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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by laurigee

  1. laurigee

    Wisconsinnite,s Hometown.

    I am from a small town between Fort Atkinson and Madison called Cambridge.
  2. My biggest motivation to exercise is when the September bandsters started an exercise and weight loss challenge. I love to go on the computer and change the numbers everyday. I know this sounds lame but you really see then what you are doing(or not doing) during the week as far as exercise goes.
  3. laurigee

    Weight Loss on The View

    I was soo mad when I watched that segment. They kept repeating "the easy way out". I exercise 6 days a weeks. I have to make healthy food choices or the weight is not coming off. GB is soooo different than lap band that they shouldn't even put them in the same catagory. All the calories we eat are absorbed. This is a tool as is having a c-section instead of natural childbirth, using pain medication instead of just living with the pain, radiation to get rid of cancer. I wonder if rosie is less of a mother because she didn't go through 9 months of emotional ups and downs and bodychanges like some of us did to get our kids. She use the tool of adoption and that seems alot easier than my 15hours of labor. Our society has made tools for everyone to help them in some way or another and to make life more pleasant. The roads may be different but the struggles to get their the same. No one person should be judged for their path.
  4. laurigee

    September Bandsters

    Linda...Congratulations on the size 14. Hope your fill goes well. What size band do you have? How much fill so far? About plastic surgery, I feel if it's broke FIX IT. A friend of mine had a tummy tuck and she had to maintain her weight for 6 months before surgery. I'm thinking for best results with a breast lift or enhancement that rule would probably apply because our breasts are made up mostly of fat. I'm sure every doctor has a different opinion, but I wouldn't rush it to save money, its a one shot deal and you want it to look its best. Good Luck with your decision.
  5. laurigee

    September Bandsters

    gonnabethin..Happy Birthday. BJean...Congratulations on them measurements. WOW. I never took my before measurements, now I wish I would have. TruBlueSue...Size 14's that are baggy. WOW. That is one of my mini goals, that and getting under 200. Congratulations. TamifromAL...You always have awesome results for the challenges, you are definately an inspiration to me since you had your surgery on the same date as I did. I remember in the beginning when we were both at 40lbs lost, now you have ran away from me since then. Again, you are an inspiration. Great going ladies on all your scale and non scale victories!
  6. laurigee

    September Bandsters

    Hi everyone.....I am down 2 pounds this week MimIN...Congratulations on your new slim hips.
  7. laurigee

    6 Freaking Months!??!

    Margo....My insurance company doesn't pay for the surgery at all. If you are getting it payed for and only have to wait 6 months count your blessings. Every thing in life doesn't always happen at our pace and some times exspecially when someone else is paying for it we have to go at their pace. I had my surgery within 2 months but it came with the hefty price tag of $17,500. I am sure if you are willing to self pay there are alot of surgeons who will get you in alot faster. You have to decide which is more important to you your time or money. Good Luck to you and I hope the frustration of having to wait doesn't discourage you from going forward.
  8. laurigee

    How many times to eat a day

    I was eating only 3 meals a day and I seemed like I was struggling with hunger and weight loss. Now I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks. My weight loss has kicked in again and I notice when I keep a little something in my stomach all the time I don't overeat or eat to fast when I do eat. I have just kept playing around with my diet to find a way I can continue to lose and hopefully someday maintain a normal weight. I just feel 3 small meals a day is just not possible for me for the rest of my life. But then thats just me. Congratulations to everyone for your weight loss and lifestyle change.
  9. This is the most confusing thread I have ever been on. I definately have no more to say because truthfully I have no clue what is even being talked about anymore, so CHOW
  10. I will give you just a short perspective from a person who was horrible thin most of my life. I didn't have a weight problem until my children were born 14 years ago. My weight problem is as real as anyones. I never loved myself as a thin person or a heavy person, therefore, people see that. Even as a thin person I had no friends, boyfriends, nothing. When I finally started to be happy and loving who I am I started getting alot more friends, people will even talk to me in lines at the stores now. So my point is no matter what your size if you love yourself people will love you in return.
  11. laurigee

    September Bandsters

    You ladies crack me up! Would you possibly think that living in WI that I have been able to get outside to take 5 walks this week. The temp. has been from 45-50 every day this week. It's ticking my kids off but I love it. I too know how much I weigh at all times. I have a scale in my kitchen, in my master bath and in my guest bath. I'm a nut about it. I was getting so bad that I would eat or drink something and jump on the scale. I think once a day would probably be healthy but I weigh myself about 15+ times a day. I thought that the point of not eating after 7 is a good idea and I am going to try it next week. With my husband and kids schedules it seems like we never eat until 7:30-8:00 at night. I think that is probably horrible for the whole family. I actually have noticed my hubby gaining some weight, this could be why. I love this sight and all you girls for all your suggestions, support, and humor. Thanks
  12. That's what everyone says to do for pouch dilation. I have never heard that eating to fast causes dilation. only overeating continuously.If you are worried I don't think it would hurt to go back to liquids and then progress from there. My doctor tells me to do that if I hit a plateau. Who knows? Every doctor seems to have different advise and every person tends to react differently. Don't worry everything will be fine. I think sometimes we think the band and stomach are more fragile than what they are.
  13. I found the same experience with phentermine. It works great for the first couple months and then the effects are just not the same. Take advantage of it while it lasts. My doc wouldn't raise the dosage so I just stopped taking it recently. Good Luck.
  14. laurigee

    September Bandsters

    LindaN...Congratulations on the loss. I have been so obsessed by the scale lately I decided to wait until Mondays weigh in. I started exercising and had my husband take all the Christmas junk to work with him so the guys could eat it instead of me. I hope I can have a loss this week. It's been awhile. Again, Congratulation.
  15. laurigee


    Renebean...I have a twin sister that use to be heavy and has lost alot of weight and I get all of her hand me downs. It's pretty awesome because she wears nothing but name brands and that isn't something I would ever spend my money on. So for me it is also like Christmas every time I fit into the next size. She was never any higher than an 18 so now that I'm in a 16 I have gotten some pretty awesome stuff. I feel like a queen. Congratulation on your great progress.
  16. Hi..I was wondering if anyone has tried the Bowflex Revolution. I bought one for the family for Christmas and have heard alot of different opinions. I spent $3,000. on it and now I am afraid to take it out of the box and set it up. I don't know if I should just send it back. I know if I set it up even though it has a 30 day guarentee I will never send it back. It will just be another expensive clothes hanger. Anyone who has used this I would appreciate any opinions. I know everyone is different and everyone doesn't like the same thing, but I have never used one so I have NO CLUE. Thanks
  17. laurigee

    Pouch Dialation?

    ladypitboss...I was told by my doctor that fill "loosen up" because as you lose weight your stomach shrinks and the tissue around it. Therefore, with every significant weight loss you will start to feel hungry again because the band will be looser. There are soo many theories I can't keep track of them all. I was also told that if you stretch your stomach you can repair it by going back to the post op full liquid diet for a week. Who knows!
  18. laurigee

    ONDERLAND...Probably Temporary

    Vicki..Congratulations on onederland. That is my goal. I haven't seen it in about 8 or 9 years. I wouldn't mind if it only lasted a day, I think I would stand on the scale every hour in awe. I have a 4cc band and I currently have 2cc in it. I feel no restriction what so ever unless I exercise. I have no reason for this. I was just famished all the time. I started exercising again and then all of a sudden I could barely eat 1/4 cup of food per meal and even water was harder to get down. Glad I didn't get another fill like I was going to otherwise I think I would be in big trouble. Good Luck and I hope you get your band adjusted to a comfortable level. Sometimes I think I want enough fill so I don't feel hungry at all, but I have realized being hungry once in a while isn't going to kill me. It definately isn't as hard of a struggle as before the band. Good Luck
  19. laurigee

    Anyone ever use Bowflex Revolution?

    Jules...That is why I was hoping someone on this site would have tried it. It is sitting in the boxes in the garage until I make up my mind. My husband wants me to get the boxes out of there one way or the other. This is a harder decision for me than the lap band surgery.
  20. laurigee

    Gas Pains

    I still have shoulder pain when certain foods don't agree with me. My shoulder pain was very bad for the first 2 months after surgery. Heating pad and exercise are definately helpful. I also felt very weak, but I noticed it went away when I was properly hydrated. Hope you feel better soon I know exactly what your going through. It gets better every day.
  21. laurigee


    Hang in there. You have to search and try alot of different foods to find what your new stomach will tolerate. I know alot of people did mash potatos and oatmeal and to this day I am still unable to eat anything of that texture. Every time I get a fill my food list changes. Things I wasn't able to eat I may now be able to and the things that were my staples may not be tolerated. Easy Mac in the little single serving containers were a life saver for me. About the depression, I am still mourning my BEST FRIEND(FOOD). Stick with it! Just give it time. Good Luck
  22. laurigee

    pre op diet

    I was on it 10 days prior to surgery and lost 13lbs. Everyone is different. My twin sister was trying to be supportive and said she would do it with me just to help me get through it and she only lost 5. Whatever it is at least the scale is on its way down and hopefully for most of us going to stay that way. Never get discouraged by looking at someone elses progress. It can be an inspiration, but it shouldn't be an expectation. We are all wired differently. Good Luck on your Journey
  23. laurigee


    I too have cleared out my closets. I was in a tight 20 in jeans and am now in a 16. However, I have a problem with getting rid of the bags. I have them sitting in my bedroom. I have always gained the weight back and have been glad I didn't get rid of them in the past when I have cleaned my closets. CONGRATULATIOS jule, jo ann and losingjusme for your fabulous success in your weight loss and getting rid of the clothes for good. I hope I will soon have the confidence in myself that the weight is not coming back. It has just been over 10 years that I have seen under a size 16. CONGRATS AGAIN.
  24. laurigee

    been gone awhile....

    Kim..Don't beat yourself up over it. I know what it is like to be an emotional eater. Even someone who isn't, could tend to look to food with such a great loss. Look on the bright side, you have still lost 31lbs. It's a new year and you can't go back so just start from here so you don't look back next year with the same regrets. I wish you all the best and I am truly sorry for the loss of your mother.
  25. laurigee

    I can't believe I'm going to say this...

    What size band do you have? How much fill do you have? Some people in my support group can only tolerate small fills. As for myself I have had 2 fills and am up to 2.5cc in my 4cc band and feel very little restriction. Maybe taking everything out and trying to start over little by little would help. I hate to see you give up and go to bypass. If something goes wrong with that your stuck for LIFE. I also hate to think your not feeling well. I hope you can figure something out, it looks like your doing great in the weight loss department. I definately understand were if you don't feel well it doesn't probably feel worth it. Any support you need just let me know.

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