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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kosy2

  1. kosy2

    Friendly Sabotage

    I am right there with you. If you had a problem with drugs, alcohol, dietibites I wonder if those same people would say "just take this one pill or sip of wine or taste of cake"? I think NOT. The problem as I see it is that most people to not see obesity as a disease. The only way that I have found to help is to respond by saying "Sure, in a little while." Most offen what happens is they forget to ask again. This works better at parties then when you are one or one. I have found that if you just say "no" then what happens is a power strugle. I once had a family member that said to me on my birthday that if I did not have a piece of my birthday cake they would be really mad at me and would not talk to me any more. Go figure?
  2. kosy2

    Liguid Protein

    Pro Stat 64. 1 oz. has 15g of complete Protein, 79 calories. call or email for free samples - 1-424-397-1987 or nutritiondirect1@aol.com. $23.95/bottle (case of 6) s&h included. each bottle 32 oz.
  3. kosy2

    To Weigh or Not To Weigh

    Rebecca, I am right there with you. If the scale says what I think it should then I am on cloud 9, but watch out if it does not. I think for at least the first month I am going to put the scale away. For me I think it's best. I figure that those first weeks will be enough of an adjustment that I don't need the number on the scale to mess with me as well. After I make peace with the Band I will look up my friend the Scale.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Never thought about mourning the loss of lifestyle. I think you are right and because I am now aware that it might happen I will be on the lookout for it realize that it will pass in time.
  5. Do you use fresh distilled water and clean water tank every day? Check out www.cpaptalk.com they have a great forum. Also you can be very thin and STILL have sleep apnea. Best of luck. Michele
  6. kosy2

    your scale of Drs?

    I use my scale at home. I keep a 35 pound hand weight next to the scale and weight it first before I weigh myself. I NEED to know my exact weight.
  7. It's great you learned something about your body. What a blessing. Just be careful about the BF. Hope she/he is NOT your only support.
  8. What you need is called a bra extender. Look at Walmart in the sewing section. Be sure to check you bra first to see how many hooks (i.e. 3,4) The extenders are under $2.00 and work wonders.
  9. kosy2

    Quick fix?

    Yes, for years I have felt that surgery was a quick fix. In the past 10 years I have lost 120 pounds TWICE. Only to gain it all back plus. Not to mention the countless times in the last 40 years that I loss 20, 30, 50 pounds and regained. I would be insane to keep doing the same thing and expecting a diffent result (keep to weight off). Only someone that has not had surgery would think it is a quick fix. Until now, that included me too. Humming Bird has it right. So what if it IS easy? Why would anyone want to make life harder? The big picture is that we loose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. Maybe my real issue is pride? Maybe I do not want to ammit that I can not win the war on fat all by myself. Thanks Humming Bird, I had a real light bulb moment.
  10. kosy2

    Never wake up...

    I worry about the exact opposite when I think about up coming surgery. I heard of people that are not asleep and can feel the whole opperation. This has never happened during previous surgery I've had but there is alway the first time for everything. Since I found out about this I always tell the doctor to make sure I am really, really, really out.
  11. ravenjen, Up until a few weeks ago I felt that my depression would never go away either. Yes, I too felt better about my appearance when I lost 120 pounds 4 years ago but I still had underlying depression. I gave up on my eating plan. Of course the more weight I gained the deeper the depression. Over the past 36 years I was on many antidepressants, in thearpy for 9 years and in the mental hospital for a week once. Nothing had a lasting effect. The meds did not work for me and I gained weight on them. The greatest thing that has happened in the pre op process was my pshyc exam. Doctor suggested I read a book by Paul Gilbert called OVERCOMING DEPRESSION. It has change my belief that my depression is a disease that I am doomed to live with. Even if something would keep me from having surgery I would not be upset because I feel that finding this doctor plus the book has put me on the road to recovery from depression. Praise God!!! Prayers are with you, Michele
  12. I wanted to do something to celebrate my new way of eating. On Sept. 2 my SIL and I are going to Hot Pots. It's a place where you can make your own ceramic plates, bowl, etc. I will design my new dinnerware. It's mine and no one else in the house will use it. I also plan to buy a child size (not baby) silver knife, fork, spoon set.
  13. Please don't worry. I went to my psych appt. very depressed. In fact, I was so sick of being fat that I truly wanted to die. Of course the test revieled this as well. My psych doctor is great and has helped me so much is such a short time. He suggested weekly visits pre & post op. He said that my depression would NOT delay surgery because I had a good understanding how the band is only a tool and I would have to do my part as well. However, dealing with my depression would make it easier to do my part. My doctor explained that depression presents itself in many ways. Try not to fight the process. I have been fat for over 45 years and what I know for sure it that the war against fat is 99% in the head. Good luck and keep us updated.
  14. kosy2

    Am I Kidding Myself?

    It has been said many times before, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Think back to when you were on a diet in the past - when you ate really high quility food, no cheating. How much weight did you loose per week? That should give you an idea of what YOUR body will do. Then of course the more exercise you do the more weight loss. Tell yourself that no matter what you weigh that you will have a wonderful time. Not because of what you think you look like but because you will be with your sister.
  15. kosy2

    Hypothetical question.

    I finished all my testing by July 30th. I could have had surgery beginning of August. However we have a 9 day cruise Sept. 9 - 18. NO WAY I would risk having the surgery before the cruise. I have been fat over 40 years. What's another couple of weeks? I want my doctor who knows me, not a stranger in a strange place should something go wrong.
  16. kosy2

    addicted to sugar

    If someone is truly addicted to sugar, or anything for that matter, one can not live by "all things in moderation". If that were true than the person would not be addicted. Think back to when you were first banded. You were on a fast. Not as extreem as water only but a fast none the less. Just my 2 cents.
  17. kosy2

    addicted to sugar

    I am not banded yet, however in the past when I fell off the wagon the only thing to get me back on track was a water fast. One to three days. It was enough time to "detox" from the sugar. Sometimes I would loose as much as five pounds in 3 days and that made me feel better than the crap food. Good Luck.
  18. I think we are to have friends for a seasion. And then we are to move on. Although it is quite painful at the time, years later I have been able to look back and see that in fact it was a good thing. I was able to grow in ways that would have not been possible had the friendship not ended. I believe all things happen for a reason.
  19. Count me as a September Sweetie. Saw doctor today and although I still need one more test (gallbladder) I was able to set surgery for Sept. 28th. Just hope I can get appt. for test next week or I may have to wait until Oct. cause husband and I have a cruise planed for Sept. 9 thru 18. Doctor wants 2 week pre op diet (low carb & protein) but he's only going to get 10 days. Think he will notice?
  20. kosy2

    Protein shopping

    Genesis Today sells a product called Protein 100. It is liquid protein. 1 oz. has 15 grams of protein and only 60 calories. I put it in a shot glass and shoot it so can't really tell how it taste.
  21. kosy2

    failure...were you worried??

    I read somewhere that you only fail when you give up.
  22. Friends, really think long and hard about who and when you tell. Like most of us I have been on many diets and at first you are so excited that you tell everyone that you have found the answer to you weight problem. I do this because of course I am looking for support. However, it has been my experience that 99% of the people I tell are not able to support me. In the beginning it might seem like they are on your side, but down the road they drop off one by one. This time, I tell on need to know. That means for now husband and 5 children. Husband because I tell him everything, children because I need the older ones to help take the youngest to and from work. They know if the rest of my family finds out I will be coming after them. I was happy when I found out that I had a gullstone and doc would be removing gullbladder. Now when people see me eating differently I will be telling them "Ever since I had my gullbladder removed I just can't eat the same". Truth is the people around me really do not fully understand my struggles. Some try, but they have not walked in my shoes. For me, for now, this forum is the safe place. Just remember - You can always tell but once they know - they know.
  23. kosy2

    Any one with dentures?

    Keep me posted. I will be praying for you. Michele
  24. I have full upper dentures the are not easy to chew with. My concern is that I will not chew my food well enough and I will get "stuck". I am thinking that maybe I should reconsider having the band.
  25. kosy2

    Any one with dentures?

    You sound just like me. At home I almost never have my dentures in. I think my dentures are part of the reason I regain 120 pound weight loss. It is really hard to chew the good food. Since I started this lap band process I have been using my teeth to chew and chew and chew. However I still fear that it won't be enough. When are you to be banded? Michele

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