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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by laurigee

  1. laurigee

    Keeping Old Cloths...

    I guess it depend on how close you are to your goal. I always kept a size or two larger than I was currently at because crap happens! I buy very expensive clothes so what could be altered was. I personally dont believe whether or not I have larger clothes in my closet is going determine my success or failure. If it was that easy, how did any of us get into double digits to begin with? Lol... As we went up higher, all that smaller clothes didn't discourage our eating habits! Lol... I definitely didn't keep any of my 22 or 24's once I got down to a size 10. But I'm glad I didn't throw away my 12 and 14 's. I had a rough year and needed them and now im working on getting out of them again. I don't consider myself a failure! My weight has never determined that!
  2. laurigee

    first post-new to site

    This is normal until you start getting fills. Remember, this is not a quick fix. It gets easier. Good luck and stick to the rules and you'll be fine!
  3. laurigee


    I must have been the strangest overweight person in the world! I didn't hide in the house, I didn't ignore my husband, I wasn't inactive, and I certainly didn't stop living! I was just overweight! Who I was, my personality, my interests, my morals and my standards have never changed with my weight! I never expected less of myself as a person or enabled anyone to treat me as less, especially my significant other!? I think it must be a personality thing! Not that statistics are incorrect, I do believe the numbers! I'm just sad that people seem to settle in relationships. Your not only cheating yourself, your cheating the other person as well. Life is just to short. If gaining or losing weight can get you or them to leave I would hate to see what would happen if something horrific would happen to one of them. If you have a heart attack or stroke and you can't keep up with the others lifestyle it would be see ya later! Yikes!
  4. laurigee

    Feeling blue

    If your sticking with a certain amount of calories per day and getting in the amount of protien needed and still not losing, maybe you need to shake things up a little. Do you do the same excersice everyday? Do you eat the same foods everyday? If you do your body will adjust to that! When I would hit a plateau I would start something different and it would restart the weightless! Good Luck!
  5. laurigee


    Temptations??? I wasn't heavy my whole life, but I can honestly say that if I had "temptations" I wouldn't stay married. I didn't settle when I picked my partner. He didn't pick me, nor did I pick him because no one that was attractive would have us! LOL.
  6. laurigee


    Sounds like instead of supporting each other your competing with each other! That might work for siblings but it's not something a marriage should be based on! I couldn't tell you, nor do I care which one of us is better at what! I find that we complement each other! Marriage shouldn't be about "one upping" each other! I hope you two can come to a point where you want the best for the other without thinking of yourself first! If she thinks a counselor is going to tell her she's wrong, she must be pretty sure she is! I wish the best for you in your future, accept nothing short of what you give, everyone deserves that!
  7. laurigee


    My husband married me at my thinnest, never complained or showed me less love at my heaviest, and has been supportive and proud during my lap-band journey. I knew the characteristic I needed to see in a man before I married him. Love will get you down the aisle, but support, respect, dedication, and true friendship will be the only thing that keeps it! I've been married for almost 22 years now, there are ups and downs but I've never had to question whether he was going to be standing next to me during the downs!
  8. laurigee

    Binging & Head Hunger

    I changed my eating schedule around it. I know some think that eating late at night isn't good for you, but it works for me! I am not that hungry during the day so I save the majority of my calories for later at night! 1200 calories is 1200 calories whether I eat them in the morning or at night. I realize some say it doesn't get your metabolism going or you don't burn calories the same, however, if I binge it adds more calories and that's not beneficial either. I always make sure I save enough calories for my 90 calorie SF pudding if I sneak to the kitchen in the middle of the night! Sometimes I visit the frig to get it, sometimes I dont! But I think the biggest part for me is knowing it's there if I want it!
  9. laurigee

    scared! surgery soon.

    If it makes you feel any better I think we all have been through what your going through! You will go through every emotion from nerves, excitement, to maybe even questioning your decision! It's normal! If you have done your research and were confident enough to make the date, your ready! Just know your not the first to feel like this and we all have gotten through it, and you will to. We are here to help so don't be afraid to ask when you need it! Good luck!
  10. laurigee

    Stretch Marks????

    My son called me tonight, he is 20 years old and in college. He has been doing a lot of weight lifting and has noticed that he has stretch marks on his arms and across his chest! He is freaking out! I, for some reason, have never had them. I was wondering if there is anything that can be used to lighten them up so they are not as noticeable.
  11. laurigee

    Stretch Marks????

    Missy...I can picture my little manly mans face if I would hand him a jar of cocoa butter that says its for pregnant tummies! That thought cracks me up! Marci...thanks for the info, I will let you know if it works for the silver streaks on his boobs...Ooops, I mean pecks! Blondie....I will have to give him that line to use! With his personality I think that could change his embarrassment when people see them by having a witty remark! You girls are the best! Thanks so much, I appreciate the help!
  12. Don't give men that much credit! They don't have to deal with that monthly hormonal monster us women do! LOL... Just kidding.... Your both doing great!!!
  13. laurigee

    Bronchitis :( question

    Even if it could slip because of coughing I don't think there is too much anyone can do besides give you a cough suppressant and cross your fingers!? Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
  14. laurigee

    My transformaton (so far)

    Unbelievable! Your doing great!
  15. laurigee


    This happens to a lot of people! I've been banded for 6 years and I have to drink something warm every morning. Anything cold will not go down!
  16. laurigee


    I cracked a rib last week Sunday! I had a hysterectomy 2 weeks prior to that and tripped on a load of laundry. I was counting the days left after having my hysterectomy to being able to exercise and now this! Now I added a few more weeks to my recovery, so I definitely know how you feel! I don't take pain meds, but I think if I did I would prefer to sleep the weeks away. Lol... A lot of water seems to help me. I'm not extremely hungry because I'm kind of nauseous from the pain. I've been reading and on my I pad a lot to distract me. I have also went through my old bills and shredded things I no longer have to save. I think keeping your mind and hands busy is important! We can get through this, it's just a hiccup! Good Luck!
  17. I guess I might be kind of different. My husband and I really didnt discuss it with the kids. They seen me exercising and changing my eating habits about a year before my surgery so to them it was just business as usual. When I lost 100 pounds I was so excited I was telling everyone! My oldest son looked at me as if I were a liar! I said can't you tell the difference, he said NO, you still look like mom to me! Unconditional love, that story still makes me warm and fuzzy! I guess I was overweight, but I was never unable to do things with or for the kids. I dont think there is a right or wrong thing to do, my kids get anxious when people are in the hospital or have surgery so I just didn't think it was worth worrying them about their mom! When they got older I explained what I had done and why. They are 2 boys and to tell you the truth, they couldn't have been more disinterested if they would have tried! Lol. They benifited by seeing their mom eat right and excersise so I'm glad that I was a positive role model for them. Why do I always start rambling when I post a response! LOL
  18. laurigee

    Two steps forward and a HUGE step back

    I'm so sorry for what your going through! I was banded in 2006 and had 3 years of maintaining my goal weight. Then my world started falling apart, my dad died, six months later my 24 year old niece died unexpectedly. I stepped on the scale one day and was 40 pounds heavier! In the beginning of January I told myself enough is enough and started exercising and eating right! Well, then I had 2 major events within a 2 week period! I had to have a complete hysterectomy, then 2 weeks later I fell and broke a rib! So there goes the excitement and enthusiasm for exercise! I think we have to just accept crap is going to happen. We need to adjust to it instead of give in to it! We may not be able to do what we prefer to do, however, we can do something! It doesn't have to be all or nothing! Please don't push your husband away! Trust that your husband loves you, and you have to know that no matter what that he finds you beautiful! Let him be your safe place to land! Know that when he touches you it has to do with love, not judgement! Don't allow what you have between you to suffer because of your insecurities. Let him be your place where there is nothing but UNCONDITIONAL love. If you want to lash out at someone for trying to help you, i think most of us hear will gladly take his place! LOL... Know that your not alone. A lot of us have similar stories! Coming here seems to help me! I'm not sure how often you see your surgeon to discuss fills, but I think getting to the right place with fills seems to be a turning point for a lot of people! Sorry for the rambling! I wish you the best!
  19. It sounds to me like you have a choice! Either you slow down your eating and chew so you don't PB. Or you remove some fluid! That's the great thing about the band, it gives us choices! Unfortunately, if you want to keep your band long term, you can't have it both ways! Good luck on your decision!
  20. laurigee

    Made it to the big 5-0!

    Your doing awesome! Keep your eye on the prize! Congratulations!
  21. laurigee

    9 months of ups and downs

    I know what your saying. I had a rough 2 years when my dad was dying of cancer and my 24 year old niece died unexpectedly. It seemed like I forgot about me! I turned to food because that's what I've always done! I gained around 40 pounds back after being at my goal for over 3 years. I think if it were possible I would do as B-52 did. Let the band be more in control. Unfortunately, I'm not able to get fills without horrible pain in my shoulder, neck, back, ear, and headaches. Therefore, I have to keep myself on track by writing everything down. I stay within 1200 calories a day, I exercise, and I have to be aware of this every day. Not my ideal, but I take what I get! The band has obviously worked for me otherwise I wouldn't be under 200, I would be closer to 300. In January I decided I need to get my crap together! Since then I have lost 16 pounds. I also decided to make an appointment with my surgeon again and try to see if I have better luck with fills. B-52 has the right idea! We should be making this band work for us! Good luck to you, keep me posted on how everything is going!
  22. laurigee

    pain when swallowing

    Start walking. It could be gas like the above poster suggested. That can be very painful! I have read a lot of posts from people saying they are only able to take small sips at a time right after surgery because of the pain. Just make sure you get enough liquids so you don't get dehydrated. If you ever feel uncomfortable about how your feeling you should call your surgeon. That's what they're there for! Good luck and I hope you start feeling better soon!
  23. laurigee

    10 days and counting

    I also dont mean to be rude or offend you in any way! You just seem like you might be making excuses for why NOT than why TO do it! You started with negatives about the band and kind of wishy washy about your decision. You listed all the negatives and said nothing about the positives. I don't mean to be judgmental, but if you get that upset and feel judged by your own family that they could sway your decision to have or not have the surgery, it could be a very tough road for you! I'm not speaking for anyone else, but if my immediate family was not supportive and they didnt have my back, no matter how many friends I would make on here wouldn't make a difference. It's not like you get the band and you automatically start losing weight! They will need to support you in eating healthier, exercise, and a new way of living your life. So their lives will also have to change. Some of us have full support and still find it hard to be successful! You may have complications, will they be there for you? Everyone doesn't have picture perfect results! I wish your family was more supportive of your decision! But, I'm not sure your confident about your decision. That's just my opinion from what I've read. I may be totally wrong! Maybe you should consider explaining to your family as you did to us in your last post.....IF THEY DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE OR SUPPORTIVE TO SAY, THAN PLEASE, DON'T SAY NOTHING AT ALL!
  24. You may feel great now, but that won't last! You can not survive off 400 calories a day with or without excersice! Remember that your goal is to be healthier. Thinner is the result! You have to have a balanced diet to be healthy! I agree with both of the ladies above! You are missing EVERY food group except protien! And a healthy body needs more than just protien to survive! Good luck! Eat a balanced diet!
  25. laurigee

    10 days and counting

    "elective" surgery???? My knee surgery was elective, my hysterectomy was elective, my back surgery was elective! Not sure what the point is? I never felt judged for having any of them including my lap-band!

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