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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dar36

  1. I am 1.5 years banded. I am happily banded, under goal, and happy as can be. I do have one crazy question though about something that just recently started happening to me. Recently, my stomach has been making some really strange, obnoxious, LOUD, gurgling noises. My husband can't believe it. I have never had this happen before and it's actually embarrassing. This is something new after 1.5 years. Does anyone know why this is happening or anyone experiencing the same thing?

  2. At only 2-3 months out I was still able to eat quite a bit. I too have a problem slowing down and chewing! I swear I am the fastest eater in three counties! The band has helped with that but it is always a conscious effort for me and I really have to pay attention EVERY time I eat or I have pain or will vomit.

    I was banded on Aug 17, 2010 and have met my goal. Here is an example of what I might eat on a typical day:

    Breakfast: 1 egg or veggie sausage and 1 slice whole wheat bread

    Lunch: veggie burger with whole wheat bread

    Dinner: turkey or fish, greens, brown rice

    When and if I snack I always eat Protein such as nuts, Protein Bars, Protein shakes, milk, or cheese. I have been eating more soy Protein lately because I am getting sick of meat. There are some great alternatives out there.

    There are days when I am not hungry and days that I definitely eat more than what I listed above.

    I really believe that I have done so well because I do NOT deprive myself of anything (ok Pasta is really hard and I don't really eat it anymore) I don't skip desert I just eat a heck of a lot less of it....everything in moderation is key.

    I see you have PCOS. I do too! Man, it stinks.

    Let me know if you need anything. I Am more than happy to help.


  3. I wish I had done it sooner. There is a lot of mental regulation involved in this process. It also takes a while to find the "green zone". In addition, weight is not going to melt off. It is going to come off at a very healthy pace of 1-2 pounds a week. This was the best decision I ever made. Also realize it is not a cure all. It is a tool to help you. Certain foods will go down easy and slow your weight loss (Cookies, crackers, chips, etc...stay away).

    As I look back over the last year and a half of this journey, I can tell you I am happy with my results. I deprive myself of NOTHING. I eat everything I did before just a lot less of it.

    The one thing I do have a mental issue with is that I don't see myself as being thin. I am now a size 4 but I consider myself overweight. This isn't a good thing either. It is definitely a problem. This is something that can happen with significant weight loss so please keep this in mind. I have talked to a counselor about this and see her regularly to keep myself in check. I want to be healthy physically and mentally.

  4. The band doesn't cure a food addiction. One can still eat chips and Cookies, crackers, etc...those foods go down easy and make weight loss difficult. There are a lot of mental challenges with the band and it can take much self talk and mental regulation. Your friend may benefit from a good counselor to assist her in her efforts.

    The band works but not by itself. You have to work WITH it. I know someone who has the band and know someone who had gastric bypass. They are both VERY heavy again. This isn't a cure all. It is a tool. You have to be mentally prepared and 100% committed and it will be successful. It is the best choice I ever made. I am at goal and feel amazing. It was hard work though but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    It is also very important to have a supportive people around you. My husband was my biggest fan. He worked with me every step of the way. A good and positive support system is a must!

  5. I had heart burn too at bed time and discussed it with my doctor. He asked me if I was eating within two hours before bedtime. I was indeed eating before bedtime. Once I stopped eating before bedtime, my heart burn completely went away.

    He also mentioned that if I was coughing it could be an indication that the band was too tight. Are you coughing as well?

  6. my 1 year band-iversary is tomorrow (and Thursday) and while i haven't reached my personal goal (not sure if I had one), I have lost over 80 lbs. I originally wanted to hit 140, dr. said that may be an unattainable goal, so i settled on 160 - but I am in a 10/12 and headed for my TT next month... so I have reached a NSV in that I don't shop in the women's department

    I had a TT too! LOVE THE TT! What an amazing difference.

  7. I had many fears before getting banded but ultimately I wanted to be heathly again. I too, didn't meet the BMI requirement but had so many health issues that my insurance company paid for the surgery. I feared my life would drastically change. I have met my weight loss goal and still eat the same food I did before just in smaller portions. I was scared to death and over the last year and a half I never regretted the decision that I made.

    This is a great place for support. Let us know what we can do to help!

  8. Jack...

    I think I am the other way around. My body is much closer to goal than my head. Every time I go to put on my jeans, I expect them not to fit. And I'm always surprised when they do. I buy stuff that has to be returned because it's way too big. Sometimes I WEAR stuff that's way too big because my head thinks that's what should fit.

    I think all this means I have self-image issues. But the funniest thing is that when I was MO, I didn't "see" myself that way, either.

    OH You took the words out of my mouth! I met the maximum weight loss that they said I would lose with the lap band and as soon as I met it I dropped my new goal another 15 pounds, which may not be something I am able to do. I am a size 4 but my head doesn't think I am thin. I realize that this isn't healthy thinking.

  9. There were weeks I wouldn't lost any weight and weeks I would lose a couple of pounds. On average I lost 1 pound per week. It never hurts to talk to your doctor and dietician. You mention you are exercising a lot and your clothes are fitting differently. Perhaps you are gaining muscle. 10 pounds since october is a healthy pace. I lost slowly too and am down about 60 pounds in a year and a half. Hang in there and keep plugging away. You WILL see results.

  10. I haven't had a fill since October...im not real sure if I need one or am I too tight? When I eat I tend to eat faster than I should...and my food will get stuck almost everytime...but I will be hungry almost 2 hours later...I'm wondering if i need a fill and just slow down my bites and chew more...I've only had 4 fills. I've lost 32 since surgery July 20 and haven't lost a pound since December 5

    I go through the same thing sometimes. It's totally my fault. When I slow down and chew my food I enjoy it, can eat more, and stay full. Before my surgery I was a VERY fast eater and I see myself falling into that pattern again sometimes. Our bodies do need calories. My advice is to slow down. Are you sitting down when you eat or just eating on the run? I catch myself in bad habits a lot. Try slowing down first and see how you do.

  11. My personal opinion....stay local. If you ever have a problem you will have your doctor close. I have had an issue before and could not imagine what I would have done if I didn't have my doctor within an hour away. This is a serious surgery. Keep your support team close to you. Again, this is just my opinion but please consider all the factors before making this decision. My best to you.

  12. I had my surgery about 1.5 years ago and have met my initial goal. (yeah!) I have a question though and I hope somone can offer an explanation. My last fill was in April of 2011 and I don't plan to have one anytime soon. There are weeks when everything is just fine with the band. I can eat healthy amounts of food as long as I eat slowly and chew my food well. Then I can go through a week where it seems impossible to eat anything. Does anyone know why this can happen out of the blue? This doesn't happen all the time. Just once and a while.

    I had a really difficult week last week and even had a hard time with liquids. Then all of a sudden, this past Sunday, I was able to eat again. This happens to me every now and then and was wondering if anyone knew why this happens on occassion.



  13. OMG thanks so much for posting this!! Finally someone my height im a litte bigger than you my highest is 208 and im on day 2 of preop and down to 203!! I'm scheduled to get banded 1/11. The info you put on here is great information on eating after getting banded I look forward to seeing your progress Congratulations on what you have done so far. you have really given me the motivation I needed to get through the pre-op diet phase. Quick question if you don't mind me asking I am so worried about excess skin I am 34 and I have a trainer that said she would help me do excersises to help but I am not so sure. Please let me know It helps to see someone on here close to my profile.


    **best of luck to you you are on your way to your goal!!

    I too am happy to see a couple of people that are close to my profile. I was 208 lbs. at my first appointment. I had surgery on August 17th and currently weigh 175. I can't believe what a difference these 33 pounds have made!

    I have had three fills so far. I stay away from bread but do have toast occassionally, but I eat an organic flaxseed toast that is high in Protein and Fiber. Pasta is absolutely something that I cannot tolerate. I actually haven't missed it either. The more you stay away from carbs, the less you miss them. I do not crave or desire them at all. For some reason, it is much more difficult for me to eat in the morning and in the afternoon, but I do fine at dinner. I drink Protein shakes and homeade Soups (bean Soup for protein!)during the difficult times and eat a salad with some sort of Protein on top at night. Chili is something I enjoy too. This may not sound appetizing to you, but I also make put tuna in a maranara sauce, which I really like. I enjoy cottage cheese and if I am in the mood for something sweet I will add a little sugar free vanilla coffee Creamer to cottage cheese and it makes a tasty treat.

    My best to you. Let us know if we can help in any way. Enjoy the journey!

  14. Hello all! this is my first post, but want to thank you all for the open and honest forum/discussion that has helped me so much. I am on my fourth week and able to eat all foods - haven't had first fill yet. Generally doing great, but have a couple questions I am hoping more experienced bandsters can help me with.

    I am trying to learn to listen to my body, but need a little help to understand what it is telling me. Can you share some of your bodies decoder secrets? What do you feel when you eat too much? Have swallowed too big a bite (haven't chewed enough)? Drink fast or to much? What does the "slime" thing feel like? If you eat too much or too big of bite that would come back up (I have been fortunate not happened yet) do you get sick immediately or after some time passes? Is there warning?

    In my "trying different things" and holidays, I have felt a painful twinge under my left ribcage sometimes when I eat - is that because ate too much? My stomach rumbles a lot, but I am not hungry - what is that about (lol)? Any other body sign/signals you wish you understood when first started eating?

    Thanks again for forum and advice!

    I am four months out and can tell you that it has taken me this long to figure out my body's signals. I have had three fills so hopefully I can provide you some insight even though I am not as experienced as some others. Changing habits after 30 years isn't easy and I have learned some lessons the hard way. You will learn new things with each fill because the tighter it is, the more pronounced your signals will be. There is a BIG difference between having the band in and the first fill and between the first fill and the second fill.

    When you don't chew enough or take too big of a bite, you WILL know it. It WILL hurt and feel like something is stuck in your chest. I also respond with severe hiccups if I eat too fast. I have learned to eat with baby utensils and to put my fork or spoon down after every bite. This has helped to significantly reduce discomfort. This is also important to do so you can recognize that you are full and to stop eating. If you do overeat because you didn't eat slow enough you may feel a sudden urge to vomit. That is how it feels for me anyway. It's important to remember this because you can eat quite a bit more now than you will be able to after your fills. After each fill it takes me about a week to be able to start eating more solid food. I have also learned that mornings are usually more difficult for me and I tend to stick to liquids, while dinner time is much easier. I have also learned that some foods are just not compatible with me.

    Don't hesitate to ask any questions. We are all here to support each other. Take care and let us know how it goes.

  15. Hello all! this is my first post, but want to thank you all for the open and honest forum/discussion that has helped me so much. I am on my fourth week and able to eat all foods - haven't had first fill yet. Generally doing great, but have a couple questions I am hoping more experienced bandsters can help me with.

    I am trying to learn to listen to my body, but need a little help to understand what it is telling me. Can you share some of your bodies decoder secrets? What do you feel when you eat too much? Have swallowed too big a bite (haven't chewed enough)? Drink fast or to much? What does the "slime" thing feel like? If you eat too much or too big of bite that would come back up (I have been fortunate not happened yet) do you get sick immediately or after some time passes? Is there warning?

    In my "trying different things" and holidays, I have felt a painful twinge under my left ribcage sometimes when I eat - is that because ate too much? My stomach rumbles a lot, but I am not hungry - what is that about (lol)? Any other body sign/signals you wish you understood when first started eating?

    Thanks again for forum and advice!

    I am four months out and can tell you that it has taken me this long to figure out my body's signals. I have had three fills so hopefully I can provide you some insight even though I am not as experienced as some others. Changing habits after 30 years isn't easy and I have learned some lessons the hard way. You will learn new things with each fill because the tighter it is, the more pronounced your signals will be. There is a BIG difference between having the band in and the first fill and between the first fill and the second fill.

    When you don't chew enough or take too big of a bite, you WILL know it. It WILL hurt and feel like something is stuck in your chest. I also respond with severe hiccups if I eat too fast. I have learned to eat with baby utensils and to put my fork or spoon down after every bite. This has helped to significantly reduce discomfort. This is also important to do so you can recognize that you are full and to stop eating. If you do overeat because you didn't eat slow enough you may feel a sudden urge to vomit. That is how it feels for me anyway. It's important to remember this because you can eat quite a bit more now than you will be able to after your fills. After each fill it takes me about a week to be able to start eating more solid food. I have also learned that mornings are usually more difficult for me and I tend to stick to liquids, while dinner time is much easier. I have also learned that some foods are just not compatible with me.

    Don't hesitate to ask any questions. We are all here to support each other. Take care and let us know how it goes.

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