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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by angyl2314

  1. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    You're doing the right thing, I am doing the wrong, but it feels so good to be able to get on that scale and see the weight drop off. I was just watching MTV True Life: I am on a diet. There was a girl about 5'6" maybe, 24 years old, 253 lbs. With the help of a nutritionist and trainer, she lost 38 lbs in 7 weeks. Stuff like that makes me second guess my decision because that is actually something I did not try. Oh well, too late for that.
  2. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    I am in Florida at my brother's apartment and THEY HAVE NO SCALE!!! Oh boy....
  3. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    Audree- I just came across this: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/wls-cards-restaurants-t27847.html?t=27847 Thought maybe you would want to jump in.
  4. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    I think I am feeling lethargic lately. Not sure if it's just rebounding from surgery because I didn't relax much at all following the procedure. I even find myself talking and breathing slower. Is that weird? Maybe I am just overthinking it. Anyone have an opinion on the new Special K water, K2O? It has 5 grams of protein for the 16 oz. I am drinking the strawberry kiwi. It's a bit sweet, but not bad. There is a lemon flavor too but I have my fill with lemon from the crystal light.
  5. angyl2314

    YouTube lap band fill video

    Watching both the fill and procedure on You Tube helped me deal with a lot of my anxiety. I am usually squeemish with surgery videos but I was happy to come across this. I was just bothered that we have to pay whatever amount for fills for 10 seconds!!! lol
  6. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    I spoke to the nutritionist about the soy milk and rice milk. She said rice milk has no protein, so that's a no go. The soy milk is fine, as long as it is not the flavored stuff. She said it can be flavored with a fat free syrup, I think she said Quik has one. I am going to check that out.
  7. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    I was able to start eating them yesterday, day 4. I saw my surgeon and dietician today. My staples were removed and replaced with steri strips. I was told to start my vitamins because my hemoglobin is low, by history. Of course I have to increase my fluids, but learned I can do it with broth also, never thought about that. Everything is going well. I am so pleased. My surgeon and support staff really are terrific. Thank God.
  8. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    Thanks Susan, I will try that. My friend also told me about Rice milk. I am going to speak to my nutritionist about it. She says the vanilla is really good. -Jen
  9. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    I feel even better today than I did yesterday, must be all that cheese lol. I am still having a problem getting all my water and milk (ick) in. I substitute my milk with Carnation instant breakfast but can see myself getting sick of that soon. I got on the scale today and have now lost 9.5 lbs. Unreal. I know some of it is water weight but almost 10 lbs??? I have been growing my hair out to donate for a while, it is very long. I finally set a cut date...when I get down to 200 lbs. I was aiming for 40 lbs by the end of April, but at this rate...hmmm. I am meeting with my surgeon and dietician today so I have a bunch of questions. I am also going to ask about that card, Audree, and see what they say. I'll let you know.
  10. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    Is it bad I wont even look at my stomach or incisions? I am so girly about those things. I am going to see my surgeon today so he can check things out. The last time I looked though, I really couldn't tell which was my port. lol weird
  11. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    My doctor didn't say anything about driving, and I forgot to ask, but I was okay to drive a pretty significant distance yesterday on day 3 post op. Did you doctor restrict you because of meds or because of possible physical limitations due to the incisions? Had it not been for the tenderness I would have driven home from the hospital lol
  12. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    I was allowed to have things like yogurt, pudding, hot cereals, protein shakes and all that fun stuff on day 3. My nutriontionist just happened to call me today and I told her I was craving cheese and she suggested the Laughing Cow stuff just because if it's creamy consistency. She told me I can have regular cheese on day 8.
  13. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    I didn't have to take any pain meds, I actually was not even prescribed anything. I experienced only the smallest amount of pain and it was related to my incisions. Otherwise, I did not feel much of anything else. I was finally able to take a full, deep cleansing breath today without feeling any restrain. I think the key to avoiding pain is walking around immediately after the surgery; it allows for the gas to move and not get trapped, and does not let your body stiffen at all. You might not feel like moving much, but it pays off in the long run.
  14. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    4 days post op, and damn, this is some mighty fine cheese!!! It just melts in your mouth, no chewing involved. I had those Imagine Soups, not too bad. I am in for my biggest test yet starting tomorrow; I am going to Florida to spend time with my brother and his girlfriend, both of who are obese and have no discipline with eating. They are fully supportive of me, and have invited me down there so they can look after me until I return to work. I have stressed the importance of their understanding of my restrictions and lifestyle changes, but I know it's going to be difficult for all of us. You'll probably be seeing a lot of me for the next few days lol
  15. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    Welcome back, Audree. I was dying for cheese since yesterday, not sure why but it was all I could think about. My nutritionist called me today and said that I could have Laughing Cow spreadable cheese. Mmmm...it might not be mozzarella, but it is doing its thing. I go to see my surgeon and nutritionist tomorrow. I am going to see if I can move up to mushies a little before schedule. I sure didn't get this fat by drinking liquids. My body is about to go into trauma. I am so thankful I did not have a pre op liquid diet.
  16. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    I really need to stop weighing myself. I am down 6.5 lbs since Wednesday, but I know this is not typical and an unrealistic trend for future weight loss. I am setting myself up for something bad =( But next topic, since my surgeon did not clue me into the fact that I had staples, I have no idea how to maintain them. Any advice? -Jen
  17. angyl2314

    Banding January 20th

    Hey guys, there is a thread for people being banded in January under "General Lap Band Discussion". It is called January Bandsters. I would post the link but uh, something happened to my address bar and I am in too much of a rush to fix it. There is a lot of great information and support there. Check it out if you can. Good luck!
  18. 3 days post op. Talking about anxiety, I sat in the pre op room crying, wondering if I had thought this through enough. My learning about surgery occured mid October and by November 1st I was committed to having it. I was so confused and scared before going into the OR, but then I flashed back on old pictures of myself I had recently found, or how I sometimes crop my pics so you don't see all of me, and thought about how I feel I cannot control my weight now, and I am still relatively young, but it gets harder as we get older. This is the beginning of my new life and I am so happy I did it. I am obviously happier to be over the surgery. If it's any consolation, my surgeon had only performed like 8 band surgeries before me lol. I had all of that to think about too. God bless those sedatives they give you!!! It is normal to be anxious, that makes us human. I was more scared than others, I think, and came out of it all right. With regard to post op eating. I hated the 2 days I was on Clear Liquids, but I wasn't really hungry. I am on full liquids and actually finding myself slightly more hungry, but I think it's because I am not drinking nearly as much Water as I am supposed to. I am trying to learn my body cues and new tolerances and stuff. I think once all that falls into place I am going to be just fine. I have already lost 5 lbs! I know that is just the new eating pattern and will plateau before any significant weight loss, but being a chronic dieter, 5 lbs means so much to me. My double chin is gone lol...and this time it's never gonna come back. Those are reasons that make me so happy I did this. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or anything. The support on here helped me through a lot of my confusion. My name is Jen, by the way...
  19. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    Cindy, thanks for the information. I cannot believe how good I feel. I am feeling new things in my body and trying to be intune with everything. It's weird but I can feel where the band is. Ick lol. My name is Jen, but since there is another Jen, you can call me Jenny. For everyone getting banded, GOOD LUCK! Everything has been so much easier than I thought. This liquid stuff is rough, but then again I didn't have a liquid pre diet. I am 3 days post op, I get kinda hungry between meals, but have been sipping the carnation instant Breakfast and Water. Seems to be working. This might sound bizarre, but something that helped me get over my "fear" of the surgery was actually watching a 1.5 min video of the procedure on YouTube.com. It just helped me to understand how hard the doctor would have to try to hurt me...lol. Seriously, it made a big difference with my nerves before hand.
  20. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    For some reason I am addicted to my scale. I am down 5 lbs tho, but have not eaten much since Tuesday anyhow. I am on full liquids today...yum@ protein drink and blended yogurt. I am not drinking enough water and getting nervous. I am uncertain about how much to drink, what kind of sips, and just understanding my body. My mom is forcing me to drink every so often. Otherwise, I feel fantastic today. My soreness is nearly 75% gone. I am able to stand up, move around, roll over and all of that. I think I am going to start driving today. My back is killing me from doing that hunched over old lady walk for the last few days, but that will work itself out in no time. Just wanted to let you guys know how I was doing 3 days post op. Any suggestions about the water? I love water, and aside from iced tea, it is all I ever drank pre op. How much should I be able to tolerate in what kind of time frame?
  21. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    Well I woke up today and I feel great. I am able to move around a lot better. A little hungry but I haven't eaten yet. I lost 2 pounds but I know I am still pretty swollen. I took my bandages off today and discovered I am stapled. Not too thrilled about that. Even less thrilled because my surgeon sat with me yesterday in the hospital and told me that the steri strips would come off on their own????? Hmmm...I don't necessarily mind the staples, I have had them before following an open surgery for a cyst removal years ago. I am just worried about how the scars will heal, and of course having the staples removed REALLY sucks. Ok, now I think I am gonna cry...lol. Oh well, nothing to do now. I am gonna go have some Jello...
  22. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    Well, at my mom's but at least out of the hospital. The surgery took about 2 hours from start to finish. I was freaking out in the prep room, thinking about whether or not this was the right decision. Kinda late for that huh? My anesthesiologist was not nearly as friendly as I needed him to be, but my doctor was fantastic. He was joking around with me and making me feel real comfortable. Luckily enough, I was pretty much unconscious before they wheeled me into the OR. That mild sedative did wonders on me. I guess coupled with my nerves, it kicked right in. I do not even remember them putting the mask on me. I do remember waking up and choking or gagging. Whatever it was, it wasn't good, but at least I was okay. Unfortunately, they didn't have a room for me right away so I was in recovery for about 4 hours. The nurses there were terrific though, and it paid off because I had a private room when they finally moved me. I was up and walking in no time. Sitting up is the worst but once I was up, I was fine. I am experiencing very minimal gas pains, but have the chewable gas-x if I need it. I am not on any painkillers or meds at all. I have liquid tylenol if needed. I had my first meal earlier: 1 oz broth and 1 oz cranberry juice. That was at about 7:30, and I am getting a little hungry now, or that might be gas. I can't really tell just yet, but I can say I am not famished as I would have been before the surgery. I am doing great. I feel terrific. I am swollen and puffy, but that is expected. For anyone preparing for surgery, feel free to ask me any questions you may have. I can promise you, being the most anxious and nervous person before the surgery, it is not halfway as bad as I had expected it to me. Good luck to all.
  23. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    10 more hours. Thankfully! I have only been on liquids for a day and I have to say I don't think I would have made it for 2 weeks pre-op. My mom just took my measurements and pictures. Very attractive! Can't wait to have an "after" to compare them to. Wish me luck! Thank you all for your advice, support, and ears. It helps so much!
  24. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    Good luck tomorrow, ladies....I'm right behind you. Nervous, excited, scared, anxious...just waiting for the next step. Glad to be in it with all of you guys. Whoever created this forum was a pure genius!!!! Check in with you guys tomorrow. Good night
  25. angyl2314

    January Bandsters???

    4 more days for me. I am on vacation in Florida, with my overweight brother and his overweight girlfriend. Needless to say my eating habits have been a little subpar...lol. I read a lot on the December Bandsters forum to see how the recently banded people are doing. I am absolutely freaked out for the first week post op with all the adjustments. I forsee a week or so of an emotional mess. Thank God I have the time off from work so I can try to deal with this stuff on my own. I don't want to get my family involved because I am scared of the "I told you so" stuff. I am hoping that after the surgery my mom's anxiety completely disapates and she can breathe easy again. She is so crabby about me going through elective surgery, and I feel awful, but hey, what can I do? Anyway, there goes my venting for the day. Hope everone else is doing well and getting ready! (By the way, I am not allowed to say the word surgery all day...my brother said I'm driving him crazy lol)

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