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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by angyl2314

  1. Hmmm I wonder where everyone went? I recommend this site to people who are either considering the surgery, or have had it and are struggling, but it is so much more involved than it was when we first sttarted, I guess. I am way passed my weight goal, and should probably stop losing weight bc all I hear from people very close to me is that I am starting to look too skinny (who would have thought!!!)...but considering I haven't had any skin removal yet my brain still interprets that as "fat"...but unfortunately I can't afford sugery right now...so either I have to realize that losing weight just equals more skin and that I am at a fine weight, or I go back to therapy to help me work out my body image problems. I never thought I would have such a hard time accepting how much my body has changed.

    I actually want to talk to someone about starting up and running a local support group for people who are considering the surgery, or people who have recently been banded. Anyone who comes on here know of who or where I might look to get this going? Is there a thread on here perhaps?

  2. Hello to all my January 07 bandsters. It has now been 3 years since my banding, and I have been through it all!!! I am actually revisiting the possible malpractice suit I had tried to initiate on my original surgeon. He was a complete jerk, and really messed me up. I am now healthy, thank God. Kinda sorta at my 'goal' weight, hoovering around 152-155. Would really like to be closer to 147, but in time. The winters aren't good for me; I tend to eat more and be more lazy. Recently noticed that I have more tolerance and less restriction with certain foods, especially starches which I can barely eat. May be time for a fill, but it has been a year since my last one and with all I have been through the thought of being too restricted again makes me so nervous. Might try to channel some sort of discipline within myself. Maybe that will work.

    I am so happy to see the popularity of banding, but disheartened that these insurance companies make it more and more difficult for deserving patients to benefit from this life saving practice.

    I hope you are all well, and that the new year brings you much happiness!

  3. Hey all..just wanted to check in. Since rebanding I have gained major weight. I stopped caring a while ago because I know I will lose it all again. It just feels really good to be healthy and not throwing up all the time. My new doctor is amazing. I feel so confident with him. I had my "first" fill last week. It's weird having to get used to having a band the "right way". I was always sick before so losing weight because of my problems rather than because of the effectiveness of the band. I am looking for a local nutritionist to work with on a regular basis. The one with my doctor is too far away for me...he is in the city, I am in the 'burbs. I have about 17-20 lbs to lose...again. Only real downfall is that I have to put off my plastic surgery for a while until my weight stablizes again. Oh well...it is what it is. My new band in 12 CCs rather than the 4CC band I had before.

  4. I am feeling much better....making some decisions on what my next steps are. I had my first follow up with the new doctor. He was able to show me fluro pics of my old band and the new band. I don't want to say too much because I am considering legal action against my former doctor, mainly for the fact that he left me absolutely high and dry WITH COMPLICATIONS and no resources for continued care. I think that is deplorable.

    All in all, though, I feel great. I am healing well, which impresses me since I have been through 4 surgeries in the same incision sites. It's gross though, I can feel the scar tissue. Well, that's why plastic surgeons get paid so well lol.

    Good to hear you are doing well and happy, Jens...we have both been through a lot

  5. Thank you for all the support. Yes, I got pnemonia from aspirating at night with severe reflux.

    I have another update - I will have the band removed on Friday but there will be no conversion to gastric bypass (because of insurance.)

    I was so distraught, depressed, hopeless, scared yesterday I had to leave work. I couldn't stop crying - well, sobbing actually. I even, was suicidal for just a couple of moments. Don't worry, I got the help I needed and am doing much better now.

    Wow, it must be the name because I have been through similar things as you. I had my FOURTH surgery this Wednesday under the care of a new doctor, with whom I am extremely happy. He removed my original band and rebanded me. It was an emergency procedure, as was the last one in March with my former doctor. I wasn't able to swallow at this point, and I had awful pain in my chest. This was all brought on by tests my new doctor was performing to rule out potential problems with my old band. In my most recent upper GI the doctor determined that the band was not placed properly by the old doctor, and that there was a lot of gas in my stomach. He was able to access my port but not withdraw any Fluid. I was only supposed to have had one fill since the 3rd surgery. In this test the doctor injected a contrast into the band under flouro to see if there was anything wrong with the cathedar. Unfortunately, he was unable to withdraw all of the fluid, which caused horrible reflex and vomitting. I went into the ER on Wednesday morning and surgery in the evening. They had to withdraw ounces of fluid from my esophogus before intubating me. After removing the band the doctor withdrew 2.5 CCs of liquid, and found debris in the cathedar, which is what seems to have been causing me all the problems. Since January I had strep throat, pneumonia, stomach virus and an ordinary cold. I started to get better after my surgery in March when the old doctor repositioned the port and shortened the cathedar, but I gained 19 lbs in 2 months. I found this new doctor about a month ago and feel confident that I am finally on the road to recovery. Before going into surgery though he was concerned that he was not going to be able to reband me because he could not imagine why the band was placed as it was. He said it was on a 90 degree angle. He figured it was something anatomical, and if that was the case it would make no sense to put a new band in in the same position. Apparently there was another reason for the misplacement of the band...I would love to know what my old doctor was thinking.

    Well, I went from 240 lbs to 138 lbs to 149 lbs to 157 lbs to 149 lbs and today I was 161. Oh god...I know this is from the IV and gas but I am close to throwing my scale out of the window.

    I am happy to have this new doctor. He is highly recommended, and the chief of bariatric surgery at the hospital where I was born. That's got to be good for something. Regardless of all my ups and downs, I still do not regret my decision. I do, however, regret not having researched my surgeon more adequately. Bad choice on my part.

    Sorry to hear your problems, Jen, but so you know there is someone out here who can identify with you. Message me if you need someone to chat with. Good luck.

  6. I wish I had more of an opinion about plastics but I am such a lazy person that I just do what I think I should do without researching anything the right way. I am eager to hear the responses to your post though.

    Update on me: I saw a new doctor yesterday. He is affiliated with the hospital I was born at. Maybe that is a good sign? He seemed pretty good, and really knowledgable. I have him a run down of my history, and he had copies of the operative notes forwarded from my former doctor's office. Told him I had no restriction even though I had a fill on 5/5. He injected my port to check the volume in my band, and he came out with nothing, but said that my port had "a lot of resistence". Whatever that means. Now he is concerned that there may be a problem with the cathedar. Of course, why wouldn't there be with me? Other case scenario, my former doctor "missed"? Is that even possible? Although I had some issues with my former doctor, I do not question his ability. He was just not as available as I needed him to be considering my circumstances. Also, although a seasoned surgeon with regard to the bypass, he was relatively new to lapband when I came on board...and I came with a whole array of problems. I think maybe it is best that I have a doctor with a little more experience so maybe I can get everything together once and for all. On the plus size, I mean plus side... I have gained nearly 20 lbs since my emergency surgery in March. I really don't care that much. I have to remember how sick I was and how quickly I was losing weight because of it...and as long as the size 6 still fits I am a-ok.

    I have an upper GI series tomorrow to check my insides. Yay...barium. YUM!!! Ugh. I'll keep you all posted.

  7. Angyl, I guess that kind of goes back to what Baby got Back was saying about wanting us to not use our real names. Sad but apparently necessarly with some folks. Anyway, sorry this has happened. I wondered, however, if there is a code of ethics, such as in my field, where you can't just drop a client (patient) without having some sort of services in place, via a referral and a set appointment, committment to see, etc. Maybe not an issue where you live, but in my area, there is one or two fill dr.'s (and only recently two) so if the one refused for whatever reason, a person would really be in a fix.

    Perhaps it is for the best however....change is good right? :)

    This particular person did not go back to the doctor and name drop me, according to what she said, but she did report I had said and considering that I had already said all of this directly to the doctor, INCLUDING that I would not be recommending him to anyone, he knew it was me. I guess hearing it and feeling it are completely different for him. Oh well...if you run a poor organization than you should be open to criticism to prevent situations like this. I went from being upset and frustrated about the situation to just down right pissed. I plan on taking further action, possibly even registering a complaint against him with the AMA. He is on vacation for the next 2 weeks...shocking. I'll keep you posted!!!

  8. Ok, now how do I find a new doctor? I went on my insurance's website but there is no listing for bariatrics under specialties. I have to be honest, it's been so long since I started this that I don't even remember how I found Dr. Crybaby to begin with. Any resources you guys can point me to? I am sure I am fully capable of finding this information but I am just so frustrated (and lazy lol).

    Thank you

  9. Here's one for the record books...

    I went today for my second first fill since my band was unfilled. My doctor told me he can no longer see me because a potential patient messaged me on here and I have her my honest opinion about the surgeon and his support staff. No idea what this girl felt the need to go into the office and report back to him what was told to her. "Is it true that you...?" I mean seriously, what was the point? What a dumb situation. Don't get me wrong, though, this is probably the best thing that has happened to me; I have been so unhappy with the quality of service I have received, especially considering the complications I have had, which I made clear in my email to this chatty girl that I do not attribute to the surgeon. I pretty much just made mention of my unhappiness with the reception staff, and lack of follow up I have had by the social worker and nutritionist.

    My situation now is that I have to find a new doctor, but one that is involved with my hospital. I am disgusted over the whole situation. See what happens when you try to be a good person. I should have let her go to the doctor and seen for herself. I also have a concern considering all of my past complications whether or not a doctor is going to be willing to take me on.

    Oh well, guess I am just venting. Otherwise, things are not that great...I have gained a lot of weight since my last surgery. I actually gained 9 lbs the day of the surgery, which I never dropped. I still think this is because I was malnurished and dehydrated. I gained like 5 lbs in addition to that, but my band was empty. I didn't have that much luck controlling my eating for the 20 yrs of being overweight before the band, didn't think I would be that lucky to be doing it on my own this time either.

  10. Hey all...just wanted to check in. My band is still empty after my last surgery. I am scheduled for my (second) first fill on May 5th, thank God. I really have no control over my eating. I am back up to between 150-153, depending on the day. I was down to 138, then 140 the day of surgery...and went up to 149 the day after. I was never able to drop any of that weight. I figure it was because I was so dehydrated and malnurished that my body just hoarded everything it could. I have to be honest though, I really don't care much about the weight. As long as I can fit into my clothes and I feel healthy...finally.

    Glad to hear everyone else is doing pretty well. Keep up the good work!!

  11. Hi!! Well I have been having problems with my port!!! I tried to get a fill in the office and the doc couldn't get it. I went in to the hospital under xray to have the fill done, Guess what !!! MY port flipped upside down and it is leaking!! I have to have it replaced and they told me that it would cost $5000 to replace it!! I flipped out because it has not even been a year since I got my band in. So they are doing it for $3000.

    Has this ever happened to anyone else? My port seems to also hurt off and on again.

    My port flipped about 3 months after my original surgery. I dealt with it for a long while, about 3 months, before my doctor and I even knew what really happened. I had gone for a fill under flouro which is when he noticed that the port turned because he couldn't get to it. He did revision surgery on me in August. I had to have emergency surgery just 2 weeks ago because my band for freakishly tight and I wasnt eating. When he went to unfill me he realized that the port flipped AGAIN. So it has been 2 additional surgeries, but insurance covered both. However now my port is almost directly under the skin and can be felt and even seen. Before all these surgeries I couldnt feel my port at all...but ugh, now it makes me ill. That's why I am trying to find a low profile port now

  12. Hey everyone...I need help. Anyone know who manufactures a TRUSTY and well made low profile port? I am close to becoming homicidal with my doctor and refuse to ask him to do anything outside of the norm for me. He said if I can find the port he will order it for me...and put it in. YAY, ANOTHER surgery. Please, any information would really help me...and my doctor, before I assault him.

  13. Interesting few days for me. I went from 138 lbs and looking ghastly to being 147 and freaked out lol. I think I am dealing with it okay. I never dropped the weight following the surgery. I think it was that my body was so derived and dehydrated that it just sucked in everything it got from the IV. And I still have this gross alien baby head bloating on the surgical side, which I am going to have checked out on Friday. The plus side is that I look much better. The color has come back in my face and I feel that I don't look so pale and frail. I just am trying to not be so concerned with the number on the scale and more concerned with how I feel. I think I will be much better once I get this swelling situation taken care of. I hope so...I am going back to Arizona, where I used to live. I need to look VERY GOOD!!! Wish me luck!

  14. Tonya, the alien is growing I think! I told my mom that I think I need a C section, seriously!!! I am so bloated in my midsection. I don't care. Well, I do, but I will deal with it. I think I may have to get the Fluid from the surgical area drained. It happened the last time I had surgery because there is a lot of scar tissue and my body has trouble healing over there. Whatever though, I promised myself I won't stress it. I have 3 weeks before I am going on vacation to Arizona. I used to live out there for 7 years, from 1993-2000. Went to school out there. Haven't been back since 2004, and haven't seen my friends in so so long. They have never seen me "not fat", so I am trying to make a real shocking impression. So how long is alien baby gestation, anyway?

    I made an appointment with the doc for next Friday. I am being pre-emptive, considering the lengths by which I have to go through to get to see him under ordinary circumstances.

    Aside from this little bloat issue, I am happy to say that I FEEL GREAT! I am so happy to be on the way back to healthy. I am eating like I have a tapeworm, but I don't care. After what I went through with the malnutrition, vomitting, restriction, etc. I just want to get my strength up and get my body healthy. I'll worry about the weight in 2 weeks...when I start up at the gym again...or when I get on the scale in the morning lol.

    Oh well, goodnight ladies!!!

  15. Tonya...same here..can't decide if it is time to get a fill as my restriction varies day to day. I don't think it is so good to PB on a daily basis. Wonder, tho, if that is what other people endure to get the weight off quicker. Beats me. AARRGGGG

    I wish there were some guidelines sometimes, but I guess because we are all so different...you can't set anything down.

    I can speak from experience about what some people have to endure to get weight off quicker. Trust me, you'd much rather take it slow and steady. I am so happy finally feeling like I am going to be getting better.

  16. Not too thrilling. She told me everything I already know...blah blah blah Protein blah blah blah portion control...don't drink and eat! This diet plan looks so unrealistic, I guess especially with everything that I have been through. My optimal day is:

    B: 1 protein (1 oz)

    1 fruit

    1 starch

    1 fat

    Snack: (jello, team, broth, popsicle, etc)

    L: 2 protein

    1 vegetable

    1 starch

    1 fruit


    D: 3 protein

    1 vegetable

    1 fruit

    1 fat

    I haven't been on a regimented "diet plan" in so long, getting back into the swing of things is gonna be tough. Looks like a few weeks of agony ahead...but hey, anything to get healthy!

    Udpate: I still have what looks like a small alien head protruding from the right side of my belly. It is very sexy, especially in my nice form-fitting button down shirt. Ohh la la! Pants...just...a...little...tight! I think I can, I think I can...

  17. Hey Angyl,

    Sounds like some rough times...so sorry this is happening to you. Wow, what a time.

    And just an interesting side note--I got my MSW in 1996 and have been in private practice for years. Love it. Congrats on your schooling.

    It has been pretty rough. I am just looking forward to a healthy recovery and a period of more than 1 month of not being sick! That would be fantastic. I am frustrated today though because I am still showing an 8 lbs weight gain on the scale, and so bloated in my midsection. I also haven't gone to the bathroom yet...since Wednesday. I cannot imagine that as being good. I am going to the doctor's office tomorrow to meet with the nutritionist, so if the situation does not resolve itself by then I'll let her know. The problem is that I return to work tomorrow...what in the world am I going to wear!!! I have been getting by with sweats for the last few days since those are the only things that are not form fitting, but I might get looked at funny if I show up tomorrow in head to toe fleece. lol wish me luck!

  18. Good to hear from you Angyl - Bless your heart! How in the world can you focus on a mid-term while you are in pain ??? I hope you feel much better very soon and that you kick some serious butt on that test! :thumbdown:

    Wow, the midterm did not go well. Good thing is I am in school for my masters in social work...so I can pull the empathy card. I had already left the professor a message from the hospital, and spoken with her last night. I thought I could pull it off. I thought wrong lol. I'm pretty sure I can make it up if I did as poorly as I think I did.

    But why did I get on the scale 2 days after surgery? You think by now I would KNOW better. I am up 8 lbs. I know it is all surgical bloat and the gas that is still comfortably attacking all of my muscles and every other crevice of my internal body. I guess the gas was more tolerable when I was heavier because there were more places for it to go.

    I ate 5 Ritz crackers today. No restriction. I'm nervous. This is gonna be tough for me. I have the nutritionist on Tuesday. Ugh...

  19. Angyl - I am checking back here for an update from you . . . Please let us know that you are doing okay.

    Wow, what a journey! Ok, so i had the "emergency" surgery. I guess my doctor was worried about my symptoms and the fact that my port was all out of wack. The surgery was finally at 6 pm last night. I have no idea what he did to me but I was admitted and spent the night at the hospital...and I was in a great deal of pain. According to what my mom said the doctor shortened the cathedar because it was so long from having lost so much weight. He re-attached the port...again. And he completely unfilled my band. My mom said something about pushing stuff around. No clue what that means...she's super helpful! Good news is, even tho it's just Clear liquids, I CAN EAT. It feels so so good. I'm not worried about choking or getting sick or gross stomach acid. That piece of mind is worth the EXCRUCIATING PAIN I am experiencing from the trapped gas. I never had the trapped gas before. I was real lucky. This is so awful. I can't even do anything by means of pain relief because I have a midterm to study for that is tomorrow. I am in cram mode right now =( On the weird side the doctor told me he wants me to gain some weight. I think 5 lbs would be good. I feel like my skin is kinda pale and my face is looking a little withdrawn. I have to stop obsessing with the number on the scale, and be more concerned with how I look.

    So, let's hope this is the beginning to me being able to fully enjoy my weight loss. Thanks for the support...and for checking up, Lynn.

  20. I went to see my doctor today. He put me under the fluro to check my band. The placememt is fine, no slippage. He did the barium swallow test and saw that it is taking me longer than normal to pass the liquid. He tried to do the unfill and couldn't get to my port because, not only has it moved to what seems to be a land far far away, it is also upside down. He is going to do the revision and cut the cathedar. Apparently since I have lost so much weight it is all curled around. It is outpatient, and I am going to sit patiently until he can squeeze me in. I'll keep you all updated!

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