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Everything posted by lillita

  1. Hi Sam,


    I had a history of over 6 months of a supervised weight program. I also had co-morbities such as sleep apnea. I was approved in 2 weeks. :)


    I am sure you will! Don't worrY!

  2. I am so glad that you posted this... I sometimes question myself as to why i did this. I am only a month post op -- I can't believe a month has passed and sometimes I find myself envious of watching others eat. My post op diet was great as I was able to eat almost anything.. And now I eat everything, but food doesn't taste as good to me as it used to. Does this make sense? For example, we went to South Beach for my birthday to a TAPAS restaurant. We ordered appetizers and I thought I would be in heaven and it wasn't the same. Does that make sense? I used to crave things prior to surgery and LOVED eating. But, it is like that love affair is over. I am not hungry (EVER) -- I eat because it is routine. Every 3 hours, go to kitchen, grab 4 oz of something (make sure it is mostly protein) and repeat. I know I should be incredibly grateful as this is providing me with an opportunity to be healthier but something in me has changed -- and not just my stomach.. My love affair with food...
  3. Hi.. I know that.. But, it is a mental thing.. Knowing that you are eating less than 1/2 of what you were before and exercising -- you would think that one would lose more. That's all. I am quite aware that it is a tool and not a magic pill however, I guess we all hope that it will be quicker than what it is. So, yes it takes time but at least for me, I am always afraid that I will be that ONE that it doesn't work for even doing the right thing.
  4. I feel that way every day.. I feel like I am working out every day -- 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5 and 20 minutes on the elliptical. Why isn't my weight just coming off? I was sleeved on June 29th and I have lost 21 pounds. So, this makes 3 weeks for me. I guess I should feel grateful -- whenever I dieted before I could only lose 3 pounds a month. But, I guess like my husband says -- I expected to leave the hospital and have lost all the weight!! lol I am just incredibly impatient and like instant gratification!!
  5. Hi everyone!! I am wondering if anyone takes these and is interested in B12, Calcium or the Multivitamin. I ordered them and they didn't sit well with me. Today I got an email that they sent out a refill order and I didn't realize I set that up. I can't take them but they won't take them back. So, I am set to receive them this week. Anyone interested in them? PM me:)
  6. lillita

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    How do you all get 64 oz of liquids during the day. I am pretty good about keep a bottle next tome a refilling it BUT at most I can get is two 16oz water bottles a day -- which is only 1/2 of what is recommended. I am not sure how to increase that. Even prior to surgery, I never drank that much water!!
  7. Which one a day gummies are you taking? I have a gag reflex to almost anything that my body doesn't like
  8. Anything chewable usually makes me gag. The NUT just recommended Celebrate Vitamins that has a type of Vitamin that dissolves in Water and it is alike crystal light... I can't imagine he is right though... I told him it was easy for him to say because he can swallow them. SO, he said if that doesn't work we are going to find a regular vitamin for me to swallow that isn't too big. :crying:
  9. Yup! They are chewable. They should arrive this week. Brand New. Will not even open the box -- will just slap on another label and send out. :frown1:
  10. Hi everyone.. I have a question regarding whole Vitamins.. I have tried 3 types of chewables and one or two that are gummies and they all make me so sick to my stomach... It's horrible. So, that NUT said I should find that smallest Multivitamin that I can swallow and take that.. Does anyone take a whole Vitamin and if so, any recommendations? Also, my NUT has given me the green light on eating all types of foods in moderation of course. Now, I tried to eat a chicken sandwich on one piece of a bun (1/4 of the sandwich) but after the second bite, I felt like it got stuck in my throat.. The feeling wasn't great. I have had that same feeling when I eat anything that may have carbs in it. I thought that if I couldn't tolerate it -- I would feel pain in my stomach but this was more like it was not going down well.. I had to walk it out to feel better. I chewed it really well but it still didn't feel good going down. Am I crazy or does this happen to others?
  11. I am taking very small bites and chewing them very carefully... Not sure... But, I certainly won't be trying that again for a while. I find that the most soothing items are fruit, yogurt, cheese, and Protein drinks. Anything else feels dense and not that nice feeling... It is incredible how much this changes you -- physically and even psychologically. I used to see pizza and had to have one -- now I see one and I ponder, is it going to make me feel bad?
  12. But it made me uncomfortable even before it hit the tummy??
  13. I know that everyone is different but I just want to get an idea of what you all have lost typically in one week? Today I weighed myself -- as I promised myself I would only do once a week -- I tried to weigh myself more often and would get disappointed.. So, I get on the scale today and saw that I have only lost 3 pounds. Should I be losing more? I started at 207 prior to surgery. I had surgery on June 29th. So, technically I have lost 20 pounds in total. 10 pounds pre-op and 10 pounds post op. I am just asking because I see some people lose 10 pounds a week and I am wondering if it is all dependent on what the starting weight was (the more you have to lose, the faster you lose it?) ... :thumbup:
  14. lillita

    My 1st Vacation-Post Op

    That is definitely one thing I will miss -- wine... We used to order a bottle for dinner.. We are going on a cruise in November (I got sleeved in June) and I hope to be able to at least try a glass...
  15. I feel like that all the time! After all -- all the diets failed for me and worked for others.. The gym worked others and not for me. So, I just pray to God that this is the tool that I need to ensure that I lose it and keep it off.:thumbup1:
  16. Awesome! Thank you so much! I am still learning!! The worst part is going to the bathroom... Prior to the surgery I was always constipated and now I go more often (2 or 3 times a week) but, the pain and discomfort is not fun and when I have to go, I better be there FAST... Does that make sense? I have had my gall bladder out so I don't know if that makes a difference. The way I can describe the pain is like --- eat 20 PRUNES and then wait to go type of feeling. HORRIFIC!
  17. Silly question.. how much time should you wait between drinking liquids before and after?
  18. My metabolism is really horrid!! Has been all mu life. I just thought since I was eating such small meals and exercising that I would lose more weight. However, I spoke to the nutritionist and he said that your body has an adjustment phase like -- this is what you are now going to eat and get used to it! So it tries to store fat because it thinks you are starving but once it gets the point that hello, this is what it is -- you will start losing weight. He said he hasn't seen anyone go through this and not lost weight unless they were eating Cookies, ice cream, and junk all day long... It is just frustrating because I thought it would be more than it is.. But, hopefully my body will get the point SOOON! :thumbup:
  19. lillita


    The bill what is usual and customary - that I don't know what it is going to be as of yet. BUT, I definitely have to pay 20% of whatever that is... The same provisions don't always apply to WLS surgery which is what I didn't know. I thought once you reach the $2000 max out of pocket -- that is all I would pay but NO, not when it has to do with WLS. It is frustrating. But, I am glad I had it a reputable place and don't regret having to pay the $$$$ even if I am going to pay for many years to come. So many variables to consider and unfortunately, we don't always know it all before we go under...:thumbup:
  20. lillita


    Wow... I know this is off topic -- but I just got my hospital bill.. I have insurance which covers for 80% but I have to pay the difference (which is probably going to be high) -- anyhow, one night stay was $29,000 and this does not include the anesthesiologist or surgeon!! I am looking at paying $6-7,000 out of pocket. So, I guess I will be on a payment plan forever.. But, I totally don't regret it.
  21. My BMI was 40. My post op diet was pretty accelerated. I was only on Clear liquids 3 days and then mushies 4 days and then on to regular food after a week -- (soft foods). I calculate my calories and I have been eating on average of 500-600 calories per day (mostly from protein). I just thought it would come down more than that...My husband says that I expected to come out of surgery with all the weight lost. Who knows? Maybe I did.... But I wish it was more.. :thumbup:
  22. lillita

    Acid Reducers.

    Oh shoot.. I ate right after!! lol Why should you wait? I read the box and it didn't mention it but then again our situation is a little different so just wondering. Well, I was thinking of taking both until the prilosec kicked in -- I am so miserable! I wake up with heart burn! I go to sleep with heart burn! It is just an ALL day affair. Are you still taking prilosec after 13 months? I was reading the box and it talks about not taking for more than 14 days.. So, I am curious why that is..
  23. lillita

    Acid Reducers.

    Thanks Tiffykins. That makes sense. I called the dr. today and he told me to purchase prilosec and take one a day... he told me to STOP taking the zantac. Is taking both an over kill? He said if the prilosec did not work by next week, then he would recommend that I take Carafate which is prescription only. Anyone heard of it?
  24. I had surgery June 29th and I can only speak for me... But, I had zero pain. Never had to take any pain meds at the hospital or home. Came home the next day and that Friday I was at the beach for a field trip with my son's summer camp group.. I can sleep on my sides (no stomach, of course). It has been wonderful (knock on wood). The only thing I am experiencing right now is tons of heartburn!! I hate it! I haven't experienced it since I was pregnant. I take 2 zantac daily and yesterday had to take tums (which didn't help). Honestly, it has been wonderful. The most difficult part is the mourning for food. I know they didn't remove my taste buds but it almost feels like I don't have that love of food as I used to. I have two small children and it is hard watching them eat food I considered at one point to be delicious and now... I am like, whatever but at the same time I yearn for the want that I had before that was only satisfied with food. Does that make sense? For me, it has been more of a psychological thing rather than physical.
  25. I thought when you had a leak the pain was so intense that there was no way not to notice?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
