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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MummiesBB

  1. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello all Has been a little quiet on here hasn't it. Had fill on Thirsday and Friday & Saturday good days have lost 1.5 pounds so far. Today hasn't been great, feel very tight and have had a little pooling again, still on liquids and lots of slime as only managing to keep a little bit down. So seems to be working, will keep an eye on it. Anyway, where is everyone? Hope you have a good weekend. Take care Claire
  2. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Excellent, have a very happy birthday and enjoy your spa day. I think I might have just found a treat will book when I get to 75 pounds. A lovely day at the spa - thanks for the wonderful idea. How much have you lost up till now? Take care and post soon. Claire x
  3. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Evening all I went to the London clinic today it was very quiet when I arrived. Saw Chris Deprez and he was really surprised but pleased that I had lost so much. His face was a picture! I had the band in July 31st 2010 for those that are new and had my first fill in September (which Chris Deprez did) and then another in October (Frederik) - what I would call the killer fill as it knocked me for sixth and since I have only been able to eat ... rather drink liquids and hence I have dropped 70lbs. Still only really managing liquids but seem stuck at 5 stone loss and wanted to gently kick start it so small fill to gently nudge it. So I ventured back today and had 0.5ml and I was able to drink sips of Water and not have it pool yippee a gentle fill. So will see now whether we can shift the last 30 pounds and I will review over the next 6 weeks. I will book for another fill at the beginning of May probably the 5th. Anyway managed a bowl of Soup and feeling super. Back soon. Take care Claire x
  4. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello It's very quiet, sure everyone will be back in to visit soon. I have found the clinic in London to be busy with appointments every 10 mins. But if you need to ask questions then you ask. After all you are paying £80 for a consultation and a fill. Hope you are finding the band ok and that it has settled down. I am due to go for my third fill tomorrow and pleased with the fact that I have nearly lost 70 pounds so looking to loose the last 31 pounds hopefully with this fill. I think it might prove to be a little elusive but I shall endeavour. Anyway will pop in after tomorows appointment. Take care and look after yourself. All for now Claire x
  5. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello Yes I have and I have had it a couple of hours after eating. Once I have got rid I feel a lot better. I think there are some foods that generally produce this and it can happen randomly. Not a lot of help really. But just so that you know that there are others out there who sympathise. Take care Claire x
  6. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    This is just dreadful, I am appalled to think that a professional would talk or treat you in this manner. Did you have your weight recorded at the surgery before the op? If you did then perhaps book in with the practice nurse and have her record your new weight. Is there another GP you could see? Just remember that if you have already been referred in to the IVF route then this stands and you may be ale to approach the Consultant directly. Where abouts are you based? North South England Scotland, Wales etc Do hope that your appointment is ok and take no s*it as she should know better particularly when there is so much at stake. Perhaps you may even be fortunate to fall pregnant naturally - my fingers are crossed. take care and be positive and strong you beautiful woman!
  7. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That's lovely, enjoy I am sure that you will. I have this pleasure to come. Myt fdaughetr ha=s just been allocated her secondary school and we got the school of choice - thank goodness. Glad the band is letting you know! Take care and enjoy Claire
  8. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well done that's great bet you are really pleased. Great on the ticket bet you are glad that you pulled it out of the bin!!!! Enjoy. Claire
  9. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    What a great idea! So glad you are being proactive. Thanks for not being offended by my post. I would want someone to say this sort of thing to me especially if I was feeling really fed up. Good shock therapy without the physical effects. Ohh a lovely holiday something nice to look forward too! I am sure that will be the motivator to lose a little more. Where are you going? Good luck do hope you get an appointment for a fill, let us know how you get on. Take care Claire x
  10. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    So here comes a friendly slap on the wrist (sorry please don't take offense) and WRITE EVRYTHING DOWN THAT GOES INTO YOUR MOUTH! Count the calories? Eat at set times? Find a new hobby? Anything to dstract you from food! Have an aim and believe that you can do it. Find a weight loss buddy? Is there anyone local to you? Have you done a search for a band buddy in your area? Anything that helps you to focus and get back on target! Sorry if this doesn't motivate but sometimes we need to have a little wake up and smell the ..... I leave you to fill in the gaps. Do hope you are back on track soon. Take care and stay focused. Claire x
  11. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Fingers crossed that you lose a little more than 7lbs and have a fantastic honeymoon. Are you going somewhere nice? All the best Clairex
  12. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello all I know I haven't been on for a little while, been caught up with extra days in school, yoga classes and half term. Congrats to everyone who has been for their surgery, hope you are recovering and TAKING it easy!!! I've caught up with the thread. So sorry Freckles to hear the sad news about your daughter and her partner do hope they have been put in contact with the right organisations that will support them through their loss. If not then PM me and I will send you an email with the links for them. Well weight wise I seemed to have slowed a little which in some ways is good as it has been a bit of a downhill rollercoaster for 28 weeks. I am 1/2 a pound off of 70 pounds loss which I am really pleased about. I have managed a few solids along the way but still mainly protein rich soup, some yoghurt, aptimals (oops I think I have spent a few too many days around my baby groups) should be actimels! herbalife shakes when I can get it down, and a little bit of cheese (only now and then as it is a little tricky at times) IYKWIM So have a fill booked for the 10th March and looking forward to that. Feel great otherwise and full of beans! Wil endeavour to come back as soon as possible when pace of life slows a little and gives me a chance. Take care and look after yourselves. Claire x
  13. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That's brilliant news, how much have you lost so far? Good that you don't feel hungry. New clothes - excellent enjoy I have this plan aswell when I nearer to my target weight. I would love the type of summer dresses I buy my daughter as they are very pretty. I was tempted last year but didn't think I would be able to get into something like that ever. But I have treated myself to a few beautiful monsoon dresses for our holiday when we were away at Christmas and they were just a tad too big. Nice feeling. Enjoy and would love to know how much you have lost ...
  14. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello It's the Campanilein Vilvoorde included in the prices quoted by Frederik HTH Good luck Claire
  15. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Definately the best but also because of how he sites the band and that there is a reduced risk of slippage and erosion. He's the best and other forums I post on have said the same as well. Good luck hope you get a date soon and start to transform your life. Take care Claire
  16. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well week 27 and I can't quite believe the week I have had. Started off Sunday evening with littlest throwing up and deciding I would stay home with him on Monday. Felt ghastly during the day and then started to throw up aswell so not great. I wasn't able to keep water down or any other liquids or food so feeling very sorry for myself and starting to get dehydrated, not good. Managed a few sips on the Monday night and went to bed feeling exhausted. Tuesday no better really but managed small sips in day but kept being sick when I tried to eat. Eventually in the evening I gave up. Wednesday seemed to be better until I bent over ohh dear did I feel dizzy and light headed so took it really easy. Managed some soup at lunchtime and didn't lose it so thought we're on the mend. Again for dinner I managed a cuppa soup but felt exhausted. So it's Friday and I feel better (still not 100%) but have to be better as have to go to work. Weighed and wohoo I have lost 3 lbs and 2.75 inches not surprised really because of the sickness but another 3.5 pounds and I have lost 70 pounds (5 stone) that's incredible and not to forget the inch loss aswell which is 56.75. Just amazing! Anyway, see how we go this week and see if I can start to eat a little more I seemto have a break through on the solids front a few weeks ago and then nothing so will have another go this week coming. Have a good weekend and enjoy.
  17. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Odd I posted aswell must have got lost when they possibly did a restore back to a certain point when site went offline. Good that it's back now though. Glad they sorted your blood pressure and on meds. Just think as you start to lose weight with the band then hopefully these meds will be stopped. Fingers crossed thsat you are ok for your band op. Take care Claire
  18. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I only have Herbalife when I really have the need for some energy and have managed with yoghurt, fruit puree, porridge up until the 2nd fill (then couldn't get it to go down) and soup. Just not able to physically eat anything really creamy or thick as it seems to sit there and then just want to come back. Even had difficulty with water a few days ago just think it's the bug I have had from little one. But seems that something made it react so either the stress of life or the bug or a combination. I am sure that it will pass. I don't really feel hungry so take it that this is a good sign. Hope you are ok Slinky how's the weight now you have had your third fill? Hope it is moving for you. Take care Claire
  19. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Morning all Have been watching the thread but just felt too poorly to post. My littlest was sick on Sunday eveing and off school on Monday and whatever he had I then got! No I know they don't do refunds on them (the children that is) ony joking!! Anyway, well done to those that have recently been banded, you won't regret it. I weighed on Frday and was pleasantly surprised as I wasn't expecting to continue to lose but lose I did and am now 35 pounds from my target of 101 pounds loss so really pleased. Taking it easy as with being sick due to the bug I have found it difficult to keep anything down at one point last night I felt so dehydrated and just needed to do little sips and then managed some custard (ready made) and later in the evening a chicken cuppa soup. This I managed to keep down. It hasn't been fun. I do think the restriction hasn't helped either. Do you think it's normal to have had restriction from the 2nd fill for this length of time? Last fill was end of October 2010 and still not really managing solids. It's very erratic nothing until about 2 weeks ago when I managed some small pieces of pork and a few vegetables and nothing since. I'm full very quickly. I'm not moaning as I am happy with my loss and at this rate I will have lost what I wanted by my year anniversary, so definately not moaning but curious whether others have experienced this? Anyway, stay focused, eat healthily and enjoy - we get one run at this lfe so we might as well make the most of it. Have a fun day Claire
  20. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Blood pressure changes throughout the day, my pregnant mums find this all the time when they go to the midwife especially if they suffer with white coat syndrome i.e. hate anything medical. It's best to see the GP and touch base with Frederick and see what he has to say about everything. I am sure with some rest and relaxation and a bit of TLC you will be ok but it's better to be safe. Do hope that all will be ok and you get to the bottom of it. Take care Claire
  21. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello all Have been doing a little bit of research on the yearly xray and have found the following: http://www.xrayxpress.co.uk/ Telephone number: 0207 2246493 They are happy to support Dr Chris' WLS clients and there are a few clients who have used this company and were happy with them. They offer an express service. Charge is £95 and they give you a printout to take to your Consultation. The lady was very helpful. They are based on 121 Harley Street about 5 mins from the London Vein Clinic on Upper Wimpole Street HTH
  22. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Had to share this as it was truly scrumptious and I added shredded chicken (as the others had roast chicken) http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/5898/speedy-sweet-potato-soup-with-coconut Enjoy. Claire
  23. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    It turns out that they haven't stopped mums having two birth partners so glad I telephoned the Labour Ward. It seems that they are fine about two birth partners, but they have cancelled hospital tours and only partners are allowed on the Postnatal wards. If you know anyone who is pregnant and due soon then it would be good for them to check their local maternity units to see what they are advising as they are all different and it 's linked to a "potential" flu epidemic. Have fun
  24. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Morning all Hope everyone is well and looking after themselves. Have moved my fill appointment to the end of February as restriction is definately there and it would just silly to go and spend £80 and have a 0.5ml when I know it will just close it up further. Still only really managing lumpy soup but a couple of nights ago I did manage a small piece of pork chop with 2 pieces of broccoli and 2 chantennay carrots. Took me a while to chew my way through but I did it. But then the next night absolute hell and felt dreadful. The band is so variable! Anyway weight loss wise I have now lost a total of 63 pounds and 52 inches so very pleased. Lots of people are asking me - have you lost weight? One of my colleagues came running up to me at the end of the school day and said "How have you lost all your weight? Have you cheated?" I wanted to know what she meant by cheated and her reference was to certain shelf bought shakes. So I explained that I was using a nutritional supplement and had had a gastric band! She's doing WW and is happy with her loss etc and was open and honest and said she likes her food too much. It did make me smile. Anyway, off to teach baby massage and then dentists appointments for the children and I - should be fun! Ohh and to raise a concern that my local hospital has restricted birthing mums to one birth partner only! Letter being processed as I write. So hopefully we will get the result we want that you can't restrict womens rights and their choices. Anyway just stepping off soap box Take care. Claire Have a good day and take care of yourselves.
  25. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I travelled to the States at Christmas and the advice I received from Dr Chris etc was to not have a fill 2weeks before I was due to fly. I travelled with 5 mls in my band. My last fill was late October and I travelled in December. I didn't have to have it emptied. If you are flying and making a special meal request on the airline make sure you have it confirmed as I travelled on both flights and there was no special request for me. Luckily I had cuppa soup with me (so glad I decided to shove some in the rucksack!) otherwise it would have been awful. I found the flight caused some restriction but after a few days I was able to eat a little more. HTH Claire

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