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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by branc1

  1. branc1

    i cried today!!!

    Woo HOOOOOOOO!! I hope I can say something like that some day!
  2. Awesome! I have a dress that I AM GOING TO WEAR! I do know how you feel. These triumphs are what make it all worthwhile.
  3. branc1

    Post-Op SEX

    I am a little over 2 weeks out. Everything has gone smoothly with no problems except not being able to sleep as I normally do. I have only gottern 4-5 hours a night. However last night my husband Ron said I needed a good Dose of "DR. Ron's Two Ball Solution" LOL did the trick and boy did I sleep well last night. We have been married 36 yrs so neither of us are self conscious about our bodies. He seems to take great delight in grabbing my behind and hollering "There's Less!" What a comedian. I am so lucky to have him.
  4. Amen Sister and pass the water!
  5. Same here with the water business and weight but my clothes feel different.
  6. Congratulations to you both. How great that you can go through this together. Scooching over to give you more room to do the happy dance!
  7. branc1

    many AFTER questions

    I drove for the first time 8 days after surgerty. I stayed one night in the hospital. I took Liquid Lortab for 4 days after surgery. I took it more to go to sleep than for pain. I drink the Advance Protein from Walmart. It comes in many flavors, is cheap and met all the guidelines my dietician set up.AND hubby and I both like it. I have had no pain upon eating. There was once I took that "one bite more" than I should have. I was feeling stuffed until my 30 minutes passed and I could resume drinking Water. I think my stomach is some what swollen. I had a hiatal hernia repair with my sleeve. But my work uniforms that I couldn't pull up over my butt fit now. YAY!! I am happy I did it and would do it again . I may not be the norm, but I have had smooth sailing all the way.
  8. branc1

    Infected scar?

    This forum is great! About the time I have a concern someone addresses it. I have one scar that looks a little yucky and one that has a stitch poking up. I've been putting neosporin on them and they seem to be responding. I have an irritation where the bigger incision was leaking and I put a telfa pad over it to catch the leaks. It has closed up nicely and not leaking, but the skin is irritated from the Telfa Pad. Oh well I'm going bare belly now so it should clear up. My grandaughter saw my belly yesterday(she's 3). I've been trying to stay covered but she saw it said "gramma you got boo-boos all over your belly! Want me to kiss them?" Awww!
  9. I feel 10 feet tall and bullet proof. I don't care what anybody says. I feel great and my hubby supports me 100% so what else could a person want! Plus I have all of you great people here to cheer me on. How great is that?
  10. Actually when I saw my doctor Friday he told me the very same thing! It has completely stopped.
  11. I'm having some leakage around my largest incison. it is light red and I don't think its excessive, If it was bright red then I would worry. My doctor is out of town. so I called the one on call who is his partner, because my husband was just freaking. He reassured me that it was due the blood thinner and not to worry unless it is excessive and bright red. Anyone want to borrow my worry wart for awhile? I love him to death , but between him asking me if I am in Pain, or pull up my gown so he can look at my incision is driving me nuts!LOL!! any suggestions?...Carole
  12. branc1

    Why the protein???

    BTW didn't someone post a protein counter on here? I sure would like to have that link again!
  13. branc1

    Ten days and raring to go.

    I saw my doctor today. He told me I can return to work Monday but he wants me to be light duty a couple of days. I've lost 10 lbs, so I'm happy. I had a hiatal hernia which he fixed during surgery. He asked me if I ever had trouble with ulcers. Nope.He said when they (the lab)checked the part of my stomach that they removed that I had gastritus and the bacteria that causes ulcers. To say the least I was shocked. I had no symptoms. Anyway in a couple of weeks he wants me to do the full ulcer treatment to avoid problems in the future.I have started the puree diet today. I never knew a scrambled egg and applesauce could taste so good. I made some pureed chicken salad which looked gross but tasted marvelous. I also had some baby food carrots-- same thing looked kind of yucky but tasted fine with a little salt and pepper. So I'm working on getting some more water but waiting 30 minutes after a meal makes a little hard. I've been having some difficulty going to sleep and the doctor suggested melatonin or benedryl. If I have trouble again tonight I'm going to try it. Anyway I'm still a happy camper. My mood and energy level are terrific and I am enjoying have my 2 sweet grandkids here for the weekend!
  14. branc1

    Tomorrow is the big Day.

    Well I am almost there. I am on clear liquids today and this evening I will do my "clean out". My husband who had a colonoscopy said to get my Ipod and the baby wipes and prepare to camp out in the bathroom. I admit every now and then the thought flashes through my head " What? Are you crazy? Why are you doing this to yourself?" Then I get on here and read everyone's stories and I calm back down. I know this right for me. I was originally thinking of lapband, but my doctor suggested the sleeve might be a better option. After reading the revision stories here, I'm sure I've made the right choice. So wish me luck everyone and scooch over on the loser's bench. I'll be there with you soon.
  15. I had my surgery 1 week ago. My grandkids who are 3 and 7 come every weekend since birth. This past weekend was no exceptopn. MY choice!The seven year old is a laid back kinda guy. I explained beforehand what Iwas going to do so he knows to take it easy on old Gramma. The 3 year old stayed with my husband at the hospital while I was having my surgery(long story). It was a real adventure for her and she enjoyed every minute of it. She understands that Gramma has boo-boos on her belly and she can't jump on me or sit in my lap (what lap?)But she can snuggle next to me and thats fine. When she would see me oochin' and ouchin' getting up and down she would ask if my boo-boos were getting better. I would reassure her and tell her I will be just fine soon. And I am. Hubby and I have been out running around again today! You'll be okay. By the time your mother leaves you should be okay if things are going well. If not you can go from there.
  16. Jeesh I feel so good I can hardly stand myself! Yesterday and today I an just full of energy. Pops(hubby) and I have been out running around doing errands and I'm not even tired! I'm having no adverse gas, burps cramps or pain. I even did 3 loads of clothes. I keep pulling up my gown to reassure myself it wasn't a dream and I really did do it. I really drug around Friday and Saturday but that energy surge started Sunday afternoon and is still continuing. Last night I thought I would never settle down. Finally I thought maybe I need to have a snack. I had all my protein and all my water so I had half a cup of creamy chicken soup and that did the trick ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!:thumbup1:
  17. branc1

    I feel good!

    My guess would be to concentrate on your needs and do activity according to how you feel. I also have COPD (breathing trouble) so I can jump right into exercizing, but I'll do what I can when I can!
  18. Well torrow is the big day. Its been over a year since I thought about doing something. I'm a little nervous, but I know this is right for me. Wish me luck and I'll see you soon on the other side!
  19. The other morning my hubbt was killing some eggs on the stove when I woke up and I thought that's the first time I've been hungry. By the time I took my meds the moment had passed. I was only on the clear liquids while in the hospital. The doctor said to go to full liquids the next day.I had my protein drinks and all my water the first day. Making myself sip was the hardest part. The next day I tried the low fat cream of chicken soup and tolerated it well. It is just a half a cup at a time, strained so there are no lumps or chicken pieces. When I first heard of it, I thought UGH! cream of chicken soup by itself! Its supposed to be used to make gravy and casseroles! Actually it tasted good and no side effects. Looks like a keeper to me. I'm going to get some plain protein powder tomorrow and mix it in and use it for a protein drink too.
  20. I actually feel good. My doctor gave me 2 meds I believe are really helping, Both are for acid reflux-one I take once a day, the other I take before meals and at bed time. I have had very little burping or gas pains and no cramping. Am I a happy camper!?! Went grocery shopping at Walmart this morning(I cheated and got one of those drivable electric carts) and it went very well. I am ready for a nap as soon as I finish my lunch(HA,HA cream of chicken Soup with Protein powder). Hang in there! P.S. All I did at Chuckie Cheese was guard the birthday cake at the table. I let the youngsters run after the grandbabies.:thumbup:
  21. branc1

    Tomorrow is the big Day.

    Here it is day 5 and I too am amazed how good everything is. Just came back from grocery shopping at Wally World. As you know I have COPD so I carried my portable O2 and got one of those motorized buggies that you ride. What a hoot! I felt like a little kid again. I could see how people with Hover Rounds could get addicted LOL!! MY old faithful black polyester pants keep sliding down. That's got to be good right!...Later off for a nap.
  22. Hi Sleeve Sista! I was sleeved the same day. I feel remarkably well but tire easily. My grandkids were over for the weekend and they helped normalize things for me, We even went to Chuckie Cheese for my little princess's 3rd birthday. All went well and she was thrilled! I have to admit I was tired but came home and took a nap. It's funny how old habits die hard. I was cutting her cake and got a big gob of icing on my finger. Automatically straight to the mouth. Just as I was there a voice in my head shrieked "Stop fool. That's pure sugar!" Luckily I had napkin handy so I only got a smidgen.(but it WAS good LOL).
  23. branc1

    That Dress

    You look like a beautiful happy woman. I'm sure you will be gorgeous at any size. I think your personality which shines in your post, will survive AND I bet you find a new favorite dress.
  24. I lost 35 lbs before surgery. I know I am still swollen. so if I can stand it I'm not going to weigh until I go to the doctor Thursday. Congratulations. Its news like this that keeps us newbies inspired!
  25. WOW!! I hope I look that good In the future.

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