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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wickwit

  1. I just had my 4th fill two days ago,I'm at 7.1cc and I'm thrilled! My doctor had me on liquids for one day and mushies for the second, so today is the first day with solid food. I just had a 6 oz steak and part of a Tomato with vinegar and I'm full. I don't think i've ever been full on this amount of food. I hope hope hope this means I'm at my sweet spot.

    I was banded over a year ago and after my initial weight loss, I went on to...gain 5 lbs. After receiving my hospital bill and doctor's bill I couldn't afford to go back for a fill. So here I am a year later and hopefully I'm back on track. I have to re-educate myself; do I low carb it or just a tiny bit of everything, do I count calories or...? I have been exercising 5 days a week, so please God, hopefully I'll start losing weight...again.

  2. I had my first fill on Friday 9/17. While I was waiting for the doc to come in, I looked at the dreaded BMI chart...and realized that I was below 40%, in fact I'm 39% now. Gee I guess that makes me overweight instead of morbidly obese?!

    I'm taking my size 26s & 24s to a consignment store. The 22's are kinda lose and I can get into some 20's, but I'm hedging my bets and keeping the 22's for a bit longer!

    My DH made me change out of my favorite pair of shorts, before going to Home Depot, said they were ridiculously baggy.

    I walk everyday at lunch, 1.5 miles in 30 minutes.

    I think it's time to change my sigg! Oh and my MD put 4cc in a 10c band. She started with 5 but it felt a bit too tight, sodown to 4cc. Great thread!

  3. Today I'm post op day 9, and finally no pain under my ribcage, but it feels sort of tight. Usually the shoulder pain comes back in the evening, especially if I've pushed it (cleaning the bathroom, sorting laundry, loading and emptying the dishwasher, THEN shopping for tile and kitchen cabinets) I thought I was gonna die the day I did all that, which was day 5 post op. I only take the liquid Lortab right before I go to bed, and last night was the first time I didn't take any.

    The pain really does get better everyday. But I haven't been able to drink more than one Protein shake a day, and I know I'm drinking enough Water. Oh well, little by little it'll get better.

  4. Make sure you wear really comfortable clothing. I wore one of those soft bras that snap in the front and a soft dress that let me go commando if needed, also slip on shoes. If you're male, uh, make adjustments :). I had a little clutch bag with my driver's license, hospital ID card, and ATM card to pay the deductible, chap stick (you will be very very dry afterwards), and a mouth moisutizing spray. I've had some rotten hosital experiences, so better I have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

    I also had a splint pillow for the ride home, a very hard pillow to hold against my abdomen to protect when we drove over bumps, or God forbid, cough. Make sure you have your prescription for your pain meds already filled. You've already mentioned chewable gas-x tablets or strips, they helped me too!

    I knew my husband wouldn't leave to eat, so I packed a thermos with coffee, and several soft drinks/ice tea, and other Snacks. I guess that's everything. Good Luck!

  5. What a great thread! I'm only 4 days post op, but I haven't had a hot flash yet, just kinda warm sometimes, and I realized that was due to not taking my HRT. No more acid reflux either. I had high cholesterol so I'm curious to see where that is now. My feet and back don't hurt anymore.

    I think tomorrw I'll take my nicer size 24 and 26 clothes to a consignment store. Because I'm never going to wear them again!:)

  6. Holy crap, and I'm complaing about a full liquid diet, I'd be miserable if I had to stick to clear liquid for this long! I was clear liquid for 24 hours after surgery, and now full liquids (soups, Protein shakes, yogurts, etc) for two weeks, then mushies for two weeks. Call your Doctor!!

    Does any one know how long before we see any weight loss? I didn't expect to lose anything, consider this a healing phase, but someone posted that they had lost something like 7 pounds in 4 days post op! WOW!! Please tell me that's unusual?!

  7. Hi everyone,

    Today is the first day that the pain in my shoulder hasn't driven me crazy. I hate taking the pain meds, but I usually give in twice a day. I might tonight so I can sleep for 4 hours or so. I've only been able to sleep two or so, then I have to get up to pee or try and shift and inevitably it feels like I've pulled a stitch. OWWW!! And I think I found my port, right on my waistline! I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not, WTF, do I really want my jeans resting right on it??

    I must still be swollen because I can feel the band if I swallow too much too fast. Honestly the idea of heaving or barfing (sorry Amber) just scares me blue! I'm just starting to get hungry...

    OMG I just writhed through a cough attack! Picture this, fat black chick with scarred gut hanging out and pillow hugged to my abdomen as hard as I could while I tried not to cough and scream at the same time. Oh great, now my shoulder hurts again. *sigh*

    Where was I, oh yeah bitching about being hungry. I know I'm not drinking the amount of Water I need to, nor the amount of Protein I need, I keep thinking when I feel better I'll start paying more attention to what I'm eating, but, uh, isn't this when the good habits should start?? I'm rambling, sorry.

    The pity party should be winding up soon, I hope. We have to try and keep our spirits up, without our old crutch of food. Let me go dig out my favorite trashy romance novel and escape Keep your chins up!!

  8. I couldn't urinate right away. Had to sit on the toilet and wait and wait, but eventually I was able to void. It happened at home too, but eventually my very lax muscles eased up.

    And I'm running cold. I suffer from hot flashes, so I sleep with the AC on and the ceiling fan set to helicopter, but since I got home from surgery I'm actually bundled up in bed. It's been two days since my surgery and finally this morning I was able to pass some gas, and not little delicate burps either, I'm talking about frat boy trumpets if you know what I mean, but GAWD the relief.

    And I seem to have a permanent pain in my left shoulder and neck, I suppose it's deferred pain from the hiatal hernia repair. I haven't quite figured out where the port is, I had the SIL surgery, and that incision is near my waist on the left side. It's still sore to the touch so I can't quite yet find it. My ribs feel sore too, but nothing drastic.

    No weight loss yet, but I'm still swollen. So for now I'm just taking it easy, trying to keep hydrated, and sleeping when the urge hits. How is everyone else doing?

  9. Yesterday was my day. We had to be at the hospital 6am, got there early enough for DH to have a last couple of cigarettes. I had a nervous stomach so I had to make a couple of last minute trips to the bathroom. I started out in the Same Day Surgery where I filled out the paperwork, had the leg squeezers put on, changed into a very warm attractive hospital gown and brown fuzzy socks, and received the dreaded Heparin shot in the abdomen. OUCH!! At this point DH laughed at me, said he'd never seen my pout and stick my lower lip out; well it did hurt.

    After a goodbye kiss I got wheeled to the OR and waited, and waited and...my surgeon was running late. An hour later(it was 8:15am by this time) I was wheeled back into the OR suite. I slid over onto the very narrow table, and the last thing I remember was putting my arms out onto the armboards.

    I don't remember the recovery room at all, I woke up as I was being wheeled into my room around 2:30pm. I could smell the chemical smell of the anesthetic I was exhaling and the betadine soap on my abdomen. I have one little puncture just below my breastbone and to the left which was sealed with dermabond, and one other longer incision about 3-4 inches also on my left side below my waist. That incision had a larger bandage on it; I suppose it's where the port is. My DH fed me ice chips because I was so dry, it really was the worst for me. I dozed on and off for a couple of hours then the nurse had me up and walking to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet for a long time trying to make myself wee. It was almost as though the anesthetic hadn't worn off my bladder yet.

    When the second shift of nurses came on about 3:30 or so, she gave me a painshot (I hadn't asked for it) and another heparin shot (blood thinner) this time in the batwing part of my arm. It stung, but not has bad as the first one. She also brought me a food tray with broth, Jello, apple juce, crystal light iced tead and an Italian ice. There was nooo way I was going to get all that down! It felt like I had a weight on my chest. It felt as though if I swallowed too much that it would come back up. I had managed to bring some gas chewable tablets with me, I don't know if that helped or it was me walking up and down the halls but I did manage some little baby burps, and no gas pains.

    I was home by 8pm, moving slowly. The pain meds make me feel sort of out of it, I know some folks pay for this feeling but I don't like it. I slept propped up on several pillows, and had to get out of bed every two hours to pee. Today I'm feeling kinda sore and bloated, just occasional gas pains, but overall I feel pretty good! Can't wait to get on this loosing weight business.


  10. Wow congratulations, that's 30 lbs approx. in two months?? Did you lose that quickly on your preop diet too? Was your surgeon Dr.Jessee in St. Pete? I'm schedule for 8/04 wil Dr. Jessee at Palms of Pasadena.

    Again congratulations, you look happy, healthy and glowing!

  11. Hi everyone!

    My surgery date is 8/04 and I didn't start to get excited until this morning. I've been on my diet for 13 days now (but who is counting) and I'm down 12 pounds, Pretty cool!

    My husband seemed a bit reluctant at first, but he's come around. Says as long as I'm healthy and don't lose "the girls" he's happy. Men are so simple!:rolleyes2:

    As far as work, my boss never asked, but she's a bit of an airhead. Anyone who asks I tell them I'm having a hiatal hernia repaired...which is true.

    I've got all my precriptions filled, teas, broths, popsicles stocked up. I plan to go out tomorrow and buy some gas-x strips and a liquid pain med. I feel like I'm missing something...anyone wanna help me out? I'm even sewing a dress this weekend that I can just slip on and off easily at the hospital.

    OMG we are all really doing this! How exciting!!:w00t: Good luck everyone!

  12. Today is day 12 for me and I had a Migraine for the first three days. I can't drink coffee unless it has lots of Creamer and real sugar, I can' t do splenda nor stevia in coffee. So I was low carb, high Protein and no coffee.

    After the first three days I felt a lot better, and as long as I "ate" every three hours and kept my Water intake up and gelt fine, just a lot of mouth hunger. But on the positive side, I had my preop appointment today. I needed to lose 4 pounds and I lost 11!! Woohoo!!

    So keep your eye on your goal, really it does get better!

  13. I'm on day 9, and I'll get weighed in the day after tomorrow. I had to lose 4 lbs, which I thought, "...piece of cake.." GULP Did someone say cake?? Anyway, where was I, oh, and my surgery is a week from today. Yesterday I was down 5.5lbs, I was thrilled, but DH made corned beef for dinner. This morning I'm up 1.5 lbs!! :wub: Well, crap...please Lord let it be Water weight.

    So of course to make my self feel better...I had two biscottis. *sigh* I guess that means the next day and half will be Protein shakes and veggies and more time on the treadmill. :cursing:

  14. I'm feeling your pain! I'm on day 9 and I have a week to go. My doc put me on two shakes a day, and one meal w/4oz of Protein and veggies on the side. The first three days I had a Migraine. I just wanted to die I was so miserable. I added fat free Soup with veggies in it (remember the cabbage Soup diet) so aside from from the toxic Protein shake farts I got to ramp those up to eye watering paint peeling farts! Good Gawd Almighty!! I had to find an isolated spot at my job to hide and toot. I'd stagger out of my hidey hole praying no one had heard nor followed me.

    And to add insult to injury, I was really jazzed that I had lost 5.5 lbs in one week, then DH made corned beef for dinner yesterday. I gained back 1.5 pounds!! Damn that Water weight! And I'm supposed to weigh in on my preop appointment on Friday. I only needed to drop 4 pounds, but ya know, sh*t happens and I may magically grow an extra udder or something, what with all these Protein Shakes. Or maybe I'll get so constipated that it will skew my results. *sigh*

    We just gotta hang on, August 3rd is right around the corner for you, and I'm right behind you. AND I like to think that eating this way is prepping us for good post-op behavior. Did that make you feel better?? Go on and treat yourself to a sf popsicle! We're almost there!!:cursing:

  15. I am supposed to start in two days, but I decided to start today because I knew I would need a day or two to get over the lack of coffee. The diet SUUUCCCKKSSS big black donkey d**ks. I have a terrible headache and would sell my first born male child for carbs and sugar right now....good thing I don't have one.

    I know it will get better, usually the first two days of high Protein, low carb are pretty miserable, but I know I can lose weight on it. *sigh* just 16 more days to go. Oh man I'm dying here.:)

  16. Two of my co-workers know about it, one because she had originally looked into WLS then decided against it; the other is a close friend, who is just now starting to make snarky comments. She is always chasing the magic easy solution, then says, "Well I can't have a lap band, so I thought I'd try (insert latest fad/diet..."

    My other co-workers if they ask why I'll be off work I said I was having a hiatal hernia repaired, which I will. My boss never even asked, just approved my time off. She's retiring soon and really has already checked out.

    Oh and of course my DH. He seems pretty distinterested.:smile: Feeling a bit insecure I suspect.

    18 more days to go!! WOOHOO!!

  17. CO2 is used to inflate your abdomen and give the surgeon a clear view and field to work. After the banding, etc. they let as much of the gas back out of your body, but some always seems to remain. CO2 is a gas and when you sit upright or stand, gas rises. What your body hasn't absorbed or passed is "stuck" under your shoulders, sort of like a balloon rising up to the ceiling in your house.

    Hope I explained it for you. Hope you feel better soon!:smile:

  18. Hi August Banditos!

    I had my peop appt on Jul 6th, was told I had to lose 4 pounds on the preop diet. Piece of cake I said, and waddled out with two big jugs of Protein powders and chewable Vitamins. The insurance coordinator said she'd send in the insurance paperwork for appoval and we should hear in a few weeks. So I settle down to wait...and eat, unfortunately.

    Imagine my suprise on Friday the 9th when I checked phone messages, and heard a message from the 7th that the insurance company had APPROVED MY WLS!! :) Holy crap was that fast or what??! I'd heard that BCBS was fast, but wow!!

    So, my dear Banditos, I will be banded on August 4th...the beginning of the rest of my life. :cursing: I'm so jazzed.!! Aside from my DH I haven't told anyone except for one friend. And she's already making snarky comments, :ohmy:. Envy is an ugly emotion isn't it?? Well I don't care, I know you guys will be all the support I'll need! Thanks for listening everyone.

  19. Passion Parties has a Bullet type vibe called the Thrill Ring. It is basically a multispeed Bullet encased in a soft rubbery cockring. I'm not describing this well, but imagine a handheld mirror shape...the round part is the hollow with nubbies that the penis slides through, and the handle of the mirror is where the vibe is. That part can be turned up so it rests against your clitoris or pivot it downward so it vibrates against the testes (testi??):thumbup:, and/or your anal area.

    The first time we used this I had like 6 orgasms, I almost blacked out! :thumbup: I'm sure the neighbors heard me sing opera!!

    If you decide to go with just the Bullet alone, I suggest putting it in a condom to prevent, um, Fluid from running into it along the electrical cord. Have fun experimenting!!

  20. I work in the health field, and yes it does sound like you are "dragging" contaminants in the wrong direction. Having said that, with my size ,I can't wipe the right way either. I have to reach from the front if I have a BM and I also have a tendancy towards yeast infections.

    SO, I eat lots of yogurt, wipe a lot so not to, um, smear :thumbup:, and use wet towelettes like what you get at the doctor's office when you give a urine sample. AND my DH installed a bidet (coochie carwash I call it) at home, and use that exclusively at home.

    When I loose the weight I'll have to retrain my self to reach behind! Oh gee, the things I look forward to! LOL

    Hope that helps.

  21. I am supposed to have my surgery on July 29th, Lord willing and the insurance sends out the final approval letter. I am dreading it if it comes back a NO.. I will be devastated for sure, but will appeal me case of course. I also found out I was shorter than originally told, I went from 4'10 to 4'8 1/2..I was like crap, I am already short, now I am even shorter..lol.. Good luck to you and hopefully we can keep in touch and stuff. :bored:

    Hey here's to us "shorter" folks FTodd30263! Will you have to go on a liquid diet? I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow to check and see if he has sent in his approval letter. If not, it may be time to open a can of whoop a**! Good luck to us!

  22. July 28th for me! I attended the free seminar May 24th, and was told right there and then that my insurance BCBS Federal will almost always approve the procedure as long as you have a BMI higher than 40.

    My PCP wouldn't sign off on the letter, so I made an appointment to confront, uh I mean ask nicely, WHY THE HELL NOT??!! I've gained 25 lbs in a year and a half, AND to add insult to injury I found out I'm actually 5'6", not 5'8" like I always thought. So...I actually have a higher BMI than I thought I was. Really good/crappy news I guess.

    So I've had my bloodwork, EKG, chest X-ray, psych eval and meeting with the nutitionist who by the way stuttered and repeated the first sentence of every paragraph. I suppose sometime before I actually have my preop on 7/6 I'll get an approval letter from the insurance company.

    I'm holding onto that date though, 7/28. Hopefully in approximately two weeks I should be starving, uh prepping myself with the liquid diet. It's great to have all this information and support from this group!:thumbup:

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