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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Nicole74

  1. Hey everyone. It has been a while since I posted but need some advice and support. I got my lapband 2 yrs ago. in the first year I lost 70lbs I was about 40 lbs from my goal. I went from 303lbs to 224. I got pregnant last August and had my beautiful baby girl in May. I am now 20lbs heavier than I was before getting pregnant (Im 245 right now) my goal is to get under 200!!). Half way through my pregnancy I had to get most of my fill out as it became too tight for me to eat and I was having horrible reflux. I went in last week to get a fill as I am soooo ready to get this weight off again and meet my goal and Iv fallen into old habits again...eating way too much and not folllowing the band rules at all. I am basically runing in an empty tool right now. when I went to the doctor I found out that my port had flipped and my doctor said it was most likely from the pregnancy. He was able to get the port flipped back to do my fill ( I have an 11cc band) he put 2 back in so now I have 5cc's. Im worried about the port flipping and I am hoping he can continue to flip it if needed during fills. Im self pay and do not want to have to pay to get it fixed unless I HAVE to.

    The 2cc's didnt do anything so I have another fill scheduled for Sept 27th. Im already frustrated as I cannot get myself back into this whole weight loss mindset!! I worked so hard last year to lose the weight..I worked out alot and really followed the band rules. Since my fill Iv been getting achiness and pain in my left shoulder and arm. I read somewhere that sometimes a flipped port can do that? Does anyone have any experience with this?? Also so worried that my band wont be like it was pre pregnancy. Im still breast feeding so the doctor is hesitant to put in too much of a fill. it costs me $300 each visit so I have to space them apart a month or so. with a new baby, working and I have another son as well its very hard for me to get back in the gym yet..but I do plan on going back as soon as I can. If anyone has any suggestion on the port flip, left shoulder achiness or just general support.....Id really appreciate it!!!! taking a year off while pregnant and having a baby was both good for my family but bad for my lapband and diet!!

  2. Hi all. I had my lapband July of 2010. I am 37yrs old right now. I had the bank for a little over a year and got pregnant in Aug. 2011. Im due May 5th of this year (2012) I lost 80lbs before I got pregnant from the lapband (it ws alot of work to lose that) and I was still trying to lose as my goal was to lose another 40lbs, I had 9cc's in my band before getting pregnant. I have a 4yr old curently, I was worried about gaining weight and having to work so hard to lose a bunch of weight again though but wanted another child. My dr. originally said when i got preg I would have to come in and get all my Fluid removed than have it put back in once I gave birth and was done breast feeding. I waited until I was a couple months pregnant before going in because I could still eat and felt I was getting plenty of food. Iv never been one of those banders who only could eat a cup or two of food at a. but my dr. had changed his rules and said that if I was comfortable and the baby was doing fine I didnt have to get any out at all. since I am com pletely self pay I decided to go ahead and get 3 cc's out to ensure I would get enough food and have room to grow without an issue. Im 7mnts pregnant (31 weeks) and so far not too many issues. I do think my band has gotten a little tighter on its own...I get a couple of stuck episodes more than I have before and I find several types of foods bother me now and go down "hard"..but since Im self pay I didnt watn to go back in just to get a couple more cc's out causae its 300 dollars a pop for me. so I am just careful with what I eat, chew well and take my time. with my first pregnancy I gained about 15lbs total..but I was very overwieght than, topping the scale at 305 when I gave birth. When i got pregnant after the band this second time, i was 225, now I am about 336..so 11lbs so far..baby is doing good. My only worry is how the band will hold up for me for the next 9 weeks as I get bigger and during all the pushing at birth..I hope it all works out well and I have no issues. I am just sorda "winging" it right now:)

  3. Hey everyone. I am 36 yrs old and had lapband 13 months ago. Iv lost about 76lbs so far. I found out yesterday Im pregnant with my 2nd child. I weigh 226lbs right now. I have 9cc's in my band and still can eat a good bit. Iv pretty much been doing weight watchers for the past month to help me lose as I have been at a standstill for several months. I guess I need to know exactly when you all got your fill removed? do I have to do it immediatly i Im getting enough food, which I know I am. or can I wait a couple months? I am curious how other pregnant ladies with lapband did and if you have any experiences or advice you can give me! Thanks.

  4. Hey there! My 1 yr anniversary is July 30th. Iv lost 72lbs so far. Its definitly not been an easy journey Iv worrked really hard to lose that much..working out 4x plus a week and really trying to eat better..I know I couldnt of done it without the band but I still have another 45lbs to go.....congrats on your weight loss!!!

  5. I would call the doctor too, but I too was a little too tight and had a half of a cc taken out last week. For the past couple of weeks I was brining up food or Water or whatever at night and pretty much on and off all night....I didnt put two and two together originally that I was too tight...since I could still eat without much of a problem..but anyway..I developed a slight cough but after about a week the cough went away..not sure if its the same you have but I ddnt really have any other symptoms just the cough, my doctor didnt seem too concerned about it and told me if i started to run a fever or fill ill to make an appt with my family doctor.

  6. Your normal..I ddin't really feel restriction until my 4th fill. It takes time. My doctor wouldnt do fills but every 6 weeks at first and now its 3 months! You have to try and take this time early on to learn and use the band rules. At first before I got restriction I actually did Weight Watchers to help me not overeat. but once you hit restriction everything will change for you..just hang tight and stay positive!!! dont freight too much about the fills and being able to eat more..after my 2nd fill I could eat a few slices of pizza too but now NO WAY im lucky if I can get one down without either being full or getting stuck:) Good luck!

  7. Hey All. I am 11 months out since having lapband and coming up on my 1 yr anniversary. I have lost a total of 70lbs so far...yay me! BUT the Weight loss has been soooo slow for the past 3 months. My last fill was March 1st, I lost 6lbs fast after that fill but since April 15th I have lost NOTHING. Iv been tittering tottering back and forth 2lbs for 2 mnths now. It is so frustrating! I know Im gonna need to give you some details so you can maybe give me some advice or at least let me know if you have been there and give me encouragement it wont last. here it goes.....Iv been going to the gym since shortly after being banded. I was going 4x a week but a few months ago I slacked off and went maybe 2-3x per week over the past month since my plateau Iv increased back to 4x...I take high cardio classes and weight training. I tried to stay strictor on low carb but that only lasted a few days as I cant be that strict with just meat and low carb veggies. I drink all of my fluids and Water and exercise, since my last fill on March 1st Iv been debating if Im too tight...I can still eat plenty of calories a day...but Iv started to get heartburn alot and now take prilosec every day to help it. I also get some stuck episodes more now and cant eat at all until lunch time each day. I can only drink in the mornings as Im too tight in the a.m. I also cut out any type of iced coffees or lattes like I was drinking, I thought maybe they were adding too many calories for the day and causing me not to lose weight . I can eat an array of things but dense meats, breads and raw veggies I cant do them at all now. Anyway, Id like to know if anyone else has been through this long of a plateau and how you pushed through it and how long it took? Im very frustrated because I really wanted to be down another 20 lbs by now. I feel like Iv been doing things right and following the band rules but maybe Im not? any help would be great!! thanks.

  8. Iv never really had nausea maybe just once or twice but usually its when Iv pushed myself with food, but my friend who was banded as well has nausea on and off...the doctor told her its from the food or drink sitting on top of the band that hasn't gone through yet...not sure if thats why you have it but just wanted to give you an idea of what someone was told who had it.

  9. Your probably not going to feel restriction after your first fill..for most people, not all it can take a few fills. Just hang in there and try to learn and use the band rules. The weight will start coming off ..you are going to have to try and be patient ....keep up the exercise..It will all come together...this process has some pretty frustrating moments...I know Iv been there:) good luck!

  10. I agree with the other posters that sometimes fills can take a few days or more to really kick on but most peole dont get good restriction after the 1st fill. I was exactly where you were at my first fill..and second and third ....I didn't start feel restriction until about my 4th fill..and my doctor wouldnt fill but every 6 weeks.....It all depends on your doctor and how soon they do fills after the initial. I would at least give it a few week though. I know its hard but use this time to try and follow and learn the band rules. Start exercising and watching what you eat..I actually did weight watchers for the first several months before I hit restriction. ..I was so frustrated..but it will happen...just stick with it and dont worry ....before you know it you will be losing:) Good luck!

  11. Its 5 days..you so can do it..I know its hard...you didn' sabotage yourself and I am sure you will be fine for surgery just try your best to stick with it..the doctor must feel its best and you certainly dont want to possibly cause an issue with getting surgery over a buritto:) hang in there...you will be fine..just try and do your best at sticking with it..you are going to need that self discipline through this process so you need to find it in yourself! Good luck!

  12. My first couple of fills I just ate mushies for the day or so after, but starting with my 3rd fill when I started getting restriction I did liquids for the rest of the day after my fill than mushies the next..i didnt have any problems. Good luck! Just be careful and take it slow after your fill once a day or so passes you will be able to tell if you can eat solids.

  13. I am 10mnths out and my last fill was the first of March. Iv had 5 fills total and up to 9cc's. I had another appointment last week but I cancelled it. I am very close if not already to my sweet spot..I was getting some heartburn so I decided to skip a fill. my next appointment is aug 2nd, not sure if I will get a fill than or not. If you dont feel like your at your sweet spot than I would keep getting fills!

  14. UGH....I dont want to get an unfill either....I really dont even want to think about band slippage...Im self pay so cant afford another surgery...but I am wondering why I get heartburn so much...guess its to the doctor I go soon...and thanks Bonnie..Iv been bad with my blogging lately but been meaning to give an update !!

  15. Thanks. my weight loss has been pretty slow over the past month or two so I guess I assume Im not too tight..I still havnt learned that it doesn't necessarily go hand and hand:) thanks for the advise I have an appoint in August but will try to getin before then. I am thinking it is probably because I need to get just a little out

  16. hey All. Things have been going really good for me with this band and havnt had any major issues, but I got my 5th fill in March and ever since than I get heartburn just about every day. at first it was just once in a while but now its sometimes 2x a day..its always after I eat or take pills and most things cause the heartburn, I noticed its mostly really dense foods and meat that cause it...and since I am trying to stay more low carb now I get it even more now. It normally goes away after taking tums or zantac but its getting really annoying and uncomfortable. I was to go back for a fill appointment last week but I canceled it because I feel like I am pretty much at my sweet spot..I dont get stuck alot but I am very careful and I dont FEEL like Im too tight...but maybe I am? I never had a heartburn issue before my last fill so I am thnking maybe I am a little too tight...I just dont want to cause an issue with my band or if this heartburn is harmless and just a side effect I have to deal with? Any suggestions or anyone experience this who talked to their doctor?

  17. Well when I hit a stand still its for a few weeks and I start picking up my workout routine, than I have to turn back to the band rules...protein first, chew,chew chew, eat small bites and drink LOTS of water...once I do that for a week or so the scale normally moves again...my weight loss stands still for a few weeks than I may lose 2-3lbs and start the whole cycle again...its really starting to slow down now though ...so I have to work harder and it feels like as time goes on I sway away from the band rules more and more so I have to re focus....your doing a great job....glad you have such a great practice..Im debating on if I should get another fill or not, I have an appt next week. part of me thinks I could use just a little more but than Im scared of being too tight and miserable! its harder than I thought to find just that right spot..I have a feeling I may have to get overfilled in order to really know where I need to be! Good luck!

  18. Hey there!! Can't believe its been almost 10months since Iv been banded!! What a ride!!! I wanted to check in with all the July/aug 2010 banders and see how everyone has been doing and where everyone is at coming up on our year out! My ultimate goal was a 100lbs by my anniversary on Aug. 1st but I dont thikn Im gonna get there..Im almost down 70lbs and things have been coming alot easier over the past few months, at first it was a roller coaster ride!!!

  19. Yes!! You are VERY NORMAL:) Its not always easy at first but you will get there...use this time to "teach" yourself how you should be eating and learning the band rules..for me it was pretty much like I was dieting for the first few months....just like old times and I was very frustrated but it does eventually get to the point where you won't feel this way anymore..It took me almost 5 months and about 4 fills before I really got pretty much to my sweet spot..everyone is different though....try to be patient...time does go fast, even if it doesnt feel that way right now..before you know it you will be close or at your sweet spot..each fill and day gets you closer!! Good luck!

  20. NO REGRETS.... I read negative things too before getting the band and I remember feeling just like you..I was at the point of being so stressed out and scared but I decided it was truly my last resort! I had some rough times especially at first...had a really bad week after surgery, I did lose weight but I couldnt even drink at first, I didnt even feel like I had the band for the first several months and went through bandster hell for a while but I just took it day by day and followed the rules ( with some slip ups) and stuck with exercising. It all finally just came together. iv lost 65 lbs in 8 months and feel soooooo much better...all the good that comes from this out ways the bad that COULD happen. I refused to make the decision based off what negative thing MIGHT happen...and Im so glad I thought that way. I still get scared that somethign will happen to my band..I was self pay and I wil be on my own if anything does ever happen but like one poster said..just follow the rules and take care of yourself and your band! Good luck!!

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