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Posts posted by lillita

  1. That is amazing! Congrats! I hope to be in your shoes by next year!! :) It is really HARD to picture myself that thin! I keep praying to GOD that this tool doesn't give up on me!

    By the way, hair loss-- At the end of the 3rd month and now in my fourth I am losing sooooooo much hair. They told me that was normal but I am so afraid of losing it all. Did that happen to anyone? I am taking Biotin but haven't seen a difference. Although my husband says he didn't marry me for my locks (LOL) but I am worried that I am going to end up BALD!

    I started with the band at 270, the day of my revision I was 263, my initial goal weight was 150lbs, and I hit goal in 6.5 months weighing 148lbs. I continued to lose for another 4 months and my body has settled at around 125lbs. My total loss with the sleeve alone is 138lbs in 10.5 months.

  2. You are an inspiration to us all!! It is so easy to feel defeated after so many years of defeat. It doesn't take much for me to think, this isn't going to work... Then I visit the doctor and realize -- wait, it is working... Little by little... Every day it is hard.. Even though I have lost the weight of my toddler, inside I feel like I still weigh the same. Isn't that horrible?

    I lost all my weight and then some so the "norm" is not always the case. I followed the rules to get to goal quickly and wanted to worry about maintenance when I got there. I've been easily maintaining my current for over 6 months with the sleeve.

  3. It does sound defeating. I have lost an average of 10 pounds per month. I don't think that is a big deal compared to others. When I was there I overheard a lady say she lost 40 pounds in ONE MONTH. I have 97 pounds to lose to be at what my chart says I should be which is 115 pounds. I have never been 115 pounds so being 120-130 is GREAT for me. But, it was a little self defeating being told I would on average in a year lose only 65% of the 97 pounds. AND trust me I work for my pounds. I do the elliptical every day for 45 minutes and I watch what I eat. I can eat anything now and more than I used to. But, I average about 700-900 calories a day. So, I pray to GOD that the sleeve can continue to HELP me get to my goal weight and beat those statistics!

    If you went on the charts, I needed to lose 48 pounds to get to a "normal" BMI of 24.9 or 155 pounds at 5'6". At 65%, that would have only lost 31.2 pounds in a year. Well, I lost 70.8 pounds in less than 9 months. Seems like a lot of us on here have met our goal or are very close to it in 1 year or less.

    I wonder if this is a stat for all WLS as a whole? I know there are some who struggle with losing the weight on VSG, but it seems to be a small percentage. And, I don't mean that to sound as trite as it probably does in writing. I so feel for anyone struggling with any weightloss - VSG, RYN, DS, Band, calorie counting etc. We've all been there and know the scars of those battles. :(

    As far as getting to where I am ... I wish I could say it was all me and my strict compliance, but I haven't done very well at all on the exercise and haven't been such a stickler on the carbohydrate counting either. Having said that, I know that more exercise will help tone me up more & get off the last 7 I want to have gone by Christmas.

    All of that is to say, I don't know why your nut told you this. It does sound a bit defeating, doesn't it? Maybe use it as a way to motivate yourself to "beat the numbers". Show them that your sleeve will take you to your goal!

  4. It has been a while since I have logged on... and I just had my 4th month post op visit with my doctor/nutritionist. I have lost 43 pounds in total and am so EXCITED! I feel great!!

    Now, I am a little bit concerned because the NUT said that I am about 50%. He said most gastric sleeve patients lose 65% of their excess weight. So, that would mean, if I weighed 100 pounds over my IDEAL weight then I am expected to lose about 65 pounds and they consider that to be the norm. NOW, I want to lose the 100 pounds that I am over weight by -- but the NUT made me feel like that was not typical and went one to say that when one is heavy it takes more energy and therefore you lose more weight but once you have lost about 65% of the excess weight it is more difficult... So, is he trying to discourage me or, well, I don't know?

    So, those of you who have had the surgery and are at the 1 year mark -- did you lose ALL your excess weight or was it the 65% of the EXCESS weight that my NUT was talking about?

  5. I feel like this every day! Some things just feel better than others. For example, if I have Soup -- I can certainly drink more than the 4oz they recommended. But, the other day my husband made some special grilled chicken wings and I was only able to eat 2!! So, it all depends what it is... But, I definitely feel this way often -- I think we all do in some way or another have a "fear" that things will return to status quo. :thumbup:

  6. I thought I was the only one.. :) I lost 30 pounds since June 30th. But, the last 2-3 weeks I have not lost a POUND! I have been working harder than ever at the gym and am not seeing the scale move. So, I have thrown my scale away and will resort to waiting when I go to my doctor at the end of September and take it from there. It is frustrating! But, I am glad to hear that I am not the only one. :)

  7. I am going to have to try to get on it again and see what happens!! :thumbup:

    I agree with Seaview. I now realize that for the last few years, what I thought was hunger was actually acid. I've got the hiatal hernia repair to prove it LOL. Many times after a very large meal I would get what I thought was hunger pains. I now know it was acid and my body actually digesting the big meal, not wanting more.

  8. Thanks Ladies! I would love to see some research about the starvation mode!! I hear about it all the time. But, is it normal to get hungry now? That worries more than the scale not moving as I know eventually my body will get the point and figure out that I am not starving (I hope) but why am I hungry?? I haven't felt any hunger in over 6 weeks and for the most part was only able to get 4oz in. Now, depending on what it is -- I can definitely have more. For example, when I eat Soup -- I can probable eat almost an entire bowl. Today, after my work out I ate: 3 oz of lean meat, 1 oz of brown rice and 1 oz of broccoli. Total meal was 5 oz or so and I was able to eat it all. I am not uncomfortable (a little sleepy) and that was about 2 hours ago. Now, I am starting to get that empty feeling in my stomach as if I was hungry and I am still not at 3 hours yet.. Is that making any sense to anyone???

  9. Hi everyone! Maybe you can help me shed some light on what I am feeling...

    I am 8 weeks on Sunday. I have been feeling great. No side affects. I can eat everything now. Well, for the past week or so, my scale has not moved. I have lost 30 pounds since June 29th when I had surgery but the last week or so the scale has remained the same. Also, I feel hungry for the first time. I am told to eat every 3 hours. So, by the time 2 hours pass by, I am, what I think is hungry. I even had a headache today like I used to get when I was hungry and needed to eat.

    I am eating about 800 calories a day and am exercising daily and from what the elliptical machine says I am burning about 500 calories. But, I am hungry before my 3 hours. Let me give you an idea of what I ate today:

    Breakfast: yogurt, piece of string cheese. snack: greek yogurt, lunch: black bean Soup cup with a boiled egg; snack: Protein shake; dinner: ceviche (shrimp and fish in lemon).

    I am not sure what is going on??? :thumbup: Do you think exercising is making me hungry?

  10. I don't think my body looks any different either.. or that I look differently. I mean, I haven't lost a huge amount of weight or anything.. I am really not sure...

    Hi, That was really odd I seriously doubt we have any kind of look, maybe after bypass if there are mal absorption problems but beyond that I really can't see it. I agree with Tiff about what proceedure that guy could use.


  11. I was thinking the same thing. I am almost 8 weeks post op and for the last week or so have been hungry. Something I have not felt at all. For a moment there, I thought to myself, did I stretch my stomach out ALREADY? Which I know is silly but it is paranoid talking!

    I do not deprive myself but when I feel hungry, I drink some Water and it subsides. I have noticed that when i do eat something like mashed potatoes I can eat more than the typical 4 oz. However, when I eat Protein like chicken, steak - it doesn't take much before I am full. Is this normal? Does it even make sense?

    I can now drink 6 oz of a Protein shake where before I could barely get in the 4oz. Does that mean that my stomach now holds 6oz? According to my NUT, everything I measure should be 4 oz. Two weeks ago I went on vacation to disney and had a hard time gauging what 4 oz looked like and on 2 or 3 occasions I was horizontal on the couch because I had this icky feeling. I didn't feel good, felt really full... it was horrible. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again.

    I am just so fearful of this hunger though... I didn't expect to feel it.

  12. Love it! I should of totally said that! But, I was totally off guard. I mean -- I don't wear anything revealing to the gym (sweats, and a tshirt) and it is hard to see my arms, necks because of my shirt sleeves and hair.. Oh, and I definitely do not show my stomach...

    Maybe I am naive but I can't tell... I am really not that detailed when it comes to those types of things. I haven't told anyone! Not even my dad knows! I kept thinking -- maybe he saw me at the hospital when he was having surgery? lol -- it is a small world after all.

    Due to my research, and having friends that had surgery (RNY or Band) that I've known for years, I can pretty much be spot on with people that have had WLS. I think there are little signs that give away that I've had weight loss surgery, like the little skin on my neck, and the wrinkly skin on my upper arms, those are dead giveaways on WLS. Plus, when I see women in swimsuits, I can spot the scars, and the little tell tale signs that are pretty obvious to those of us that have had WLS.

    That guy was rude, and obviously had zero tact. I would be willing to put money on it that he had surgery himself, and knows what to look for in other people. It was wrong, and disrespectful. Since I'm a smart-ass, I have been known to say "maybe, but you definitely need to have the DBGR procedure" Typically, they look puzzled and I say " you know the douchebag gene removal, yeah that would be perfect for you."

  13. Well, I didn't like it.. Since I started this journey, everyone I told about it looked down at what I was doing. They thought it was the "EASY" way out. Which I knew wasn't the case. This is a tool not a quick fix but nevertheless, I have been very careful about not really telling anyone. It is really no ones business! So, to have someone come up to me and ask me point blank without even a "hi, nice to meet you" "may I ask you a personal question" ... I mean really? Can you tell this really annoyed me?

    Maybe he was inquiring becuase he is thinking about getting it done and that is his way of research??? I duno but I don't think people who have had surgery have a certain "look" to them

  14. Well, I was really taken back because I would never do such a thing... Just like asking someone how far along they are... What if they are really not pregnant? I would be mortified!

    But, I just started going to the gym this week. Never seen him before. So, it was really weird. Oh, and he definitely wasn't checking me out -- he definitely had some "progesterone" if you know what I mean? lol

    I would love to say that this guy was rude, which he might have been, and wrong, which I think maybe he was not. Before I got the surgery and I was seriously researching it, it seemed like I could suddenly "tell" who had had some kind of surgery. Sort of like when you are pregnant you suddenly see pregnant people everywhere. Now, I never went up to anybody and asked so I have no idea if I was correct in my assumptions. During a certain phase, maybe the rapid weight loss phase, we might have a certain look about us. Or hey, maybe this guy has been checking you out and having zero social skills used this assumption to start up a conversation. If he has seen you over time he might have noticed a rapid weight loss.

  15. I was at the gym today and a man approached me asking me if I had gastric bypass surgery. Of course, I told him "NO" -- it is none of his business. I don't know him and I thought it was a really random thing for him to ask. But, I decided to ask him why he asked and he said "because of my body".. What?? I didn't realize that because we had surgery we fit some type of mold on our body type? OR do we? I left the gym wondering to myself, how could he possibly know?:drool:

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