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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mauraclegg

  1. Why would you need to sue? We are all told several things (slip, flip, erosion) that can happen before surgery. If you can eat more or easier than before it happens- stretching and such. This society is way too quick to want to sue
  2. mauraclegg


    the don't drink is because of calories - and I think the only reason you may get drunk quicker is because you are taking in less calories and losing weight/body mass - drink and glass of wine with your hubby and have a Happy Anniversary
  3. mauraclegg

    i dont understand

    MJ, I have a question, if you have the band - then on some level you did lose weight because of the tools that you are using - and 1 of those tools is the band. Yes, maybe you weren't at your "sweet spot", but - still you are banded so therefore the band was on some level a help. I have a friend who was banded MANY years ago and has lost weight, maintained it and has had no issues.
  4. mauraclegg

    Gulping water

    I don't think it's that much of a problem especially if it's not bothering you, but you could always try a straw
  5. mauraclegg

    i dont understand

    Have had my band a year and have had no problems. As long as I work with my band and not against it everything works fine. If I overeat I gain, if I eat right and exercise I lose. No, it's not rocket science- bur it works for me. I have maintained an 80+ lb weight loss since Feb and have gone from a size 22 to a loose 12, and I am going in for my TT next month. Have I read about problems people have had? Of course I have- bur aside from slips many of the problems are subjective. People tend not to post when things are going well, but rather they post when something is going wrong. I had 1 overfi- my fault not my dr. Did it suck? You bet it did, but all is good now. The experience is what you make it - I choose to have my experience be a positive one
  6. mauraclegg


    Good luck- not sure of what questions, but a small piece of advice, get up and walk around as soon as you can. It helps with the gas pain, etc. Also have a heating pad and/or ice pack for incisions when you get home
  7. mauraclegg

    Let's be realistic, folks~

    This is a great post and even though seeing the scale move down it is those NSV that mean much more
  8. Whenever someone compliments me on how good I look I thank them and say, "I had a lap-band put in". I didn't tell many people beforehand but now I tell people all about it and how happy I am with my journey. I figure if I can help 1 person then it was worth it for me to be upfront. I have 3 friends who either have had or are considering getting banded since my surgery last year
  9. mauraclegg

    How do you Guys do it?

    I have a 10, a 4 1/2, and a 2 plus a husband to feed. I find that sometimes I plan things I can eat with them and if that's not the plan then I make myself a Lean Cuisene or a tuna salad. It doesn't bother me as much anymore to not eat the same as the rest
  10. mauraclegg

    Today's Anniversaries (Jun 8, 2011)

    My anniversary is today but I was rebanded on the 9th due to an immediate slip HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ALL
  11. I absolutely still think of and see myself as fat. When I look in the mirror I still see that fat chick. which is really funny because when I was at my heaviest I wasn't sure I really looked that bad - but now I think I look worse. I think it's the hanging skin that screws with my mind. I am hoping the TT helps with that and that I will stop wearing oversize shirts. My doc isn't concerned that I haven't lost in months, he even told me not to stress about it. I guess there are just times when our bodies do know best. I still eat relatively right but have been too hectic to exercise - but maintaining.... I had an overfill and slight unfill in Feb. and I am just getting to a point now where I am eating a bit more. I have had trouble with breads since I got my band (I think that's a mental thing with me).
  12. mauraclegg

    Reached your personal goal???

    my 1 year band-iversary is tomorrow (and Thursday) and while i haven't reached my personal goal (not sure if I had one), I have lost over 80 lbs. I originally wanted to hit 140, dr. said that may be an unattainable goal, so i settled on 160 - but I am in a 10/12 and headed for my TT next month... so I have reached a NSV in that I don't shop in the women's department
  13. Giving my honest opinon would mean my saying that I don't going to a gastric bypass will solve the issues you have with food. The bypass is really another tool for weight loss, and takes a toll on your body imo. Everyone's weight loss is different and maybe you haven't had success with your band because of the underlying mental health issues that you mentioned. Perhaps if you got those things under control you would find that you are more effective using your band. I just think that with the probs you mentioned and the not huge amount of weight you have to lose the bypass will not make you any happier with yourself.
  14. I was so surprised that popcorn makes it through my band - it has been my main snack since I was banded last year. I know that by upping your calories a bit (depending on how many you typically take in) can help jump star weight loss, and drinking tons of Water and boosting exercise. Personally, my scale hasn't moved - even with diet pills in months. That being said I was thinking of trying walnuts for a snack (and for the protein). My band is mighty tight and almonds may get me stuck. Yogurt has protein, not a ton, but it's there. I really don't know how people get up around 60-70 protein a day - I just can't get there. I am sure that has something to do with me not losing.. I eat lettuce and tomatoes without a problem and occasionally french style green Beans. I am limited more by my mind than by my band I think - but that is a good thing. I tell myself that the breads and fried things will get stuck so I don't eat 'em I discussed my lack of losing with my doc last month, and he said by BMI is in a good range, my weight is pretty good and I have still lost some inches - soooo I don't really have good advice to kick start weight loss again, just the things I mentioned above that I have read/heard.
  15. I consider myself a banding success. I lost a touch over 80 lbs in less than a year. I am happy with my weight (pretty much), really I would love to see a size 2 fit me, but that is irrational. Here's the thing- I do not deny myself! I eat a little chocolate every day. If I want ice cream, I have a small bowl. I am the type of person that if I deny myself, I will eventually binge. My band is relatively tight- I eat a ton of tuna. I think the band works because we work with it. There are days I can eat some bread- most days I can't. I am also a popcorn addict- but have 2 cups works for me. If your band isn't doing what it is supposed to- perhaps re-evaluate. It could be something minuscule. Maybe increase Water and protein; maybe have smaller portions or replace a snack with something like nuts. The band works with us, but as people with food issues we are very capable of working against it.
  16. Hi, I know my bariatric surgeon was able to get my TT covered through my insurance (I am going in for it next month). Insurance covered it due to things like redness in the creases, rashes, etc.
  17. I lost my 80 in less than a year - I am happy with my size, but not the numbers that I see on the scale. Haven't lost more than 5 lbs since Feb. Spoke to the dr. at length about it - he even gave me a script for Adipex - he says though that my body is telling me something. So, while I am maintaining - well, let's just say I'll never be a 5'7" size 2 like kate Middleton. Thank you for the well wishes - So awesome that you have lost 95 lbs - impressive!! Congrats!!
  18. I have to say my band is pretty tight, but when my husband makes burgers on the grilled (pressed by hand, not prepressed) - I cut one up and but it on a bed of shredded lettuce - it is sooo good
  19. my insurance is paying for the entire procedure, my lap-band surgeon is doing it - he is going to do the tuck, scrape any fat and tighten my abs - he said I will be able to wear a bikini after (not gonna happen). I have heard various things about the recovery - some have said it's hard, some have said easy. I am hoping for easy. I know after my lap-band surgery and fix (within 36 hours) I wasn't in a whole lot of pain - so I am hoping for an easy recovery. Even if it's painful, it will be worth it because no matter how much weight i have lost I am super self-conscious of the rolls that hang on my abdomen and onto my thighs..... All I know about the actual recovery is that you have to wear a compression thing on your middle, and that there are drains involved (ick)
  20. :-( please don't be terrified. It is def not a bad thing. It is the best thing that has happened to be and my weight loss goals. It is all about willpower, and the band is the best tool out there. It works for you as long as you work with it. Yes, I have puked - but it's when I am eating way too fast (taking huge bites), or eating something I know I shouldn't - My band is pretty tight, so I don't eat bread - but that is a good thing for me because I LOVE bread way too much. Now I eat a bite or 2 or it and I am good.
  21. I love my band for what it does, are there times it annoys me- yes, like when my fam is having grinders and I can't or doughy pizza. But.... Without my band I wouldn't have gone from a 22 to a 12, and I certainly wouldn't have lost 80 lbs or be going in for a TT next month. So really I love my band- it works for me.
  22. The band is not a magic wand that will melt the pounds away. What I think the band does is allow me to eat a healthy portion of food. Can I still eat chocolate? You bet your ass I can, but now rather than a king sized bar I happy with a couple of minis. Could I have lost over 80 lbs in less than a year without my band? Absolutely not!! Nothing is perfect though- I can eat "bad" things, but in moderation. Like 1/2 a dinner roll rather than 3. People always find fault with what isn't working for them - perhaps they aren't using their band to it's potential/ not letting it help them. It is one of the best things to happen to me
  23. Try prune juice to get things moving along so to speak and then a daily fiber like Benefiber I had the same problem
  24. Try prune juice to get things moving along so to speak and then a daily fiber like Benefiber I had the same problem
  25. mauraclegg

    My Lap Band, My Friend

    Suzy- good luck to you on the next step of your journey. Not sure of specific tips- but if you have questions ease feel free to ask me

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