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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kimmom

  1. :omg:Wow does it hurt to get food stuck, I have 3 ccs in my 10 band, the funny thing is that I feel very little restriction but I get clogged up easy. I think partly because I forget to slow down as much as I should. I am sure I need to chew more, I am a bit nervous about getting another fill Aug 24 because of the clogging thing, is it possible to need more fill and to be getting food stuck now. I have only lost 2 lbs since my last fill which was my first July 13th. It is so weird to get stuck , the slime is so gross. Its so strange how it happens when you get something stuck. Just wondering if any of you clogged but still went for another fill. Maybe its all my fault and i need to take smaller bites and chew longer. Thanks for your thoughts. Sincerely Kim

  2. Your not alone, I was very nausiated after surgery, in fact I did vomit at home during the first few days. I figured out what was doing it, it was because either had drank to much or had to much Soup. My Dr said that it was my bodys way of saying dont eat that much that fast. Which I did. I remember forcing myself to drink my shake because I had worried about the protien and my hair so even a half a cup was just to much. I started slowing down to little sips and spacing them out and it went a way. Its worth a try. I was so worried that I had hurt myself inside , my dr reasurred me that things are pretty tough with out a fill so not to worry. I felt very sick to my stomach after my first fill but it was also because I drank to fast it was so hot out, just slow down and it may go away and try liquid only Soups, Jello, broth things without small lumps in them. Hang in there it will get better I am only 1 1/2 months and I feel great. Kim:)

  3. I had my first fill 6 weeks post op it was 3 ccs in a 10 band. I do get plugged up quite often, even with chewing good , with a variety of foods not in one certian category. Does this mean that I am full enough with fill solution ? I dont feel alot of restriction but I am confused if this means I should not get another fill or is it possible to still " need " a fill even though i get blocked sometimes ? I posted this before but didnt get much response and I am confused. I have another fill appointment in Aug. Does this mean I will get blocked even more if I get another fill ?

    Thanks so much Kim

  4. Hello I am confused about something. Well I went for my first fill on July 13th and recieved 3ccs in my 10cc band. I dont feel much restriction but get clogged immediately if I eat the wrong thing. I have stopped eating anything that has a consistency of a paste when chewed like bread or crackers. I dont feel a super amount of restricton and have no problem eating salad or Protein. I am chewing really good. Does getting clogged up mean that I am already filled tight or can " need " another fill and be already tight enogh to have things get stuck ? I am wanting another fill in Aug but nervous when I have now felt the stuck feeling maybe I just need more of my own will power and should not get filled tighter ? Dont know how to figure this out .

    Thanks so much


  5. Just wondered if your band area gets sore after a fill ? I had my first fill on friday and just under my rib cage where the band would be hurts if I slouch or mover wrong. I called the Dr and they said they hadnt heard of that happening but i would think it would be common after all it does move things a bit when the band inflates. I recieved 3ccs in a 10 cc band. Thanks for your thoughts Kim:)

  6. Hi I was just wondering if anyone had gotten this feeling ? I went for my first fill no friday, I recieved 3ccs in a 10cc band. Everything seemed normal like it did nothing that was friday and today which would be 4 days later I am very sore right where I would imagine the band to be. I cannot slouch when I sit down just under my breast bone is tender like it was after surgery. I dont feel much restriction at this point but I am thinking it just may be the adjustment itself that has irritated the area . Do you ever get sore like that after a fill ? Thanks so much for your feedback I love this fourm ! :D

  7. Hi I am newly banded as of June 5th and wondering what it means to slime and pb ? I hear those terms used alot . I have had only one fill so maybe I havent reached the point of experiencing these to understand what they are. Just curious ?

    Does everone who has fills get them ?

    Thanks Kim:)

  8. Hi I just think this is strange and wanted to ask if anyone else has had this feeling. I have 3ccs in my 10cc band and I feel no restriction at all, but the strangest thing is that when I eat certain things like light wheat bread it does get stuck. I had it happen today. I always wondered how anyone would know if something got stuck well I answered my own question , boy did I know it really hurt so I drank Water quickly and it loosened up so I will not eat bread again. I am surprised that I dont get full easy but I can get clogged up. I am not drinking when I eat and I am eating solids protiens and veggies. Strange ha ? I cant wait to get another fill but at the same time I am a bit worried to but I am not losing as quickly as I would like. I have made up my mind tomorrow I am getting up extra early and starting a exercise routine, I really have not exercised but at the same time I am non stop with three small children .

    Did anyone else have this happen feeling like you have room to eat but can get things stuck ?

    Thanks Kim:)

  9. Hi Dont be scared, It sounds to me like the surgen has a problem with how he presents things and possibly a problem with his personality. Please dont let someone that gave you a " bad " feeling from the beginning discourage you from the happiness that the band can bring you. I was banded June 5th and I had a wonderful " friendly " " positive " surgen that actually had me very excited for my big day. You could of had the same feeling if your Dr had presented himself and the surgery differently and in a postive way to you and your family. The risk of being overweight on your heart and on your body are so much more risky and so much more common than complications from the band. Keep your chin up and look here for your positive feedback after all we all have Drs and have been throught it or are on our way to be banded. Keep us posted on your progress and Congradulations !!!! You have now lowered your risk for diabeties, heart attack, high blood pressure, ect..... which your band will help you lower those risk :)

    Sincerely Kim

  10. I have the 10 band had my first fill today it was 3 ccs I am hoping I get some restriction I really need it I feel hungry. I have another appointment in 5 weeks to get another, seems like a long time to me but I suppose its not a bad thing to adjust slow. My Dr says he has better luck all around with the 10 band so I am glad I have it.


  11. I am wondering how much fill the Dr puts in the first time ? Is it ever enough to feel restriction ? I really need it , I am having a hard time with feeling hungry. Kind of feel like I have no band at all and I am 4 weeks post op. I have the big band I think my Dr called it the 10cc maybe not sure. I hope he puts alot in because I really wanted to get a good weight loss accomplished this summer. I know he only fills every 4 weeks so that your stomach can adjust. Can I ask for more ? Probably not I am just frustrated July 13th is my first fill date. Thanks for your thoughts

    oh one more thought , the 10 band must be very large compared to the 4 cc ?


  12. Hi, I was just thinking , what makes me feel restriction if I have no fill and the food is not being stopped at a pouch ? Is it just the band resting on the nerves ? Just wondered if anyone knows. I am having my first fill soon and I am deffinately not able to eat the amount of food that I did before. I also get uncomfortable if I overeat not realizing it until I get discomfort. I have no fill and my Dr says no swelling just wondering what makes me feel restricted ? Just curious

    Thanks Kim:)

  13. I felt the same way as you do before I was banded. I kept thinking all I have to do is eat like I am banded and save myself all of the pain , risk and money. Truth is it just is not that easy. I had to be honest with myself and admit that I needed this tool and that it was ok, thats why they make it and it is FDA aproved to help people like us. We are blessed to have such wonderful technology. I am now 4 weeks banded and I feel great . I wouldnt even know I have a band unless I eat and even with no fill I feel enough restriction to eat less. I know I do need the fill because I am eating more that I probably should but its a whole lot less than before and I am still losing weight. I am so glad that I did this for myself. For the first time ever I believe I can do this, and its a wonderful feeling. Good luck on you decision Keep reading this board you will get lots of info.


  14. Hi, I am concerned. I know I am a person who needs restirction. I was banded June 5th. I want to use the band to the best of its ability but I am very nervous with getting fills and having to worry if I ever got the flu or if something ever gets stuck. The flu thing really scares me, even with a flu shot I got so sick last yr . I dont know what I would of done if I had the band. My Dr is 1 1/2 hr away and as badly as I was vomiting I dont know if I could get there. Maybe I am borrowing trouble but getting several fills makes me worry about things like that but with out it I am not getting the most out of my band especially if I still feel hungry. Did you worry about these things after getting filled ? or has it ever happened to you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  15. I am nervous about my first fill also which is July 13th ( friday the 13th ) which is comforting LOL Anyway do all Drs put in a different amount of saline or do we all get the same amount the first time, how do they determine how much to put in ? I have the 10cc band, I want that thing filled right up haha. I am feeling hungry and am trying to make the right choices. Thanks everyone


  16. Hello first of all I have to say I cannot wait for a fill. I can't believe how my appetite has returned. I am shocked that for three weeks I was stuffed after eating so little now its like I have no band. I am trying to be good and make the right choices but I feel hungry very soon. I have my first fill July 13th. Two questions :

    What does it feel like ?

    Also How does the Dr Know if you need to be filled under that xray thing ? I dont want to mistrust him but I wish he would do me that way because I read a post about the cord getting a hole in it during a fill with one woman.

    If I get filled with that xray thing does it have to happen at the hospital instead of the office ? Thanks so much I appreaciate you sharing info with me


  17. I cant tell you how many last suppers I had, each one was really going to be the last, then there was one more that was really gonna be it LOL. Lets put it this way I had fun going through the drive thu's and having treats the only thing that bugs me is that when I met with the surgen I got weighed at 240 and surgery was scheduled for three weeks later. At the hospital I secretly weighed myself and I was 246. So at my post op appointment I was 234 so it looked like I had lost 6 lbs well it was really 12 lbs. I didnt admit that to my Dr though but I knew it. He does not believe in last suppers he believes in eating healthy and cutting down before not going on a marathon to see how much I could hold until the big day LOL Its perfectly normal what you are feeling and truthfully that will be it if you are totally commited when you get banded so dont feel guilty, you will never be able to do that again with your band. It will be a thing of the past. The only thing I regret is that my Dr doesnt belive it is 12 lbs but I do:)

  18. You made me laugh, Yah I think you did the right thing on not killing him haha Wouldnt be fun having the band in prison I hear the food behind bars can be pretty clumpy and might clog your band Haha Especially in a womens prison you wouldn't want to be looking so pretty and thin you could get admired by the wrong chick. So all in all let him live and move on. Thats what I will do. Hospital food is bad enough prison food must be worse. LOL

    Thanks for understanding so sorry you had to go through it to:)

  19. In a way I really care less what they have to say I guess what hurt me is the way my husband sarcastically spoke to me when told him nicely what his father had said to me, I told him I really didnt care if he told him. When ever he does anything wrong instead of saying sorry he turns it around so I am the one in trouble. Not to blame anyone but I remember alot of emotional eating because If I ever catch him in a lie , He has a way of twisting instead of sticking up for myself McDonalds always made it better. Well not anymore. I figure its now or never to break the old habbits. Sounds crazy but some men feel safe being with a big woman I think. My husband has said a couple times " I can see what will happen you will lose weight and men will look at you and ask you out and I hope I dont have to worry about that" Haha I love it. His saftey net will disappear and I'll have him eating out of the palm of my hand . When I am strong and dont cry and stick up for myself he is so attentive to me but when I let my guard down and become so sad and discusted with myself he knows I am weak and he holds the upper hand. He is actually very nice but kind of like a kid at times I suppose.

  20. Forgot to mention that the father in law went yrs without speaking to us because he was predjudice against the nationality of my adopted son. There is alot of history behind him on why I would not want him knowing. After my MIL died we drove out of state to be with him and he left us at their home to go be with his surprise girlfriend, said he didnt need the comfort he was feeling bad for the woman he had an affair with because she wanted him and he was finally free of the 45yr marriage so had to go be with her. Anyway I am happy with my journey even if some of those who surround me are ignorant the important thing is that I will be healthier and happier and be her hopefully many yrs longer with my children and wont die of being so overweight with health problems. All I needed was a band they need a shrink LOL

  21. Thank you both for your kind thoughts, I thought about what you said and you are right about asking someone else to lie. I guess the thing that hurt me is that he will lie about things he doesnt want his father to know , doesnt have a guilty bone in his body. You said it in so many words, I shouldnt worry about them, they may think they are superior to me being in their upper class group but to be critical and to judge people like they do they have a bigger problem than I do with my weight. They should be so lucky to have a band invented to change their attitude Haha I just cant stand when people dont understand and think it is the easy way out . Just as an example of how ignorant my step mother in law is --When we adopted our first child as an infant we took him to their house to meet them and my step MIL says " How could this babys birthmother give him up ? Why didnt she just have an abortion, would of been eaiser " Can you imagine that here I am with my prayers being answered by a very unselfish woman who knew she could not afford this baby but chose life for him and he was blessed with wonderful parents who's dreams had come true and the igonrant MIL says something like that. I have never liked that woman no even one tiny bit. But I try to put on a happy face so that my husband can have a small realtionship with his father. Luckily she has nothing to do with our three adopted children. I would not want her being Grammy to them for their sake. She is 30 yrs younger that my FIL prances around all 110 lbs of her in her mini skirt all painted up Give me a brake. Sorry to ramble just couldnt resist telling you this story.Gives you an idea of how non supportive that group of people is. thanks for listening feel better already just getting it off my chest:)

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