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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by angyl2314

  1. angyl2314

    Any Regrets

    What is DS anyway? (I guess they taught that the same day as reading comprehension)
  2. angyl2314

    Any Regrets

    Not only are you angry, bitter and simple-minded, but you're presumptuous as well. I say I work with children, you assume I am a day care worker. Cute. Sorry you were unable to have success with something that has helped thousands. I've introduced you to my friend Karma already, haven't I? =(
  3. angyl2314

    Any Regrets

    Are you 7 years old? "where were you on reading comprehension day?" I think we got a "buh bye" in a former post. Shall we be expecting a cool "I know you are but what am I" sometime today? I sure hope so. I work with kids. Maybe I can get one of the 3rd graders up here during lunch to give me some witty retorts so I can be on your level of argument. Anyway, was I correct about you being self pay? If so, I can understand why you're so bitter; wasting all the money because you can't make a tool work for you. Nice!
  4. angyl2314

    Any Regrets

    In my life I have done hundreds of things I regret, and the biggest of which was allowing myself to become overweight. I have, whole-heartedly, tried several things to help manage my weight, some have worked, some haven't. I have made the conscious AND EDUCATED choice to pursue the lap-band. There are risks, there are complications, there are possible side-effects. There are risks and complications in driving a car, smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, eatting fatty foods, flying in an airplane, cliff diving, having sex, staying up all night...and the list goes on. All of those behaviors, I have at some time in my life, engaged in. The dangers of pretty much all of those behaviors I had also been educated in, however I STILL chose to do them. The simple fact is, they were MY choices, as this is MY choice, and OUR CHOICE. I highly doubt that the negative rantings of an online avenger are going to persuade convince people that they are wrong with THEIR choice for THEIR lives. I am sure if any of us was either motivated enough or cared enough to research the happy vs. unhappy band patients, the results would be more favorable for those who do not regret their choice. But that's a moot point. It's evident that you just like to type to feel important. I see more people speaking against you than in support of you. You're like that ominous cloud over the Macy parade; a cyber terrorist in direct opposition of anything lap-band. I guess all the people who have had great success over substantial lengths of time are all lying. Hopefully they stumble upon this message board so they too can see the light!
  5. angyl2314

    Any Regrets

    Thanks for once again inundating us with another lengthy diatribe of you on your soap box. So happy you have taken the role of the omnipotent cyber prophet spewing the evils of the band to educate those who have come after you. What would this world be without you and your opinions? I, for one, am go grateful for all that you have posted...last question...if I were to toss a stick, would you run and fetch it? Putting you on ignore would be the easiest, yet least fulfilling thing to do. This is much more entertaining.
  6. angyl2314

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    I just googled anesthesia and found a lot of FAQ sites. As I explained, I was just really confused on what its function was, so it was my own ignorance that was scaring me. I have been verbally expressing my fears, instead of bottling them up, which is helping a little.
  7. angyl2314

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    Apparently I'm just a little retarded. I had a completely incorrect understanding of what anesthesia actually did. It doesn't help that when I called to register with the anesthesiologist, I was casually expressing my concern to the guy who was taking my information. When I told him I was kind of scared of the anesthesia, he said, quite confidently..."yea". Ok, that was not the response I was looking for from the closest person to an expert I have so far encountered on my journey. Anyway, I watched the lamest, yet highly informative, educational video about going under today. I was so absolutely wrong with what I thought. Even my mother, who is a grand master of pessimism, reassured me today. I just wanted to share. On a sidenote, I have Oxford Freedom Plan and they approved me with no problems at all. I am quite impressed.
  8. angyl2314

    Any Regrets

    I find it remarkable that you manage to post 20 or so replies in one day around the fabulous sex life you made referrence to in an earlier message. I am uncertain about your motivation. From what I can understand...you had the band, which for some reason, did not work for you. Therefore, it was removed. You had another surgical procedure that I am not familiar with, and have lost 112 lbs. (Congrats! That's an amazing success. And now you sit on a messageboard tread repeatedly spewing cyber negativity about the only common denominator we all have: the band. I think I can speak for everyone in saying, YES, we understand that you were unhappy with the band, and us "newbies" should go further back in our research while considering our decision to be banded. You've spoken your mind, and spoken it some more, and a little more, and even more. I am just trying to find out when you will finally be satisfied enough to just give up. You are like the www dot version of an anti lap band crusader. Are you fully equipped with cape and fanny pack too? Your insight was appreciated...THE FIRST TIME, now you're just being obnoxious, repetitive and just plain annoying. The only satisfaction out of all of this is I THINK you said that you were self pay (although I might be wrong. I lose detail while skimming your bulls**t). Man, I get mad when I spend $4 on a cup of Starbucks I haven't necessarily enjoyed. I can only imagine how pissed off you were spending all that money to be miserable, eventhough I am not sure the band in the only thing that could make YOU miserable. Anyway, God bless Karma.
  9. angyl2314

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    I'm counting down the days to my surgery, 35 to be exact, and just recently started to get scared of surgery. Well, ot the surger exactly, but I am absolutely petrified of anesthesia. I had a nightmare that woke me up at 5:15 this morning. It was so real. I was being put under, I even felt the warmt of the anesthesia in the IV and this weird din came over me. I need to work through this or I am going to drive myself crazy. I can't even go to the support groups before the procedure because I have a conflict with school. Is anyone else experiencing this, or does anyone have any words of advice or optimism? I think it would really help.
  10. angyl2314

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I am having my surgery on January 3rd. I date a lot, but don't want to settle down with anyone, especially right now, because I am not entirely happy with myself (hence the surgery), and I don't want to "rush" into something just because I am lonely/looking for a relationship/should be in a relationship/etc. It's weird though, the guys that I do hang out with tell me I don't need the surgery, which makes me wonder...are these those "chubby chasers" we always hear about? lol And uh, do I REALLY want to be the girlfriend of one? Yawn.
  11. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    What insurance company do you have? I haven't actually gotten the insurance approval yet, but they social worker in charge of getting the pre-certifications said that my insurance company is very good about approving. She did mention the supervised weight loss program, usually for 3 months, with Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I told her I was concerned because everything seems to be going too smoothly for me. I would have to go through all of this just to get disappointed. I got my date on Wednesday and haven't heard anything back, so I guess things are moving along.
  12. angyl2314

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    My friends are being really supportive. My family finally came around. I have not yet found anyone on here that is having surgery with my doctor, but I did pass information about this forum on to the program's social worker, so maybe that will help. I have a problem because the support groups are on Tuesdays and I am in class. Oh well. And now, this is the December Bandsters thread and I'm displaced =( I am going to have to start a January thread!
  13. angyl2314

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    Beavers...how about within your program? Have you met anyone, like former patient volunteers or patients scheduled for surgery around your date that can be a support network for you? I'm sorry that your family is being resistant. I pretty much explained to my parents and friends that it is my decision and that they don't have to agree with it but they DO have to support me and my decision. Your family should eventually come around. It would be silly if they didn't.
  14. angyl2314

    Got my surgery Date - December bandster

    I got my date too, January 3rd. I am excited. I was scared to tell my mom about my consultation, but I spoke to the rest of the family beforehand. When I finally told my mom she already had an idea. She was upset, but we talked and I assured her it was safe and that I had researched the procedure. She is now really supportive of me and my decision, although she has reminded me that she is not thrilled with the surgery, but I am an adult and she stands behind anything I do. My brother does not agree with it. I think because he is heavy also and if I do this and am successful, the spotlight will be on him again. Beavers...I don't think your family wants you to fail, they are probably just scared and concerned. Have you invited them to any of the pre-op support groups or forwarded them any literature? You are an adult and capable to make decisions on your own that will enhance your happiness. No family member will ever be overly thrilled that someone they care about is undergoing elective surgery, but once they FINALLY realize that this is something that will truly make you happy, they should fall in line. Do you have a primary support person going through all of this with you, like another family member or a friend?
  15. angyl2314

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Sweet, my weight goals are the same as yours. Do you know when you are being banded? I think I AM ready. I just get really freaked out when hearing words like "slippage", "PBs", "vomitting", "growling", "erosion" and most importantly "weight gain" if the band is removed. My intention is to rejoin weight watchers with my mom (who is on maintenance) to correct my lapsed eating judgment. I was very disciplined while on WW, but lost the initiative when the weight stopped dropping. I think with the tool (the band) and the support of WW I will be okay. I am concerned though about how I will be viewed (in WW) and/or treated if it becomes known that I have been banded. WW is all about natural weight loss, but I think some of us really do need a little help. It has been emphasized that the band is not supposed to be looked at as something that will be put in just long enough to reach a weight goal and then removed, but I have to admit that if how I am currently looking at it. I am uneasy with having a foreign body inside of me, which is why I am trying to become involved in other intervention methods and behavioral management programs. I have so many thoughts flying through my mind...I just want to get it over with and it has barely even started lol
  16. angyl2314

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I am in the early stages of working toward band surgery, but I am whirl winding through my appointments so I can have the surgery in January. I am currently 235 lbs, 5'4". Was 272 bls, lost 55 on weight watchers in 2002-2003, at which time I reached a plateau and was not losing weight anymore. I became frustrated and stopped trying. Any time I tried to get reinvested, I was not seeing the results so I stopped trying. I was defeated by my own weight. I am disgusted now with myself, having put so much hard work into my weight loss and then to have gained a little weight back...MY BRAS ARE TIGHT. You women out there know that's a real problem. I decided to have the surgery and sometimes think I am making a rash decision. I really don't think I am in control of my weight. My doctor said it could be psychological (and the fact I was born with obviously no metabolism). My brother and I are obese, but no one else in the family. I would love to know why we are fat and why, even with hard work and dedication, I cannot control myself. I hope I am making the right decision.

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