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Posts posted by TaNgLe

  1. Hi everyone

    Susannah..Lol. Thankyou for your kind offer.. better not accept tho.. ill do it the hard way and wait..i'm getting used to it by now. :rolleyes and well done. So glad everything went well and the port is behaving itself for you :clap2:

    Bronnie.. that is fantastic.U must be exstatic u r doing so well :clap2:

    Meredith..good luck with the run. I am sure you will do just great and have fun :P Hope you get a good day for it

    Angel..good luck for the revision on monday. Hope all goes well for you. Ill have my fingers crossed

    Hi to everyone else..hope you all have a great weekend

  2. Bronnie you make me laugh.. i don't FIT down the toilet yet.. hopefully that will happen after i get the band..if that day ever comes lol

    How is everything going ? I can't believe how quick time has gone.U will be the one disappearing down that toilet pretty soon if you keep loosing the weight :biggrin1:

    Meredith, you will have to give us more warning next time you are down our way so we can all get our acts together :)

    Hi Susannah.Hope all is well your way too.Good luck for wednesday.hopefully your port will get sorted out without surgery ..fingers crossed

  3. Hi all

    Great to read everyone again :) I havn't been able to log on for a while with a few ups and downs at home and being really busy at work and looks like i have missed heaps.

    Bronnie.. well done :clap2: U r doing wonderfully.. already 6 kgs down! wow u must be so happy.And he gave you a fill already..that will push those kilos off no doubt especially with your hard exercising.Keep up the good work

    Susannah.. u r doing amazing as well. 11 kgs so soon. U will be under the hundred in no time.that is great :)

    And Meredith you are looking just beautiful. Did you get to meet up with any of the girls when you came down to melbourne?

    Hi to Jacqui and everyone else. Hope all is well

    catch you soon, take care

  4. Hi all

    Bronnie..i hope you managed a nap in there sumwhere! Good luck for tomorrow! i am absolutely sure it will all go fantastically well with no probs.

    Susannah..sorry to hear about your complications. Hopefully it will sort itself out for you with no major dramas.

    Meredith..would have been great to catch up with everyone and put faces to names.. hopefully next time. we will all have to work on a good date for all.Have fun while you are down here tho

    Anna .. well done on the loss. That is great news.Keep it up

    Angel..hope this new doctor is able to wok things out for you. All the best with the visit.Did they say how early if they have to induce you?

    hi to everyone else.hope you are all having great week

  5. Hi all,

    hope you are all feeling great :D

    Bronnie, I am feeling nervous for you. I can imagine what it must be like but just think ..this time next week you wil be well on your way to the new you u lucky girl :clap2: I think i would be treating myself to a really yummy lunch tomorrow ..not overdoing it but just sumthing that maybe you think u might not be able to have again..dunno if that is the right way to think but still think i would do it all the same..like susannah said a last supper type of thing :phanvan

    Dionnem..nope. still no date I think it may be a while as i am a public patient. I actually heard that Nottle is knocking back people now so i think he may be really busy so may take longer than i first expected :faint:

    susannah.. how is everything going with you? Is it what you thought it would be like ?

    hi to everyone else

  6. Hi all

    How is everyone going ? Just got Back from my holiday in queensland and had to jump online quickly to see how you all are...it Seems like ages since i was here last.. my god Bronnie.. u have only a week to go! How excited must you be ? :clap2: I am so envious and susannah you are already on solids. U r doing really well. Anna Congrats on your 10th anniversary ,

    hi to everyone else as well.. will catch up on all the posts soon

    take care

  7. Bronnie

    Don't feel bad. U r doing fantastically. Focus on the good part of what you have done.. you started Optifast without HAVING to and you have lost 3 kgs! :clap2: great effort. We all have our little slip ups and you will only benefit from it. don't go beating yourself up.. tomoro is another day. U go girl..u will do it :)

    hi to everyone

  8. hi Fee

    I am actually going up to the gold coast on wednesday to spend some time with my dad. We were lucky enuf to find really cheap accomodation in elanora.costing us $70 a night for 4 of us. $40 a night per couple.My dad checked it out and said it is clean and comfortable..I hope!..but nothing luxurious. we found it on ebay of all places through the QLD travel people so maybe have a look whats on there at the moment :)

    have a good holiday when u go

  9. Hi all

    Bronnie.. well done on the Optifast :clap2: U r going great guns now :) and don't bother looking in this direction for the next bander..it definitely won't be me.. change the weeks to 3 months and there might be a small ray of hope lol

    Susannah.. glad to hear you are up and walking places now. Good stuff. Can't believe you are already on the mushies stage.. time just flies

    Dionnem.. good luck for monday in case i don't get online over the weekend.Hope it all goes smoothly for you

    Meredith.. hi to you too. And blended KFC ? .. we do it all the time for the guys we work with..have been tempted to have a taste but it just looks too gross lol

    Hi to everyone else and have a great weekend

  10. Cam

    Wow.. u r amazing! You have done such a great job and look just beautiful and i cant believe it only took you the 12 mths.I wish i were 25 again cos i seriously doubt my body would be capable of bouncing back that well ! lol

    I'll be happy with any sort of bouncing back at the moment tho :)

    Jacqui you look wonderful too girl. Amazing accomplishments.. well done. Great inspirations

  11. Hi all

    And happy valentines day to you all.. hope it was a romantic one :) Meredith..your dinner sounded yummy .I had to work so no such luxury for me :phanvan .. all i got were a couple of lousy text msgs lol

    Bronnie..don't stress too much. I am sure it will,as always,come together for you. If they know your op date maybe they will work around that. My sleep test was booked in pretty much straight away and i am a public patient so i am sure IF you have to have one you will do it all in the required time frame.

    Dionnem..not long to go! These next couple of days will fly by for you..Make the most of your mum being there you lucky girl.

    Susannah..wanna bet this time next year you will be beating all those "Mr Wonderful" guys off with a big stick cos u will have too many to choose from ? :D

    Jacqui..hope you had lots of fun with the girls.. did u wake your hubby up? lol :)

    have a good one tomorrow and stay cool

  12. Hi all

    WOw u guys are keeping this thread busy..i just can't keep up lol

    Susannah, how is your port insicion doing? hope its not giving you too much trouble:phanvan As for your pics.. u may not feel like posting yet but trust me i am sure within a few weeks u will be busting to post them and show us how well u r doing. :girl_hug: I think we all hate our before/present pics but hopefully that will soon change :clap2:

    Bronnie, i can feel your excitement thru your posts :) so glad it is allcoming together quickly for you and good luck for your appointments 2 moro

    Dionnem not long for you now either.. good luck!

    Hi to everyone else and hope you have a great day

  13. Hi all

    Susannah that would be a great idea. Maybe you could start a before and after thread for us Aussies :clap2:

    U may not Feel like posting the befores just yet but i am sure you will be realy proud to post the during pics a couple of weeks down the track.

    How is it all going anyway ?

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