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Posts posted by Llyra

  1. One of the things that really sucks about having a weight problem is the number of people who feel they have some sort of moral right and/or obligation to make comments on what we put in our mouths or how we conduct our lives. My stock reaction for anyone who has the unmitigated gall to do so: A cold stare and, "Why on earth would you make such a personal remark?"

    Too many of us are programmed to apologize for our size, what we eat, how much room we take up in a theater seat. When someone chides us, we bow our heads, acknowledge our inferiority, and promise to do better.

    Well, I say the hell with it. Stand up, talk back, learn to be polite but firm, or just tell those people to go to the devil. We're overweight, we aren't childish, stupid, uneducated or in need of constance survellance by society. I am willing to bet most individuals on this forum know more about weight control than ten skinny civilians, so why do we let the uneducated and unexperienced buffalo us with unsolicited comments?

    Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

    Quit giving consent, hold your head high, and fight back.

  2. People have overtaken land everywhere on this earth. It's our history. You can't blame "Christians" for this. The blame is on "people".

    I am talking specifically about America and Americans. Christians came here with an agenda and carried it out via forced conversion and genocide. Wasn't just the Indians who pissed off those who thought God spoke to them: Ann Hutchinson didn't agree with her local socio-political Christian organization and the good churchmen drove her and her children out into the wilderness to die. The Quakers came in for beatings, time in the stock, exile and murder at the hands of the ruling Christian party. There are other examples- shall I go on?

    Blaming the ills of the country on "people" rather than on the Christians you claim give Christians the upper hand in governing the country is hypocritical to say the least. Read some history that took place later than 40 CE and learn with what violence and lack of charity the Christians carried their Holy Word to the New World. Have the courage to own it as part of your religious background and don't try to sweep it away by murmuring about forgiveness for sin.

    An American Theocracy would be a nightmare. What you are telling me is that people can believe and worship any way they please as long as they submit to the Christian version of government, which includes perks for Christians starting with Christmas holiday and going clear through denying a person's right to marry whomever they chose.

    My point is people have good, solid reasons to fear rule by Christians. Wasn't very long ago that the powerful Baptists announced it was a woman's duty to submit unto her husband as he submitted unto God. Do I want these people making this good Christian point of view law? No, I do not, and I'm glad there are enough tolerant and compassionate Christians to vote in favor of rights for minority faiths.

  3. The band is wonderful, it is one of the best things I've ever done for myself, in five and a half months it has helped me drop my weight to a point where movement is easier, my knees don't hurt as much, and I don't worry about swaybacking my horse when I ride her. My clothes are looser, I feel better, and any inconveniences of having the band are so outweighed by the benefits that I can't quite recall what the inconveniences are.

    How's that for encouragement? :cursing:

  4. When these words were written, they did not legally apply to black people, women, or men without property. Do you really think we should return to the original intent of the document, or is heightened awareness of and compassion for the rights of these groups more to the point in the 21st century?

    The words applied to everyone in the Country.

    No, Patty, they didn't. People were held in slavery. Wives were essentially the property of their husbands; they didn't even have rights to their own children. People without property were prevented from holding office. These circumstances didn't change with the Declaration of Independence or even with the Constitution. All it takes is a bit of historical research to check this out. Primary sources still exist and are accessible.

    And it is relevant that the Christian men men you rever as founders of the country came in and destroyed the native cultures in order to force their religion and form of government on others. Christians have a history of destroying anyone who does not agree with them- and that includes dominant Christian organizations destroying smaller Christian organizations that don't agree with them. The history of the western world is filled with tyranny and massacre based solely on the firm belief that the perpetrators have God firmly on their side and that only they can know what God wants for the world.

    Is it any wonder people don't trust Christians to allow non-Christians to live peacefully according to the light God gives to them? Especially when Christians like you are so sure that you are the only people for whom God lights the way. To whit:

    God tells me is right and wrong, and thus make my conclusion. You do the same thing. Only you use your own inner consciense to make your decisions on issues, and not what God tells you is so.

    Mahatma Gandhi spoke for many people when he said, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ."

  5. I kept it pretty much to myself and a couple of good friends until I got through the surgery, bandster hell and had begun to adjust to my new lifestyle- no sense in adding unsolicited and uninformed advice and commentary while I was dealing with a difficult situation.

    I haven't exactly taken out an ad in the paper now, but I tell people I've had the procedure done if the subject of weight comes up. No one has been rude, in fact most people react positively, probably because my friends and acquaintances are really nice people.:cursing:

  6. Thank you, Patty. You just proved my point much more thoroughly than I could've done myself: that Christians think they have a historical and moral right to see laws that favor their religion in place.

    If we are going to argue historical basis for religion in America, I should point out that the earliest inhabitants of the New World were not Christians, and in fact experienced cultural and physical genocide at the hands of Christians who wished to wipe out the established faiths of these people and set Christianity in their place.

    Just for the record, my own faith is much closer to, though not the same as, that of indigenous Americans, but I don't think that gives me the historical and moral right to dictate social morality and legal holidays to anyone else.

    "We" don't need a Christian nation. "We" don't need a pagan nation. We need a nation that recognizes, accepts, and respects the rights of people to worship- or not worship- as they see fit. The idea that all these various groups can worship peacefully and safely under the reign of Christianity- well, just take a look at world history in the last 2000 years.

    Christians are not God's appointed cops to make sure everyone lives the way Christians think they should live; Christians are simply one more group of the Creator's diverse family of children. Those Christians who insist they know what is best for all Americans are the religious equivalent of a very bossy older sister who thinks no one need have opinions of their own since hers are best for everyone concerned.

    I wish you happiness and peace of mind, Patty, especially since you must feel a bit up against the wall here with all the dissent re: your religious viewpoint. But I guess you know that comes with the territory. Have a good weekend.

    Oh, PS.

    Re: Indeed, the Declaration of Independence states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These rights were derived not from a government that was transitory, but from a Governor who was eternal. It was the role of government to defend these rights and not dilute or remove them.

    When these words were written, they did not legally apply to black people, women, or men without property. Do you really think we should return to the original intent of the document, or is heightened awareness of and compassion for the rights of these groups more to the point in the 21st century?

    And PSS. I'm not an atheist, but I do advocate teaching evolution in schools as a scientic fact. There are theories as to why evolution occurs, but that evolution occurs is backed up by evidence in the fossil record, to give the simplest example among many. Creation science is mythology and every culture has its own creation myth. I have no objection to mythology, think it should be taught in school as part of a comprehensive cultural program, but to present it as serious science is ludicrous.

  7. I've been to OA a few times over the years and it wasn't for me; NA is where I finally found a home. That being said, the OA, AA, and NA meetings I've attended begin with some readings and announcements. Then most of the meetings have a go-around format where each person identifies him or herself and has the floor for a few minutes to express what they are experieincing or to offer others hope, strength and experience. You may pass if you wish- no one will hassle you for not speaking. Some large meetings use a drawing format to decide who speaks when. Other meetings are devoted to a single person telling their story. At the end, people gather together for a short prayer and afterwards there are always people to talk to.

  8. Well, the two laws you mention are good to start. And then we have Kansas weighing into the matter with its decision re: the teaching of creation science. And of course Christmas is a legal holiday while I can't get Midsummer Eve off without taking a vacation day. Would you like for me to continue?

    He created the universe and everything in it, you don't think He could manage to put a book that's correct together for us? ...If He allowed them to be the wrong words, or to be false, then mankind would have their excuses for not following them or believeing them.

    Please see reference to the Wicked Bible. I can give you other Bible Blooper references if you like, as well as a number of passages of debated meaning.

    PS Patty I wasn't originally referring only to Christians but to organized religions in general, but since you asked what laws Christians were interested in pushing I answered that question specifically and only in respect to the USA.

  9. Susan B. Anthony was one heck of a gal.

    My own point of view, which I don't expect others to accept or adopt, is that established religions are socio-political organizations with agendas that adherents feel morally obligated to foist on the rest of the world.

    I don't give a rip which religious mythology a person finds comfort in as long as that person makes no attempt to turn it into law. But just for the sake of argument:wink2::

    The ceremonial laws were abolished when the Messiah came. The other moral laws are to be upheld because Jesus reinforced them in the New Testament.

    I doubt the words in red are the only ones ever spoken by Jesus. The possibility exists that Biblical editors missed a few or misinterpreted a few here and there. Remember the Wicked Bible that had the misprint, "Thou Shalt Commit Adultery." What if that had become the version of the Bible that got passed on to us?

    There is also a small matter of the picking and choosing that was done among the ancient writings that became the Bible- who decided Luke was da bomb and Thomas wasn't worth bothering with? See the Gnostic Gospel for further information.

  10. Vitamins and minerals are prescribed by my doctors for good health. Example: 4000 units of D a day to treat a deficiency.

    My concise opinion of appetite suppressants and diet aids: AAARRRGGHHHHHH!

    C'mon, have they ever worked permanently for you before? What makes you think they'll work any better now? Diet aids are a zillion dollar a year racket that take advantage of the desparate.

  11. For what it's worth to you all, I am delighted with my band experience. There have been a few ups and downs in the process of learning to live with it, but none of them are any worse than the normal ups and downs of life. True, some people have horrific experiences with the band, but then some people have horrific experiences with childbirth, wisdom tooth extraction, and driving cars. Are you going to stop driving over bridges because one collapsed in Minnesota a few years back?

    Keep your perspective: be aware there are risks but don't lose sight of the potential benefits.

  12. Gather your courage and take the class! You will never want to ride looking at the back of a guy's head again!

    Sturgis is a crush, but coming from Houston, the crowds may not get to you as fast as they get to me. A female friend of mine is riding her Harley from Big Spring in west Texas through Wyoming to SD to Minnesota and looping back down the Mississippi River home. I expect her here about August 21 and am looking forward to riding with her part of the way, but I don't think my butt could survive several thousand miles in 19 days. :thumbup:

    We are planning to go to Junction, TX next May for the CloudRiders gathering. Haven't decided yet whether we will ride the whole way or cop out and trailer the bikes. Depends partially on how much vacation time we have for the trip. Most the trip down there is great, but the front range of Colorado is one big mass of ungodly traffic, so I suspect we'll go around through the mountains (the long cut).

    If you're interested in a bike forum with a bunch of good folks, many of whom are in Texas, try http://www.doofclenas.com/forums/index.php

  13. Dr. Beckstedt is da bomb. Not only an excellent surgeon, but a friendly guy who looks you in the eye when he talks to you and always has words of encouragement to offer. His wife has had band surgery and he knows what we all go through in real life. There are two other excellent surgeons who do banding in central Wyoming, but I wouldn't take anything for Dr. B's bedside manner.

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