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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Turner24

  1. Turner24

    Who's on your "what if" list?

    DH: 1. Goldie Hawn 2. Helen Hunt 3. Redhead on sex in the city Me: 1. Kurt Russell 2.Gregory Harrison 3.Mario on dancing w/ the stars! Turner24:clap2:
  2. Turner24

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I tried JC once but since I am allergic to chicken and turkey I couldn't eat most of their meals.:hungry: The band restricts the portions, but does not make the food choices for you. That is why they call it a "tool" not a "cure". I too struggled w/ the fact that chocolate slid right down but a piece of low cal bread wouldn't budge! I finally learned after gaining before my 1st fill, that I had to change me too!! I know its not easy and I am far from perfect; but I am doing better. Having good restriction is a plus. When you are not hungry its easier to pass by the high calorie snack temptation!:biggrin1: Exercise is also good to start. I am walking on the treadmill in the gym at work at my afternoon snack time. I found that exercise followed by water kills my craving for food. I hate to exercise so I think I just can't do that after I worked so hard on the treadmill!! Hang in there Cheldex! It will get better. Just take one day at a time and forgive yourself for mistakes. Best of luck!!:eek: Turner24 389/377post op/383 1st fill/ 384 2cnd fill
  3. Turner24

    ABC '06 January Chat

    Hi All and Happy New Year! I want to exercise 30min/day at least 5xweek. (I am struggling w/this!) I want to loose at least 5-10lbs/month. I want to enjoy my kids more and gain more energy and patience:rolleyes: . I want DH biopsy to come back negative because I don't know if I could handle him having cancer!:cry . I want to continue to provide encouragement/advice and receive it on this site:girl_hug: . Turner24
  4. Turner24

    Finally Moving!

    Okay, I'll admit it. I hate to exercise! :huytsao I have a sedentary job and I sit all day long. We have a small gym at the office and I actually got access last week. So today I decided this is the day I start:clap2: . I walked 10min on the treadmill, which for me is quite an accomplishment! I am going to start walking 3x a day. Thats 30min of exercise a day I don't get now. I know its pitiful to those of you putting in hours at the gym; but I was proud of myself for finally starting! Even huge accomplishments sometimes start small. Turner24 389sw/377post op/384 :angry 1st fill-2cnd fill 2days later **Finally have some restriction!!**
  5. Turner24

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Boy, I'm glad someone started this! I hope I can post a big loss and get kicked out!:clap2: Never joined anything I wanted kicked out of before (LOL)! I was banded 10/30/06 and have only lost 5lbs thus far. I gained wt back before my 1st fill (which did nothing!!) I am currently getting some restriction w/ 2cnd fill. Can't eat bread, meats, rice, ect. Living on soup and refried beans. Supposed to go back 1/17/07 for another fill; what do you guys think?? I am tempted to get it way too tight so I will loose something. I'm sick of my family asking "so how much have you lost?" Everyone thinks you loose like you do with gastric bypass, but we all know that's not true! I did start walking on treadmill for 10min 3xday:clap2: . That is huge for me who hates exercise!! Vinesqueen, I think you are perfect to lead this group and keep our spirits up! banded 10/30/06 389/377-post op/383 1st fill/384 2cnd fill Turner24
  6. Turner24

    Mushroom/Needle to Short Questions

    srks72, I could eat way too much too untill my 2cnd fill. Just try to watch it and get into your doctor for another fill. Hang in there, sometimes it takes awhile to get it to the right spot!
  7. Turner24

    Finally Moving!

    Thanks for all of your encouragement. I am heading to the gym at work now for my 2cnd 10min walk. I thought I would post some goals so I have to own up to them: 1st goal- 30min on treadmill a day:funscale: 2cnd goal- 350wt Turner24 389/377/384 1st fill 12/11 2cnd fill 12/21
  8. Turner24

    Hi everyone

    FYI, I could eat anything before I got adequate restriction. I have to tell you that those are some foods you have to give up!:hungry: I am the biggest pizza freak who ever lived. I did have a small piece of the cheese topping off of my daughter's slice once....but thats it. You will be so much happier and healthier for not eating those foods any longer! Gotta keep looking to the bigger picture! Turner24 banded 10/30/06
  9. Turner24

    Holiday Nightmare

    Boy, do I feel your pain! I too have been guilty of pinching and sneaking a piece of candy here and there. The good news is post-band its just a pinch!! Hopefully we can all support each other through this holiday time:girl_hug: . I am slowly taking the kids stuff to work to get rid of it. My mother in law brought over a huge basket of nothing but candy:faint: ; I could have killed her:mad: . I had purposely only put a few small items in their stockings I knew were their favorates. I have only had my 2cnd fill recently, so thankfully I cannot eat too much of it. But I swear, a piece of chocolate goes down a lot easier than any type of meat right now. We need to invent a band that rejects chocolate and sugary treats :hungry: . Well, just know I'm pulling for you! Get your hand out of the cookie jar and back to work!! Turner24 389 starting wt/377post op/384 1&2 fill
  10. Turner24


    Hi Y'all, I just had my 2cn fill 2 weeks ago. I can't seem to get meat down! I can't even do ground beef ( I tried a plain hamburger I fried). I chewed it well and it hurt and felt "stuck". That was it for my dinner. I haven't found any meat I can tolerate. I am allergic to chicken and turkey ( I know, lucky me! This is part of why dieting has always been a challenge). I fixed a ham for christmas dinner and I chewed forever and whamo! Pain and finally a PB. I ended up eating Pie and junk because it seems to be the only thing I can get down! Getting tired of soup and oatmeal! HELP! Is this normal? Does it eventually loosen up to allow meats? Having trouble getting in enough protein and staying away from pie's and cakes that have no trouble passing through the band! Getting discouraged! Turner24:huytsao
  11. Turner24

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    :clap2: Time to fess up! Who lost the 10lbs?? I only made it to 6lbs; but I'll take it:) Turner24 377/384/ 378 Christmas Day:phanvan Oh well. 6lbs gone is still weight gone!!! :clap2:
  12. Turner24


    Thanks for the tip! I never thought about getting a Protein bar....Great idea!! Turner24
  13. Turner24


    Hi all fellow women, I just got my 2cnd fill and actually feel restriction!!:clap2: Problem is I have PMS; and I don't know about y'all; but when I get PMS its Kaity bar the door for salt and sweets! :phanvan So here I am on the couch with a bag of cheeto's unable to stop:omg: . Well, you guessed it; I had my firs PB experience. I felt totally disgusted with myself:cry . Then today I came to work and the first thing I did was eat about 15 hershey kisses! I hate myself right now. How do y' all handle that "time of the month??" Trying to loose, Turner24 389/377/384 1st fill 1cc- no restriction 2cnd fill 0.5cc 12/20/06
  14. Turner24

    The Picture Thread

    What kind of frog is that?!? :suspicious: Its the cutest thing I have ever seen!! How can you let it out? If it hopped out of your hand you would never find it! Its still adorable:) turner24
  15. Turner24

    What R We Eating

    Breakfast: Oatmeal Snack: apple sauce lunch: 1/2 cup pureed chili and shredded cheese dinner: tomato soup snack: sugar free fruit bar I like this "confession" page:rolleyes: It keeps me honest and on track. I had my 2cnd fill on Tuesday and by God I think its working!!:clap2: I felt no restriction after the 1st fill and gained weight. I have to learn to eat without drinking!! I think I get that stuck feeling and try to wash it down!:omg: . Congrats on your weight loss guys!! You are doing wonderful!!!! Turner 24 starting 389 post op 377 1st fill 383 2cnd fill 385
  16. Turner24

    Should I...?

    Congrats to you!!:clap2: Why not enjoy your success. You can inspire others this way. What a tribute to bandsters everywhere to reach out to those like we used to be! Go for it!!!!!!!!! Turner24
  17. Turner24

    Pouch Dilatation

    I went for my first fill 2 weeks ago and have very little restriction, I can eat way too much to. I am now worried that I have stretched my pouch!! I am scheduled for a fill today, my MD does it with ultrasound to find the port. should I ask to have them look at my band to make sure its okay?? Turner24
  18. Turner24

    Offical Christmas Exchange Thank You Thread

    Moon Goddess, Thank you so much for the wonderful sweet pea bath set, I loved it!! How did you know it was my favorate? sorry for late reply, I have been out of town on buisness. I e-mailed a PM to you also. Thank you so much!! Turner24
  19. Turner24

    Offical Christmas Exchange Thank You Thread

    I hope you liked your foot lotions/foot set. I have one and I love it! Sorry I didn't put my name on the card I think I just put secret santa!! Hope you enjoy it! Turner24:clap2:
  20. Turner24


    I looked up the seat dimensions on the flight I am taking in December. They are 17.5" wide!:faint: Who fits into that!???????? I am really nervous about being stopped and asked to buy an additional seat:paranoid . I hope and pray that doesn't happen to me.... I would die:cry . I have been checking the seat chart online and so far there is no one between me and the person in the window seat:clap2: . Please send up a prayer for me. Thank you all Turner24 banded 10/30/06 1st fill scheduled 12/4/06 starting wt 389 current wt 377
  21. Turner24

    1st fill today!!

    Hi All, I get my first fill today:) !! I can't wait. I don't want to face the scale though:nervous , I have been eating way too much with no restriction. I am so excited to go get this done! I feel like then I will finally be on the journey. I haven't felt restriction since right after surgery(which was swelling). Wish me luck! I'll be honest and post what I gained tomorrow:rolleyes: Turner24 pre-op wt 389 2weeks post-op 377 today???????????????
  22. Turner24

    Anybody Used Xenical?

    Xenecal is horrible!!:cry You constantly have gas and you better watch out! I was driving home and passed gas and coated my seat w/oil:eek: YUCK! It doesn't matter how "low fat" you keep your diet, you will explode orange oil out your butt! My MD tried to tell me I wasn't eating a low fat diet w/the pills. I only ate salad for 3 days and it made no difference!! I wasn't eating italian dressing (but you would think so from the toilet!) Stay away, far, far, away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Turner24
  23. Turner24

    Family Christmas Pics

    You all look great! I think your granddaughter is beautiful.
  24. Turner24

    The Biggest Loser Anyone?

    I want Kai to win or Erik. I can't stand Heather or Wylie. I love the show too. I try and walk on my treadmill during the show. At the beginning I get inspired (if that guy that weighs 400lbs can do it, so can you Pam!!) Pam Turner24
  25. Turner24

    Chat Room...

    I would love to set a time too! Let me know if you get some people up for it! turner24

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
