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Posts posted by Starry

  1. Thanks, I keep a pretty low profile and most of my FB friends don't know so I think I'd like to keep it that way for now. Thanks though!

    I understand... I'm a blabber mouth LMAO I'm too old LOL :) Maybe I need to keep a low profile I might stay outta trouble ;)

  2. I haven't lost a single pound since June 30th. It was totally freaking me out til I saw this post. Thanks! I had heard of the stall but did not know it could last so long. Well, I started a new exercise regimen today, let's hope something kicks me back into gear. At least I did lose a couple of inches here and there during this time. :blink:

    Whatever you do.. DONT FREAK OUT... I'm the Queen of Freaking just ask Tiff LMAO She was my savior LOL... Exercise is good..I'm SO NOT a exercise person if I was, I wouldn't have needed surgery so thats why my Dr said it'll come off but its coming off in the speed I give it. So I stopped freakin out.. I'm 50 I'm not young trying to impress anyone, I just want to live another 50 years :) So I can annoy the hell out of my kids still *Howling* YEAH!!

    You will do great... just stay focused and don't make it a "event" make it a journey that you're planning for :) I do my menu the night before and this way the next day I can go to my fatsecret on my phone and know what my day is going to be :)

    There will ALWAYS be support here.. this is by far the best forum... :) We've all felt it.. have cried about it.. have regretted having it at one point and have regretted not doing it sooner... we are all human and unfortunately are victims of our own insecurities.. :)

    You're GORGEOUS the way you are... you're on the road to a new healthier you :)

  3. Looks like you guys meet at my surgeon's office. I meant to come to a meeting (Emily in the office told me about them), but it conflicted with another appointment. I hope to get there next month (my surgery is 6/21)

    OMG OMG OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dr. Ganta.... :) He's my lifesaver.. :) We have another meeting this Wed the 28th at his office I hope you can make it... I'm also on FB Dont hesitate to friend me there... I'm always here to help... My best friend is Heather White from Kase101 she won't be at the next meeting she's taking her bar exam in California again hoping this time she makes it.. she also had the sleeve.. :)

    Please let me know how you're doing from surgery.. I'm in Round Rock so I can be to you in a jiffy if you need anything at all :)

    oh.. and you can email me starrwalker@me.com anytime!!

    Much love!!

  4. Excellent... Thanks for sharing... :)

    I was taking the Lady Fortress whey Protein tubes and was told not too cause it's a Calogen type protein... I hope this isn't I've been on Injury that I really like and I take it with MooTopia Milk from HEB that has 12 grams in the milk and 20 in the Unjury... Thank the lord for Blender Bottles! LOL :)

    I'll check this out :)

  5. It's been a while since I was here... needed a break... I was on the dreadful stall mine lasted about 29 days.. i was freaking out big time! I went in crying to my awesome and incredible doctor and he told me "You're tracking too much STOP"... I use FatSecret.com and have it on my iphone cause I can barcode scan whatever I eat and not have to search... so I'm worried about Fat and Carbs and he said this and maybe it'll help others...

    Stop worrying about the Fat and the Carbs.. your main concern right now is staying between 800-900 calories and over 80g of Protein a day. If one day a week you go over 900 that is ok its a shock value to your metabolism but stop worrying so much about the fat and carb! I was trying to so hard to stay in the low fat and carb that I wasn't getting enough calories or I was getting too much and I have always done good on my Protein that's never an issue for me... so when I stopped trying the fat/carb route and I went to just the calories and protein the stall broke and I started losing.

    He also suggested I try alternating my foods.. I am only eating the foods that "I" KNOW work for ME and I'm comfortable in those.. so I alternate between scrambled eggs for Breakfast and the day I'll have a Clif Builder Bar chocolate Mint that is so YUMMY and keep alternating... for lunch I'll alternate with the Chunk Swanson 2oz can with some cottage cheese and the next day maybe I'll have the tuna salad ready packet.. dinner is the same one day it'll be shaved mesquite turkey and ritz bits 100 calorie packets and the next might be the spam packet or the chunk chicken again..

    In doing this I've lost and he also gave me some really good advise "You WILL lose weight no matter what, you have 1/3 of a stomach, you might NOT lose as fast as others and you might just kick butt.. but if you exercise you'll do better, if you aren't a exercise person you'll go slow, but either way the weight will come off it'll be only in the process you take"

    Now my biggest thing... is losing my hair.. it's like I went from thick and alot of hair like the width of a cucumber to now it's maybe 3 pencils.. UGH.. I've been on the Biotin 7500mg for 4 months and was using Nioxin Shampoo and it still comes out in the brush about 30 strands or if i'm sitting on the couch it'll come out just freaks me the hell out! So I'm using Head & Shoulders with Zinc believe it or not its slowing it down ... amazing...

    So anyhow.. I've missed everyone.. hope y'all are doing great.. :)

  6. It's been a while since I was here... needed a break... I was on the dreadful stall mine lasted about 29 days.. i was freaking out big time! I went in crying to my awesome and incredible doctor and he told me "You're tracking too much STOP"... I use FatSecret.com and have it on my iphone cause I can barcode scan whatever I eat and not have to search... so I'm worried about Fat and Carbs and he said this and maybe it'll help others...

    Stop worrying about the Fat and the Carbs.. your main concern right now is staying between 800-900 calories and over 80g of Protein a day. If one day a week you go over 900 that is ok its a shock value to your metabolism but stop worrying so much about the fat and carb! I was trying to so hard to stay in the low fat and carb that I wasn't getting enough calories or I was getting too much and I have always done good on my Protein that's never an issue for me... so when I stopped trying the fat/carb route and I went to just the calories and protein the stall broke and I started losing.

    He also suggested I try alternating my foods.. I am only eating the foods that "I" KNOW work for ME and I'm comfortable in those.. so I alternate between scrambled eggs for Breakfast and the day I'll have a Clif Builder Bar chocolate Mint that is so YUMMY and keep alternating... for lunch I'll alternate with the Chunk Swanson 2oz can with some cottage cheese and the next day maybe I'll have the tuna salad ready packet.. dinner is the same one day it'll be shaved mesquite turkey and ritz bits 100 calorie packets and the next might be the spam packet or the chunk chicken again..

    In doing this I've lost and he also gave me some really good advise "You WILL lose weight no matter what, you have 1/3 of a stomach, you might NOT lose as fast as others and you might just kick butt.. but if you exercise you'll do better, if you aren't a exercise person you'll go slow, but either way the weight will come off it'll be only in the process you take"

    Now my biggest thing... is losing my hair.. it's like I went from thick and alot of hair like the width of a cucumber to now it's maybe 3 pencils.. UGH.. I've been on the Biotin 7500mg for 4 months and was using Nioxin Shampoo and it still comes out in the brush about 30 strands or if i'm sitting on the couch it'll come out just freaks me the hell out! So I'm using Head & Shoulders with Zinc believe it or not its slowing it down ... amazing...

    So anyhow.. I've missed everyone.. hope y'all are doing great.. :)

  7. I've been in a severe funk... stalled for my 4th week... I lost 9lbs the month of May.. UGH ... but i've lost 2 inches around my waist since 4/6 .. Who knows maybe it'll turn around for me... but I do Thank GOD for Tiffykins who sent me a great email I just got today when I logged on.. I am just at the frame of mind that I don't know what is right to eat and what isn't and if I lose I lose if I don't, I tried.. .but one way or another i'm down almost 60 lbs and I'm no longer a diabetic so thats a plus.. :)

    But seriously my brain is tired of trying to figure this all out LOL

    So happy for everyone's accomplishments... SO PROUD of you all... :) KICK SOME SERIOUS BUTT!!! :)

  8. Now you sound like me...I'm the only one who gets to play the failing card!! LOL

    You'll hear from all the experts that you are OK..thank God we have a great bunch here cause if not for them I'd be face first in a tub of BBQ 2 weeks ago!! I'm being educated by the awesome folks here on how to eat..I'm so nutrition stupid it ain't funny...but they are all helping me ...I eat 5 bites of whatever I'm eating and I stop I have the fear of hurling so I don't push it if I'm still feeling hungry I have Popsicles ;)

    Let us know what the doc says...congrats on the smoking!!!

    Will be thinking of you!

  9. I'm BOLDING this so you see this, and I want this to stick in your brain, and more importantly in your heart and soul;

    You have lost 25% of your excess weight in less 2 months post-op, do you know how phenomenal that really is? ? ? In addition to post-op weight loss, you've dropped 40% of your excess weight since starting your journey, I don't know, but can someone give a HALLELUJAH around here for those results? ? ?

    Now, on a more serious note; how are you blood sugars looking after being diagnosed with diabetes just before surgery? How are you feeling about your clothes fitting? I know you're a little exhausted, but other than that do you feel the doom and gloom you felt when that diagnosis and hospitalization hit you in the beginning of March? ? ? Or, are you optimistic, and looking to the future free of insulin and having to poke yourself constantly? ? ?

    I'm fat and old dammit Tiff I'm NOT BLIND LOL.. :)


    I haven't had any Medformin or Glipizide since surgery YEAH!! I've been ranging between 70-92 on my blood pokes... when I was admitted on the 6th of March it was over 300 LOL I'm GOOD :) I've stopped the finger pokin everything!!

    Ok fats.. lets talk to this fat girl here... I can do Peanut Butter.. do I just eat the spoon full? I'm allergic to Avocados UGH no guac for me and I'm in Texas... What other fat things can I eat.. I sometimes want to eat more than 3 times a day is that ok? but small.. I only make myself take 5 bites of whatever I'm eating cause I don't want to hurl.. Some say I can eat more and I should try but the thought of hurling just pains me LOL I'm not a good cookie tosser.. Hell who is LOL

    I didn't do this surgery to lose quickly or be the next top model. *Snappin* We're ALL Already there we're SMOKIN HOT!!! LOL I want to be healthy and in all honesty I really thought it would come off easier cause I have purchased everything low fat or sugar free do I not buy those things? I'm confused... Tiff you know I'm nutrition stupid so it's gonna take someone to say "OK Starr this is what you eat ... this is what you DONT eat.. LOL

    I appreciate you all so much I can't wait till I get the hang of this and get on track and do well... :) I Love my Dr... don't get me wrong he's freakin amazing I can't say enough and maybe he's saying that cause he knows I need to feel like I'm succeeding cause I did invest my life savings in this I have no insurance so maybe I am taking his talk out of context.. Hello My name is Starr and I'm blonde.. case closed LOL... :)

    Thanks so much everyone!!

    Happy memories day lets all go have some BBQ :) OH GOD I want some BBQ so freakin badly UGH

  10. I just looked and it seems like you're doing ok as far as food intake overall.

    I think your surgeon may have an unrealistic goal in his head. For someone to lose 45lbs in 7weeks they would have to average a 6.5lb loss per week. Is it possible...sure...but is it reasonable to expect EVERYONE to meet that goal. ABSOLUTELY NOT! Keep plugging away, you WILL get there. It won't be on your surgeons schedule (the ass) but you WILL get there.

    so do you see anything I should change ... so I wont reach my goal till around christmas the rate I'm going right?? I don't really care if it's fast just as long as it comes off LOL

  11. I'm confused.

    Your ticker says that you've lost 30lbs in 50 days...that's about 1/2 pound per day. 3lbs per week. 14+ lbs per month How much faster are you supposed to be losing???blink.gifblink.gifblink.gif

    If you continue at the rate you are going you'll be at goal in 6-7months.

    I would reccomend you tell your surgeon to shove his pessimism where the sun don't shine. tongue.gif

    Also...you're only eating 10grams of fat per day? That's crazy. I shoot for 30grams which is still less than half of the daily recommended value. Many people NEED fat in order to function at a reasonable level. I would wonder if you are one of them. Would you be willing to up your fat intake for a couple of days and see if you feel better?

    Thanks... :) I use www.fatsecret.com and my login is SpunkyLilDIva and my pass is iphone I thought I've been losing grant it it's like been 223 then 221 and then it goes back up then it goes down and he says I'm at a plateau... I thought that meant the scale stays on one weight for 3 weeks.. he said I should be down at least 40-50 on my 7th week... I'm so confused..

    I did get those Protein shots you were talking about and i like those... please tell me what I'm not eating or shouldn't eat or change... I only eat maybe 4 bites cause Im scared of filling up but others say I'm not eating enough... UGH I'm so confused... :)

  12. Well saw my Dr on Thursday and he said he was disappointed I wasn't losing fast enough I should have lost more.. I wanted to cry.. I've been trying to get in the 800 calories but for some reason I was still trying to get under the 10 for Fat and 30 for Carbs over 80 Protein and it wasn't working for me... I don't know what else to do... I'm worried now that I'm failing the sleeve...

    I met with our support group yesterday and it was our exercise person telling us we all need to work out, etc... but I have no energy to work out Im' tired all the time.

    I know i've cried to Tiffykins and everyone else... I'm so sorry for being a whineybutt and pest... Anyone have any ideas what I can try next?

    And for the record I met someone from our board yesterday at our support meeting MakMama and let me tell ya.. she's freakin stunning and such an awesome woman that has a wonderful & beautiful family!! Make sure you friend her and say hello :)

  13. :cheer2: Yes baby... we are ALL Losers!!:cheer2:

    LOL.. I LOVE Crosswinds posts... they always put my whiny butt in a better perspective with this thing called surgery we've all experienced... I've had the onset of crying for no reason just sat and bawled. and I've had the time where I literally broke down and cried in the arms of my son for almost 2 hours.. Ive realized I can't get in 64oz of Water no matter HOW hard I try I just can't but I do take my Vitamins and every morning I have powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury with Mootopia milk that gives me 32 grams of Protein, today for lunch I had refried Beans with sour cream and cheese and got 5 bites out of that and put it down...

    I am at the point that I'm tired of counting calories and Proteins because when you're as nutrition stupid as I am..it's WAY to much PRESSURE! If I grew up cooking I'd understand better, but I never learned to cook, had no desire to learn so this is all overwhelming to me.. grant it I'm almost 6 weeks post-op and it's NOT any easier for me.. so I eat and try some of the things you all post and I disregard those that don't work after I try, and I'm still losing; just slowly. I don't need to reach my goal in 2 months if it takes 6 that's OK at least I know I'll reach it and it's NOT coming back...

    And I've learned that I can't compare Crosswinds loss to Meggie's to Mine or anyone else.. we're all different and our bodies think and react differently... so in saying all that.. we're all on a journey that might come easier for some, harder for others, but in the end, we'll be where we wanted to be when we started and we're all going to be a lot healthier and happier. :) So I'll help y'all stay focused and positive if you'll all help me with the nutrition parts when I start to whine :)

    Love everyone here.. it's nice to be a part of forum without a bunch of haters complaining how it didn't work for them while they were chowing down on McDonald's 5 days a week and they swear it's their surgeons fault.. UGH

    I Love this place :)

  14. I'm still frustrated as hell... Ya know this can't be rocket science WHY am "I" so nutrition stupid... Today I had 4 bites of oatmeal for Breakfast no Protein drink, had 2 bottles of Water and 2 Popsicles.... for lunch I made Beef Stew one of the little microwave ones and blended it and ate it with 2 Whole Wheat Toll House Crackers and of course my Vitamins.... and as of now my readings are:

    Fat 15

    Carbs 64

    Protein 32

    Calories 550

    WHY can't I get my carbs LOW.. UGH and my Protein HIGH.... I would like to think I'm not this stupid LOL FRUSTRATED UGH UGH UGH... I think I need a nutrition course lol

    Ok I'll stop whining.. :(

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