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Posts posted by MS LISA

  1. Has anyone used Dr. Jose Rodriguez in Juarez? I've been scouring the internet trying to find surgeons in Mexico that work with finance companies. I've been denied by them all, but I found that Dr. Rodriguez has In House financing for those that have been denied before (a large down payment required.) I called and the scheduler said that she would get back with me on Monday or Tuesday to let me know if I was accepted or denied. His resume looks impressive and the hospital looks nice. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with him. Thanks for any info you can give me!

    Hi there,

    I had my surgery with Dr Rod, about 9 months ago on 11/23/10, I have lost 90 pounds and I have 10 pnds till I hit my goal weight at 135, I loved Dr Rod and he is very professional and if you have any questions please email me sisterlisa @ live.com


  2. It was a tough decision - especially since I revised only 9 months after having my band installed. But once I got it in, and wasn't losing weight (and having such difficulty with fills and restriciton), I started researching other options. When I found the success that everyone had with the sleeve, I was blown away.

    I went to MX for both surgeries, but with different doctors. I thought I was crazy paying so much money for surgery in one year, but guess what? I'm SO happy I did it. If I hadn't, I'd still be exactly like I was in my before picture .

    Hi there,

    You look wonderful!!! I too had surgery with Dr Rod, I am 6 months post and have lost 72 pounds and im very happy as well.

    How much weight have you lost with the sleeve??? My weight loss seems to be taking forever!

    I lose maybe 2 pounds a week and not sure why, I exercise but just slow weight loss. what are you doing to make the weight come off???

    How much can you eat now in one setting???


  3. Hi Everyone!

    I havent been posting much here but I have been lurking almost everyday, On the 23rd I will be 6 months since surgery and I have lost a total of 71 pounds I havent changed my ticker yet.

    I have to say its been the best thing I have ever done for my self. I feel great and I love losing weight!

    I always have my Protein Drink every morning and I do try and eat mostly Protein every day, I also eat other things I shouldnt,lol. But I dont do it on a regular basis. My Dr told me that I can eat what ever I want cause I will only eat very little , its what you drink that is important.

    I work out about 3 times a week and I walk about 4 times a week, I just started lifting weights cause my arms are huge!

    I am in a size 10 pants and I cant remember when I was last in that size of pants. It totally feels great!

    The only problem I have is getting my Water in, I am not a water drinker and so I dont get all the water I need I put flavoring in it and that helps.

    I have 28pounds till goal!

    If there is anyone debating on getting the surgery, let me tell you the only regret is that I didnt get it done


    Thanks for reading, God Bless,


  4. It completely depends on what I'm eating. I measured everything early out so I can not relate to "7 bites" of anything. Slider foods such as chips, pretzels, nuts, bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes, chili, yogurt etc I can eat 6-8oz. For dense Protein such as steak, chicken, ribs, I max out at about 3-5oz. To this day, I can not eat an entire chicken breast. Like the ones that are served with a grilled chicken salad at restaurants. I can eat 3-5slices of the chicken breast, but that's all I can get in.

    Taco Bell- 1 soft taco minus the top part of the tortilla

    pizza Hut (or at home Frozen Pizza) - I can eat 1-1.5 slice of pizza minus the top crust, and it depends on the amount of toppings and sauce.

    Chilis- I can eat 3 Southwest eggrolls or 3 slider burgers without the top bun and a few bites of whatever side dish I want

    As far as a steak, I order an 8oz ribeye, cooked medium, I can eat almost half of it, if I eat super slow, I can have a few bites of veggies/starches.

    If I add bread or sliders to any of my Protein foods, I can fit a bit more in. If I stretch my meal out over more than 30-45 minutes I can fit in a couple more ounces, if I stretch it over an hour (like social situations, dinners out with group of friends/families), I can quite a bit more, but I still can not eat what I ate pre-op. If I add Condiments such as A1 steak sauce, ranch dressing, gravies, sauces of any sort (this is called food LUBE), I can eat more.

    In maintenance, I eat an average of 1500-1800 calories per day. I no longer count anything other than protein and calories. I eat anything and everything I want, and yes, I eat white carbs, and drink soda and have for over a year in maintenance with zero effects on my weight. But, this is my experience, and others have found that they can not eat like I do in maintenance. I do steer clear of candy, ice cream, cakes etc because I just don't like those things on a regular basis. My weakness is chips and crackers, and I do eat them, I just don't eat huge amounts of them. I can not eat biscuits or pancakes this far out, but I can eat 1 small Eggo waffle if I really want to have something like that.

    Restriction changes for just about everyone the further out we get, but there is a max capacity. At 2-3 months out, I was good to get in 1-2oz of dense protein with zero room for veggies. Rice, Pasta, bread, tortillas all hurt my sleeve and now those are all slider foods. But, I'm nearly 2 years out, and I've been eating roughly the same amounts since I was 8-9 months out. I've found ways to cheat the sleeve, and I do use those tactics occasionally to get in extra calories. Some days, I just want veggies, and I believe my body tells me to eat what it needs. There are plenty of days when I do not get in my protein, and then there are other days when I all I want is meat, cheeses, eggs. I've found a balance with what works for my body, and my nutritional needs.

    And, no I'm not maintaining my weight loss anymore because I'm pregnant. I maintained my loss for a year before I started gaining a few pounds with the pregnancy.

    Thank you so much for your reply, It is good info for me Congrats on your new baby!!!!!

  5. I think the studies that are out for the 3-5+ yr single stage VSG patients are based on the bigger sleeves that were used before the technique was adjusted.

    I lost 100%+ of my EWL, and I know many others that are 2-4 years out, and easily maintaining their loss. There's a few long termers on here, but they rarely post. I'm just over a year, and honestly, I really don't see myself ever gaining more than 5-10 pounds back over the next few years. I'm not naive to believe that I won't see a regain of some sort, but I also know myself better than any statistical study could predict. Losing isn't difficult with the sleeve, it's the maintenance that is tricky. So far though, I've found a really great balance and hover within a 5lb loss/gain on any given day.



  6. Sorry you had such a hard time, I also had my surgery with Dr Rod, I had the VSG and for me the gas was not that bad, thank god!!

    I totally agree with you on the pain meds, they were the worst!!! I did take some Vicodin with me, and after 2 days of pain I finally was able to take a real pain pill and that was good.

    I had no problems in Mexico except for the english barrier with the nurses.

    I had no sickness and not to bad of gas, but I also got the VSG not the plication.

    I hope you are doing well now.

    Take care, God bless, LIsa

  7. I am 7 weeks out and every time that my husband and I have sex I get sick to my stomach, I dont throw up cause I havent throwed up yet, I get that quizy feeling and mouth watering like im going to throw up, I dont know if its the motions with my stomach moving around or what but I have noticed if I take a drive I will sometimes get sick to my stomach also.

    I used to have a Iron stomach, anyone else having this problem???


    Surgery: 7 weeks ago

    Total loss: 38 pounds!!

  8. Ok here it is...and I have already left a message for my doc too....

    still on liquids. last night...2am...bolt upright awake with a SEVERE pain in my stomach. Like, seriously it felt like someone was grabbing the inside of my stomach sleeve and ripping it out. At the same time , I felt burning in my chest area, and tasted what I thought was blood...felt an intense urge to start coughing, but stomach pain was ripping me apart so I was trying to get to toilet.

    I sat in front of the toilet thinking I was going to vomit, but the pain was so bad, I got all sweaty and tingly, and felt like the room was spinning, felt like I was gonna pass out! I felt like I couldn't catch my breath for the burning in my chest and tried to cough just a little, which burned like terrible and coughed up what looked and tasted like stomach bile.

    I was almost crying, my husband was about to call 911... I kept saying "somethings wrong, somethings wrong" I seriously thought I was gonna die. Then, as quickly as it came on, the pain subsidded. However....I still had the burning in my chest, and now this morning, it still feels tight in my chest and rattly ...

    ok, just heard from the doc, they want me to go have a chest xray..

    sigh..... nothing can ever go smoothly for me.

    Hi kindra,

    Did you go to the Dr's??? What did they say??

    I have been waking up in the middle of the night with burning in my throat from well I think that its that stong yucky yellow bile stuff from my stomach and was wondering if it is the same as what you are getting?

    Please let me know


  9. So during my scoping the doctor found the H Pylori Bacteria in my stomach. His first suggestion on the matter was to put off surgery for 2 weeks until it was cleared up. Knowing that my insurance changes on the 1st we decided to go through with the surgery and treat the problem 2 weeks post op for 2 weeks. I am now 1 week 2 days out and I have been having horrible pains in my chest/throat it feels like it is on fire. At the same time I feel like I'm hungry. So I don't know if it's heart burn thats going on or if it's hunger? I can't eat much right now although I start back on my chopped meats Monday. I feel perfect in everyway other then the pain/fire going on in my chest/throat. I bought an over the counter antacid today "doctors suggestion" I just hope it clears it up. I've never dealt with heart burn so I don't really know if that's what it is.. Please anyone is this normal with the surgery or is it caused because of the bacteria?

    Hi there,

    I have been getting some acid stuff coming up in my throat that burns it in the middle of the night, is this something that you are dealing with??? It's kinda like that yellow bile stuff you know when you throw up and there is nothing except that yellow crap?? well thats whats happening to me I was wondering if that is what your going thru too?


  10. Hello Sleevers... today I am five days out from surgery. Woke up this moring feeling much more "normal" than any day since surgery.

    Not much pain, not really any nausea, but my stomach does make HORRIBLE noises as soon as I eat anything. Sounds like a garbage disposal, LOL... how long till THAT passes?

    Yesterday I had trouble getting all my liquids in, but doing much better today with them. it is really a CONCENTRATED effort to get all the liquids in they want you to, though, but I know it is really important.

    Cups of Cammomile tea help, and count as the Water part.

    It is almost SCARY how little I can eat. I mean, we're talking about eating a thimble full of food and I feel stuffed, and am belching and gurgling. I expected that I could only eat a tiny but I guess I just couldn't imagine how LITTLE of anything I can eat.

    One surprise is that, maybe this didn't happen to everyone, but my tastes seem to have changed. I am not hungry AT ALL, and when I do eat, any kind of meat seems absolutely repulsive to me. I can't even imagine eating red meat, and tuna and even chicken and turkey seem very unappealing.

    Also, the biggest surprise is that chocolate tastes GROSS to me... yuk, it's like almost slimy tasting. I now seem to crave vanilla. Is it sujpposed to happen that your tastes flip around???

    So here is the best thing that I can eat...

    - One half of a shot glass full of mashed potatoes, with a little gravy.

    - One half of a shot glass full of mashed sweet potato. No butter, a little pepper.

    - One half of a shot glass of mashed advocado

    - A mini-bite of cottage cheese (it kind of grosses me out)

    - A mini-bite of yogurt

    - pureed egg salad... one-half shot glass.

    Liquids are still best for me. I posted my Power shake recipie on another email, but here it is again. I love this, it tastes great and has 53 Grams of Protein:


    -- Throw a handful of mini ice-cubes in the bottom of a blender.

    -- 1/4-C liquid yogurt (I prefer Trader Joe's Organic Probiotic Yogurt Shake, but Dannon liquid Yogurt will do. Flavored is OK.)

    -- 1/4-C skim milk plus

    -- 1 Scoop of unjury chocolate or Vanilla Protein powder

    -- If you've had any diarreha, toss in a splash of Pedialyte.

    Blend on Liquefy


    Also, I am starting to have some BMs, but they are loose. I guess that is to be expected until your stomach adjusts.

    Be well, everyone...


    Blend on Liquify

    Wow you are already on mushies, thats nice!! I am 2 weeks and still on full liquids, I was wondering

    what is liquid yogurt?? Does the yogurt that comes in the cups ok or does it have to be liquid??

    That is a really good idea, I am having a hard time getting all my liquids in it seems that after I sip a few times I get full and it starts coming back up in my throat.

    Thanks lisa

  11. Yep, I have it if I move too much. It really hurts! I think it's just part of the healing process. My surgery was 12/1 so I'm only a week out. Right now I am being careful and doing all I can to avoid that feeling! I'm sure it will go away soon for both of us!

    Ya my Dr emailed me and said that it was part of the healing and try not to move alot or twist and said to use warm towels or heating pad.

    Congrats on your sleeve, im feeling pretty good other then that just seem to get full on my liquids fast, like if I take 1 more sip I can feel it coming back up like I am totally filled up

    Do you do that??

  12. It could have been an Esophageal spasm. They feel exactly like a heart attack, it's the same nerves for the heart that are effected when you have an Esophageal spasm. They are common after the sleeve surgery for some people. I had them before my sleeve and the sleeve has cured them thus far, thank goodness. They. are. awful!

    It's either that or just the normal restriction reacting to you having a little too much to eat. Try not to measure out 3oz, and plan on eating all of it (what you should be able to eat); instead try to feel or look for indications that you are full before you finish it.

    It wasn't until about 2 months out that I could eat a full 2-3oz of food without causing myself to be very uncomfortable. I know we are supposed to be able to eat 3oz but that's after the swelling goes down, at just one month out your swelling itsn't even close to down yet.

    I still measure my food in a 1/4 of a cup portion and eat until I feel my body telling me enough. Sometimes I don't finish my 1/4 of a cup. I hate hate hate sliming and I do everything I can to avoid it.

    If it keeps happening contact your Dr. maybe he/she can give you something if it's Esophageal spasms.



  13. Hello everyone! I was sleeved on November 29, 2010, and came home from the hospital 3 days after. I was doing great in the hospital but when I got home and had to take pain meds crushed with Water things did not go so well. I struggled with swallowing them and was in tons of pain. The biggest relief I have found is the Heating Pad!! Love it!! My biggest problem of all is being mentally hungry. Oh my do I ever miss food. I am a week out and already anxious to at least just have eggs. I have a feeling that I dont really know what it is, so if anyone can help me out with it it would be great! I often get like a hunger pain in my stomach with some growling, but its not really hunger if that makes sense. It comes almost evey hour and its not really a pain. Its alot like rumbling. its really weird. Is this normal? Anyone else out there had surgery this past week? Just wondering how everyone is doing? So far this first week I have lost 12lbs. Crazy!


    I would love the meatballs information!!! I was sleeved Nov 23rd almost 2 weeks, and I get

    weard noises in my tummy as well, im not hungry though. Now I will get like a burning in 1 spot when I move a certain way, I hope this is normal????

    Good Luck


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