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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MummiesBB

  1. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello Ohh dear what a mess. First of all, remember why you wanted to have the band. Not anyone else it wasn't them making the decision to subject themselves to major surgery and the unknown journey that the band presents to us with limitations etc. Along the way we address our eating habits and what we decide to put in our mouths. I have to say my only negative about going to Belgium is the lack of nutritional support when we are back in the UK. My GP commented on this the other day. But I'll stay focused on your post as this is important. How much have you lost? A lot by the sounds of it. Do you think there is some green eyed jealousy there? You are looking slim and lovely and comfortable with yourself???? Be honest and think about those around you and how they are towards you, the band and the new you. How do you handle it? Well a couple of options ignore them and it settles down until the next flare up or trigger. It sounds like the defill was a trigger and they reacted because they were worried (in your mums case) and in the cae of the girlfriends (jealousandthat the attention is on you rather than her??? As for her turning the tears on there are some in this world that are brilliant at doing this and making you feellike **** when actually they caused it all. Really pisses me off so tell her to grow up! Also tell her to stay out ofyour business, your body, your weightloss, your band and your healthy future! Does this solve it? Probably not but it's all about you and yes we are being selfish when we have a band. We are also being responsible hopefully reducing the chance of getting diabetes, heart disease, etc (I know there are no guarantees) but at least we are trying to do something. Is there a weightloss / band group in your area perhaps with one of the other weightloss / band forums? Perhaps you could take your mum along to one to meet others who have had the band and their partners/parents were worried etc. I know my parents were concerned but they can see the incredible difference it has made to me and my life! Be open and honest and say how you feel, why you wanted to have this done, what were your worst fears? When someone asks you - "How are you?" pause before giving the bog standard "I'm fine". Are you really? Could you share with them what you really feel if you can then do, if not then use the bog standard response. I hope this helps a little remember that we need positivity in our band world. Yes we are met with challenges like a band getting tight and have to make a decision about whether we defill or work our way through it. ARE YOU HAPPY? If not then ask your GP to refer you to a nutritionist and seek some advice locally. We also will come across people in life who are arrogant, self opinionated and will never see your point of view. Be gentle on yourself and take it easy, one step at a time. By the way are you sure you only have a 7cc band as Dr Chris fits the French band and it has a bigger capacity than that. I was told 15mls by Frederik. One of the chaps that was fitted the same day as I was he had a different make with a 20ml capacity. HTH Take care Caire
  2. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Julie Mackintosh - 07872 963503 Hope this is who you meant. Take care and look after yourself. Claire
  3. Here's the page link to my latest photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/gallery/image/40927-oct-4/ and here for all photos since I started this amazing journey http://www.lapbandtalk.com/user/290025-mummiesbb/ Enjoy Cx
  4. MummiesBB

    117 pound loss

  5. MummiesBB

    Oct 4

    From the album: 117 pound loss

  6. MummiesBB

    Oct 3

    From the album: 117 pound loss

  7. MummiesBB

    Oct 2

    From the album: 117 pound loss

  8. MummiesBB

    Oct 1

    From the album: 117 pound loss

  9. MummiesBB

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Congratulations that's brilliant - are you keeping track of your loss with photos? Be wonderful to see you befores, during and ultimately your after ... take care and enjoy the journey! Cx
  10. MummiesBB

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Dear All I had my band a year ago July in Belgium and made my target 101 pounds to lose. By the end of the year I had lost 107.5 and 90.5 inches. I am now bouncing around at approx 9st 10lbs give or take 2 lbs so very pleased. In total I have lost 117lbs and 93.75 inches. Can't quite believe that I have lost it but never doubted that the band was the right tool for me. Have fun and stay focused. Claire
  11. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Good for you - enjoy would love to know more about it and how strenuous it is on the knees Good to carry a snack and definately to weigh & measure if there is one thing that really motivated me to keep tabs on myself it was this weekly event on a Friday when I could focus and record it accurately. Have eaten a lot of soup since the band and still find it difficult to manage real solids. Although saying that the other evening we were in a Harvester and I order the soup only for them to say they didn't have any. I ended up with a bowl of sweetcorn and beetroot and thousand island dressing and the £3.99 small childs option of chicken and jacket potatoe. Managed a few forkfulls of sweetcorn and beetroot and half of the chicken and didn't dare risk the jacket potatoe. At least I had something and then because I had managed to keep hold of it I treated myself to a childs dessert of the Rocky Horror (it was yummy) and yes I shared it with my other half. Interesting as they say it gives you a new release of life can't say that has happened from this end! I'm described as a bag of skin and bones and you can see the revulsion so clearly on his face. Ohh well can't have everything can you????? Pity really ... Enjoy whatever the band brings you as it is to be cherished. Have a good evening. Cx
  12. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Take it really easy the body has gone through something major and now we are asking it to use up all the fat that has been stored instead of over feeding it. Keep a healthy snackin your bag so that you have something to nibble on if you need it. I love cashew nuts and have only just managed after 13 months to start eating them again. Yoga will be really great, I teach Pregnancy and Well Woman yoga and we need something to combat the weightloss lots of focus on the pelvis and areas where the skin thins (lots of pelvic floors) There are others on here who use their Wii fit aswell purey for that reason that they are at home. Enjoy and weigh as soon as you can so that you know where you are starting from and what you are aiming for. All the best Cx
  13. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well done that's a fabulous loss. Are you keeping a record of it? Don't forget to measure as I was astounded when I saw that I had lost 93.75 inches over the 12 months plus the pounds. So glad you are pleased. If you need help with the ticker shout and we will help you as much as we can you can email me as well if you get stuck, address is mummies birth buddy at yahoo dot co dot uk Take care Claire x
  14. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    This is the same for me on a day to day basis as I never know quite what the band is going to be like. When I had my October 2010 fillit crucified me and I found it very difficult but workedmy way through it. I was going to the USA on hols and concerned about the flight aswell. I only had cuppa soups on the flight as the airline botched my meal order booking. I was tight for a few days after arrival and when we came back. I think the return was more jetlag combined with slightly more srestrictionand being unwell. Hope you have a lovely time in Gran Canaria and the weather is good! Enjoy and let us know how you get on. Take care Cx
  15. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    So glad your band was replaced successfully. Good idea to just go to Dr Chris as he is the expert, nothing against Frederik or Chris du Prez as they have both done fills for me. Actually all three and Dr Chris is the quickest. Slowly slowly especially after what you have just been through let us know how much you gave lost . Lots of positive energy from this neck of the woods as I know you will achieve the loss that you want. Take care Claire
  16. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Congrats on losing over 6 stone that's brilliant. Complete empathy with the not eating very much and the things that you have been able to eat are suddenly your worst enemy and the cold, ohh I am not looking forward to the weather getting colder!! Brrrr Do hope your restricton eases a little. I must admit that my restriction has only just started to ease and my last fill was May/June I have 6mls in my band. I am now able to eat cashew nuts and raisins which is a real luxury. I have started to have bevitas aswell as I was having a few problems in the elimination area and needed fibre! Take care and look after yourself. Claire x
  17. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yes they do and yes Dr Chris would need to see them. I am going on the 10th November. HTH Claire
  18. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Xray express - 121 Harley Street, London, W1G 6AX Letter from Dr Chris at the London Clinic Cost is £90 Tel: 020 7224 6493 HTH Claire
  19. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello I think it's quite normal for people to think ohh what have I done, but then we are making a choice so that we can be healthier and happier and ultimately thinner! Enjoy your last few weeks and particularly the last evening meal the night before. I had my final Belgium beer and enjoyed every last sip! Ohh how I have craved an ice cold beer since and not been able to have because of the bubbles! Just wish I liked real ale more! But it's just not the same. Don't fret just think of all the weight coming off and the new clothes you are going to buy. Be happy and enjoy! All for now Cx
  20. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Paul Brilliant that you feel so positive and you are nearly there. How much have you lost? So sorry to hear about your wife and do hope that she is ok. Great that you want a TT go for it if you think it will do just what you want. I have saggy skin but it's flat which is great not over hanging. I have posted some new photos to here: www.mummiesbirthbuddy.co.uk/weightlossphotos.htm feel free to take a look Let us know how you get on and all about the cycling - how exciting and the freedom to just up and go - would love to but family life is very hectic at this end. Anyway take care and look after yourself. Claire x
  21. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Wonderful image of a small balloon floating up into the sky ... Gas is quite common and can take a little while to disperse ... lots of gentle back rubbing An auspicious date this will be in your yearly calender as it's a good one to use to set targets. I chunked my year up or rather my weightloss I initaiily wanted to lose 101 pounds so looked at it as 25 pounds with mini targets on the way and had some lovely treats - hair done, buying a nice outfit! Soon too big so have had to ebay. When I lost 75 pounds I booked a Thai massage in Covent Garden and had this two weeks ago. I wanted to try and lose the weight in a year and was very focused but it doesn't always work that way as you will have read on the various threads. I think I was lucky as this was the right tool for me to lose what I needed. So when I reached a 106.5 pound loss at some point during the weeks 40 - 50 I was chuffed and then went on to lose a further 11 pounds. Everyone's journey is very different and we can never really predict how it will go. Wishing you a lovely journey filled with wonderful weight and inch loss! Take care Claire x
  22. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Congratulations and welcome to the world of gastric bands their highs and their lows. As Slinky said we are here to help and even though I have reached my target weight I regularly visit and touch base especially as I found the forum really informative and helped me to make a choice. Sorry to hear that you ended up paying more, it's very easy to think that they are the Consultant. You are here and just take your time don't rush it or thnk it is a quick fix as it isn't. It take s time and patience and persistence by the bucket load. Take care and enjoy Claire x
  23. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello Yes I have this every now and again. Try lying down elevated if this makes any sense. Are you eating later than usual? Dr Chris advised me to eat earlier and at least 2 hours before I was due to go to bed. Try cold and hot beverages to see if this helps with getting soemthing down - as everyone is different. The band can be temperamental and every day can be so different from the one before and the next one. Are you managing to keep liquid down? When I had this I was better on solids very slowly and stopped soup altogether until I felt I was ready to give it another go. Hope you are soon feeling a little better. Take care Claire
  24. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    The body is amazing and can do wonders when we think the odds are against us! Enjoy every minute and take lots of photos of you pregnant and your changing body. There's plenty of time after the baby arrives to worry about losing weight. You have done amazingly well to be just 13 pounds off your target - well done!! I would be so chuffed and flying on top of cloud 9! Just the way you are!!! With lots of love ... Cx
  25. MummiesBB

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Ohh I am sat here grinning from ear to ear! Very well done Claire on reaching goal, I never quite got there weight wise, but I defo have end goal wise. - this was never really the ultimate goal for you it was about losing the initial weight so that you could have a very precious gift a baby I am so so pleased for you both and really hope that everything can go smoothly for you. Make sure you have good support around you and have a doula we are worth our weight in gold. Doula UK will have a list of who is registered near you. So so happy for you, congratulations!!!! Do keep popping back to let us know how you are getting on and especially when you are nearer your due date for lots of positive support and birthing vibes. Take care and stay in touch Claire xxxx

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