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Posts posted by branc1

  1. I was sleeved September 1st. I also have hypothyroidism. I just had an increase in my thyroid medicine. I have been losing hair like crazy for about a month. I try not to get too alarmed because I have seen it talked about and I know it will ease up eventually. It is nerve wracking when I comb my hair after a shower and I have a comb full! I'm 60 though and not really overly concerned with being a fashion plate anyway LOL! It will grow back eventually...Carole

  2. [ Hi, I'm Carole, I'm 60 and a Grandma and I feel great. I am trying to get back on course from the holidays. I've lost 3 more pounds since I started paying attention to what I'm putting in my mouth again. It is easy to slip back into old habits even when you can't eat as much. People who say we took the lazy way out are wrong. We still have to make an effort to follow our programs. I had very little pain afterwards and no stomach issues at all. I followed my dr. orders and everything went smoothly. I think a good state of mind helps too. I think if you are positive you will have an easier time. Stay the course on your liquid prop diet. The more you lose the easier time the dr. will have doing your surgery(and the less you have to lose afterwards).

  3. "I have to say it's the best thing I've done in my life. Ever.

    - Had the sleeve at BMI 36 and am now at BMI 22.9, which I've successfully maintained for the past 3-4 months. If I gain 2-3 pounds, I start to feel tight and lose them again. If I go below, my boobs completely disappear and my face starts to look too skeleton like so I'm sticking to this weight for the foreseeable future

    - Dieting was and is easy and once I learned how to eat I haven't been sick. Had one major painful kidney stone episode in March, learned to drink more and it hasn't recurred (& it passed the natural route, so to speak, so nothing but pain medication needed)

    - I love my new life. I've posted about the benefits before on here so I won't go into any detail, but it's so worth it. If you're only considering doing it, I say go for it!" and laid down for a little while. I was able to go when I got up. That relieved the pressure and when I wiped there was a little blood. I was somewhat alarmed but since it was Sunday I took a wait and see attitude. Since then nothing. I will stay alert but I wondered at the time if that was what it was...Carole

    I noticed your comment about a kidney stone. I may have passed one last weekend but I'm not sure. I felt pressure like I really had to go and it hurt some(not alot) but I couldn't go. I drank a bunch of Water then laid down. When I got up I was able to go and the pressure was relieved. When I wiped there was a little blood. Since then nothing and everything seems to be normal...Carole

  4. "Thank u so much for the lil insight I do feel a lil better now and I know crying and getting upset affects the healing and my hubby who is my biggest supporter is saying the same thing I'm just beating myself up and its gonna make healing longer. I just want to get past the half ounce every 30 mins, to me I feel like thats not enough even when the Dr told me I should be having an ounce every 15 mins. But when I was doing the ounce man it would come right back up and that is so painful right after surgery. Thanks again I think Im gonna be a lifer on this site now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Hey Hon,

    It's only been a few days. It will get better. Everyone reacts differently. Keep your chin up and focus on how gorgeous you are going to be. Soon you'll be thumbing your nose at your fat clothes and eyeballing all the new possibilities. I was sleeved Sept. 1 and I feel fantastic. So will you I promise!...Carole

  5. Yesterday I was talking to the gal who does the same job as I do on the opposite shift from mine. She had a gastric bypass several years ago but I know she has to struggle to keep her weight off. She has been very supportive and a good resource person. She's taller than me so she looks slimmer than me. When we were talking she said she weighed 220 lbs. Without thinking I blurted out I only weigh 2 more than you. She looked shocked! I didn't mean to make her feel bad, but I was secretly delighted. I tried to make her feel better before she went home, but i was dancing on air the rest of the night. Is that mean? I am happy with my progress and I'm going to make it to my goal and I'm going to stay there!...Carole

  6. Welcome! This is a great place and I think you will love your sleeve. I am Carole and I am 2 months out. I've lost 58 pounds counting my presurgery diet and I couldn't be happier. I have have had few problems other than Constipation from time to time. This is the place to get all your questions answered, will lift you up when you get discouraged and loudly cheer at your sucesses! There are people who are in about the same place as you and those who are further along who can give great advice. Get on the losers bench, there's plenty of room...Carole

  7. I can see what you are saying in my own situation. My grandmother and two aunts on my father's side were all extremely overweight. On my mother's side when I look at family reunion pictures I see my behind and belly on all of her sisters and many of my cousins. Then I look at my son who is adopted and my grandson and neither of them will ever have weight problems. Its genetics I'm sure and our lifestyle. When my mother and her sisters were young they were skinny as could be. They worked hard on the farm and there were 9 of the. As they got older and life got easier the weight piled on. I'm just thankful that I live in an era where tools like WLS are available. I have fought with my weight since my teens. I'm 60 yrs old now and I have had enough. I am so happy with my surgery;my whole outlook on life has changed. I don't know how many years I will have but once and for all I will live them as a healthy SLIM person. I'm done LOL!...Carole

  8. May I ask... what is COPD??

    COPD is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It means I have emphysema and chronic bronchitis and often can lead to pneumonia. I try to take care of myself by using my inhalers and staying away from people who are sick. Before my sleeve I had a hiatal hernia which caused acid reflux. Probably I aspirated some into my lungs which kept me sick. Since my sleeve I have not been sick! Hooray!

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