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Baba Wawa

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Everything posted by Baba Wawa

  1. I caution you to rethink getting another band, unless your current band is the old 4 cc band. I don't know of one person who's had the newer lapbands or realize bands who've kept their second band and I know many who have had them replaced. They've, without exception, had additional surgeries to remove/revise.
  2. My doc and nutritionist agree that it's not a good choice since both sugary sodas and diet mess with blood glucose. Years ago, I made a decision to give up my several daily diet coke habit, since aspartame gives me aural migraines. I do use a little diet ginger ale in a mixed drink occasionally and enjoy a Perrier from time to time. Beer isn't comfortable for me at all. Since liquids flow through your stoma immediately, there's little chance of stretching your pouch. My theory on this myth is that the band manufacturers need to have a scapegoat to explain slipped bands, erosions and other complications...just my $.02
  3. Baba Wawa

    Who Am I?

    Thanks! I think that for many of us, abuse, neglect, etc at the root of our obesity. I know I used my fat as a shield.
  4. By all means please post your post band experience. Mine will be coming out too, I fear.
  5. Baba Wawa

    Weight-Loss Myths Refuted in New Review

    Very good post! Medscape is a great resource!
  6. Baba Wawa


    Things are a bit better. Thanks.
  7. Baba Wawa


    May 2010 Realize Band implanted, hiatal hernia repair, uneventful recovery Aug 2010 fill 3 cc March 2011 fill .5 cc Summer 2011 began to have epigastric pain at night. Sept 2011 stomach virus Sept 2011 pain upper right quadrant, duration 2-5 hours increasing, then subside quickly Oct 2011 barium swallow, band fine, slow esophageal emptying Oct 2011 upper abdominal ultrasound positive for gallstones Oct 2011 gallbladder removal Feb-May 2012 increasing GERD symptoms, nighttime epigastric pain radiating to shoulder, neck, jaw, back. Palpitations gradually increasing in frequency May 2012 had cardiac work up, stress test, echocardiogram, negative for heart disease. BP was elevated, so new drug Rx, resolved palpitations/hypertension. Epigastric pain persisted. June 2012 upper GI with barium shows stoma at band is nearly closed. Barium drips through, but no stream. Barium is backed up into esophagus. PA removes all saline (3.5 cc confirmed, clear, no sign of infection). Under flouro, barium is still in esophagus, emptying slowly. PA and Radiologist are concerned, but decide after I drink 8 oz water to schedule me for follow up 5 @ weeks. July 2012 follow up, lost 4 lb. still having problems eating anything fibrous, but able to eat, at least. Barium swallow shows smaller than expected stream thru band, but also shows slow esophogeal motility, but not so slow as to require follow up. PA states that since I'm tolerating food, losing and have a bit of a motility issue, she won't fill me, but cautions me to stay on the band diet and if I'm able to eat everything and quantity increases over 1 cup, to come in for another evaluation. Oct-Dec 2012 In early October, became very intolerant to most foods and started having nighttime pain again, GERD symptoms. Symptoms subsided for two weeks, then returned. Taking PPIs for GERD, probiotics and experiencing extreme constipation. BMs only every 8-10 days. Bloated miserable, having pain, feeling like food is stuck. November, saw GI doctor and he ordered EGD, soft low fiber diet. December EGD negative for Hpylori, celiac, erosion, Barrett's. Prescribed Amitiza for constipation. Antispasmodic for GI spasms. Symptoms improved. Feb symptoms (intolerance of meals, feeling stuck, etc) returned. Consult with GI doc, schedules GES. Results normal gastric emptying times, but abnormal esophageal retention. GI doctor follow up in 2 weeks. March 2013: barium swallow:Dx achalasia, severe esophageal dilation due to LES failure to open in response to swallowing. Discussed options for removal/revision and further testing. April 2013: esophageal manometry test to determine if achalasia is primary or secondary. If secondary, band IS the problem and it will have to come out. If primary, surgery may exacerbate the condition. Update: GI doctor has done all he can for me. I'm scheduled in late May for evaluation with one of the top esophageal surgeons in the nation to discuss band removal, redoing my HH repair and looking to see if my vagus nerve has been damaged. High weight 290 lb Surgery weight 281.5 Band emptying weight 225 Current weight 202 Goal weight 170 At all times my PCP, Gastroenterologist, Cardiologist and Bariatric Surgeon were in communication. Procedures, records and test findings were shared. Preexisting IBSd. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea, GERD. Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction/Spinal Stenosis Left knee osteoarthritis-replacement recommended Still taking all medications I was taking pre-band + amitiza, antispasmodic and additional hypertensive drug
  8. Baba Wawa

    Failure is not an option...

    Good attitude! Tomorrow's a new day
  9. Homer Simpson palm to forehead :/

  10. Baba Wawa

    How Much Food is Enough?

    The statement "that there isn’t enough food in the entire universe to fill the hole in my belly, never mind the hole in my soul..." resonated with me. Many of us have used food to fill the emotional voids in our lives. For me, as an impoverished, underweight little girl growing up in a horrifically abusive household, food grew to be my panacea in my early adult life when unresolved issues reared their heads. Through counseling, the love of my husband and his family, I learned to love and accept myself, warts (band) and all. Nice article, Jean
  11. Baba Wawa

    Chocolite - anyone try?

    It has sugar alcohols in it, would send me into IBS hell. Nutrition Facts Serving Size: 1 Piece Servings Per Container: 12 Amount per Serving Calories Total 35 from Fat 23 Amount per Serving % Daily Value+ Total Fat 2.5 g 4 Saturated Fat 1 g 5 Sodium 5 mg Total Carbohydrate 8 g 3 Dietary Fiber 6 g 24 Sugar alcohol 2 g Protein 1 g % Daily Value Calcium mg 5 Iron mg 5 * Daily Value not established. + Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
  12. Baba Wawa


    Here's another link that cites resources: http://drhyman.com/blog/2012/02/13/three-hidden-ways-wheat-makes-you-fat/
  13. Baba Wawa

    Feeling insecure

    My husband loved me at 112 lb and at 290 lb. I tended to be insecure, like you, but went to counseling to deal with some of the emotional issues that contributed to my obesity. It might be something to consider. Hang in there!
  14. Enjoying the sunshine!

  15. Today, my hubby and I went out for lunch while doing our Saturday errands. I ordered fish tacos, with grilled cod. Fish tacos are one of my "go to" foods when eating out because I get my protein and the slaw goes down fine every time! Why? I want to eat salads, but regular salad greens are not compatible with MY band. I don't eat the tortillas, so basically I get my 4 oz fish with slaw and a couple of chips.
  16. Baba Wawa

    Cole Slaw vs Salad greens

    It's true, that after a while, just seeing an entire plate of food is a turn off...I have to move what I'm going to eat to a separate plate or its overwhelming.
  17. Unicorns and rainbows!

  18. Baba Wawa

    Cole Slaw vs Salad greens

    Spinach and other greens have to be chopped and cooked or I can't eat them...I love arugula and other greens, my tummy doesn't.
  19. Life is good...

  20. Baba Wawa

    Eaten way too much :(

    Maybe go get some papaya enzyme...helps break down the proteins. Lesson learned, don't beat yourself up. Use your measuring cups
  21. Baba Wawa

    Flipped stomach

    Do you think maybe it "slipped"? If you have a hiatal hernia, the stomach can "slip" up into the chest...
  22. Anyone have experience with revision band to sleeve in Seattle area?
  23. I can't remember, was it Bill or ????

  24. I'm having motility issues, slow gastric emptying. I have no fill, but I feel "stuck" often and don't keep my meals down much of the time. Terrible constipation too.
  25. From the first post "She went for a fill and they made her drink Water then eat a cracker! She told the nurse it felt kind of stuck so they did not give her a fill." This implies the cracker eating precluded the fill...at least that's how I read it Edit: I see the clarification further down, sorry.

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