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Posts posted by Tinagrl

  1. Well the surgeons office called today and canceled my appointment for today. I have to go thursday now :( Made me mad because they called like an hour before my apt was suposed to be :( Went to target for a few minutes today and walked for a few minutes. It helped a little.

    Glad everyone is back on the wagon after the holidays. I lost another 3 lbs the last 3 days just going through all the stress. I will update my ticker soon.



  2. Well, The last 3 days has been pure hell. Having relationship issues bigtime and im in a pretty bad depression. I go to see the surgeon today and after that i may go to the hospital to see about getting my head together before surgery. I want to go into this with a clear and happy head. I know you guys aren't "mental health professionals" but i know one thing: You guys are more support than Ive had in years and for that...thank you...to each and every one of you.

    I know another thing. There are two sides to every story and i personally know that if my wife was talking on this thread she would have a whole other story to tell too so i will probably keep my relationship issues out of the thread. It works better for me i think and then i dont give you guys the wrong impression or idea's.

    I spent a couple days at my sisters. It was refreshing. I got to see some lights come on that have been dark for many many years now.

    Jessica i think getting a real face to face friend is going to be very important. I need to do the same thing. Right now though, i feel like im in a dark hole and i dont know how to climb out. Gotta get my head strait before i can do anything or i will just end up running into a brick wall. Im close....very close.

    Thank you guys for all your love and support i hope you all have a great week.

    I will check in after my surgeon apt.



  3. Dave,

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who go on Atkins without reading the book and fall into the trap of believing this is a 'stuff yourself full of as much high fat food as you like and the weight will just woosh off'...but let's face it, that's hardly the fault of Atkins. I've gone to various medical and nutrition sites around the 'net where they promote a low carb diet, but say 'this is healthier than Atkins because you eat vegetables'. The South Beach Diet, Carbohydrate Addict's Diet and a few others that came along after Atkins made the same claims...they were healthier than Atkins because you could eat carbs. Yes, and you can *and should* eat carbs on Atkins.

    All of this is not out of a vehement desire to use Atkins...it is in an effort to promote truthfulness and accuracy. I really don't care whether or not others go on Atkins...but their choice should be made based on fact and not rumor.

    I'm sorry your friends/acquaintances died so young of heart attacks, but it obviously was not the fault of the Atkins diet because they weren't on it. They were on some diet of their own making.



    Melody i agree with you. I am a FIRM believer in the Atkins/low carb eating plans. It is amazing how you can see lab work go back into normal ranges and people coming off insulin all from cutting out the carbs. I plan on eating very low carbs...and sticking to as close to atkins as i can after my surgery. I do know that people dont know that Atkins diet DOES promote that we eat 12-15g of carbs a day in only Vegetables. That is a lot of veggies if you look at the back of veggie packages at the carb content in vegetables. They are generally very low in carbs if they arent a starchy veggie. And you dont have to eat a bunch of fat if you dont want to. I eat Turkey bacon instead of fatty bacon. Change it up a bit, but cutting out the unhealthy carbs...starch, white flour, ect....can never be a bad thing :)

    Happy New Year everyone!!!


  4. Sorry i have been junking up the thread with all my problems. I will hush for a while and just read :) Thanks for all your advice. It has been years since i drank and even when i drank i never cheated on her, beat her up, spent a lot of money took the car anyway drunk...none of that. Just drank. At home. With her...like ive been for 6 years locked in a cage.

    Anyway, happy new year everyone :)



  5. Apples, I agree. I incorporate tips from all the plans and nutrition class I have been to. The one resolution I made this year is to take my mulit Vitamin. I am so bad about skipping Vitamins and supplements. I need to treat them like I do my prescription meds. They are a must for my health. I think I will go take it now. Also, I NEED a pedicure. I am sure the shop will be open. Yep, today or tomorrow.....definitely will get a pedi. Later!

    Pedi sounds wonderful! I will get one soon i hope! Things are about the same. Off to the bookstore. Hugs


  6. I would like to start a "daily reflections" type support thread here on LBT for people with Self Esteem issues and codependency that in turn causes us to overeat and engage in self destructive behaviors. I really personally need support on these issues and desperately am in need of forming some close online friendships to help me deal with my own self esteem and co dependency issues. Please join me in an attempt to recover from codependency and low self esteem and do it TOGETHER :)

    Here is my daily reflection for this morning:

    I am hoping to get to the book store today and purchase a book on low self esteem and codependency. I want to educate myself more on the reasons BEHIND my overeating and other addictions. I know i have a slew of life's issues due to my low self esteem problem. My relationship is unhealthy and i generally feel terrible about myself. I am about to make some major life changes by having the lap band surgery but i think its important that we get to the bottom of WHY it is we are addicted to food and WHY it is we overeat. Join me please to build a support system together ....share your experience strength and hope with us in hopes to form new friendships and make headway into a new and healthy life!!!



  7. Happy New Year to you all! We are back from our dinner safe and sound. I had three nice crab legs - I actually spluged and had a tiny bit of butter - I dipped a corner of it barely in the butter but oh my, I could really taste that butter -- used hardly any of that butter, but I enjoyed the heck out of it. Also had some cold shrimp and a few bites of DH's prime rib. And was stuffed. No dessert -- me and Merry will Celebrate with some sugar free vanilla yogurt later. Aylah is here -- she has her Disco Dance Party CD in and her roller skates on and is blowing noise makers in the living room -- fun fun!

    Well, I do know there are some reasonable places near Grant park to stay in Chicago - when we went we splurged and stayed at the Drake which was lovely, but it was expensive. parking is out of sight -- like $75 per day so we don't want to have a bunch of cars downtown Chicago - so probably the best idea is to stay out near Cheri's house and then carpool or take the train into the city -- train's are easy -- used to take them in LA and they are a great way to get around. I think that's the best plan.

    To HerestothenewDecade - congrats on your band and yes, sounds like Janet gave you the right advice -Gas X but the walking is the best thing of all. Walk as much as you can and you'll feel better. You are going to love the new you.

    Tina, I'm excited for you for Monday too - I hope you get your band date - I agree -- you should get back in the groove of driving. Sounds like your partner kinda took over your life and I think you need to take it back.

    Apples, hope you win at Monopoly. Lori, what you're taking tomorrow sounds perfect Yes, just eat a meatball - sounds good -- if they insist tell them you have wheat allergies (works better than saying you "watch what you eat"). LOL. Of course there's probably wheat products in the meatballs but most people don't realize that either.

    Julie, glad you posted and Happy new Year - hope this new year brings you better health.

    Janet that was a very nice message you posted -- thank you and as Apples said, "back at you".

    Arelene, hope all is well in your neighborhood - scary stuff. You take care and stay safe. Good going on the choo choo today - proud of you.

    Joyce nice to hear from you too -- good going on the gym.

    Apples, Joyce is about 3-1/2 south of me in Kansas City area, so she could meet us here and then it's about 5 hours exactly from my house to Chicago. But if you'd rather fly, that's fine too.

    Eva, you are such a good parent to your plants - such a good idea with the Christmas lights -- you are so smart - I never would have thought of that.

    Jodi, you have a great New Year too when you read this after your holy day. Sorry you can't Celebrate New Years like everyone else.

    Well to everyone else - happy happy New Year and much continued Lap Band Success in 2011!!! Thank you all for a wonderful year and looking forward to another year of our friendship. I'll be toasting you all later.


    Hey Guys! Im at my sisters 6 am 1/1/11 just waking up. Of course i didnt drink last night but it was fun anyway. I went to the nursing home and spent some time with the older folks. A lot of them at this home are in really bad shape. They need round the clock care and have nurses taking care of them so it sure was nice for them to have people there to visit them. My sister took her guitar to the home and sang a bunch of songs...old songs and some of her new songs. They were so excited that a country music star was in there singing to them...how special is that. It was really good for my sister too. She even hung around after helping people get their cake and tea.

    I was bad last night but there was nothing else to eat lol. I had enchillada's. Homeade. They really didnt have anything else for me to eat here :( i feel guilty but what was i gonna do? Starve? I was so hungry and i only ate 2 little ones and a spoon of rice. Like i said, i hadnt had a chance to eat all day so i was starving.

    Linda, You are right, she has taken over my life..however, i sometimes forget in the moment of being angry at her that i let her. I turned my life over to her for so long that now it is a integral part of this relationship. I really cant forget that i let her. That this isnt all her fault. I stopped doing for myself in the midst of depression and let her do everything for me. But now that i want to get healthy, she is still having issues with me gaining my independence. She doesnt think she is, but we had a huge argument yesterday about me driving. She told me im not allowed to drive our car because she thinks i will wreck it...or run it into the shop. I would never do that. She just doesnt want me going anywhere. Then she sais, well "If you can prove to me , you are going where you say you are, then maybe i would let you." Then sais "if you want to drive you need to get a job for gas because im not paying for it. OMG! Im going nuts about this. Im trying to gain more independence but she wont let me go anywhere. Its crazy. My sister thinks its just crazy. I wouldnt go very far and i would never go drink or drug. She is worried i will go get drunk or screw someone else or something (TMI) Idk , its crazy. All i want to do is go to a OA meeting and maybe have coffee with someone. Im trying to form friendships.

    I met a nice lady at the nursing home who i am going to try to go see once a week or something. Take her food and stuff..talk with her. I need friends so bad. But of course i wont be able to drive myself...ARG! I asked my dad to help me get a car because my mother left me some money when she died and he still hasnt given it to me. Im hoping he will help me out. Plus i told him i need some money for counseling. My ins prob wont pay for my entire therapy bill. We will see if he helps out. He is a huge part of my abuse issues so maybe he will see that i really need counseling.

    Sorry that i wrote you a book but sometimes i just need to vent and spill my guts....well a lot of the time i do these day :P

    Love you guys!!!



  8. Good morning, afternoon for some of ya. Taking a break from taking down Christmas stuff. We usually do it on New Year's day but are going to a football party tomorrow and DH is home today. Having a hard time with it as it was weird not to be home for Christmas. Tis a new phase of my life and I don't see myself actually being home on Christmas for some years ahead with us living away we will always go to Denver to see the kids, and it's easier for us to go there, than them to come here.

    Happy New year to everyone if I don't get back here. May 2011 be one of the best ones yet and may all your dreams and goals come true!

    Melissa, I got some tiny bowls at Target that hold 1/2 cup they are more for like sauces or dipping, but I know just what they hold and it helped me a lot in the weight loss phase.

    Tina, why can't you drive? I was over 300 lbs and could always fit in a car, heck DH's aunt was 500 lbs and she could drive.

    Chicago, would love to do a get together. Personally I would prefer it not be over a holiday weekend, much harder for me to get flights and also to schedule it as we usually go camping as a family on those. And I'd prefer sooner than later in the spring/summer since it will be so long since Vegas if we wait til closer to fall. Just my opinions of course, take or leave them. LOL

    Speaking mind: I find as I get older I do it more and more. I used to not speak up at all and then let people walk all over me or come across as wishy washy and actually I think garnered less respect than now when I do speak it. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, what's that saying: Stand for something for fall for anything??? However, with my family it's caused some rifts as they are used to me not speaking up so now I am the bitch or the difficult one. No, I am just not your puppet any more to walk all over. Take it or leave it. By family I mean extended family not my DH and kids. LOL Though my kids would like it if I spoke my opinion less which I do try to do at times. Pick my battles. DH says save your bullets for the big ones. LOL

    Eva, I'll trade you cold and take your 20's! We are close to zero and very white outside! Have fun at the PJ party!

    Well better get back at the dismantling of Chrsitmas. Anxious to have my lobster tonight! Happy New Year, stay safe and warm!

    I have trouble with shoulder checks...i cant turn around. And im a compulsive shoulder checker...its terrible and our car is very small and tight. I scare myself but scare Jeani more. haha.

  9. I know that its 10 hours from where I live on the south side to Kingsport TN but that's the other side of the state from Nashville. However, I think it might be a few hours less time than that.

    The heavy thunderstorms last night melted all the snow, its in the 40's and the grass under the snow was quite green, boosted by the nitrogen all the lightning put into the ground. That astonishes me that lightning does that but it really does. Sun is out. My son is replacing my upstairs toilet (still waiting on the downstairs bathroom to get finished. The upstairs one was leaking and running all the time and is mint or avocado green. Definitely an antique. After he leaves I'm going for a walk. I'll have to dodge puddles but I usually walk on the sidestreets on the crown of the road. Asphalt is much less hard on your joints than concrete and the crown of the road allows you to keep your hips level rather than constantly tilted to one side or the other depending on which side of the road you're walking on. It's pretty easy to move to one side or the other for the occassional car and they can't help but see you.

    I'll be glad to get some sun on me. Tina, its going to be hard to learn how to assert yourself, but it is one of the keys to loving yourself, and loving yourself is key to losing and maintaining weight loss. You and your partner should both read the book "Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie.


    I will see about getting that book. I could have swore i read that years ago. Prob need to read it again huh? Im about to leave for the nursing home see you all later. I will check in later when i get to my sisters house. We are taking the laptop to her house, going to have a little party (sober, my sister is sober too) and have New Years eve party sort of. Bye



  10. Good Morning Peeps - Happy New Years Eve...

    Tina - The more you read the more you will find that you are not alone in this journey - We are more alike than we are different..

    Girl one thing I gotta tell you (and it comes from experience) you partner is way to fricking controlling - I know about this - my Xdh was controlling and that's not good - Your partner has to understand (and I know where she's coming from cuz another Xbf & DS was a druggie) that if you want to go out get high or drink you are going to do it - keeping you locked in the house isn't going to change that - She can not change you.... You are going to do what you want to do. You are a grown women and if you want to go out - go out and meet friends - being stuck in the house 24/7 is a bad thing... I know what it is to be in your 30's in an unhealthy relationship - you think - oh I'm fat this person loves me for who I am - I don't want to start over - they will change if I love them enough - Well gf - I don't care how much you love someone - you aren't going to change them (this is a life experience (mine) - My Xdh would badger me if I was 5 min late from work - I was always on edge.. Not a way to live.

    The reason for lbt is support and yes it's been mine since 5/07 and I'm still here - Why you ask - for the pple on this thread - They get us - they understand - I have a saying - "No one understands a fat chick but another fat chick"

    So we get you and where you are coming from -I don't know how far Chicago is from Nashville google it - start a vacation fun - Every time you have a $5 bill put it in a jar for vacation...

    Melissa - I have little bowls from target - they are just a little bigger than chineese dipping bowl - I haven't seen them there in a while - black on the outside blue on the inside (they had red & beige too) and I have tons of the $1 kiddy bowls that you get in the $1 isle... I eat off dessert plates too and have small spoons and forks... I measured these bowls and I use to weigh and measure my food - I am pretty good at eyeballing now - but heck after 3.5 yrs I should be..

    Have fun at your party tonite - enjoy yourself..

    Charlene - Girl !!!! You make to many freaking excuses... You need to make a contract/deal w/yourself - I will have 1 starch today - that's it... So when will I have it - for bf - lunch or dinner - I always save mine for dinner - But again you have been losing weight - so I can't complain too much - cuz the end result is all that matters as long as you are eating healthy

    WTG on walking today !!!! Hugs on the pain...

    Cheri - I think Chicago would be fun - like I said never been there - well the airport ;0) but that's it - I think Memorial day would be good - I am pretty free too .. Glad you had some hanky panky ":0) - I had a lot of it back in the day (looking for love in all the wrong places) and I think I used mine all up - I have no desire anymore - but that's ok w/me cuz I don't have a bf - so why would I want those urges and not have anyone to act on them with ;0) and another reason I don't really care about getting in a relationship - they might want it and I could care less. Pretty sad for a 55 yr old - could take hormones but why..

    I think we all blurt out things at times I know I do - But some pple understand where we are coming from - as you all know I don't sugar coat things - it's not in me - I speak my mind - So I think that's what it's about - we who speak our mind understand that you aren't being rude just honest - We get you - Idrise & I discussed this often - he's a X new yorker - he's blunt - I'm blunt - we get each other - there are pple out there who want you just to be nicey nicey cuz they don't know how to deal with the truth - they are fake pple imho..

    Apples - I gotta get my bills together this weekend - get Ranch stuff to accountant - not looking forward to it... Well you will be in AZ before you know it :0) it's cold right now but compared to what you are dealing with it's summer ;0)

    Eva - You are up for any trip LOL you are our traveler ;0) - I will have to find a house sitter - or board my doggies - they have never been to a kennel and that idea kills me - but they have a big place here where I can have them all 3 together - it's called the Grandpaw... Hotel for dogs/cats .... My GF Debbie and I will be having a pj party too - movies - pj's lobster ;0)

    Julie - Sorry your pain is back - keep a journel maybe to track what's causing it to flair up again - any outside stressors..

    Wow, i didnt realize how jacked up my relationship is! She said she would stay at a hotel and let me do stuff with you guys alone...hope she sticks to that. I think she would and i REALLY want to go meet you guys :) 440 miles isn't that far. Well, the driving thing: I have trouble doing shoulder checks to change lanes and back up...things like that. I have gained more weight and haven't drove in a year. She says i scare her because i cant turn around enough to do my checks and i am a "shoulder checker". My sister asked me yesterday if i could and had the money and independence to leave her would i leave her. I said No, i love her. I really want us to work but I'm afraid this will just get worse as i start feeling better about myself and wanting to go places without her.

    Talk more later, I have to go to the nursing home to paint "nanna" nails hehe. She's really cute. I hate how sometimes peoples families forget about the old people and just leave them in nursing homes with no one to talk to or visit them. When the bright spot in their day is chicken and Rice for dinner.




  11. Tina....I find it very disturbing that your partner would think that she would have the ability to "let you" do ANYTHING. We all have things that we will and will not allow in a marriage (normal boundries). IMO, the more independent a person is, the happier their relationships will be. One person exhibiting control over their mate is very selfish on that person's part. You stated a week ago that you felt this relationship was over because all of the fighting. I would be laying out the dynamics of this relationship to a therapist. Never hurts to have a third party take a look at things. Especially now when you will be making so many changes in your life and will be gaining some independence just due to weight loss alone. Hugs.

    Congrats on your 2.5 yrs. OA sounds like a great idea. There are a couple of the girls on this thread that have attended OA.

    Thank you very very much. I am going to follow through with OA. I cant drive right now (too big) so she has to take me everywhere. Yes its really weird she doesn't "let me" go places without her. A lot of people find it really weird. It has been this way SO long now that it has become a part of our relationship. I cant wait til i can drive again and i can just say, "hey im going to a meeting". I hope things improve and i become more and more independent.

    I'm feeling a little too good right now i think (manic) because i am coming off a med (Serequel) that puts the weight on me. Doc said no more serequel... that i have to come off of it. So im feeling a little TOO hyper. Better than being in the bed and so so depressed though tongue.gif

  12. Morning from the frozen southwest. The lowest I saw it last night was 25 degrees. I'm sure some of my plants are going to be mush, but I did set up lights and covers for a lot of them. I have quite a few plants....not as many as I used to but still I have indoor plants and outdoor plants in pots. A lot of them are frost sensitive....not sure how well they will survive a hard freeze even with protection. Brrrr. It's still only 31 degrees out. Yes, I am a wimp.

    Went shopping yesterday and bought a new MP3 player...it's so tiny and all it does is music, no video or anything else. It can do radio but you have to add a radio card. My old MP3 isn't recognized by the computer anymore and I really like to take my stories with me while I work. I also bought some outdoor fabric to redo my cushions on the front porch chairs. Every one of them is ripped and I don't like what is commercially available as replacement cushions. They won't be fancy, but they should work. Then I went to the sushi bar for lunch. That is always nice and relaxing. So yesterday I didn't get much done but shopping.

    Of course I'd be up for a trip to Chicago. Right now I have nothing on my schedule except a trip to NC or OH at the end of September.

    Cheri...you are too funny. It's almost nice to see someone post stuff that is "taboo". I have to monitor myself so I don't blurt out inappropriate things. My DH has no problems in "that category". He will take me any way he can get me as long as he can. It keeps him happy. I'm almost at the point I don't care either way, but I do like the intimacy.

    My arthritis is acting up. My fingers and hands are sore, my back and hips are sore, and my right hand keeps going numb. I started with the ibuprofen yesterday and think I may have to stay on it for a bit to stay moving. It's still low dose so I'm hoping I won't have to go on the high dose stuff again. I'm also very stuffy today. Hope it's just allergies because I don't want to be sick.

    We are going to a pajama party tonight at my friends house. She lives half a mile away so no problem with driving. I made posole for it both vegetarian and regular so people have something to absorb the alcohol. She is also providing many beds for people to sleep over.

    Happy New Year's Eve. I'll try and check in later as I don't have much planned for today either. Wow.


    Eva a Pajama party sounds like an amazingly great time!! That would be so cool if i ever got enough friends to have one!! I really want to go to Chigago and my partner said we can come if everything goes ok financially til then :)

  13. Cheri,

    I love to read your posts. It is good that the "train is back on the tracks...choo choo!" :) I love to read ALL of your posts guys :)

    I was telling my partner today that this group is one of the most therapeutic groups i have been in. I feel like I'm sitting around in a circle with a therapist (Janet) talking with you about some of my deepest darkest issues. Its very nice to have that and really honestly i dont know if i need a therapist lol. I really just needed to be able to talk and get things off my chest; get some advice and have people share their experience, strength and hope with me :) I am going to head to OA i think. I need to find a meeting for tomorrow. My partner wont let me go tonight she said she doesn't want to drive on New Years. Yeah right eh? She hates it when i go places. She has very little trust for me even after 2 and a half years of sobriety.

    She said last week when we were having all our problems that she wanted me to form some friendships. Go for coffee with people and things like that. So i asked her yesterday if i could go with my friend for coffee. When i started to make the phone call she said, no i couldn't go and leave her with the kids. The "kids" are 14! They DONT need a babysitter anymore. I told her she is welcome to go somewhere too with her friends but she was adamant about not letting me go. So, my opinion is....dont tell me you are "over" your co dependency and act like you have it together when you dont. Thats just my opinion.

    I'm going to the nursing home today to watch my sister play her guitar for the old folks and I'm going to paint some nails and visit with them. I think it will be good for me to get out and do some volunteer work :) I am very much looking forward to it :)

    I will look some OA stuff up online later...like i said, im an addict and i need to get to the root of my addiction and i know the 12 steps have helped me tremendously in my past.

    Sorry for the long post, just had a lot to share :) Apples sorry about your snow storms i know that is just terrible weather to get out and about in :(



  14. Hi everyone, my name is Jessica Alexander. I am in PA. I am was waiting patiently by the phone for the call that my surgery would be scheduled. I was already on my preop diet with hopes that everything would go smooth for surgery the Monday after Christmas. However, it did not, and they were still waiting on records from one of my specialists. So finally I have been scheduled and insurance approved for Jan 11th. Its been a long road to this point. I was on my 5th month when I found out I had a fractured spleen 2 months later and 2 MRIs later I was finally cleared. I am so happy. My peak weight was 339. That was my 2nd month of my 6 month visits. That was my "Moment" that opened my eyes. That day I changed my life. Started really watching what I eat, count calories, and Portion Control. As of today I am 298 on my own. That is 41 lbs in 6 months. I can only imagine how it will be after I have the surgery. I am so excited to get this wonderful tool to help me. I have not been under 300 lbs in 8 years or maybe even longer. I have been overweight since I was 12. I have a prolactinoma tumor which effects me hormonally. I have PCOS, endomitriosis, and Interstitial Cystitis of the bladder. And hormones effect everything. God has blessed me with 2 beautiful angels (my children). Now I must do everything in my power to be here for them and my husband as long as possible. I am on day 1 of my preop diet and feeling very hungry. I think it is all in my head. It will be nice to meet many people like me. Good luck all and God Bless.

    Fantastic!!! Im proud that you have maintained and lost this much pre op! Im not sure when im getting banded yet but im set to see my surgeon and the scheduler on Monday. Hopefully January will be my date and i can hang out a little in this forum. Best of luck to everyone here!!! Keep trudging the road guys,....it will be worth it in the end!

  15. Cheri - I 2nd this motion. :)

    Okay on to me so I did get a nice shirt for tonight. I have to work 10-6 today then my DH will pick me up I will get ready and we will go to the party. I found out we are not actually spending the night (yeah). However my son with be at my parents for the night. So yesterday was my DH friend's 30 birthday. We met her whole family and some friends at a resturant i got a little panic when I realized I had not seen one girl since my wedding 10 years ago and I remembered I was much smaller then. But then as Apples says " I put on my big girl panties" and had a good time. Last night when we went to Walmart to find a shirt for me I found some waterproof shoes for my job (my feet get soaked everytime I clean the chicken room) I struggled to tie the shoes I felt so bad on the inside. I can't help but to feel fat and ugly but I am going to see the Dr on the 4th and get my much needed feel. I will get better I know it "1 Day at a time right, 1 hour at a time 1 minute at a time. Do what it takes. I am saying it but don't feel it. I am going to fake it till I make it.

    New question who eats out of small little cup size or smaller bowls or plates. I currently eat on a small salad plate or a small coffee cup but I think I need smaller bowls like kiddie size (correct portion sizes for my LB journey) any suggestions what do you guys use. I saw Alrene mentioned kiddie bowls.

    In case I can't get back on today I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year's

    I dont yet but its a good idea! I may start eating on the small little side plate i have. Good idea!

  16. Oh yeah...Atkins is my long time buddy. The only thing that ever worked at taking off the weight. I use his 1972 book as I think his later books (some even written after his death) seriously compromised on the carbs...most likely to make it marketable. Not surprising since the current owners of the Atkins trademark also own Cinnabon.:blink: Atkins is probably rolling over in his grave.


    WOW! They seriously own Cinnabon?!!!! Too funny! That cracks me up!!! tongue.gif

  17. Yeah i was on it a while back and lost a ton of weight too. Went down to 165lbs. I love Atkins. Im glad im back on it. I do see your point about the fat being too high but what they say is that the fat helps to keep your body in "ketosis". Something to do with burning fat in Ketosis. I dont really know. I was going to get the new book. unsure.gif

  18. Happy Birthday Cheri!

    My tummy was sagging before weight loss because of my child. I was looking at it yesterday and think I may need to start saving for a Tummy Tuck. I read during my research that some doctors recommend 2 years of maintenace before having the tummy tuck. May take me that long to save up. Some also say to wait until your done having children so as not to get stretched again. I wouldn't do it unless it was pretty bad and it is getting there. But I prefer to feel great and be sagging than to look and feel awful. I am still able to put on some cute things. Can't wait till I no longer need Just My Size clothes.

    I worry about the skin but i havent been fat my whole life so idk if that has anything to do with it. Only for about 5 years. Genetically i dont know if skin runs in the fam. Who knows. I feel the way you do. I would rather have skin than be fat and unhealthy any day. We dont have obese people in my family so i dont know about my genetics in that way. Im not too worried about it. I was told the lap band is slower than bypass so the skin is less with lapband. Still counting the minutes/hours/days to my surgeon meeting on Monday!!!! WOO HOO!

  19. Janet, he just listened when I told him I used to be very heavy. Then he cracked a joke, "so I shouldn't ask to see a before pic". All I said was nope and it was dropped. Doesn't seem to be a problem. Now the next thing is all the baggy skin when/if things progress to that. lol

    I am very self conscious about that, I seem to be having body image issues. I am trying to not let it affect me but when I look at myself I see the fat not the good. Don't think I'll ever be anerexic though. Oh well just another thing to work on. Don't want to get bored with myself.


    Is it typical to have saggy skin from WLS?

  20. Tina

    I love your motivation - but a word of caution - don't set your goals so high that if you don't acheive them you are going to feel like a failure - 23 lbs in 1 month is very very high. You are going to lose weight fast in the beginning cuz it's mostly Water weight - you have to find an eating plan that you can live with for the rest of your life... Again PLEASE DON'T DIET.... They really don't work... You have to focus on eating healthy - I eat limited starches - I sorta low carb it - but not to the point where I count carbs in veggies & fruit - they are healthy food choices - I stay away from bread - don't do a lot of cheese - but I do have rice - tatos - Pasta a few times a week - cuz I can't live without them - If you can low carb it for the rest of your life - go for it - but most pple can't - they will do it for a few days a week cuz our bodies really don't need those white starches and they do cause us to retain Water - but I would say most of us here haven't totally cut them from our diet...

    When you read that pple are on the pt train - it's that they are cutting back on the unhealthy foods that they have been eating - starches - sugar etc.. They are focusing on pt which is suppose to be the main stay of our diet along w/veggies..

    I am glad that you are feeling better.. Can't wait for your Dr appt Monday to get your date...

    Thank you for that :) I will try to remember to not set my goals so high. I know i tend to do that to myself then i feel bad about myself because i fail. I am going to try to go to the gym to get a membership this week or weekend sometime. Waiting to hear back from my sister. Hope all is well...

  21. Morning guys,

    Today i am trying to reform my diet a little to low carb. I hope i dont gain weight going from WW to low carb. I'm trying to get to 300 before my surgery. That is my short term goal. I dont know if i can do 23 pounds in a month though. We shall see. The low carb plan works though to lose weight a little faster than the other stuff i noticed in my past. I just want to get a head start on this weight loss. If i can get to 300 i only have to lose about 140lbs !! :) I am really excited and want to succeed with this. I am counting the days/hours/minutes until my apt with my surgeon on Monday at 12:15 :D I cant wait to schedule my surgery. The nurse there said they will prob schedule my surgery on Monday. Woo hoo !!!! :) Also trying to drink Water. I get the little crystal light 0 calorie drink powders for my water because i HATE water!

    Im feeling so much better today. Day 3 on antidepressant. :) Yay! Im feeling like doing more...have more energy and whatnot not a LOT but a little which is progress. May be a bad thing for you guys though because i talk a lot when im happy :) haha!

    Today i will prob just clean the kitchen and then maybe go to the grocery store if i have enough energy later. I have to go to the bank with my sister at some point today too. Blah, i hate going places because i get self conscious in public places..not sure what that problem is. Pride, vanity, whatever you want to call it. Plain ole self centered imo.

    Well i hope you all have a great day today


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