tissue.im always winded,NS I MEAN ALWAYS. am i a canidate? sincere thanx.T O M ....ps im new here,so i dont know if messages are left here or on my regular email, mt11050@yahoo.com.

    Are you a good candidate for surgery at all with your lung problem? Only a qualified surgeon can answer that. Are you a Lapband candidate? Considering according to the information you provided, I estimated your BMI to be 38.7. With a BMI of 38.7 most probably you would be considered a lap band candidate by most surgeons if you have any 'qualifying' health related comorbidities of obesity e.g: diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea, even with a lower BMI of 35. Some insurances consider chronic headaches, liver disease, and arthritis as comorbidities as well. When there are no present comorbidities, some insurance companies consider one a candidate for lap band when one has a BMI of 40. Why don't you consider having a consultation with a bariatric surgeon? Most are very helpful and can help you determine if you are in fact a candidate. IF so, they will let you know of the following steps you must take re insurance, surgical clearance tests, presurgical testing -- the works. So please make an appointment to see a bariatric surgeon to answer your question if you are a good candidate for surgery with those lung problems. I hope my answer helps you.

  7. I went for a follow up yesterday after work on March 15 that was 2 days shy of 4 weeks out for me and they gave me my first fill. I had not lost any weight in the last 2 weeks and was hungry between meals. Unknown to me I had 2 cc's in the band from the surgery (they said that was for buoyancy and did not count that as a fill because it did not put any pressure on the stomach) and they added 1 cc for my fill. So I have 3 ccs now. Those of you that will be getting a fill soon, relax It did not hurt to get the fill at all. It is a funny feeling to drink Water and have it sit there a moment and then trickle down. I am on liquids for 24 hrs then back to soild foods. I had a protien shake for dinner last night. I weighed myself this morning and had already lost 1 pound.

    I got my first fill on the 9th of March and the PA only found .5 in my band. WHAT?! I can't believe I've been losing weight with little restriction. Anyway, she gave me 1 cc and during the time I felt no discomfort when she inserted the needle. She was a pro and we had established if I needed the next fill sooner I could go back two weeks early - before my second fill is due (April 6th).

  8. Hi Donnie,

    Realize that the recommended amount of weight loss per week is 1-2 lbs if I'm not mistaken, so you are losing weight within a healthy pace. At times it may seem as though the scale is not moving, however this may not mean you are not still losing fat, perhaps you are gaining muscles which weighs more than fat and perhaps even losing inches. May I suggest, that perhaps you invest in a bioelectrical impedance device (example here) to really keep track of your weight loss in terms of FAT. This device has really worked for me whenever the scale fails me. IF the case is that you want to lose weight faster then there are a lot of factors to consider: 1). Make sure you are keeping your fat, Protein carbs intake in check - perhaps you may want to eat more Protein to speed up your weight loss. 2). IF you are already eating the right way, then change your exercise routines a bit, exercise a bit longer than your last routine. 3). Don't weigh yourself during your menstrual cycle because Water retention may cause your weight loss to plateau for the duration of your period -- you will lose the Water weight eventually. 4). I don't know how many meals you are eating... but it is advisable to eat only three meals a day and drink plenty of fluids. I share with you that I am on a high protein diet only eating three meals a day and replacing one of those meals with a doctor-approved complete meal-shake or protein-shake. 5). Please eat enough to prevent your body from dropping your metabolic rate down which is its natural reaction to starvation. To not be hungry, I divide my portions wisely throughout the day and at the end of the day I learn that I am only eating 800 - 900 cal a day, and satiated.

    One repeated practice I've kept during my weight loss endeavors is to plan trips/events ahead of time to which I need to look resilient for, or at least close to fabulous -- this is great motivation for me. There is a Greet and Meet held every year in Las Vegas by the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America (http://wlsfa.org/) on 5/13 - 5/15, however one could truly benefit from arriving days earlier and leaving days later to enjoy Vegas while there. IF interested, Antonia is the name of the founder and and this is her youtube channel. I will be meeting with Dr. Katzen, a plastic surgeon (who will be speaking on the seminar on 5/14) to discuss a low-profile-port surgery once I hit goal. My husband will be accompanying me there but we don't plan on spending too much time on the seminar "convention" since I've made future reservations to an Opera show, among other things I would like to do there. My aim in sharing this, is to share my weight loss tips and what works for me in hopes that it might work for you. Because planning events ahead of times always gives me something to look forward to and the extra oomph needed to stay focused on my weight loss goals. Last, but not the least 6). Please be patient, please don't stress yourself, you will do wonderfully.

    Personally, I believe it is best to lose the weight at a slower healthier speed to not have to deal with excess skin later. I have noticed how "lapbandsters" vlog their weight-race on youtube and have seemingly lost more weight than myself within the same time frame, but you know what?!-- THIS is what motivates them. Everyone's individual genetic and medical conditions are not the same therefore comparing myself to any WLS patient or any other individual for that matter, is not an option for me. AND since body size, weight, age and activity levels are different-- the end results just won't be the same. All the best to you.

  9. Hi there-

    Can anyone see or feel their port? I can and it kind of creeps me out. Mine is just up and to the rt of my belly button. It's right under the skin surface and I can always feel it especially as I sit up close to my desk when working om my computer. My belly hits right up to the edge of my desk right at the port site. It doesn't hurt or anything but I can feel it and it's sort of uncomfortable. I can also see where it is. It's looks like a small 1/2 dollar sixe or so lump. I imagine it will only get worse as I keep losing weight.

    Does this happen with anyone else? Or am I just being hypersensative to it...:unsure: :unsure:

    Let me know.



    Hi Ally, yes, I feel my port and can also see its protruding bump when standing (in the nude). My port is located on the upper right side 1/2" away from my navel - sewen on the muscle. However, I've noticed that the more weight I lose the more prominently visible my lap band port will be. Once I hit goal, I shall have a plastic surgeon do a low profile port for me. I just can't bear the thought of "Quato" (Total Recall movie) exposing itself in an alien-esque-like manner out of my tummy, but primordially since I sleep on my stomach it's also VERY uncomfortable for me.

  10. I am so depressed. i have been the best patient and never once have complained -- i got banded April 29 2010 -- so i am coming up on a year (keep that in mind).

    I dont want to say my dr's name yet. But I weighed 224 at the band. and i was 192 last weigh in. Ive been 192 since last summer. i got down to 184 but i had some phentermine for a month and that really helped. but obviously i dont want to continue with those since i had a lap band for $13K which i paid out of pocket.

    Anyway--in january -- he wouldnt fill. said it's fine. i said i was hungry and the indication on the color chart was yellow, but he said he knew better. he said -- "dont become a fill-aholic." he has said this so many times.

    then february -- i lost bec of the phentermine. he said i was in the zone and didnt need a fill. i was still 30 lbs from goal. HE DIDNT EVEN LOOK AT THE BAND. he didnt exray or anything.

    fine i respected his decision.

    Now i went in last week and i had gained up to 192 -- he says NO FILL. again. i asked him why and he said the liquid i drank on the exray was going thru fine. but i am hungry i said. and can eat more than i should as if i have no band at all. i havent had a fill since December and i havent lost..."


    i lay down for the fill and as he has the needle in me i say "so how much are you going to put in?"

    he says, and i quote:


    as soon as the needle was out i told him i wont be back -- i dont care if i have two free fills before my year is up. I told him i have every right to know how much he is injecting into my body. that's not telling him how to practice medicine, it's being an informed patient and i wont tolerate this. i told him i have referred patients to him and now i will not.

    he immediately started groveling like a weirdo -- said he's in physical pain bec of a surgery -- to which i said "i dont care. dont come to work if you cant be civil to your patient who spent $13 thousand dollars" he said he's just had a bad day. said he put 3/10 of a ml. or whatever into my band. which is like nothing.

    i feel depressed and like i wasted my money. i will have to go to another dr and get fills and pay for it. i have to beg this guy to fill me. i have been a perfect patient. never hassling him. always on time to appts. always follow directions. then he has the nerve to not tell me what he's injecting?

    NO -- i hate this guy.

    i know the lap band is just a tool. but it's a tool that is supposed to restrict the amount of food i can fit in my stomach and i am supposed to get satiated with less food bec it takes longer to go thru to my big stomach -- sorry for the juvenile words.

    but you know what? aside from not being able to eat some foods bec they get stuck - i have no difference. i dont know how much my band is at now - i would guess 5.3 maybe but this guy makes me feel so helpless i can't stand it. i have NO SAY in my treatment. i UNDERSTAND he's the expert and i need to defer to his expertise


    i tell him i am hungry

    i tell him i can eat more than a cup of food

    he sees that my pouch is not stretched out or misaligned

    and yet he refuses to fill me -- why?

    it's not bec he says i need to learn -- he says its bec the exray indicates the liquid is going thru like it's supposed to

    ISNT he supposed to take other factors into account? like my physical description?

    OBVIOUSLY something is wrong -- i havent lost since AUGUST!!!!!

    i have two fills left til i have to start paying $100 each -- do you think that's the real culprit here?

    i do

    i hate him

    I hope you are feeling better since you last posted this. Regarding this matter -- I've search for doctors in that area and found some doctors (hope not the surgeon that is causing distress), however perhaps you could do a more in-depths search to attain their address and number.

    Dr. Felts from LapBand solutions near the medical complex in Houston

    Dr. Spivak

    Dr. Collier The Woodlands or Conroe

    Dr. Wilkenfeld in The Woodlands

    Also, if you cannot locate another surgeon or somehow another surgeon does not take transfers try out this website: Lap Band Fills. Perhaps there is a fill center in your area.

  11. Here is how my Surgeon did it.

    Banded 1/31.

    1st week, 3 days clear liquids, then 4 days heavier liquids. Able to lift (exercise) and soak after 1 week.

    2nd and 3rd week, soft foods (mushies)

    4th week, solid foods

    Filled today, exactly 4 weeks post op. 4cc in a 11cc band. Had me drink Water before I could leave.

    Liquids again for 24 hrs.

    Then, 1 cc per month thereafter, if needed.

    He did emphasize that procedures are vastly different between men and women.

    So now I feel the post-op is behind me and I am entering a new phase.

    I got banded on 1/31 as well. Getting my first fill on March 9th. Indeed a new phase - we shall soon start feeling restriction.

  12. "a lot of doctors do not like to do the lift and augmentation at the same time"

    A good plastic surgeon will combine and perform only two of the most safest plastic surgery on a patient. If you are going for either an abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, thigh lift, and/or any other procedure(s) an want these combined - high chances are that a junior surgeon would be assisting the senior surgeon. Keep in mind, that the sutures WILL be different since every surgeon has his/her own style in stitching. If you were introduced to a junior surgeon he/she most probably would be performing one of your surgeries. Most surgeons who performed a mommy makeover take this sort of approach. I certainly don't want any apprentice practicing on me. Not to scare you, but beware on surgery day.

  13. Well, I'm all set with my "first" round of plastic surgery:

    Arm Lift

    Boob Lift (no need for implants...... whew!)

    extra consideration to skin hanging "between" boobs and arms

    Tummy Tuck with muscle tightening (and a bit of a vag lift? who knew they did such things?!)

    My insurance blows chunks, so they're not paying anything.

    My bill for this will be about $17,600 (if I opt for the $400 overnight stay..... probably will)

    My surgery is scheduled for June 17th.

    My surgeon said I needed to be within 20 pounds of goal, and I am totally THERE.

    I'm super sensitive to most all narcotics, save Vicodin (thank GOD...)

    I'm taking 3 weeks off of work...... is that enough?? I'm a graphic artist, so I'm on the computer all day.

    Congratulations! I have read that it takes approximately 3 weeks to begin walking upright. Everyone is different, historically it all depends on how well your body normally recuperates during such stress. Keep us posted.

  14. tn_gallery_267168_6711_193396.jpg tn_gallery_267168_6711_29300.jpg

    Finally, here are my before and after TT pics. I took the pic after a long day so I'm a little swollen - looks far better even swollen than I did before. For whatever reason, my husband could get a clear front photo, I'll try it again some other day.

    Congratulations! Your tummy is flat considering you are still healing. Did you have a low profile port or did the surgeon not touch the port?

  15. Apparently these surgeons knowledge regarding eating/drinking with a lap band is an antithetical one. My nutritionist's orders (given by surgeon) were that I was to wait 30 minutes prior to drinking to eat anything and wait 30 minutes after every meal in order to drink. Drinking while eating is not an option for me. Nevertheless, my body seems to respond fairly to this practice. Evidently, every lapbandster's experience with water/food intake is different, one just has to experiment and see what works best. In my experience, healthy food choices seem to go down faster for me, therefore the 30 minute rule is obsolete. However, I think that the 30 min pause before/after meal in order to drink anything is a complete exaggeration. My theory is that it takes 20 min or less for the food in the pouch to enter the stomach. Nevertheless, if a surgeon tells a patient drink liquids 15 min after every meal...most patients will drink their liquids 3 minutes after every meal. Perhaps even less.

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