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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LisaA

  1. oh yeah NY- so I saw this study that analyzed a group of hotel maids, their actions, their calories burned, their body mass. they all did a lot of physical work in their jobs, and the group that had it explained how physical their job was, and how like a work it was, started to lose weight. By realizing how your job walking is a workout, and doing it with that in mind, you can increase your bodys use of calories. I sit at a desk.
  2. Oh I forgot to say, cathy sorry about the mother in law, that is hard, I'm glad you didn't get sick though
  3. Ok so I did 5 miles this week, and todays mile was up tto 3mph and I took the hills I have been avoiding. Next week Im focusing on speed too, and still shooting for the 7 miles per week by thanksgiving. I'm hoping to be up to 3.5mph, plus I havent been back to yoga, a gal banded 10 days before me irritated her port doing yoga, so I'm waiting to get back in. I'll go slow with just some key stretches. solid food tomorrow. scared to death, I had an allergic reaction yesterday, or something and puked, terrible.
  4. Hi all. Maria, that is really amazing, what all can you have? it's all so curious. Cathy I can't believe, all those fiills, and not much restriction. wow that is discouraging for a girl that is planning to fly across the country to get her first fill or two. sourmissg, I believe you go to where you have your ticker, like ticker factory.com. I don't have one so Im not sure but I went to that site and it looked like you have a link that you hit that gets you to your ticker factory page and update I So last night I had some kind of crazy allergic reaction or maybe it was band I dont know, but puked, it was terrifying and aweful. as a highschool bulemic I am pretty good at throughing up but this was terrible. I hope everything is ok, I’m pretty tender.  don’t ask about the font, something that happens when I am typing.  anyway, tomorrow is solid foods, I’ve lost 2 morelbs after gaining 1 last week,  actually I ate a small amount of salad today with my squash soup, ah roughage.  Nice weekend here in Ohio but the lady bugs are suddenly through the roof, literally. Lisa
  5. Annie, so my sources of recipes for next week come from theworldaccordingtoeggface web page, if you havent been there you should go, great recipes from a wls person. My meal plans and recipes are also coming from a favorite book I have called The Instinct Diet. It's not geared toward WLS but it has great 1200 cal meal plans, and food advice, and recipes, highly recommended. Then I bought a book for 5$ from the store that is called eat up slim down. it's like comfort foods only low cal / fat. I havent tried it yet.
  6. first meal, egg and 1/2 piece of toast, and some fruit. my mouth is watering. I'm just now trying the sparkpeople recipe builder for nutritional information, fun in an ocd way
  7. well I gained a lb and I'm only 2.5 weeks post op. very discouraging. Solid foods on Tuesday, yeah.
  8. I did my mile, this is 4 miles this week, 3 more to go. Miss Joany sometimes I find treadmills tolerable when I watch a TV show while I do it, I'm a real TV vegetable so often the time flies by. at the gym when it's all TV I don't watch I use music and magazine. Ahhh friday
  9. Hi neenee, I can't imagine running, but maybe you will help to inspire me. you go!!! missjoany, my husband, that often has trouble sleeping also loves melatonin, he takes it like an hour before bed time. doesn't always work, but it is very helpful to him
  10. I wonder how BrianLA is doing? we've lost him to the movie industry. And Cathy too? hope all is well with everyone.
  11. Annie! I always have good intentions about knitting, but I love to garden. I wish I could play an instrument too. maybe some day. Good advice on having a plan, I'm working on it now so I"ll be ready on Tuesday. That is a crazy story about the band, I'm glad things are getting better now.
  12. way to go sourmissg, I did not walk this morning, hope i do at lunch so I don't break my record
  13. great fish tip rambunctious. I'm nervous about solids next week. Hope you all are doing well.
  14. excellent, I hope the insurance thing works out for you. Many many people it does Mine didn't. sounds like a nice place. its so good to like your doctor and the staff. they will be extra special friends for years to come
  15. sure angie, it's good to meet another Ohio person. what doctor are you going to
  16. I don't know about the notifications, I have trouble with that at times too and and sometimes it's better. Miss Joany it is so hard, especially if you aren't sleeping good, I wonder if you tried some mild sleep aid? even like valerian or passionflower help for some. - they are herbs that you can get in the tincture form at a health food store. I have a hard time making exorcise a priority. I've never had a hard time making eating a priority, but exercise forget about it. It's so hard to change that pattern for me. I don't work the odd hours and probably not as many hours as you, I know when I do that stuff my sleep is also affected. But for me, it's funny, when the kids are in bed I dont have trouble making time for TV. that is my problem, I wish my little house had room for a tread mill - but I wonder if it'd use it as good as all of you have been. But I think come winter I might use it more. I did walk a mile today again, still very slow, speed will come later. Good luck Miss Joany and everyone else.
  17. I'm feeling good, love have so much more variety. am excited about solids. Wow that's wild about the band, had you had a fill recently, or just all of a sudden it was tight. did the doc offer any explanation? sounds pretty perfect for 5.7. I I've been meaning to ask you about your avatar pic, is that sheet music. are you a musician? Lisa
  18. Wow, all of you are so totally great, I love hearing all this body movement. I did my mile today a little faster then yesterday (2 days in a row! woot woot.)
  19. Yeah from what I've read if your calories are too low your body can go into emergency mode of converting calories to fat storage, and really slowing the metabolism down. That's just what I"ve read though. . I also just read that it is impossible for the human body to lose more then 3 lbs per week of fat, so anything over that is likely muscle. of course when you weigh as much as I do it's hard to care about that at this point. LOL
  20. no mushies really, I can have pureed food this week- I guess that's the mushie phase. basically 21 days of liquids, where the last week is actually pureed soups etc. I started yesterday, it's all so flavorful and filling. I think this week will fly by - then onto actual food I can chew. My son (age 6) is like I miss the way you used to eat, when will you eat like that again. I tried to explain that I would be eating normal food next week that I probably wouldn't eat the same as I used to. For some reason this troubled him, he doesn't adapt well to change. Oh well, at 6 in a few months he likely won't remember the old way. Hope you had a good weekend, this weekend was amazing weather here in Athens.
  21. happy monday all. this morning before work I walked 1 mile! yeah, I hope to keep it going.
  22. maria, I seems like others have had that too, I never had shoulder pain till 2 weeks out, and I think it's cause I'm just now starting pureed food as opposed to all liquids. anyway what I hear is the shoulder pain is gas pain, and walking is the main thing- for me when I get it I force out some loud burps- and some say gas ex strips help. hope it gets better soon. walking I think helps move the gas around more.
  23. oh about weakness, I wonder if you are weak from hunger, my nutritionish says to take metamucil pills to help with hunger. and of course hydration hydration hydration.
  24. busywildmom you rock, i hope my holiday goes so well!
  25. ok friends I am weeping - first day of pureed foods, lunch,- a miso chick pea soup with lots of garlic and onions, I am in heaven. tonight potatoe cheese soup. so exciting. Oh also, disturbing, my son says he is sad that I won't be eating like I used to. hmmm.

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