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Posts posted by disp4so

  1. Congrats, Sherri, on your successes. Thank you for posting your experience and giving people a view of the longer term picture of life with the sleeve. We're all different in what we can/cannot eat. Being honest lets people researching know that for some people it's difficult after surgery. People should pay attention to this because we're all individuals that react differently, so comparing diet or speed of loss with everyone else is usually pointless.

    I say that knowing that we all do it!

    In any case, best wishes to you and I'm thankful you're a survivor.


    Thank you Cheri and everyone else who responded.. I appreciate all the well wishes and feedback :-)

  2. Congratulations on being a fellow survior...!

    At six months I was at 185lbs, so about half my weight down

    I try to stay around 1200-1500 calories.. but sometimes I go over

    at your stage I would try for 800-1000

    I don't get hungry I just feel that my body needs food.. I get lightheaded and nauseous

    I do eat sometimes just because I want to.. not because I need to

    I did gain 20lbs back.. it is easy to do.. like I posted I can eat a lot of cake, Cookies candy chocolate popcorn ect

    do I think I could gain it all back.... no way.. I just can't eat enough

    I don't think your doing it wrong.. everyone is different.. and like everyone says.. the sleeve is just a tool... you still have to battle your old habits..

    good luck and if you have more questions feel free to ask

  3. surgery June 2010

    starting weight 298, current weight 150

    Have been up to 165 but had surgery 6 weeks ago and back to 150

    Diagnosed with breast cancer april 2011, early stage so great outlook, think the weight loss surgery saved me. I don't think I would have felt the lump had I still been overweight.

    double masectomy June 2011

    diagnosed Mutated BCR1 gene (greater chance of cancer) because of this decided to have hysterectomy and ovaries removed 6 weeks ago.

    due to surgery forced into instant menopause (yikes!)

    What I can and can't eat

    I am not one of the lucky ones who can eat anything but in small portions, a lot of food makes me sick and causes me to vomit

    foods I can't eat

    most bread


    Pasta (except mac and cheese for some reason)





    anything acidic

    Tomato sauce

    pizza (sometimes can eat thin crust with white sauce)

    red meat

    Mushrooms (used to love them now they make me throw up)

    I am sure there are more but this is what I can think of at the moment

    foods I can eat a lot of but should not


    candy bars


    potato chips



    ice cream

    diet soda (does not stretch the stomach at least not mine)

    french fries


    mashed potatoes

    I throw up at least 2-3 times a week, sometimes I throw up all day long

    some is my fault because I eat too much, but mostly is because I get nauseous and can't keep something down

    My stomach might be ok with a food one day and not ok the next

    would I have the surgery again... yes.. but I do wish I could have done it on my own I do miss being able to eat like normal

    this post is not meant to discurage... just wanted to share my experience and help others to make a well thought out decision.

    best of luck to everyone.. and if anyone has a personal question please feel free to contact me..

    Sherri :)B)

  4. I am looking at having

    extended abdominalplasty, inner thigh lift, brachioplasty, outer thigh, hip, and buttock lift

    I was given a cost of $30,000

    this includes operating room and anesthesia

    The Dr.'s aid said he gave me a discount as he charges more for patients who have not had wieght loss surgury.

    I have been trying to do research and it seems like he is telling me the truth, but I wanted others opinions who have gotten cost analysis in Sacramento.

    Thanks for your input


  5. Thanks again everyone for your support. I am home and feeling somewhat better, still sore and low on energy but getting around. Just waiting for the pathology report on my lymph node biopsy (praying for negative-normal). Otherwise I will have to go back for another surgery and to be honest I don't think I can go through another one so soon...

    my body is just so tired...

    will keep you updated

    thanks again everyone, your prayers, thoughts, support help keep me going.

    Sherri :D

  6. I have lost over 140 lbs with the sleeve... and I am so so glad I did not go with bypass... It is hard enough to get the Vitamins in with the sleeve .... and I have heard it is 3 times as bad with bypass and you have it the rest of your life.

    I know it is a hard decision to make.. but for me it was sleeve all the way..

    good luck to you and if you have any specific questions for me.. just send me a pm

    Sherri :-)

  7. Thank you so much everyone... can' t tell you how much the support helps

    I am having a double masectomy june 14th , then chemo n radiation..

    I talked to the sugeon yesterday and i have an appointment with the plastic surgeon in just 45 min,

    I have my ups and downs but for the most part I am doing ok

    Thank you again...for all the prayers and well wishes


  8. Last week I posted how happy I was to fianlly break into the 150's... Now I am waiting to hear If I have breast cancer.. I noticed a lump in my right breast last friday night, they did a mamogram, untrasound and biopsy yesterday.

    Although they did not outright say it .. I am pretty sure it is cancer. Have to wait 48-72 hrs for official result

    I feel so sick to my stomach I can not even begin to expain how I feel right now..

    Just please keep me in your thoughts..

    Thanks for listening


  9. I have been bouncing between 161.8 and 160.0 for many weeks now.. I did not think I would ever break into the 150's. This morning I was 159.2 yip eeeee!

    I might bounce back up but just knowing I was there .... I know I can get this last 10 lbs off.

    Hope everyone else is having a great day too :-)

  10. I walked into a bay or hallway with comfy lounge chairs and curtains to separate then. I changed into the surgical gown (nada on underneath) some comfy purple socks with raised tread on bottom so you don't slip (provided by hospital) and the cap for your hair.

    The nurse started an IV and the anesthesiologist came in to talk to me about what she would be doing.

    When it was time I walked on my own into the operating room and plopped myself on the table. The assisting doctor said hi and asked me my name and what surgery I was having.. then not long after that it was a few deep breaths and I was out..

    I don't even remember the recovery room or even when I woke up in my regular room..

    hope that helps... I had my surgery at Kaiser Richmond

    Good luck to you !!!!!

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