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Everything posted by Beadingnurse

  1. Beadingnurse

    About to leave

    Good luck!!! Post in a few days when you feel like it and let us know how you are!
  2. Beadingnurse


    I subscribe to Consumer Reports and save the old issues so I will look for the article tonight. If I can find it I will summarize the results here so we all have them. I have wondered the same thing as some of the protein powders taste worse than ground dirt to me!!
  3. I will be one month out on the 12th of May and that is way more solid food than I can or would try to eat. I scrambled one egg for breakfast on the weekend and could eat about 2/3 of it and felt very full. This morning I had 2 small egg & cheese "bites" from EggFace's mini muffin bites. They are NOT big....about the size of quarter in diameter and 2 of them made me uncomfortably full....I won't try to eat 2 again! Tomorrow I will try just one. I had a 1/2 of a chicken enchilda in a restaurant one night and ate just the filling...none of the tortilla wrapper and I was full but not uncomfortably so. Good luck...I find learning to eat with this sleeve is a learning experience and I am certainly not a pro at it yet but I trust that I will figure it out!
  4. I haven't told many people yet so have't suffered through some of the unbelievable remarks I am reading here. One of my sisters and my brother don't know as they are very judgmental. Fortunately they are both pretty self-obsessed so I don't expect either to even notice that I have lost weight. II am dreading though a family reunion in June on my husbands side of the family where I probably WILL have to tell his brother. He is anti conventional medicine, anti any surgerand a self proclaimed health food nut. He gave another family member a rash of s--t that bordered on harassment for having cardiac surgery!! He will notice the weight loss, the decreased capacity to eat and will have everyone convinced that I am terminally I'll if I don't tell him about the sleeve. Hubby agrees it is probably better to be proactive and just tell rather than have him worry that the weight loss means something ominous. I am tempted to lie and tell him I am dieting but my daughter (who knows) will be there and I don't feel good about that either. Oh well, guess I will put on my big girl panties and face the battle!!
  5. Beadingnurse

    Help... Dumping???

    Supposedly we aren't supposed to have "dumping syndrome" after the sleeve. Are you keeping well hydrated? You can get feverish and chills w/dehydration. Maybe someone else on here has some ideas. I wasn't able to tolerate nutrition at 4 days out.
  6. I would be very leery of having surgery with this guy!!! You'd be safer to find someone who is comfortable with the sleeve and doesn't have to be talked into doing it. I know you just want to get it done but better to have it take a few more months and have it done right!
  7. Beadingnurse

    51 in 49 days!

    That is fabulous! You must feel like a new man already!
  8. Beadingnurse

    not enuf water ( I think)

    When I wake up like that it usually means that I forgot my hormone pills! But assuming you aren't a menopausal middle-aged woman... and you aren't running a fever....you may be right that you need more water! It can't hurt to add a bit more and see if that helps. Congratulations on your surgery...it gets better and better every day.
  9. Beadingnurse

    What do you do to brighten your day?

    The hottest, longest possible bubble bath!!
  10. I agree that you need to go back to the ER tonight to get some IV fluids. I don't think you are getting enough fluids in and your statement that you are "fading" is probably accurate. GO NOW! As far as the GI appt goes...I agree that you need to make a fuss or have your surgeon make some calls for you and get seen earlier. In the meantime though you need to have someone take a look at you as you don't sound good. Take care of yourself and let us know how you are once this is all over!!
  11. Beadingnurse

    Pre-Op in college

    I also didn't have to do the liquid diet but had a low carb (30 gms a day) and high protein diet for two weeks before surgery and had liquids only 24 hours prior to surgery. On one hand you probably will lose more weight on the liquid diet but it is seems like it is harder to do. Maybe you can do the low carb diet for most of the time and switch to the liquid diet 3 or 4 days ahead of surgery? As far as managing your diet in college, you can get canned tuna or sardines for protein, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, premixed protein shakes (like Atkins which I love) or some of the powdered protein that you can mix into drinks. I actually didn't cook much for myself during the 2 weeks prior to surgery so you can probably manage it ok. Good luck with whatever you choose and let us know how you are after surgery!
  12. Congratulations Griselda! Would you come over and cook for me? :coffee: That soup you made in the VitaMix sounds wonderful! I have a one but I haven't tried anything that creative. I went out tonight to Panera's and got some a small bowl of the French Onion soup but I'd rather have your soup! You will be in good shape after your surgery because you will already have some recipes under your belt that you like. I had a low carb diet prior to surgery not a liquid one so I am impressed by how well you are going. Take care and let us know how you are doing after surgery!!
  13. I agree that your face looks like a totally different person! Thank goodness the tattoos are there to prove you are who you say you are!! Seriously....wonderful progress and congratulations on the hard work you did to get there!
  14. Beadingnurse

    Arizona Nurses???

    Not in Arizona but I am an RN from Texas and I've noticed that several nurses and at least a couple of physicians have had the surgery and post on here!
  15. Beadingnurse

    Met w surgeon 5/3

    Congratulations SinSin!! Sounds like you are well on your way to getting sleeved! It will be August before you know it and you can use this time to learn more and take your Lighten Up classes (what a great idea) and get your head around having this surgery. Some veterans here will tell the mental changes may be the most difficult so it won't hurt to have a little time to get used to the idea of eating differently. Take care and keep us posted on your progress!
  16. Beadingnurse


    Congratulations Leslie on getting approved and having a surgery date scheduled! Two huge hurdles that are now behind you. You will find a lot of support and information on this Board so don't hesitate to jump in with questions when you have them! Keep us posted on your progress.
  17. Let's all do the happy booty dance with you!! :party4: Congratulations...how exciting to try on clothes from your past and find they fit easily. Whoo-hooo!
  18. Beadingnurse


    You will have to wait until Monday to know for sure but I think you are APPROVED. Your coordinator likely talked to the iinsurance company after the letter had been mailed and provided them with whatever else they needed. I would call the coordinator FIRST on Monday and tell her about the letter and see what she says. She can call the insurance company and find out if they are missing anything else or if this is just one of those times where everything crossed in the mail Congratulations as it sounds like you are about to be sleeved!!! whoohooo :party4:
  19. Beadingnurse

    young and sleeveless....

    I don't think you are too young since your physician mentioned it as a suggestion and he/she is in a better position to assess your health benefits versus risks.. It is a huge, non-reversible decision though and you are deciding now at 19, how you will eat for the rest of your life. I love the sleeve and recommend it but it IS a major, major, major lifestyle change. You are unlikely to be able to drink alcohol much if at all after the surgery. Not really an issue for me but sure would have been when I was 19!! Do your research and this Board is a great way place to start but don't just read the comments on here as some of us tend to be a bit Polly-Ann-ish (me especially) and you need a balanced view. Pregnancy might be in your future and you will want to read about how to manage a healthy pregnancy with WLS. Folks definitely DO and there is a great thread about it on here but it is just one more thing to consider. Good luck with whatever you decide and please post any questions you have on here as you will find that everyone is very generous with their time and expertise.
  20. Beadingnurse

    Well meaning people

    You have already received a lot of great comments but I will add my two cents worth anyway since I am never at loss for words! I am sure that your "friends" meant well but you always have the option of just not responding when people say hurtful and/or thoughtless things. Another idea is my favorite responses to statements that I don't want to have an argument about (not necessarily related to WLS) is to pause, look the person in the eye and, "I can see why YOU might think that." End of story and walk away. It isn't a response that argues with their statement, confirms it or gives it any credibility other that you realize and understand that THEY think it. A hard lesson for me to learn was that other people's criticism tells you only about what THEY value and nothing at all about you. Congratulations on your amazing results and your improved health! Let's all do the cane-free happy dance for you. :party4:
  21. Welcome to another Texas girl!! :) The more the merrier....

  22. Tom, thanks for sharing your story! It is important information for everyone to consider and it underscores how much "mental" hunger and/or our food addictions can still cause problem after the surgery. That is where part of your work is going to need to be at and it is okay to mourn the loss you have had in your life. Food has been the best friend and a great source of comfort for many people. It might be worth the time and money to see a counselor to talk about the role that food and the feeling of being stuffed played for you. I have no doubt that you will eventually find a way to live with this sleeve and be happy but it is okay for it to take you awhile and to be sad over your loss. Learning to eat with the sleeve is the other big work we have facing us and I too struggle with this. I threw up in a restaurant bathroom at lunch today because I met friends there and ate too fast. I don't think they knew that I lost my lunch but it is embarrasing and annoying that a reasonable smart person like I think I am can't SLOW DOWN! I ate so little food but clearly it was too much and too fast. I did the same thing at about 2 weeks out but have been really good this past week. Going to eat with friends was probably too much of a distraction. I am sure though that we WILL learn to eat comfortably with our new stomachs but until then it is slow going. Good luck with your journey and keep us posted!!
  23. Beadingnurse

    Sleeved On May 4, 2011

    Congratulations! Get a lot of rest and keep hydrated over the next couple of days.
  24. Beadingnurse

    Am I overdrinking?

    I think you are okay. I often have the Atkins Protein shake for breakfast too (love that Royale Chocolate) and I find it goes down like Water. I drink the whole 8 oz during the time I am getting ready for work...over an hour usually. I keep a glass of water with me except when eating and try to drink, drink, drink! I have VERY good restriction when I eat soft foods though. Went out for Mexican food with hubby last night and at 1/2 of a chicken enchilada and that was eating just the filling...no tortilla wrapper. Probably no more that 2 or 3 tablespoons for food.
  25. Beadingnurse

    A truly amazing week!

    Wow Brian...thank you so much for sharing your story. I know that the stories of how the surgery impacted a person's life is what kept me going when I was planning for mine. You have lost a LOT of weight since July so congratulations on that and the new direction your life is going. It IS wonderful to have this site to post your good new on isn't it??

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