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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lillita

  1. Hi everyone -- I hear everyone talk about slider foods -- what are they? What does that mean? Also, my NUT mentioned that I could not drink and eat at the same time abut I forgot why -- why?
  2. lillita

    Florida Surgeon?

    I have insurance through United Health Care... the process was easy and it only took about 2 weeks for approval. Their staff is super knowledgeable. Attend one of the seminars.. They do all surgeries at the University of Miami Hospital (by Jackson). If you want their contact info -- let me know and I will be happy to send it to you. So far, I am very happy!! My surgery is on Tuesday -- and although I have to be HONEST, I am scared -- I am totally confident in his abilities.
  3. lillita

    Florida Surgeon?

    I am set to be sleeved on June 29th with Dr. De La Cruz Munoz. He is Miami, Florida He has some amazing stories and I have heard he is one of the best. I'll let you know how it goes.
  4. lillita

    jagged little pill...

    I am sorry to ask -- but I am a little confused -- does that mean that ALL pills from now on have to be crushed or cut up? I take a capsule that is an amino acid that let you sleep at night. I also take oracea that is for my face that is also a capsule. I can't imagine opening them up and just taking the powder? Is this what the dr has said? Also, when we have a headache after surgery, what can we take? Is it going to have to be in liquid form?
  5. lillita

    1 Month & Look What I LOST!!!!!!

    What an inspiration! You look awesome! I have surgery on Tuesday!! So, you have just made me feel so ready.
  6. Hi everyone, I am new to the board. I am having surgery on June 29th and I am exited and scared at the same time. I was on another board but unfortunately, many of those on that board had done the other types of surgeries and not very many had done a gastric sleeve. So, I hope I can get lots of information as to what to expect. My dr. is great but they don't always tell you ALL you need to know. The one frustrating thing for me has been hearing that there isn't any long term data. But, I hope to give them that. This journey has been many years in the making and not until 3 months ago did I make a decision. But it seems like once I made the decision everything has been easy. I went to my first meeting if you will in May and got approve 2 weeks later via my insurance. So, I believe it is GOD's will. I hope to learn from all your experiences.
  7. lillita

    1 year out today

    Thank you so much! You have really put me at ease. Every day I find out something that I didn't know.. I didn't know about the hair loss, drainage tube:scared0:; stapling of the stomach (thought they sutured it).. You know when you think you know it all -- well, this has just gone by so quickly for me that I didn't have a chance to assimilate it all.... I am going to try and take my laptop to the hospital so I can let everyone know how it went. I have heard all types of things to expect when I am out -- so I don't know if I will be in the mood.. I guess I am comparing this to when I had my gall bladder removed two years ago.. I was out the same day and no pain, no gas..But, am sure this is different... right?:willy_nilly:
  8. lillita

    1 year out today

    Your story is so inspiring and it comes at just the RIGHT time. I have my surgery on Tuesday, June 29th. Last night, I sat with my husband going over the site and telling him some of the stories that I read. I ran into a couple that had leaks (including you) and have to tell you that made me hesitate for a minute. All I could think about were my two kids (they are 3 & 5). I have read incredible stories about my dr -- but you mentioned that this was your dr's first leak -- so, now, I am just hopeful and praying that my surgery goes as well as some of the people on this board. I know with every surgery there are complications but I guess you are never prepared for the worst and only expect the best. So, I am going to try and stay away from those stories with leaks and hope that next week will be the beginning of my new life. Thank you for sharing the pics! You look awesome!
  9. lillita


    I sure will... I was telling my husband I wanted to take my computer to the hospital but he won't let me because he said I would work... I work from home so it is always tempting.
  10. I noticed in some of these postings they talked about a drainage tube? Does everyone have one?
  11. Hi - I have UHC and they approved the gastric sleeve. They didn't make me jump through hoops but they did require the following: 5 year history of obesity 6 month supervised diet (3 of which had to be consecutive) At least 100 pds over goal weight or I think a 30 BMI and a co-morbidity. Need Psychological Eval I started the journey in May 2010 - and had all paperwork ready before Memorial Day weekend and was approved within 2 weeks. However, my general physician was really good about putting the papers together. I have seen her for 15 years so she was wonderful about it. I am scheduled to go in on June 29th -- every day I question my decision. I am on the Optifast diet and have been on it for 10 days and have lost 7 pounds. The first week I only lost 3 and I was stressed out because I thought to myself -- I am NOT eating and I only lose 3 pounds in one week what about when I do start eating? How am I going to lose anything? Does that make sense? I am scared because I have two small children who need their mother HEALTHY!! But, like everyone, I am scared of not coming back to them. But I am trying to be optimistic and deal with the decision that I have made. :thumbup:
  12. lillita

    June Surgery anyone?

    I am having surgery on the 29th of June. Exited but scared.... Anyone else?
  13. Hi everyone! I am so happy I found this forum. I hope that I can get some insight from all that have had the lap band. I am 35 years old and I weigh 203 pounds and am 5'0. I am looking to get the lap band. I considered gastric bypass but my husband is really against it. But, after reading the boards I am really afraid. I am terrified of needles! I have heard that it hurts to get fills. I have also read that every time after a fill it can be unbearable. I have 2 small children, 5 & 3 and feeling horrible all the time would be difficult with them. Mommy's aren't allowed to feel bad. :-( I just want to make sure I make an informed decision. I eat from anxiety and am always hungry. I need help. But, I am afraid. I have so many questions.. Is it painful after the procedure? Do fills hurt? Do you always have a bad feeling in your gut? How long has it taken to get used to it? I'd love to hear more...:scared2:
  14. lillita


    Thank you all for the great advice. I went to a seminar today given by one of the dr's and he went through the 3 different approaches. After a couple of hours and talking to several of his patients -- I know that I don't want the gastric bypass. I am not sure, but it just doesn't feel right to me. I like the concept of the lap-band but am a little weary of the fills (hate needles) :-) and the sleeve sounds like a good option too. They all seem to have their risks and their pro's and con's. I am going to go visit the dr and talk to him about it. He did say in the seminar that he leaves the decision to the patient as to what they want to do. He said having the lap band is great for those that are good about making sure they go to their appointments, get their fills, go to support groups, etc. Not that the others don't have to do the same things but the lap-band does require fills as the others don't. I guess I am just going to have to weigh the pro's and con's and figure out what is best. It is such a tough decision. But, believe it or not I felt comforted knowing that the success rate is so high and the risk of complications is so low....
  15. lillita


    I have a question that I am curious about and don't know if the dr's have addressed.. What happends when you reach your goal weight? Do they remove the band? Do you not have to fill it anymore?
  16. lillita


    What is fluroscopy? I am glad to hear that you haven't had any problems. I guess that is the problem with researching -- is that you find the good with the bad and you just have to balance them out and make an informed decision. I am trying to do that. I know that I need to do something for myself. I am not happy. I don't go out -- I hate shopping. I know that I need to do something... I just want to make sure I am doing the "RIGHT" thing.
  17. lillita


    So, does everyone get a "fill" often? How long has it been that you'd had yours and no fill?
  18. lillita


    I definiltely know that it is not a fix but I need something to help me lose weight. I want to be around for my two little ones and be able to do stuff with them. Now, I am either too embarrassed or too tired. What do you mean by red zone? I have gotten several recommendations and today I am going to a seminar for Dr. De La Cruz. He is suppose to be one of the best in Miami, Florida. I have a friend who had his gastric bypass with him and he looks great. I am just scared of feeling like I have to throw up all the time. Thankfully when I was pregnant, I never had those issues because throwing up is one of those things that I really don't tolerate. :-)

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