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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tsaleen

  1. OMG I AM SO HUNGRY!!!! :cursing::tongue2::cursing::cursing::cursing::tt2::cursing::tt2::cursing::thumbdown::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:
  2. Tsaleen

    Jimmy Dean D-lights

    Sounds Yum, so jealous! I had refried beans for dinner, so not yum. :thumbdown:
  3. Tsaleen

    One day post op!

    Tannie-They put the catheter in right when you are coming out of anesthesia, I didn't even remember it. I was sure glad when it came out, didn't hurt a bit to come out but just cumbersome and annoying lugging it around with you!
  4. Tsaleen


    I went the diet pill route before, I took phen-phen back in the 90's and almost had a heart attack. I would tell the doctor you don't believe in taking drugs, and the side affects are worrisome.
  5. babyk - That is great news, hopefully that does the trick. Don't give up yet please!
  6. Have you tried pepcid? I was feeling really boated at one week and my surgeon recommended me go back on my pepcid after day one, but I didn't. After one week I got a pill cutter, cut it in half, took twice daily and the bloating went away. It could be acid indigestion or gas giving you that bloated feeling. I was sooooo bloated in my stomach! It was so uncomfortable at the time.
  7. At one week out I was miserable too, I am two weeks out and I am starting to feel great. Try and be patient with your healing, my surgeon said 4 weeks minimum for true healing time.
  8. Tsaleen

    You Guys are SCARING ME!

    I haven't thrown up either :smile2: Consider yourself lucky!
  9. I lost 12 pounds the first week after surgery, my husband keeps telling me how much weight I lost. I feel like 12 pounds isn't much but it really is! You look great girl! Keep it up!
  10. Tsaleen

    Hard Choice

    Luke, If you lack discipline, are not patient, tend to cheat on diets, then gastric banding may not be for you. Especially if you are a snacker. The band is a tool, I would be worried for you to get the band and then sabatouge yourself. It is a commitment to lifestyle change and better eating habits. My problem is, and hopefully won't always be, portion control. I eat most of the right things just have a tendancy to overeat my last meal of the day. I am also very athletic so I knew once I could drop some of this excess weight I would be getting back into the swing of exercise!
  11. Most everyone I know has been supportive of my decision, but there are the occasional "WHAT? All you have to do is BLAH BLAH BLAH to lose weight!!!" Obviously the blah blah blah hasn't worked for me right? :smile2: It's a personal choice, don't let anyone make the choice for you.
  12. If you can rule out blood clots, it could be what someone on this forum said about my post op arm pain. I am 10 days post op, but up until like the 5th day I had intense burning forearm pain in both arms. They were also VERY hot to the touch. Someone said it could be from the after affects of the muscle relaxant they give you before surgery. It subsided after 5 or 6 days and is completely gone now. In fact most of my pain is gone, I have maybe pain level 2 occasionally. But the gas still comes around! :smile2: I hope it's nothing serious and temporary!
  13. Tsaleen

    Funny Dream

    Please stop me if you have already had this dream! (LOL) This morning I dreamed that my left boob deflated, because the fat in my boob slid down into my belly. I freaked out and pushed the fat back up into my boob to make it back to normal, and then realized I pushed my port up into my boob when I moved the fat..... I then yelled out "CRAP I NEED TO CALL MY SURGEON!" I woke up, grabbed my boob and all was well. PS. 10 days post-op Anyone else have dreams like this? :thumbup:
  14. I am 10 days post op, I was very gassy and bloated up until day 8. Yesterday was the first day I felt minimal pain, bloating, swelling or discomfort. Make sure you are getting plenty of Water as your kidneys and liver can be overworked during your liquid phase. At day 4 I felt lousy and had much pain and discomfort, it gets better every day and today I feel so much better!
  15. Tsaleen

    Any of you gamers?

    I used to be a big time gamer, I also play alot of texas holdem poker. I decided to give up the online gaming to work on my MSA. One of my favorite games is coming out but luckily the release date is still not announced. I pray it does not come out until after next summer!
  16. I am from the Bay Area, California. I do accounting consulting and am currently working on my Masters in Accounting. I almost postponed my coursework because I was banded last Wednesday (9/22) but I am glad I didn't!
  17. I thought I was feeling better but for the past couple days I feel this discomfort where my stomach is, I am guessing swelling? I am also constantly burping. It is hard for me to get down all of my liquids because of this. I get the best burp if I bend over with my mouth open and well it's hard to explain. My question, I know I am still healing but how long should I expect to feel this pressure in my chest? Should I still be taking the liquid Vicodin? I have only been taking a small amount at night to help me sleep as this is uncomfortable. It's 4 am and I can't sleep but I am exhausted. My incision pain hardly hurts, just where the largest incision is and lower I can feel the healing inside there. Thanks guys!
  18. My surgeon said 6 weeks after surgery. *wave
  19. What I have been doing with my pain meds is sipping it slowly alternating with a sip of Water. This may help dilute it a bit. Take your time getting it down. Don't forget to take it again every so often as you don't want the pain to get ahead of you. I was banded last wednesday and it has been rough but it gets better every day. You could also have some lingering affects of general anesthesia, did you doctor give you suppositories for nausea? I haven't had to use them luckily but when I was overnight in the hospital I had terrible nausea whenever I sat up.
  20. It sounds like he is insecure that you will lose weight and find someone better. You should tell him as long as he treats you good this will never happen, and your relationship will be better once your health improves and your quality of life together will too. My husband was more nervous about my surgery than I was, he was worried I would die under the knife as well. He told me up to the last minute "You know I love you just the way you are, and you don't have to do this" but I told him I was not going to change my mind and he supported me 1000% and still does. If your fiance is not supportive in the long run he may not be the right person for you. Remind him of the traditional wedding vows: I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live. For larger and for smaller!!!!!
  21. Tsaleen

    Questions and Ramblings

    "if I had known there was a big chance of gaining the weight back ..I would have chosen another form of weight loss surgery" What other surgery would you have chosen? Personally I chose to be banded because I didn't want to deal with the long term malabsorption affects of gastric bypass. I also wanted to be able to have my morning espresso since I work so many hours and have a demanding job, it tends to keep my focus sharp. I also wanted to actually have to work to get in shape and take better care of my body for the long term (my problem is portion control). One thing my surgeon told me is with the band surgery, it's not the final surgery you can do. You can always convert to a bypass or a sleeve if you want to. Personally I would want to work on my own eating and fitness issues before doing something as drastic again!
  22. Tsaleen


    That is horrible, I feel for you. This is the big thing most of us dread. I am thankful to be notified through others experiences here that any extended vomiting should result in an immediate unfill in an attempt to avoid slippage! I hope you are better soon!
  23. Tsaleen

    how much protein???

    The ideal amount of Protein relates to what your ideal lean body mass should be based on your height and sex. I am 5'4/F and my nutritionist set my daily protein goal to 66.
  24. Tsaleen

    Help!! Feeling overwhelmed!!

    Seriously, I am one week post op and it seems like every commercial is some huge portion of something bad. My saviour right now is low sodium cream of chicken soup.

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