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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dreamingofbeingskinny

  1. Ag: seems we are close in measurements. I am 5 ft and I started at 234. I just hit the 218 mark today! I totally slacked last week and got off course with exercise and I am paying for it dearly!!! I have started trying the run/walk theory and seem to do ok, but man I am sooo out of shape! a minute seems like forever when I am huffing and puffing and pounding the pavement! I think I need to give it time and keep at it! Thanks for the advice, was thinking that might be the right track to take! Congrats on the weight loss and exercise goals! Best of Luck in your journey!!

  2. Ok so I was banded on June 18th and I am in full swing of the workout phase. I walk every evening, and My goal is to be a runner. Let me fill you in and tell you that growing up I was athletic, I played softball all through school and was really pretty good. Yes I know everyone says that but I was pretty decent. So the point is I used to be athletic but I was never a runner, and I have always dreamed of being a runner. My sister went through lap band about 2 yrs ago and ran a marathon last year, and missed running it this year because she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is almost done with chemo and wants to run again. My goal is to be able to run with her next year ( and keep up). So my question is: HOW DO I BECOME A RUNNER??? My atheltic days seem to be slipping my mind...help me out here please.. Any advice is appreciated!

  3. WALK WALK WALK, and when you are tired of that you can rock in a rocking chair and that helps. I know this sounds crazy, but when walking move your arms around. You need to get the gas out. It is not just inside you, it is in the tissue in your body as well, so the more you move, the more gets out! Rocking definately helped me when I was too tired to walk. I am 7 days out and feel good. I too thought those first few days were harder than I was informed, but everything has a price. Hang in there...

  4. Hey sftballpalyer,

    I too was very athletic all my life(played softball) and did not really put on the "bad weight" till after kiddos. I was recently banded on Friday the 18th. It is definately worth doing especially if your insurance covers it. I have had no complications, and have even starting walking long walks 5 days after surgery. I am just educated my body on how to handlle exercise now. No gulping of Water after a workout, proper hydration and just getting in the grove. I too had fallen severly off the exercise routine as life progressed, and this has given me a new drive to get it going again. This does not do the work for you, but allows you to be successful if you just put some time into it. The weight does come off easier and I think that mentally that helps to keep you going. My sister did this 2 yrs ago and just last yr ran a half marathon. I truly feel this procedure gets you back where you need to be especially if you have the desire. My advice do your research talk to many on here and make a educated decision. I dont know where you are, but I am in houston and had a awesome surgery team. Pick your surgeon wisely. Best of Luck! Hope to see you on the "banded" side! Oh and PS i have lost 5 lbs in 5 days! YEA!!!

  5. I am right there with u all! I was banded Friday and I am starving!!!!! :ohmy:I want some food! lol Hang in there. I had applesauce as well and hate to admit but had a scoop of mashed potatoes. :drool:I was hungry this evening and cured it with a glass of milk only to b hungry a little while later. I just remind myself of the end goal. Vitamin Shoppe also has Fiber u can add to ur liquids to help get a better full sensation, but get off it once u get foods. Good luck everyone! Hunger seems to be the enemy!!:biggrin:

  6. I am 3 days post op and I am feeling frustrated too! I am soo starving and cannot stand the thought of liquids!!! I am so sick of Jello and propel. I did eat/drink a milkshake today and it was delicious. Although I must say I was only able to get half down. I am looking for suggestions on liquids too if anyone has some. Best of luck to you and hang in there, remember the pay off is in the long run...

  7. I too am exhausted! I was banded on the 18th so I am a few days behind you all, but man I am tired. My eyes are puffy and I have no clue how I am going to make it through work onTuesday when I return. I did get out to the store today and I came home and took a 3 hr nap! Oh and did I mention I am SOOO hungry. I really hope that subsides too. My kids dinner smelled so good! UGHHH! Good luck all I can think is protein=energy, so keep up the Protein, remember if you are like me, there are no sugars and everything your body once knew is no longer, so be patient for the body to adjust! Good luck!

  8. LOL I totally have a friend like this! When I went away to college, she got mad and stopped talking to me, then a yr later she was supposedly in wait for..."med school" not being mean, but seriously come on.. Then a few yrs later I bought a house and she was telling me how crazy it was for me to spend money and on and on. Now she bought on, then I had a baby and she immedialtey followed suit, the list goes on and on, even down to getting a tatto after I did..Bottom line it is insercurities that cause this. Now i have to say she has been my friend for a long time and despite the craziness, when it comes down to it, she is ok, but over the years I have learned to detach myself from her when it comes to certain things. Good luck, and remember you are doing this for u! Oh and I am glad to hear there are others out there with this issue also...

    Did I mention she is now interested in getting lap band?!?! lol


  9. I did not have this scenerio but another friend did, and like the first poster, she actually wore leg weights when weighing in. I know it sounds ridiculous and unethical, but I do believe in doing what u need to do in order to get this done. Insurance companies can be very tricky and they will not think twice about denying you. Talk to your doctor and see what else u can do to qualify, dig deep, family history etc. Trust me when I say your doctor wants u to have surgery as much as you do...Remember this is their business. Most docs have pretty savy offices and can help you stay approved. Best of luck and keep us posted!


  10. Ok So I went straight to bed after posting that last night and I am feeling better this morning. I do think some may be allergies and stress. Unfortunately I work in the healthcare feild, so I am exposed to germs on a constant basis. For the next few days I am going to steer clear and b a sanitizer freak and get lots of rest. Thanks for all the thoughts. I appreciate them!

  11. Good Luck! Hang in there! I look forward to joining the bandsters on Friday! Yep my day is Friday and I am getting nervous too. It seems all of a sudden I have forgotten what I have been taught. As I sit here and destress it all comes back to me. A few deep breaths and this too shall pass! Best of Luck!

    See u all on the losers bench!

  12. I did 3 months with Aetna and it was easier than I thought. These doctors are great at guiding you through the process. Listen to them! The process is there for a reason, most likely you will meet with a dietician, do a psych visit and get some lab work done, all seperate visits. I found the dietician appts to be very helpful. I first was frustrated that I had to do all this just to get banded, but my surgery date is Friday June 18th and now that it is here, I am glad I had all the knowledge given to me to get me to this date! Soak it in. My advice get a spiral and write down what they tell u in ur appts. I did not do that and now I am trying to remember it all. Best of luck and stay on course. Attend all ur appts. Most of the time if u skip a month, then u have to start over. Good Luck!

  13. Thanks for all the warm thoughts and prayers. This forum is absoultey wonderful! It is definately helping me to get through. Glad to say the day went by pretty fast, so only Tues Wed and Thurs left!!! Good luck to Sheila E. on ur band Friday! Thanks to those who posted, Have a great night!!

  14. I go in Friday, and I too have had lots of nay sayers especially the past week. BUT I refuse to let them get to me... Like you and almost everyone who has or is doing the band, WE have done our research and made educated decisions about the "journey" we are taking on. Obviously if you are a part of this forum, then u have invested the time and resources to make U successful! Unless they have a MD behind them, then they cannot say anything. People are afraid of change and U changing can make them uncomfortable.. I go in Friday and I am super excited about the journey and I wish you all the best of luck! Turn a def ear to the nay sayers and SHOW them how successful you can be! I look at their remarks as fuel for my fire! BEST OF LUCK!!

    *Sorry for the ranting, I am venting after having this same issue...:unsure:

  15. Wohoo!! I am being banded on the 18th and am super excited. Although I am "binge" eating this weekend, I am so pumped for the nupcoming journey. Found this site a few days ago and love it, I am sure my friends are ahppy I found it too. Every other sentence is When I get my band.. etc. Looking forward to starting a new journey! Good luck to all the other June Banders!!!

  16. Ok so the date is set and I am getting anxious..(Fri the 18th)I am binge eating and lol the whole time, knowing in my mind I am not doing myself any good. But can't seem to resist.I have heard from so many that they are on liquids before surgery and I have not been given any instructions to do so. Preop is Wed. I am worried about this though. Please give me thoughts and suggestions to get through the week. Although I am excited I can definately say the nerves are setting in...:(

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