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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jllybean1982

  1. I have been banded since May 13 and have lost 55.5 pounds. I went from 249 to 194. I found that the best thing for me was exercise. I have had 3 fills so far, my fourth one is next week. Are you keep track of calories? I have 7cc in a 10cc band. I can still eat a decent amount of food, however certain things do get stuck (most bread, most chicken unless it's tender, some green veggies). I hope that your weight loss picks up, but at least you're down 20 pounds! I know I wouldn't be down 55.5 pounds without my band! Hang in there!

  2. Hi Shannon! I know your weight loss seems slow, but you're losing about a pound a week which is where they want you! Judging from what you're eating, I'm thinking you aren't eating enough! You need about 1000 calories a day or your body will think it's starving. Lean Cuisines contain alot of sodium, so three of those a day may not be the best idea. Do you exercise? Exercising has been my lifesaver. My weight loss really picked up when I started exercising. Even if you don't start out doing alot, if you're moving, it'll help. Good luck Shannon! :puke:

  3. I'm sorry that your in so much pain! The first week was really rough for me....it felt like someone hit me in the gut with a truck! It does get better. One thing that does disturb me is that you're being released back to work so early! I was off for two weeks. Does your job require any kind of lifting? If it does and you go back, be extremely careful! I hope things get better for you soon! Hang in there!

  4. Hey guys! This is a really stupid question, but I had to ask it! :thumbup: I have a cold and a dry cough. It's not hacking, but it's persistant. I read a post on here awhile ago where someone said coughing caused their band to slip? Can this happen? I keep worrying and my friend was like "just ask your forum people!" LOL Thanks for your time guys! Leeanne :thumbup:

  5. Hi racheyrach! I work as a nurse and we are always told that when ppl sign "wavers", they are kind of worthless in court when they are being sued. It probably depends on your surgeon, but I would think they would refuse..it's not only a legal issue, but a moral one. I mean if you ended up with a blood clot because they agreed to operate on you with your implant still in that would be a problem!

  6. Hi Gerry! To tell you the truth, I wasn't excited when I first decided to get banded, I was scared! I was afraid that I was making the wrong decision. I then had to diet for six months to try to at least maintain my weight so that my insurance would approve me. Those six months only made me more nervous. It wasn't until a week after I was banded that I got excited. I had lost 13 pounds my first week post op and it finally hit me that this band may just work! I'm now down 45 pounds since I was banded on May 13 and I don't regret my decision for an instant! Good luck on your weight loss Gerry! This is a wonderful place to go with questions! :smile:

  7. Hi Nina! My surgeon was Dr. Courcoulas and I had my surgery done at Magee too! :smile: I'm thinking Eid is in with Courcoulas, but not 100% sure! I'm doing good thanks...down 45 pounds and really glad I had this surgery! :yesnod: I agree with you guys about it being a "mind" issue. For me, if I got unfilled to stuff my face, I would probably feel horrible about myself which would ruin my fun. On the other hand, I can understand why some might do it. I get down once in awhile because I have had to sacrifice so many foods that I love. Then I think of how good I feel and that there are still things I love to eat that I can eat, so that makes me feel better! :sneaky: Whatever decision you make (which sounds like you won't be getting an unfill), just enjoy your cruise!!!!! :blink:

  8. Hi Luna! I just wanted to tell you, that even though you may not think so, 35 pounds is an awesome weight loss!!!! :biggrin: that's a pound a week average!

    Honk raises a very good question...do you have an exercise regimen? My weight loss really picked up once I started exercising. I lost 13 pounds my first week post op, then NOTHING for a little over two weeks after that. When the doctor okayed me to start exercising, I started walking and the weight started to come off again. I also notice (but wouldn't depend on) that if I have a bad day watching my calories, the increased activity keeps my weight steady. The weight will come off! Trust me, I know it's frustrating, but it will come off! Hang in there Luna! Leeanne :crying:

  9. You're right Lannah! Hopefully your friends wise up and realize how they are acting, including your "God sister"! I still work really hard to lose the weight just like the rest of us! I wasnt blessed with a speedy metabolism!

    I'm glad your mom has been so supportive of you! :biggrin: My dad was a really scared when I was banded, but both my parents are very supportive. Idk what I would've done without them!!! Good luck on your journey Lannah! :crying:

  10. Woohoo Nina! I'm from Pittsburgh too! :smile2: I'm not sure I'd get unfilled either..I'd be too worried about slipping into my old habits. It's a tough decision because, although I've never been on one, I hear that a big part of cruising is food. You can still eat things you enjoy, just in little bits. And btw, 30 pounds is AWESOME! You should be very proud of yourself! Have a nice time on your cruise! :lol: Leeanne

  11. :lol: Congratulations LapNYC!!!!!!!!! As far as you not seeing it I have to tell you a story! lol My psych teacher last semester told me that he had gastric bypass and lost 200 pounds! He always had to smash against this filing cabinet at his office when someone needed to pass him. Now that he's lost all this weight, he doesn't have to do it, but still does. He says that his mind hasnt caught up to the fact that he has lost all the weight. It will come in time, but I'm sure you look awesome!!!! I'm very proud of you! :smile2: Take care! Leeanne

  12. You guys are awesome! Betsy- I never even thought of it that way! While my friends at work are sitting eating their lunch, I go for my second walk of the day (the first one being BEFORE work at 5:15am)! I wish I had that metabolism where I could eat anything and not gain weight, but unfortunately I don't. The band does not get rid of mental hunger, so I still have that to deal with. Plus the frustration of getting things stuck which is not comfortable. LOL Betsy! I too am a nurse and even though I'm normally a quiet person, I do tend to be mouthy at times when it comes to my patients! :smile2:

    Very true Btrieger! Its funny cuz doctors give orders, but who actually does the work!?!...the nurses!!!! :)

    Thanks guys! :lol:

  13. Hi Natalie! Oh my goodness, you broke my heart with your post cuz you sound so much like me! I think that maybe you're not eating enough. You should be eating around 1000 calories per day, especially since your more active. I know exactly what you're saying about being afraid to run into ppl you know from the past or being afraid to go out cuz I'm the exact same way. I've lost 42 pounds, but still have another 40-50 to go to be where I was in high school. I would get so scared to see ppl that hadnt seen me in awhile. I'm starting to get better since I've lost some of the weight. You'll get there too! Don't put your dreams of going back to school off! Try to get out (easier said than done, i know)! Maybe if you start doing more positive things, you'll start to feel better. Keep us posted Natalie! Good luck and take care!:biggrin:

  14. I appreciate that guys! It just irritates me cuz most of my friends see how hard I am working and what I have had to give up having this surgery. Then you have ignorant ppl that come along and crush your self esteem. I keep trying to tell myself that I know how hard I've worked to keep this weight off which means I also know how hard you guys are working!

    JOHN---OMG! Congratulations on your 143 pounds weight loss! I'm at my computer desk giving you a standing ovation! LOL That is so impressive!!!! You are so right when you say it's the obese ones giving the advice alot of the time! My mom's 300 pound cardiologist is always lecturing my 275 pound mother to lose weight. She does need to lose weight, but it doesn't sound as good coming from someone who cant take their own advice!

    Thanks for making me feel better guys! Good luck on your weight loss journeys! :biggrin:

  15. Hey guys! Sorry to bother you, but I had a question. I just got back from my doctor and she gave me another 0.6cc in my band (I have a LapBand APS 10cc band). I now have 7cc in my band. Before my third fill, I could still eat about a cup or maybe a little more of food per meal. I got some things stuck (bread, chicken) and as you all know, it wasnt fun! :crying:I'm not to eat solid foods till Monday, but I am afraid to eat. Will things start getting stuck left and right since there is so much more saline in my band? I'm sorry to bother you guys, but I'm just scared. :biggrin: Thanks for your time! Leeanne

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