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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sara31

  1. I had surgery a week ago today and have a question. I started out drinking out of medicine cups for the first couple days and then I switched to just sipping my drinks.< /p>

    Does Water go right through the band when you are sipping or does it gather in the band then go down? I am assuming that it goes right through?

    How about Protein Shakes? Do they do the "backed up drain effect"?

    I am scared to drink too much at once but I am still trying to get my 50g of Protein and 64 oz of liquid down.

  2. I did it before surgery- best decision EVER!

    I am only 4 days out from surgery now but am dying to get back to it. However I am kinda scared. The bootcamp program (like you described - special program not just a workout class) was VERY vigorous and physical. I stayed bruised up. I am so scared the amount of sit ups and going over rope walls and everything else will mess with the port. Thoughts?

  3. I was so tired the afternoon after surgery. They say because if the anesthesia. That night I was awake and I don't know if I could have sat on bleachers for a long ball game. Everyone is different though so you might not have any problems.

    The gas moving through my mid-section is weird. Definitely audible-I can hear everything moving through my stomach and guts.

    Still don't know where my port is. There is no incision where he said it would be and I don't feel anything.

    Infusions are starting to get itchy. I am 5 days out.

  4. I had my surgery yesterday. Got to the hospital at 5:30 am. Got admitted, weighed in (254) then headed to a private room where I changed into my gown.

    The nurse came in and tried to start the iv. Apparently my veins were not cooperating, so 5 tries later another nurse got it started. There was so much going on in that last 30 mins before surgery- nurse working on the iv, anestheologist talking to me while another nurse was strapping the foot pumps to my feet. Apparently my Dr does the surgery with me in a mostly vertical position- that was all new to me.

    They came and got me and wheeled me back to the or.

    They slid me over to the table, then lined my feet up on a platform and then the next thing I know I hear the recovery nurse calling my name.

    I stayed there for about an hour. I did start feeling some pain and all I did was say so and they gave me some pain meds. After that hour they moved me up to a regular room where I started to drink my 1oz of Water and Protein Drink every fifteen mins.

    After I was able to pee, they started the paperwork to discharge me. I got dressed and then headed home.

    As soon as I got home I took a gas-x strip and took a lortab pill. Also am having to do the breathing exercise every hour.

    Stayed on the lortab every four hours until I went to bed. I stayed steady sore all day with some shoulder pain when the pain pill started wearing off.

    I layed flat on my back in bed most of the afternoon but sat up on the couch to watch survivor and big brother.

    After that I got in bed and decided to see if I could lay on my side. After I was able to get over onto my side, it seemed like everything shifted and once it settled I could breathe deep breaths and went right to sleep.< /p>

    I slept better than I thought I would, I woke up about every 4 hours but I didn't take any more lortab after 945pm.

    Woke up this morning and am feeling much better. Still moving slow but I just took liquid tylenol only today. Lots of phleghm this morning and temp has been running in the mid 99's. They said only worry if it is over 101.

    I plan on getting out to Walmart today to get some walking in. Also I live upstairs and was able to climb them when I got home yesterday, no problem.

    Definitely better than I expected.

    I still can't figure out where my port is yet, I don't have a bigger incision up top, but I'm not going to poke around on them yet either. No bruising and the infusions are glued.

    That's my story!

  5. Hi All!

    I was banded September 2nd - self-pay - Ugg!

    I felt pretty good - right after I woke up, I felt like I couldn't catch my breath and had pressure in my chest which really bugged me, but didn't take long to go away.

    I took pain meds for a day and a half - not really in any pain, but helped me relax and sleep instead of stressing about WHY DID I DO THIS???

    Have had a few doubts and crying episodes - mostly due to the extreme hunger the clear liquid and then full liquid diet (with nothing warm for one week) have caused me. Not to mention my mom lives with me and cooks fabulous meals for her and my 10 y/o son - so it's tough watching them eat scratch made pesto pizza, bacon and homemade pancakes, chicken fried steak, gravy, mashed potatoes peas and corn - aarg - now you know why I am fat! Ha. Try out scratch made cinammon rolls to DIE for :thumbup: a blessing and a curse!

    Went back to work this Tuesday (so, took last Thursday and Friday off) and felt tired - but OK. Everyone at work kept asking how my five day weekend was and what did I do. Awww - a lot of laying around, didn't really go anywhere… have decided not to tell anyone, at least for now.

    Paranoia huge - what if i get a blood clot - are my incisions infected - what if it erodes etc - not usually a worrier so I don't know WHAT my problem is!

    So, weighed on Tuesday and am down 8 pounds - plus the 10 from the 2 week low carb diet, for a total of 18 - so THAT made me feel better.

    Plus, had some semi-warm brocco cheese Soup, and some yummy mashed potatoes and gravy - finally feel like i had something to EAT - so my attitude is much better - at least for the moment!

    I have been heavy since about 8 years old - fatter every year and have NO idea what I will look like skinny - so I am excited about that!


    Thank you so much for this entry!! I have been the same - heavy since I was young, so as my boot camp instructor put it...This is a whole new journey for you - you don't even know how good you can feel!

    I can't wait!!

    I had my last dr appt today before surgery next Wednesday.

    I got the basics - two Protein Shakes a day plus a healthy choice dinner, then Clear Liquids the day before and nothing day of.

    The day of surgery they have me drinking 2 oz of Protein Shake every hour plus 1 oz Water or crystal light every 15 minutes in between.

    Then for the next two weeks, nothing but Protein shakes!

    There is SO much to remember. Good thing I have these lists and lists of rules :thumbup:

  6. Hello all!

    My name is Sara and my surgery date is 9/15 :smile2:

    I am in Northwest Arkansas.

    I have been trying to really shape up as much as I can before surgery so that maybe recovery will be a little better...but it's going so well my brain is trying to fool me into thinking well, maybe I don't need the surgery after all. I am doing a 4 week boot camp program at my gym and it has been 90 minutes of hell three days a week, bruises and all...but then I squash the worry about having surgery because I know I need to KEEP it off, that is my problem!

  7. My paperwork was submitted yesterday to Tricare. I am having a problem though - I registered online yesterday to watch the claim status and they have to MAIL you a code to check on it. The phone system shows nothing and the lady on the other end of the line said that they needed a date of service (I told her the drs office submitted it yesterday?) but other than that she cant give me any information. The crazy part is that my Doctors office said that I would find out online before they would, but how can I if I can't get access? Argh! Any of you have this problem and if so, how did you get around it?

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